Throughout the year, I hope that our classroom will be safe and nurturing. On a daily basis, I utilize positive reinforcement and look to “catch students being good”. In order to provide an effective learning environment for your child, there may be times when I will implement discipline through logical consequences. Together as a class, we will go over each classroom rule/expectation and discuss how to implement each one when we are at school. The rules/expectations will also be sent home for you to review with your child.
Each child will have an envelope with a green card. The goal each day is to maintain a GREEN CARD! Each green card day earns a plastic penny. When a child has 10 pennies, they may purchase a reward from the “Smile Shop” (a treasure chest in our classroom). The behavior calendar will be sent home each evening in your child’s take-home folder. Please be sure to check for the folder/report each night. In order to maintain effective home/school communication, it is very important for you to review the behavior report. If your child changes their card, the parent must initial the calendar in the “take-home” folder. Please discuss any card changes with your child and encourage positive behavior choices. Rewards and/or consequences at home are a great support system for our classroom behavior plan. If there are reoccurring issues, I will contact you as needed. Thank you for your support!
Steps followed in Behavior Plan
1. Close Teacher Proximity
If I observe a problem, I will move towards the student to see if the problem will stop. Many times, I do not need to say a word just moving closer to the student eliminates the behavior. After several reminders, the student will have to change their card to yellow.
2. Verbal Warning
I will explain to the student which expectation is not being followed. The student will have a card change to YELLOW. If necessary, a student will have “Stop and Think” time. The student will sit at his/her desk and take a few minutes to think about behavior choices. I will talk with the student as needed.
3. 2nd or 3rd Verbal Warning
The student will have a card changed to RED. The student will have “Stop and Think” time, as needed. A note, email, or phone call from me will follow.
Office Referral
Students may be sent to the office, if negative behavior continues or becomes detrimental to the learning of other children in the classroom. You will be contacted, if there is an office referral. The student will have a card changed to RED.
With 10 Pennies, children can choose small rewards. If you could help us out by donating prizes throughout the school year, it would be sincerely appreciated. If you come across any bargains while shopping, please feel free to send them in to school. Popular prizes have been: fun pencils, pens, erasers, small notepads, pencil grips, small toys, etc.
Our Classroom Expectations
To be a successful kindergartner we will…
1. Follow Directions
2.Be Respectful
3.Do my best!
4.Do neat, careful work at all times!
5.Always have a positive attitude!
When we make “good choices” we show our “good character”…and that’s something to
SMILE about!