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Math 1/9/12 - 1/13/12
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

                                                                            WEEKLY LESSON PLAN                                 


Teacher’s Name         Elizabeth Rodriguez                                                                                      Week of      1/9/12 - 1/13/12                        


Subject            Math                                                    Unit          Addition Readiness                        Grade/ Class   PK2  __






What will the students know or be able to do at the end of the lesson?


How will the students demonstrate that they have accomplished the desired outcome?


In what activities will the students be engaged to accomplish the desired outcome?


e.g. one should be on knowledge, one on application, and one on synthesis or evaluation.







Children will add 1 to numbers through 8.

Children will complete addition number sentences.

- Observe if children can count on to find the number that is 1 more than the given number.

- Results of activity sheet.

- Model: Lead children in modeling the concept of joining 1 using connecting cubes.

- Small Group: Use connecting cubes to complete a number sentence.

- Independent Practice: Complete activtity sheet

- How many cubes will you have if you join 1 more?

- Show the special way to write a joining sentence using special symbols.

- Describe what each part of the joining sentence means.













Children will add 2 to numbers through 7.

- Observe if children can add 2 by counting on.

- Results of activity sheet.

- Have volunteers review adding 1.

- Guided Practice: Children will use counters to add 2 to their group. Have a volunteer write the addition sentence on the board.

- Whole Group: Web addition game on smartboard

- Independent Practice: Complete activity sheet.

- (Display an addition sentence) Why is this action adding?

- How is adding 2 like adding 1 and how is it different?

- Use other classroom objects to show how to count on to add 2.







Children will add 3 to numbers 0 through 6.

- Observe if children can draw a picture to tell an addition story.

- Results of activity sheet.

- Have volunteers review adding 2.

- Guided Practice: Children will draw shapes to join groups and tell a story. Write the addition sentence on the board.

- Whole Group: Web addition game on smartboard

- Independent Practice: Complete the activity sheet.

- What happens when you join two groups?

- Draw a picture to show your addition sentence.

- Tell your own story about your picture.







Children will add 4 to numbers 0 through 5 using manipulatives.

- Observe if children can use manipulatives to join two groups and write addition sentence.

- Results of activity sheet.

- Have volunteers role-play the action of joining two groups with 3 objects in the second group.

- Small Group: Use ziploc bags with 4 connecting cubes labeled + 4 and have three volunteers from each group hold 0, 1, and 2 connecting cubes. Have the children join their cubes with the + 4 cubes. to join the groups together and record the addition sentence.

- Whole Group: Web addition game on smartboard.

- Independent practice: Complete activity sheet.

- Summarize the action of joining by saying the addition sentence that matches the story.

- Use connecting cubes to show a picture of a number story.

- How can you use your favorite toys to make a number story?



School Grade Weighting Scale:

Tests and Quizzes (50%):

Classwork/ Participation (20%):

Homework (15%):

Projects/ Portfolios (15%):


Use of Technology:

__*__ Smartboard

____ Student Response System