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Compost Team Meeting: 5-6-12


                Who came: Michelle (from ESW) stopped by, Erik

                What we did:

·      Tended to the ESW plot, it’s all looking nice in this Spring we are having, squash plant is getting BIG.

·      Sawed more wood, almost done sawing all the wood.

·      Shared some information with friends about composting.

·      Helped a bit around the garden.

                What we need to do:

·      Sand all the wood we cut before building.

·      Cut rest of wood.

·      Develop the water pump.

·      Prepare the water barrels for use.

·      Prepare the areas where the water barrels will go (must transplant the cactus that is growing there).

·      Move the sink “floor” (i.e. rock fragments and pebbles) closer to the shed.

·      Buy wood brackets.

·      Put together the wood frame!