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Gabriel Lambert




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WEB DESIGN Textbook Assignment POINTS: 10

Chapter 2: Web Publishing Fundamentals


  • Type the answers to the following questions as appropriate.
  • Change your answers to BLUE to distinguish them from the questions. 
  • This document should have a professional appearance when complete.
  • NOTE: Test questions will be based on this information.

PART 1. Definitions: Briefly define the following terms:


Chunked text: Easy-to-scan Web page text in small text sections containing headings, subheadings, and bulleted lists.


Primary colors are red, yellow, and blue.


Secondary colors are orange, green, and purple.


Warm colors are categorized as yellow, orange, and red.


Cool colors are green, blue, and purple.


Complementary colors are those directly opposite each other on the wheel.


RGB color scheme is projected by computer monitors, which combines channels of red, green, and blue light.


Bandwidth is the quantity of data that can be transmitted in a specific time frame, is measured in bits per second (BPS).


Monitor resolution is the measure of a monitor’s sharpness and clarity, related directly to the number of pixels it can display.


Pixel is short for picture element, and is a single point in an electronic image.


Phishing is a method of misleading people into revealing personal or financial information.


Spoofing is a method of misleading people into revealing personal or financial information.


Liquid layout techniques use HTML layout tables or CSS to create Web pages that resize as the browser window resizes for any monitor resolution.


Copyright is an ownership right to intellectual property.


Encryption is a process that encodes data into illegible content.


Decryption techniques remove the encryption and return data to its original format.


SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), the protocol safeguards and encrypts confidential information as it travels over the Internet.


Cookies are small text files stores on a visitor’s hard drive.


Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) is a consortium of government agencies, IT industry representatives, and nonprofit organizations representing people with special needs.

PART 2 Questions: Answer each of the following briefly, but completely.

1. Describe these basic design principles with regard to web pages:

  • Balance is the harmonious arrangement of elements.
  • Proximity or closeness means that you place related elements close to each other.
  • Contrast is a mix of elements to stimulate attention.
  • Web site’s visitors will focus on and remember the elements or elements of a Web page that stands out the most.
  • Unity is a sense of oneness or belonging.
  • Visual identity is the combination of design elements identified with the site and its publisher.
  • Brand is the assurance or guarantee that a business or organization offers to its customers.

2. List and describe four advantages of web publishing over print publishing:

    1. The Web’s currency advantage over print publications lies in the ability to quickly and inexpensively update Web pages.

    2. The Web’s connectivity advantage, or ability to instantaneously distribute and share content, is a benefit that print publications do not share.

    3. The Web’s interactivity advantage over print publications allows for data and resource sharing that enables communication with a site’s Customer Service or Sales Department or that allows users to post comments on an article.

    4. The Delivery Advantage delivers information over the Internet and the Web can be significantly faster and less expensive than using print media. 

3.  List and describe three guidelines for effective writing for the web:

    1. Accuracy and Currency are guidelines to follow, because the information needs to come from a reliable source, and it should be up-to-date with the latest information.

    2. Writing on the Web should contain a Scannability factory, because many visitors do not want to read a long section of text. They prefer to quickly scan Web pages for useful information.

    3. Writing on the Web should contain the Organization factor. If people can’t find the information they are searching for, the site may get bad publicity. 

4. Why should you avoid underlining text in a web page? Avoid underlining text for emphasis because links are traditionally underlined.

  • What can you do instead of underlining to emphasize text on a web page? Uppercase letters can be used in substitution for underlining. But, you should use extreme caution if you choose to use uppercase letters. Visitors to the site may think that you are shouting.

5. List and briefly describe six different web design jobs which may be found on a web design team:

    1. A content writer/editor creates and revises the text that the visitor will see, and also choose other media to enhance the text.

    2. A Web page designer’s primary role is to convert text, images, and links into Web pages.

    3. A Web artist/graphic designer is to create original art such as logos, stylized typefaces, and avatars or props for 3D virtual worlds.

    4. A multimedia producer designs and produces animations, digital videos, and audio, 2D and 3D models, and other media elements to include on a Web site.

    5. Database developers must process the technical skills to plan, create, and maintain databases of varying complexity.

    6. Webmaster roles vary dramatically: staffing resources devoted to developing and maintaining a Web site.

6.  What is the “web-safe palette” and how many colors are in it? The Web-safe palette is a set of 216 of the available 256 colors displayed by an 8-bit monitor.

 7. WIKIPEDIA: Go to Wikipedia to answer these questions :

  • What is wikipedia? Wikipedia is a free, web-based, collaborative, multilingual encyclopedia project supported by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation.
  • What is today’s featured article about?  It is about the Don Valley Parkway.

8. Search for each of the following on wikipedia and give a brief description of each:

  • Firefox web browser is a free and open source web browser descended from the Mozilla Application Suite and managed by Mozilla Corporation.
  • Mosaic web browser is the web browser credited with popularizing the World Wide Web.
  • Google Chrome is a web browser developed by Google that uses the WebKit layout engine.
  • Web Colors (be sure to scroll down the page so you can see the color charts)

9.  From the WEB COLORS Wikipedia page, look for the hex triplet color system:  

  • How many colors can be represented in hex triplet color system? The number of colors that can be represented by this system is 256 × 256 × 256 = 16,777,216.
  • What number indicates the least intense color?         #000000
  • What number indicates the brightest color? #FFFFFF
  • Give the 6-digit hexadecimal number for black: 000000
  • Give the 6-digit hexadecimal number for  white: FFFFFF
  • Give the 6-digit hexadecimal number for  green: 008000
  • Give the 6-digit hexadecimal number for  navy blue: 000080
  • Give the 6-digit hexadecimal number for  a medium shade of gray: 696969