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The following safety guidelines for paraprofessionals were developed by a joint labor/management committee pursuant to Article 25, 25.10 of the AFSCME contract.


  1. Paraprofessionals shall never be solely responsible for assisting students on to or off of buses. Certified staff shall be responsible to address all problems regarding students on buses.

  1. When students with disabilities are assigned to internal suspension:

  1.  Paraprofessionals shall not be left alone with students in a room with the door closed.

  1. Teachers shall be readily available at all times.  If not, a paraprofessional shall have means for immediate communication (e.g. working walkie-talkie).

  1.  If a paraprofessional is left alone with a student, a certified staff member needs to check with the paraprofessional and student at least every 45 minutes.


  1. Paraprofessionals working daily in a small group of students, as in Unified Arts or Study Hall, must have a certified teacher/staff member in an adjacent room.

  1. Communication systems should be in working order in all classrooms, gyms, library media centers and cafeterias.


  1. At least one certified staff member must be present during all recess duties.  Certified staff and paraprofessionals shall be within sight of each other while on duty.

  1. Paraprofessionals shall only leave students unattended in cases of emergencies.


  1. Students, who require toileting assistance due to physical or other limitations, shall always be assisted by two (2) staff members.  No one shall assist a student alone.


  1. Paraprofessionals must be trained by Physical Therapist (PT) regarding implementation of specialized services for students with disabilities when diapering, transferring students to and from wheelchairs, chairs, toilets, etc.  Paraprofessionals also shall be provided training by Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists, or other appropriate specialists as required when working with students challenged by completing life skills in a specific way.

  1. Paraprofessionals must be informed of special medical/life threatening issues (e.g. Drop or Grand Mal Seizures) of students under their charge.  Information regarding serious/life-threatening allergies (foods, bee stings, medications etc.) must also be included.  If a student has a Health Plan, paraprofessionals must have knowledge of the plan.

  1. Paraprofessionals shall not restrain students, unless trained in CPI, and only as last resort.

  1. Paraprofessionals shall have access to Behavior Intervention Plans for students with whom they work.


  1. If a paraprofessional perceives he/she is assigned to an unsafe situation, he/she shall have the right to request a new assignment without penalty.


  1. In order to implement students’ Individual Education Plans (IEPs), paraprofessionals shall be given access to the IEPs of the students with whom they work with.  The copy of the IEP provided to the Paraprofessional must remain in the school.  Paraprofessionals must be made aware of pertinent information regarding the student’s history.  Case Managers will review IEPs with Paraprofessionals to ensure Paraprofessionals are aware of student needs.  Paraprofessionals shall be informed if there are changes to a student’s IEP.

  1. Confidentiality: Paraprofessionals shall be informed of the district’s Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and applicable District policies.





First Reading Coordination:  9/14/10

Second Reading and Adoption by BOSC: 9/27/10