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Assessing Curated Material
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Assessing Curated Material for Middle School Students


Criteria Met

Criteria Not Met

Curation is presented in a centralized format

Curation is public

Curated materials are clearly organized

Content is easy to navigate

Linked information is easily accessible and readable

Curated information helps to meet topic goal(s)

Curator provides context to audience of supporting justification OR contrary view

Content is effectively and accurately summarized

Curation is shared via social media platforms

Content is presented in a variety of media (web, audio files, video, etc.)

Information has been tagged with appropriate keywords

Content is age appropriate

Curator solicits comments and contributions

Content is up-to-date

Content includes appropriate attribution


Hildebrand, J.D. (2011, December 16). I, Curator? [Web log comment]. Retrieved from

Hyde, Justine (2012, August 1) Send in the humans: content creation for beginners. Retrieved


Palmer, C. L., Renear, A. H., & Cragin, M. H. (2008). Purposeful curation: Research and

education for a future with working data. Retrieved from

Venable, M. (2012, July 25) 6 content creation suggestions for online students. Retrieved


White, Nancy. (2012, July 27). Developing future workskills through content curation [Web log

post]. Retrieved from

White, Nancy. (2012, July 7). Understanding content curation [Web log comment]. Retrieved


Wilson, R. (2011). Learning Content Is Not Your Job Any More-The Effect of Convergence

(Jun 11). Retrieved from