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Antonio Vieira Filho

Business Council of Representatives of the State of Bahia – CORE-BA/30.189-F

Antônio Vieira Filho | | Telephone: - 55 -71 – 4141-5594 | Mobile: - 55 – 71 – 9284-4871

Field of interest

Shipping Operations, Sales, Customer Services, Civil Aviation, Hotel...



Shipping Agencies, Import and Exportation, Maritime Terminal, Logistic Companies and Industries.


Motivated, extremely active and results oriented objectively. Able to lead groups of diverse species and professionals with knowledge to help them achieve their goals. Educational Leadership with superb communication skills.


Languages: English: fluent, Spanish: basic, Russian: elementary.
Computer: Intermediate Package Windows, Linux Basics, MANTRA-COMEX, Sabre-BASIC, AMADEUS, NETHOTEL, BANDEIRANTES, NETSCAPE ...


Bch. In General Administration (EAD), UNOPAR - University of Northern Parana, Polo: St. Vincent SP-2012/1.


12 - III/2012 - Current State of Bahia and Sergipe
Independent Representative

Italmach Vehiculos Automotive
COMEX: Italy / Brazil

11 - X/2007 - XI/2009 State of Bahia and Sergipe
Independent Representative

Products: Wine, Cheese, Carapaccio, Snacks, Sparkling, Software for Accounting, Flags and natural products.

10 - VII/2000 - VI/2004 Salvador - BA
Operations Foreman

PRESTOMAR & Maritime Services Agency Ltda.

Perform programming tugs: mascot, Standby and auxiliary.
Make recruitment of workers, such: welders, mechanics, painters, etc..
Attending vessels
Make scale of crew: loading and unloading
Maintain the supply of parts, spares supplies and personnel.
Participate in the project's launch fiber-optic cable between the TELEMAR Salvador and Itaparica

09 - III/1998 - IV/2000 Guarulhos - SP
Cargo Agent

S A T A S / A

Monitoring the booking of cargo shipped through airports in Houston and Miami to: loading, unloading and transit at the international airport of Guarulhos
Inspect the booking along with the airport customs
Transmit data from operation of the loads for the respective ports of Houston and Miami
Check-in aircraft on the patio
Collecting documents for import and export
Monitoring the operation in the courtyard
Accompanies the balancing of the aircraft

08 - VII/1990 - I/1992. Macaeh
Radio Operator

TED Organization Services Ltda.

"Customer communication system, including handsets from: marine navigation, meteorological fixed" in Frequencies: LOCAL, DDD and DDI in Radio Station: Attendance at the heliport,
Assisting at the reception.
In frequencies: USB, UHF, VHF-M, VHF-Plat., SSB-M.
Operated Platforms: PA-29, Schain CURY, Aratu-BA, 1989; PCP-1 and SS-21, PETROBRAS, CAMPOS BASIN-RJ, 1990, SS-34, PETROBRAS, Itajá-SC, 1991.

07 - IX/1988 - III/1989 RM and Belo Horizonte - MG
Representative Third-party

Vasconsique m / e

Natural Products

06 - II/1985 - XI/1985 Aratú - BA
Administrative Manager,

ICECAL - Footwear Industry Northeast Ltda./ Industrial Center Aratú – BA

Work Organization and Methodology
Organization of quality control and overhaul sectors of art, production and shipping.
Organization of the accounting system
Project funded
Enhancement Dpt. HR
Producing the leveled pairs 250 to 1250 days 90 days
The HR was reduced 11.7 to 1.3% on Monday due to alcoholism week-end
I prepared the project for a loan from the election administration CIA, through FINAME and BNDS.

05 - II/1986 - II - XI/1986 Salvador - BA
Commercial Manager,

HOZANÁ Serv. Technical, Scientific & Hospital Northeast Ltda.

Quality Control Work
Customer Service
Checking the products in the line maintenance repair
Checking the repaired products
Checking the dispatch system
Supervision of interpersonal care with clients ...
Reorganization of the workshop: materials, qualified personnel, improvement of the working environment.
Improves customer satisfaction
Return of former clients

04 -IX/1986 - XI/1988 Salvador - BA
Commercial Assistant,
POLIFLEX DA BAHIA S / A Industry, Trade & Export.,

Tele customer service
File control and various correspondences
Drafting correspondence several bilingual
Preparation of showroom
Preparation of advertising material to representatives
Monitoring of applications-in-portfolio with production
Monitoring expedition

03 - IX/1983 - IX/1984 Salvador - BA
Office Assistant,
Brandão Filhos Agencia Maritima Ltda.,

Typing various forms, such as "time sheet", "cargo manifest", "stateman of facts" of vessels met. Most of PTEROBRÁS and chartered
Visitor vessel
Accompanying scale of embarkation / disembarkation of the crew of Fronape
Attending ships in Temadre

02 -III/1978 - X/1979 Salvador – BA

METUSA - Pipe Metallurgical S / A.,

01 - II/1975 - IX/1983 Salvador - BA
Vendor Self (in Domicilio)

Products: Books textbooks and journals.
Square: RM & Salvador, Bahia Interior; Belém-PA and RM


National Telecommunications Agency - ANATEL
Council of Representatives of the State of Bahia - CORE-BA
International Aviation Transport Association - IATA
Union of Telephone Installers Sittel - SP
Union Internationale des Télécommunications - ITU