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Part 2: A shocking encounter!
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Part 2: A Shocking Encounter!

It was the morning after the Team Rocket incident and the day I received Toto, my Totodile from Prof. Oak. The Spring sun was shining through the window as I scoffed a plate of bacon, eggs and black pudding. My Mom laughed as I wolfed down the fry. Most times I would eat slowly and appreciate the cuisine my mother made me, but today was the day I officially started my travels to become a Pokemon Master!

        Toto was finishing up his bowl of pokemon food beside Growly. The two still seemed a bit nervous of each other but there didn’t seem to be any real tension.

        After breakfast, I slipped on my dark turquoise shirt and fingerless gloves. I had a quick look through my bag, just to check that everything was in order and then, zipped it up. I turned to Toto, ‘You ready to go’. The little crocodile pokemon jumped on the spot.


        I grinned and raised his pokeball.

        ‘Toto, return.’

        Toto obeyed and happily jumped into his pokeball.

        ‘Are you sure you have everything you need?’ I turned and faced my mother. Her eyes were full of pride.

        ‘Yup, I even double checked.’

        Without warning, she rushed over and gave me a quick hug. Then, she looked deep into my eyes with one hand on my shoulder.

        ‘You make sure to take care of yourself. Keep Toto close to you and always work as a team. Also... don’t forget to floss every night and-’

        ‘Mom, I know! I’m ready for this!’

She gave me another quick hug and kissed my forehead. ‘I know you are.’ Her eyes started tearing up, ‘I know you’ll do great. Just give it your all.’

‘I will’, I nodded and moved towards the door.

I stepped outside into the bright morning sun. Growly panted behind me and brushed my leg with his furry face. I bent down and patted him on the head.

‘Hey Growly, you take care of the house while I’m gone, ok?’

The little growlithe barked in agreement.

I walked out onto our street and gave a quick look back. My mom waved at me from the door, wiping away her tears with a handkerchief.

‘Bye Robin’, she sniffed, ‘You and Toto look out for each other.’

I gave a small wave and nodded. Then, I took a deep breath and turned to face my destiny, leaving behind my home, my family and the faint whimpers from Growly, and took my first steps of my adventure.

I made my way to the north side of the city, briefly stopping at the local Pokemart. I stocked up on food, pokeballs, paralyse heels and super potions, as was recommended by the shop keeper. Unfortunately, their antidotes were out of stock but I was sure we would be just fine without them. After the Pokemart, we continued north to the outskirts of the city where more trees and foliage began to appear the further we walked. Eventually, the number of houses began to decrease and a horizon of trees was in our sight. We had arrived at the entrance to Viridian Forest.

The daunting trees meant that I didn’t have to think twice about bringing out Toto. I opened his pokeball and he jumped out in his usual, lively dance.

‘You ready, buddy?’, I asked my little friend nervously.

Toto stopped moving and gave me a quick nod.

We both entered Viridian Forest cautiously.

The forest was as intimidating in the inside as it was from the outside. The abundance of tall trees stretched out across the sky, overlapping each other and only allowing for small beams of light to shine through the overgrowth.

This wasn’t my first time in the forest. A short memory washed over my thoughts for a brief period. Both my brother and I used to bring Growly for a walk around here, but only around the outskirts of the forest.

 Toto and I began to descend deeper into the mass of trees, weaving our way around the woods, along the winding path which many trainers had traveled before us. Faint pokemon cries could be heard from all sides but the pokemon kept themselves hidden amongst the trees.

A pidgey flew over head, causing me to jump. By the time I had realised what it was and decided I was going to capture it, it was gone. I sighed and looked at Toto.

‘Maybe we’ll catch the next one’, I said disappointed. Toto saluted in agreement. We walked on...

After two hours of hiking through the forest, I began to wonder if I’d ever catch a pokemon. Then something caught my eye on the edge of the path. I flicked my Dex. It was a caterpie!

Caterpie, the worm pokemon. Caterpie releases a horrible stench from its antenna to repel its enemies. It grows by molting repeatedly.

I grinned and slowly laid down my backpack. Unbeknownst to me Toto braced itself for battle, but I ignored its intentions and hastily grabbed a free pokeball from my belt.

‘Caterpie, you’re mine!’, I yelled and threw the pokeball.

The wild caterpie stared at the pokeball, surging with great pace towards it.The pokeball opened and the caterpie went inside. For a second, the pokeball twitched with a flashing red light, but then it burst open, releasing the bug. I scowled in disbelief.

‘Don’t you know how to catch a pokemon?’

I spun around, startled by that vaguely familiar voice. I stood facing a red haired girl with a lip piercing and a black neckerchief. A dratini rested on her shoulders.

‘Remember me?’, she smiled with a wink.

‘Wait, you’re the one that helped us defeat Team Rocket.’ My tensed shoulders eased and I smiled.

‘Thanks a lot, we were in quite a spot back then, erm... I never got your name?’

She giggled, ‘My name’s Aly and this is my partner, Dratini.’ We shook hands.

‘Nice to meet you, Aly. My name is Robin and this is my buddy, Toto.’

Toto jumped up and down on the spot, happy to make a new friend.

‘Nice to me you too,’ she smiled, ‘So... I take it as you’ve never caught a wild pokemon before?’

‘Umm... yeah... How’d you know?’, I asked, slightly puzzled.

‘Well, first of all, you have to weaken a pokemon to make it easier to catch. Toto was ready to battle for you but you kinda ignored it..’

I felt embarrassed and apologised to Toto for my ignorance.

‘Second, of all, you let that caterpie get away...’


I turned around to find that the wild caterpie had scuttled off into the forest, leaving an empty pokeball behind. I buried my face into my my hands. How could I have been so oblivious?


‘Pi-pi chu!’


Quick as lightning, a gang of three pikachu and four pichu (forgive the pun) sprang out from the dark woods and dashed towards my back pack.

The pikachu leading this raid pointed to my bag. A feature that made him stand out from the others was the way his right ear peaked sideways.

Presumably following his commands, the four pichu snatched my rucksack and made a sprint back into the woods, my bag hopping on their little hands as they fled. The other pikachus followed the pack of pichus from the rear.

Still shocked from the whole event, I ran after them without giving any second thoughts. All my belongings and food supplies were in that backpack. Toto ran after me, still in good spirits.

‘Stop, come back with my back pack!’, I yelled furiously.

‘Robin, wait! It’s dangerous to stray off the path!’, Aly yelled, but I ignored her pleas. In anger she followed the chase. I waded and stumbled through a sea of leaves and branches, disturbing nearby families of rattata and pidgey. I could just about keep up with the pace of those thieving pokemon.

After a few minutes, we chased the pokemon into a small clearing surrounded by the extensive growth of the the woods. The pichu and pikachu came to a stop beside a small shape which I could not recognise. As I was about leap out into the clearing, a firm hand caught a grip of my shoulder.

‘Robin, wait a second’, whispered Aly, ‘Look closer.’

I steadied my breathing and nodded. Slowly, we crept into the clearing, closer and closer until it was clear what the group of pichus and pikachus were gathered around. Slumped beneath a willow tree was a sleeping raichu. It was feverishly shaking and the electric pouches on its cheeks were flushed with a faint purple. I checked my Dex.

Raichu, the mouse pokemon. Raichu can use up to 100,000-volt bursts of electricity at a time. It discharges most of its electricity through its tail.

‘Oh my god, poor Raichu’, whispered Aly, ‘It looks badly poisoned.’

I looked at the feverish pokemon and was overcome with empathy for it. The pikachu were not thieves. They just wanted to help their friend.

 The pika family turned attentively, noticing our presence. The peak-eared pikachu jumped to the front of the group and electricity flickered from his cheeks.


The little mouse pokemon screamed a threatening cry and braced itself for battle, ready to protect his family.

‘Wait, we don’t want to fight,’ I said in a panic, flinching backwards, ‘I understand now... why you took the backpack...’

Pikachu’s face slightly relaxed.

‘You took my bag because you wanted to help Raichu, right?’, I asked, figuring out the situation. Pikachu nodded with shame. I crouched down beside the small rodent.

‘Hey, don’t worry about it’, I said, ‘I would do the same if it was one of my friends. But I actually don’t have any antidotes or anything that can help Raichu’, I sighed, remembering the pokemart being out of stock.

We looked over at the ill Raichu, still shivering.

‘Hmmm...’, pondered Aly, her chin rested on her hand as she thought, ‘I don’t have any antidotes on me either, but I’m sure we have some back at my house. It’s not that far from here either. Maybe half an hour if we’re quick?’

‘Pikachu’, I said, looking deep into his eyes. He stared back attentively. ‘If we are going to help your friend then we are going to have to work as a team. It’s too dangerous to leave Raichu here by himself. We have to bring him back to Aly’s house.’

The leader nodded and turned back to his friends.

-Piika! Pi-Pikachu!-

The Pikachu family dashed over to Raichu and attempted to lift him, but he was just too heavy. Even Toto, who had been inspecting the sick Raichu tried to help out but it was no good.

‘Hey, how about you guys take my bag and I’ll carry Raichu. Aly, you can lead the way.’, I said, trying to take control of the situation.

Everyone agreed.

I bent down and heisted Raichu onto my back. I now knew why the other pokemon had struggled. This guy was heavy. I slowly raised myself up and steadied myself.


Raichu breathed heavily over my shoulder, obviously in great pain.

Aly and Dratini led the way out of the clearing, into the thick greenery and eventually back onto the main path of Viridian Forest. I kept up with her as best as I could, struggling to keep a tight grip on Raichu. Toto was running merrily along beside me, shortly followed by the peak-eared Pikachu and his friends carrying my backpack. We continued down the path for what seemed like forever and then, without warning, Aly took a quick left down a small path that had been stamped out in the grass.

By now I was desperate to stop and catch my breath. I couldn’t go on for much longer.

‘How.. much further.. is it’, I panted loudly after Aly.

‘We’re almost here.’

Aly began to slow her pace and I was not hesitant in doing the same. She walked up to what looked like a wall of vines and over growth and parted them. A bright blast of sunlight burst through the trees, almost blinding me. As my eyes adjusted the light I began to make out another clearing in the woods; this one, however, was vastly larger than the previous one and a giant tree house stood tall in the middle of it with winding wooden stairs descending from it.

‘Hurry’, Aly said briskly, ‘We have to treat Raichu before the poison further spreads. Hopefully my parents bought some extra medicine before they left.’

Once again, I steadied myself, took a deep breath and we made our way quickly towards the spiraling wooden staircase. Aly ran up the engraved stairs, still full of energy. I had to take my time, carefully planning each step as not to cause further pain to the poisoned Raichu.

Toto and the peak-eared Pikachu jumped up the steps ahead of me while the rest of the pikachu family waited with by bag below, obviously nervous of entering a new, unfamiliar territory.

When we reached the top we walked across the wooden balcony and Aly opened the unlocked door.

‘Okay, lay Raichu down here and I’ll go see what we have that can help him.’

Aly led us to a small room with a television and a cream sofa. I carefully laid Raichu down on the couch while Aly and Dratini left to find a cure. I put a feathered pillow beneath Raichu’s head and propped him up. Pikachu touched its tail off Raichu’s and passed off a small electric current to give Raichu a little bit of energy.

Aly quickly returned, thankfully holding an antidote and a small cloth. Toto dampened the cloth with a water gun while Aly fed the antidote to the electric mouse. It’s face instantly relaxed and the purple that flushed across its cheeks began to fade. After laying the wet cloth over Raichu’s forehead, we sat down on the couch next to him and caught our breaths.

‘Well Pikachu, it looks like your friend will be okay in no time at all’, I smiled at the little mouse.


He smiled back and twitched his peaked ear.

‘By the way, you were really brave to stand up for the rest of your friends. Would you mind if I gave you a nickname. Maybe something like Peeks? I think it would suit ya!’

Peeks smiled once more and nodded.

‘Awesome! Peeks it is!’, I said happily, ‘Also, my name is Robin and these are my friends Aly, Toto and Dratini.

Toto sprang off the couch and shook hands with Peeks. Dratini bowed its head and smiled shyly behind Aly, who was still tending to the recovering Raichu.

Suddenly, Peeks’ face turned to a more alerted expression. His ears started twitching as if it had heard something.

‘What is it Peeks?’, I asked but the electric mouse ran out of the room without a word.

I turned to Aly, ‘You stay here and keep an eye on Raichu. Toto and I will check what’s going on.’

Aly hastily nodded and turned back to comfort the sick Raichu.

‘Come on Toto. Let’s go!’

The small crocodile pokemon followed me out of the sitting room and outside onto the wooden decking. The cries of pichu and pikachu could be heard from below.

We ran down the staircase into a frenzy of thunderbolts and jabbing needle-armed bee pokemon. The pikachu family were running around, desperately trying to dodge those deadly needles and shooting helpless bolts of electricity without much accuracy. In the commotion I checked my Dex.

Beedrill, the poison bee pokemon. Beedrill attack at high speed using their three poisonous needles. The needle on their tail secretes the most powerful poison.

‘Toto, lets help out and mind those poison barbs!’

Toto sprung up and braced itself for battle, his eyes fully focused. Peeks stepped up beside him, static crackling across his red pouches.

Two beedrill spotted the newcomers and went tails first for Peeks.

‘Toto, use water gun!’

Toto took a deep breath and unleashed an accurate water gun, knocking the two beedrill off their stride. However, as the two bees went down several more came to their aid, brandishing their stingers. They surged towards Toto in a buzzing battle cry from all angles.

‘Toto, get out of the way!’, I yelled but there was nowhere my friend could run. Instinctively, I jumped in front of Toto, arms spread wide to protect my pokemon. I stood there shaking with my eyes closed as the beedrill closed in, poised and ready to pierce my skin with their deadly needles. But at least Toto might have a chance to escape...


I forcefully opened my eyes and looked at Peeks. The little mouse pokemon was pumping with static, covering its whole body.


The beedrill drastically slowed down at the sight of intense electricity surrounding Peeks.

I smiled and encourage the Pikachu.

‘Peeks, give em everything you’ve got!’



An amazing beam of electrical energy erupted from the small, electric mouse and struck all the beedrill with an immense thunderbolt. I stared in awe at Peek’s power.

The rest of the pichus and pikachus helped out, generating their own thunderbolt.

The beedrill buzzed in pain and dropped like flies. As soon as the thunderbolts eased the beedrill quickly retreated into the forest with what little strength they had left. The pokemon cheered and I punched the air in celebration.

‘Nice work, trainer. That’s a strong pikachu you have there! And a totodile? That is very rare in these parts.’

I quickly spun around to see a young woman with blue hair and a long black cape.

‘Hehe.. um, thanks’, I said, ruffling the back of my head, extremely pleased with the compliment yet a bit nervous of this mysterious woman.

‘Those beedrill have been causing all sorts of trouble in the forest recently. Thank you for protecting these pokemon and my home.’

‘Well, it was this pikachu, Peeks, who did all the hard work. I just... wait...’, I stood there confused, ‘You’re house?’

The mysterious woman nodded.

‘Does that mean-’

‘Clair?’, Aly yelled down from the balcony, ‘What are you doing here. I didn’t realise you were in Kanto?’

‘Baby sister!’, the woman named Clair laughed and waved up at Aly. Aly blushed, obviously embarrassed in being referred to as a baby sister.

‘I’ll be up in a minute. Put the kettle on!’, yelled Clair to her younger sister and then turned to me, ‘Please trainer, join us for some tea; your pokemon friends are welcome too.’

* * *

We sat in the kitchen, full of modern furniture and amenities, contrasting the natural appearance of the tree house. I introduced myself to Clair while sipping a cup of tea. Toto happily ate berries with Peeks and the rest of the pikachu. I explained what had happened with the sick Raichu and his friends’ trying to help him. Clair didn’t change her facial expression but was tentatively listening to everything that I said. As I finished talking about the battle with the beedrill, Aly and Dratini poked their heads into the kitchen.

‘Raichu is awake if you would like to see him. He’s still very tired though’, she said gently to the pikachu. The pokemon perked up and scurried out of the kitchen. Aly walked in and sat down beside me.

‘So Clair, how come you are not in Blackthorn City?’, asked Aly.

‘Well I decided to take a break from the gym for a couple of weeks and visit you guys. Thought I might surprise mom and dad when they get back from their cruise. But don’t worry, the gym is in capable hands’, smiled Clair reassuringly.

‘You’re a gym leader?’, I said surprised, ‘That is so cool! What type of pokemon do you train?’

Clair looked at me and laughed, ‘Aly, dear, haven’t you told Robin about our family’s background?’

Aly blushed, ‘Oh yeah... Kinda forgot to mention that our family descends from a long line of sacred dragon tamers’, the young girl said as she petted her Dratini, ‘And it’s my dream to follow in the footsteps of my sister and ancestors’, she winked at me with a cheeky grin.

Clair laughed, obviously amused at my bewildered look.

‘Well, I guess that explains why you and Dratini are so close’, I gestured towards Aly. I then turned to Clair, ‘So Clair, any chance I could see some of your pokemon? I’m trying to become a pokemon master so maybe I could see them in a battle?’, I asked eagerly but she just sipped her tea and smirked.

‘One day we will battle, but only when you gain more experience. Dragon types are fierce pokemon and you are not ready to fight such an opponent yet.’

I slumped back in the chair and sighed.

‘But when you travel to Johto I will be waiting for you. And I will be expecting a great battle, no holding back!’

I stood up with a rush of excitement, ‘You’re on!’, and shook the Gym Leader’s hand.

Clair faced her little sister, ‘Aly, maybe you should join Robin in his travels. You two could keep each other company and learn a lot from one another. I can stay here until mom and dad get back. I’ll fill them in on everything and you can contact them later on your Pokegear?’

Both Aly and I looked at each other and grinned.

‘Well, what do ya say Dratini? Fancy going on an adventure with Robin and Toto?’

Dratini shouted for joy in approval.


We turned to see Raichu, closely followed by Peeks and the rest of the pikachu family. Raichu still looked a bit tired but still gave us a smile.

‘Great to see your feeling better Raichu’, said Aly.

‘Yeah, you had us really worried at some points.’

‘Raichu’, Clair said to the giant electric mouse, ‘You and your friends are welcome to stay here as long as you need. And I don’t think those beedrill will be bothering you anymore so why don’t you chill around this part of the forest for a while?’

Raichu and pikachu family happily agreed to the kind offer.

* * *

The following morning Aly and I left her home and walked to the main path of Viridian Forest. Clair walked us as far as the path with pack of electric mice. Raichu saluted us with gratitude and the rest of the pichu and pikachu followed suit. As we said our goodbyes, I thanked Clair for her hospitality. I then crouched down to Peeks.

‘Thanks again for helping us out’, I said gratefully, ‘You were amazing. I’ll never forget what you did. Keep safe little buddy.’

I stared right into Peek’s black beady eyes and he stared back into mine. Something wasn’t right about saying goodbye.

 I was suddenly overcome with an overwhelming feeling that forced a tear out of my eye. I had really bonded with Peeks during our battle against the beedrill and now we had to go our separate ways. I hastily wiped my cheek and stood up straight.

‘Um, ahem, thanks again’, I mumbled with a lump in my throat and walked away briskly. Toto sprang along beside me.

‘Robin, wait up!’, Aly caught up with my pace but I kept my head down. Tears streamed down my face as I quickened my walk.

What was going on? What had come over me?  All I could think about was-


I whisked around.

Peeks came dashing up the path towards us.


For a brief moment I stood there, expressionless. Then, a smile of disbelief swept across my face. I fell on one knee as Peeks stopped in front of me.

‘Wait, what are you doing. Shouldn’t you be with your friends?’

Peeks shook his head and pointed at me.

‘I think Peeks is trying to say he wants to go with you, Robin.’, said Aly softly.

I stared at Peeks, ‘So buddy, you wanna join us in our adventures?’


The pikachu nodded happily.

‘Seriously?’, I said in disbelief.

Peeks Smiled.

‘Alright!’, I yelled in joy and took out a spare pokeball, ‘In that case, welcome to the team buddy!’

The pokeball opened in my hand and Peeks leaped gracefully inside. The red light on the ball flashed three times and then stopped.

I stared at the pokeball for a while and then turned to Toto, ‘Now that we have Peeks on our side, we can’t lose! Right Toto?’

Toto danced happily on the spot.

Aly laughed, ‘I’m sure we’ll find out at Pewter Gym... If we ever get to Pewter Gym that is...’, Aly cheekily stuck her tongue out and Dratini coiled around her neck, smiling.

I composed myself and tightened my backpack. I felt confident sure of myself with my new pokemon.

‘C’mon Toto, lets do this!’, I grinned.

We walked on once again, deep into Viridian Forest, but this time we had new friends by our sides!