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ART 130: PRESI PROJECT 1 Resume Presentation
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ART 130: Introduction to Digital Multimedia

Fall 2010

PRESENTATION Project One - Resume Presentation (v1)


Representing yourself –your talents, your passion, your skills, and your personality– is something you will likely be called upon to do many times over the course of your careers.  This project throws you headlong into that process, and also allows me to gauge both your digital literacy, your technical skills, and your presentation abilities.


Using Google Docs, MS Powerpoint, or Apple Keynote, design a “Resume Presentation;” that is, a slide presentation to introduce yourself and your skills to the class.  Your audience includes your classmates, your instructor, and a potential ideal employer.  By ideal, I mean someone doing the kind of work you might eventually like to do.

Slides sections should include (listed here in NO particular order):

You will have a set amount of time to prepare this presentation in class, after which you should be prepared to deliver the presentation.  Classmates and instructor will provide constructive criticism using the class BackChannel.


This can be tough.  And intimidating.  Try to be streamlined in your thinking and laser-like in your focus.  Remember that often “less is more.”  And don’t get caught up in the software attempting something to ambitious.  Save that for later in the semester.

If you’re uncertain where to begin, you may want to quickly review Garr Reynolds’ presenting guidelines at the links below, BUT DON’T GET CAUGHT UP READING AND NOT FINISH WITHIN THE ALLOTTED TIME.