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2011 campaign.doc
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Character Sheet

Name: Scarr

Gender: Male

Character Type: Barbarian (Warrior)

Str: 33

Con: 33

Dex: 13

Spd: 7

Int: 8

Wiz: 11

Lk: 16

Chr: 32

Adds: +71

GP: 339

SP: 3

CP: 0

Character Level: 3

AP: 130

Kin: Jungle Troll

HT: 7'2"

WT: 300 lbs

Weight Carried: 215/3300


Heavy-Lifting (STR +6)

Climb (STR +5)
Danger Sense (INT +6)
Intimidate (CHR +2)
Jump (STR +1)
Live off of the Land (INT +3)
Ride (INT + 1)
Swim (STR +4)


Blood Lust



Common spear (6', range: 15 yards, 30 wu) - 3+1

Loincloth (Jaguar, 10wu)

Languages: Common

Other Equipment

Belt, leather (2 wu)

Belt pouch (5 wu; contains money)



Name: Bruno

Kin: Warhorse, Light

Gender: Male

Description: A strong, but light-weighted horse among its brethren. This one is the typical brown, but other colors are: dark brown and black. They are, of course, good mounts and reliable combatants.

STR: 16

INT: 2

LK: 12

CON: 22

DEX: 13

CHR: 6

SPD: 30

WIZ: 13

Combat Adds: +13 (+2 from Horseshoes on the forelegs)

Missile Adds: ---

Special Abilities: Scent

Notes: These animals or similar to light horses but are trained and bred for strength and aggression. They usually are not ready for warfare before age three. A light warhorse can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds on a SR of he or she's current DEX.

Cost: 150 GP

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a light warhorse is up to 230 pounds; a medium load, 231-460 pounds; and a heavy load, 461-690 pounds. A light warhorse can drag 3,450 pounds.

Equipped: ---

Other Equipment:

Harness 30 wu

Horseshoes (4) 80 wu

Saddle bags (2) (In one: Feed, 1wu) 150 wu

Saddle blanket 20 wu

Saddle 250 wu

Afterward Scar made the decision that he would need a mount of he wanted to travel across the lands (since he now had the right to leave the village now) quickly. First with his money be bought was a leather belt, a belt pouch to store his money in and a backpack for whatever else he may need to store. After which he said his goodbyes and started to head for the nearest city. Which is about a day's walk.

After miles of long walking, taking in familiar scenes, he decides to make base at a camping spot that he used to frequent. Before him were 3 turned over logs and an ashed filled fire pit about a foot deep. Scarr then gathers sticks and some tender so that he can start a fire. After a few tries of rubbing together the sticks, sparks appears, tenders ignites and he gently blows air on the young flames until they begin grow. He drops the flaming sticks and tender mix into the ash pit, so they can burn safety. Next, he's ventures into surrounding brush hoping to find something to eat.

So Scarr finds a nice amount of edible plants (+6 AP, because finding food is worth something. :P) and returns to his base-camp. There he simply eats a small amount of the plants and stores the rest in his backpack. As nightfall approached Scarr just decided to sleep. Hours passed, night went and day came (+10 CON restored). After awakening and gathering his stuff, he kicks dirt into the fire pit to put out the smoldering ashes. Then he advances forward towards the city. At about high noon he arrives to the bustling city. After asking some people if this city sold mounts, he was directed to a seemingly small building with high wooden fencing. At the front desk he asked about buying a Light Warhorse. He was directed out a backdoor towards stables. There he was stood outside of the stall in front of a brown horse. The price for the horse was 150 GP and Scarr handed over the money. He was also offered a harness (30 SP), horseshoes (4 for 80 SP), Saddle bag (39.9 SP), Saddle blanket (5 SP), and Saddle (99.9 SP). This all costing 182.8 SP and he hands the owner 18 GP and 3 SP. The owner gives him back 2 CP. Scarr also makes the purchase of Feed (a day's worth) for 2 CP. After payments are complete he makes his way out of the large fencing's exit, guiding his new horse (named Bruno) behind him.
