Published using Google Docs
ChinaDailyNews,Week 10,2011
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

TOP[a] 5 CHARTS OF THE WEEK on China and monetary policy. First up we look at China’s vital stats for February: inflation, retail sales, industrial production, and international trade. Some of the data is a little distorted due to the holiday season in China, but there are still some interesting insights. Finally we check out some of the seven interest rate changes[b] 

China’s balancing act

...China’s crackdown on dissidents has intensified in recent weeks, a development that is starting to get some traction in the mainstream US media. In this weekend’s New York Times: BEIJING — Teng Biao is no stranger to the wrath of the Chinese authorities.

The Final Nail in the China MediaExpress Holdings Coffin

...went to China to meet with the CFO of CCME, but his meeting was cancelled.  He and his experienced Chinese investor friend decided to visit CCME's main office without notice, anyway.  What Roddy saw I can only describe as worse than even I suspected.  It appears the company is 100% absolutely positively  

The dollar, the RMB and the euro?

...subject of China he has pretty consistently underestimated the problems the country faces and overestimated Beijing’s accomplishments. The RMB is unlikely to become a serious reserve currency in the foreseeable future.  There are a number of reasons for this.  First and most obviously, there are few realistic mechanisms

The impending bank crisis in China

...corner for China. The planets are lining up. In my view it is all about property prices. This is a bubble by any name and the reasons for the bubble would take many a blog post but I am convinced that this bubble is there and it is large. The other problem is "bad loans". There are a lot of them, a real lot of them.  

 Shenanigans” as China Restricts VPN and Other Connections

...China shenanigans” for severe recent disruptions of its service in China. From Bloomberg: The company is recommending users to report problems via e-mail instead of its live support service because of an “extraordinary volume from China shenanigans,” according to a Witopia posting on its website today. Witopia and other providers  

Food Prices Rise 11% in China, Overall Prices Rises 4.9%; Central Planning Idiocy; China's Impossible Dream

...soar in China and the overall prices are up 4.9% officially. Nonetheless, the Chinese central bank has ruled out currency appreciation and has also ruled up curtailment of credit.The New York Times has additional details in China’s February Inflation Held at 4.9 PercentChina's February inflation stayed elevated on a double-digit rise

China Media Express: all will be revealed

...China Media Express (Nasdaq:CCME) has been my favorite drama on Wall Street (see posts here and here and here). The stock is now suspended without news.  We do not even know who called for the suspension. It is time for the big reveal... Just to amuse you though I want to run you through an email exchange I had with Snowball  

China stock extremes and trading opportunities

...Chinavestor) With so much selling in the past few days, the oversold indicator is the most interesting to watch today. Stocks of interest for Friday include Canadian Solar (NASDAQ:CSIQ), China Sunergy (NASDAQ:CSIQ), Zhongpin Inc. (NASDAQ:HOGS), and The9 Ltd. (NASDAQ:NCTY), just to name a few.  

China power output growth rebounds

...China's electricity output increased 15.4 per cent from a year earlier in February and gained 11.7 per cent in the first two months of this year, government data showed on Friday.

Podcast: New Sounds of China

...Sounds of China music podcast has reached the end of its second season, hosted by music journalist and musicologist Paul Kendall and guitarist, vocalist and Beijing opera performer Hu Pan. Each of our five episodes tackles a particular theme, illustrated with music examples and informed commentary, as well as interviews  

Guest post: Why Shanghai isn’t challenging Hong Kong

...Rein of China Market Research Group “Shanghai will become Asia’s finance center,” the Hong Konger said dejectedly. With “power tilting to the mainland,” he continued, “Hong Kong will become an afterthought.” Is he right? Are the doomsday scenarios that have haunted Hong Kong since the handover

 China's $9bn "Deal of the century" with the DRC - A critical review between China and DRC that includes among, other things, a Cité du Fleuve in Kinshasa

from Mineweb - Daily news headlines - Mar 10, 2011 (3 days ago)

Asia markets wrap: Chinese carmakers lead falls

...In China, the Shanghai Composite’s recent rally, which has...

from beyondbrics - Mar 10, 2011 (3 days ago)

Chinese February Trade Surplus Drops So Much It Becomes Deficit, Largest In 7 Years

...After China was expected to post a $4.9 billion February trade surplus, the centrally planned economy demonstrated just how easy it is to shut all CNY "undervaluation" critics up, by posting a miraculous $7.3 billion trade DEFICIT in February, which just happened to be the largest in 7 years, following January's surging surplus.  

China’s copper as collateral addiction

...China’s largest producer. Bonded warehouses are used to store shipments before duties are paid and official data on levels of holdings aren’t issued. Last November, the total was 300,000 tons, according to a Scotia Capital estimate at the time. China has stepped up tightening measures as policy makers seek to avert overheating. Traders in...

from FT Alphaville - Mar 10, 2011 (3 days ago)

About 89% of China's Urban Households Own Homes

Normal 0 7.  

China Stocks May Rise 21% on Valuations, Daiwa’s Yuihama Says

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index may rise 21 percent this year as low valuations and easing inflation concerns attract investors, said Hirokazu Yuihama, a strategist at Daiwa Institute of Research.

Warren Buffett's China car deal could backfire

It is true that analysts view some of BYD's behavior as broadly typical of the Chinese auto industry, particularly the meticulous copying of better-known international cars.  

China posts $7.3bn trade deficit

...China reported an unexpected $7.3bn trade deficit, the nation’s biggest in seven years, in February after a Lunar New Year holiday disrupted exports, reports Bloomberg. Outbound shipments rose an annual 2.4%, the slowest pace since November 2009, and imports climbed 19.4%, according to figures issued on Thursday.

Banmake Brings QR Barcode Scanning to China in China, starting in Shanghai. I recently contacted co-founder & COO Shane Hsu for insights on why Banmake was founded, what they saw in QR applications in China, and their future expectations. Banmake (斑马客) Banmake was founded in November 2010 by 3 co-founders in Shanghai: Sim Huang, Parry Wong, and Shane Hsu.  

Watch: How news is manufactured in China

A very patient journalist coaches a fruit farmer in Hebei Province to say exactly what he wants him to say, "There have been no hailstorms in the fruit farms this year." Just as the crew is beginning to wonder if they can ever call it a day, the elderly gentleman finally gets it right after the 476,284th attempt.

China Switches To Homegrown CPUs For Supercomputers, Cites “Dependence On Foreign Technology”

...lately regarding China. I wrote about our moral hypocrisy in disapproving of factory conditions there, and John wrote how the lowest-price-possible culture still extant in much Chinese manufacturing is harmful in a number of ways.  

Prospect of China bank crisis dismissed

...Bank of China has dismissed suggestions that China could face its own banking crisis as a result of an unprecedented expansion of state-directed credit in the past two years, reports the FT. “Some analysis and estimates from outside say there could be a financial crisis in China in the next few years,” Xiao Gang, chairman of  

Brics becoming billionaire factory

...India and China – had 301 billionaires, 108 more than in the previous year, and one more than Europe.

China Delays Nokia Siemens' Acquisition of Motorola Assets [Voices]

...Street Journal China’s antitrust regulator extended its review of Motorola Solutions Inc.’s sale of its network-equipment business to Nokia Siemens Networks, delaying a second time a $1.2 billion deal that is integral to Motorola’s restructuring. The 60-day extension by China’s Commerce Ministry was the latest in a series  

China’s Five-Year Energy Plan Likely to Have Ramifications For Metals

An interesting article in the New York Times last week looked at Chinese plans to release details this month of its new five-year plan for energy conservation. The issue facing the authorities is more than pollution or the balance of payments, cost of coal, or oil and natural gas imports, as severe as those issues [...]  

Canadian Business on China’s bubble economy on China. But a warning – at 5,400 words the article is long. Here are some key extracts from the article, along with some commentary and charts for additional context. Note, I have added the subtitles in order to split the article into themes. Trouble brewing: Over the past year, a growing number of analysts and investors have argued

Bloodstained Property Map and Trampled Rights; China's Population: 1.3 Billion; Construction Underway: 43 Billion Square Feet

...democracy in China.Despite a few anecdotes in the article, the idea of a large or growing democracy in China is unfounded given Chinese central authority trampling of human rights and property rights, on top of having the world's largest central planning scheme.However, what most caught my eyes was the sheer amount of real estate malinvestment,...

China Inc, smaller than you think

...China doesn't have as many global giants as it should. Only a handful of listed Chinese companies compete with the rest of the world in terms of size. Here's how they shape up. Continue reading: "China Inc, smaller than you think"

Fitch: 60% chance of China bank crisis

...China faces a 60% chance of a banking crisis by mid-2013, according to a report by Fitch Ratings agency (part of Fitch Group, owned by McGraw-Hill; MHP.NYSE),  

YGE: Jefferies Says Buy, With Or Without Italy

...that the China-based maker of solar energy technology should be able to meet its forecast of 1.7 gigawatts to 1.75 gigawatts worth of shipments this year, with or without shipments into Italy in the second half of this year. Ongoing deliberation about the implications of Italy’s review of its solar energy subsidies continues to be a source of  

FNSR Q3 Call: China’s A Mystery; JDSU, Others Tumble

...slowdown in China, including the shutdown during the Chinese New Year, are affecting the company’s outlook, Rawls said. Moreover, some telecommunications carriers were “adjusting inventory levels […] particularly for products previously on allocation and with long lead times, including our wavelength selective switches and ROADM line cards.”

Finisair Plummets 35% After Company Stuns With Weak Outlook, Chinese Business Slowdown Blamed

...China, is now growing dim: from the mea culpa: "the Company will be impacted by...a slowdown in business in China overall." Is this the beginning of the end for the tech bubble?What is more troublesome is the reason cited for the major business slowdown:

Will China Take Over the U.S. Wind Market?

...China built its first wind farm in 1986 in Shandong Province. Its 1996 Ride the Wind program allowed wind farms to be built with up to 60 percent foreign materials. By 2005, China’s leadership was putting more emphasis on renewable energy, went the historical narrative recounted in InfoCast’s “China's Participation in the US Wind Sector”

China’s yuan-child policy, relaxed

...China will relax the one-child policy in five provinces this year and probably switch to the two-child policy within five years. According to the Chinese Liaowan Weekly, under the new policy, all couples with a one-child family can have two children. The policy relaxation will first be conducted on a pilot base in selected provinces either from ..

Top Ten der Handelspartner: Wohin die deutschen Waren strömen

...allem aus China. Die wichtigsten Handelspartner der Bundesrepublik in der Übersicht.


...China literally allowed its money supply to skyrocket, compared to that of the U.S. or the eurozone, with annual growth averaging +17.4% between 1996 and 2008, which compares to +7.1% in the eurozone and +6.3% in the United States. Above all, since the beginning of 2009, this divergence has actually widened, despite the Fed’s QEs and 0%  

Will Chinese television go “red”?

...floor of China’s National People’s Congress yesterday came from delegate Fang Ming (方明), an anchor at China National Radio, who suggested advertising be prohibited on Channel 1 of China’s state television broadcaster, China Central Television. Fang said television programming was now too dominated by advertising,

BlackRock CEO: We’re “Very Big” Buyers of the US Dollar

...On China: “They are more uncertain. They are the biggest producer of products in the world today. We’re very much dependent onChina. It is a similar way we are dependent on Saudi Arabia for oil.” “I am very concerned about China. China has done a magnificent job about engineering its economy…They have 300-400 million people living at substandard...

China’s Top 15 Social Networks

...China’s social networking landscape is diverse and thriving. No single player is nearly as dominant as Facebook in the U.S. and there’s a long tail of networks for different users (urban and rural) and different purposes (social, dating, and games). Here is China’s SNS universe for the top 7 sites. And here is a table of the top 15  

Hussman on QE and the "Iron Law of Equilibrium"; Will Stocks Be Firm Until QE II Ends?

...effects of China, India and other developing countries, but this long-term growth story certainly didn't prevent commodities from collapsing in 2008. It's a well-known result in resource economics that even when a resource is exhaustible and in significant demand, the price does not rise at a spectacular rate.  

Pettis on China’s Five Year Plan to consume

...policymakers in China right now), Premier Wen put “keeping the price level stable” as the top priority.  Chen Long reminded me that this is the first time in the past decade that growth is not mentioned in the first place. What’s more, “increasing household consumption” is listed in the second place.  This has never happened before either.

China's Jasmine Headache

...times for China.China's probity, sobriety, and responsibility during the financial crisis made for a highly favorable contrast with the United States.The U.S. has compounded the irresponsible behavior of the Bush years, both militarily and financially, with a significant abdication of its obligations as the world's only superpower  


...And China, America, India, Europe, Japan all have the same overriding need for access to this pool. The proponents of non-traditional alternative energy sources argue that the prices of oil and its byproduct gasoline are understated because among other things they do not include the price of supporting a global military presence to ensure t...

from The Big Picture - Mar 7, 2011 (6 days ago)

Why China May Not Take Over LED Lighting Just Yet

...China became the dominant player in solar modules in a few short years because of standardized manufacturing recipes, a diverse supply chain and high demand. Now, several Chinese companies have begun to crank out solid state lights. Still, history may not repeat itself in exactly the same way, says Aldo Kamper, CEO of Osram Opto Semiconductors...

Wall St wannabe points to China's growth risks

Reuters) - Yujiapu does not roll off the tongue like Wall Street, but planners in the northern Chinese port city of Tianjin hope it soon will. Round-the-clock construction is transforming muddy ground into what officials boast will be the world's largest financial zone a decade from now.

China’s Red Star Breaks With Convention in Beijing

...Party of China, attends a meeting during the annual National People’s Congress at the Great Hall of the People on March 6, 2011 in Beijing. While most of his peers stuck to a predictably dry script, Mr. Bo, a favorite for promotion to the Party’s Politburo Standing Committee next year, kept reporters entertained for over three hours  

Guest post: Why China’s rebalancing will be bad news for profits

...long prodded China to change its economic model from one of export-led development towards greater internal consumption. Officials in Beijing are now embarking on precisely such an endeavour, albeit gradually. Investors had better pay attention: the implications may..

Asia Today: China Leaders Focus on the Poor at NPC

...China’s leaders’ pledges during the National People’s Congress include boosting the incomes of the less wealthy and taming inflation. WSJ’s Jake Lee and Asia Heard on the Street Editor Mohammed Hadi discuss why China’s rise is leaving some behind and the difficulties the country faces in trying to balance the economy.

Brazil's carnival is 'made in China'

...exclusively from China, according to the Association of Textile Importers

China New Loans Less Than CNY 600Bln in Feb.

...China Securities Journal reported citing unnamed sources. read more

Another Geo Game: Chinese and US Equivalent

...and diverse China really is, The Economist came up with a map in which all provinces of China are replaced by equivalent countries in the world. For instance, you will learn that the GDP of Honk Kong is closest to that of Egypt; although Egypt, with its 80 million + people, has more than ten times the population of Hong Kong  

Top Chinese copper producer sees rising metal prices this year

...China's top copper producer, sees copper prices rising this year as supply remains tight and demand continues to increase

China taking steps to boost domestic consumption

...China has a new scheme that will: 1. raise wages, focusing especially on rural workers, whose incomes are about 30 percent of what city dwellers earn. The aim is to not only boost consumption but alleviate that growing and problematic wage gap. 2. China will deemphasize the manufacturing sector in favor of the more labor-intensive services sector.

Opium Wars and the perfidy of Google

...hardliners in China, these convulsions tell a different story. That story is less about the “political power of social media” than about the national interests that power serves — those of the United States, of course. And the story is also hackle-raisingly familiar, opening up a wellspring of galvanizing national shame.

The impending bank crisis in China

...corner for China. The planets are lining up. In my view it is all about property prices. This is a bubble by any name and the reasons for the bubble would take many a blog post but I am convinced that this bubble is there and it is large. The other problem is "bad loans". There are a lot of them, a real lot of them.  

 Shenanigans” as China Restricts VPN and Other Connections

...China shenanigans” for severe recent disruptions of its service in China. From Bloomberg: The company is recommending users to report problems via e-mail instead of its live support service because of an “extraordinary volume from China shenanigans,” according to a Witopia posting on its website today. Witopia and other providers  

Food Prices Rise 11% in China, Overall Prices Rises 4.9%; Central Planning Idiocy; China's Impossible Dream

...soar in China and the overall prices are up 4.9% officially. Nonetheless, the Chinese central bank has ruled out currency appreciation and has also ruled up curtailment of credit.The New York Times has additional details in China’s February Inflation Held at 4.9 PercentChina's February inflation stayed elevated on a double-digit rise

China Media Express: all will be revealed

...China Media Express (Nasdaq:CCME) has been my favorite drama on Wall Street (see posts here and here and here). The stock is now suspended without news.  We do not even know who called for the suspension. It is time for the big reveal... Just to amuse you though I want to run you through an email exchange I had with Snowball  

China stock extremes and trading opportunities

...Chinavestor) With so much selling in the past few days, the oversold indicator is the most interesting to watch today. Stocks of interest for Friday include Canadian Solar (NASDAQ:CSIQ), China Sunergy (NASDAQ:CSIQ), Zhongpin Inc. (NASDAQ:HOGS), and The9 Ltd. (NASDAQ:NCTY), just to name a few.  

China power output growth rebounds

...China's electricity output increased 15.4 per cent from a year earlier in February and gained 11.7 per cent in the first two months of this year, government data showed on Friday.

Podcast: New Sounds of China

...Sounds of China music podcast has reached the end of its second season, hosted by music journalist and musicologist Paul Kendall and guitarist, vocalist and Beijing opera performer Hu Pan. Each of our five episodes tackles a particular theme, illustrated with music examples and informed commentary, as well as interviews  

Guest post: Why Shanghai isn’t challenging Hong Kong

...Rein of China Market Research Group “Shanghai will become Asia’s finance center,” the Hong Konger said dejectedly. With “power tilting to the mainland,” he continued, “Hong Kong will become an afterthought.” Is he right? Are the doomsday scenarios that have haunted Hong Kong since the handover

 China's $9bn "Deal of the century" with the DRC - A critical review between China and DRC that includes among, other things, a Cité du Fleuve in Kinshasa

from Mineweb - Daily news headlines - Mar 10, 2011 (3 days ago)

Asia markets wrap: Chinese carmakers lead falls

...In China, the Shanghai Composite’s recent rally, which has...

from beyondbrics - Mar 10, 2011 (3 days ago)

Chinese February Trade Surplus Drops So Much It Becomes Deficit, Largest In 7 Years

...After China was expected to post a $4.9 billion February trade surplus, the centrally planned economy demonstrated just how easy it is to shut all CNY "undervaluation" critics up, by posting a miraculous $7.3 billion trade DEFICIT in February, which just happened to be the largest in 7 years, following January's surging surplus.  

China’s copper as collateral addiction

...China’s largest producer. Bonded warehouses are used to store shipments before duties are paid and official data on levels of holdings aren’t issued. Last November, the total was 300,000 tons, according to a Scotia Capital estimate at the time. China has stepped up tightening measures as policy makers seek to avert overheating. Traders in...

from FT Alphaville - Mar 10, 2011 (3 days ago)

About 89% of China's Urban Households Own Homes

Normal 0 7.  

China Stocks May Rise 21% on Valuations, Daiwa’s Yuihama Says

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index may rise 21 percent this year as low valuations and easing inflation concerns attract investors, said Hirokazu Yuihama, a strategist at Daiwa Institute of Research.

Warren Buffett's China car deal could backfire

It is true that analysts view some of BYD's behavior as broadly typical of the Chinese auto industry, particularly the meticulous copying of better-known international cars.  

China posts $7.3bn trade deficit

...China reported an unexpected $7.3bn trade deficit, the nation’s biggest in seven years, in February after a Lunar New Year holiday disrupted exports, reports Bloomberg. Outbound shipments rose an annual 2.4%, the slowest pace since November 2009, and imports climbed 19.4%, according to figures issued on Thursday.

Banmake Brings QR Barcode Scanning to China in China, starting in Shanghai. I recently contacted co-founder & COO Shane Hsu for insights on why Banmake was founded, what they saw in QR applications in China, and their future expectations. Banmake (斑马客) Banmake was founded in November 2010 by 3 co-founders in Shanghai: Sim Huang, Parry Wong, and Shane Hsu.  

Watch: How news is manufactured in China

A very patient journalist coaches a fruit farmer in Hebei Province to say exactly what he wants him to say, "There have been no hailstorms in the fruit farms this year." Just as the crew is beginning to wonder if they can ever call it a day, the elderly gentleman finally gets it right after the 476,284th attempt.

China Switches To Homegrown CPUs For Supercomputers, Cites “Dependence On Foreign Technology”

...lately regarding China. I wrote about our moral hypocrisy in disapproving of factory conditions there, and John wrote how the lowest-price-possible culture still extant in much Chinese manufacturing is harmful in a number of ways.  

Prospect of China bank crisis dismissed

...Bank of China has dismissed suggestions that China could face its own banking crisis as a result of an unprecedented expansion of state-directed credit in the past two years, reports the FT. “Some analysis and estimates from outside say there could be a financial crisis in China in the next few years,” Xiao Gang, chairman of  

Brics becoming billionaire factory

...India and China – had 301 billionaires, 108 more than in the previous year, and one more than Europe.

China Delays Nokia Siemens' Acquisition of Motorola Assets [Voices]

...Street Journal China’s antitrust regulator extended its review of Motorola Solutions Inc.’s sale of its network-equipment business to Nokia Siemens Networks, delaying a second time a $1.2 billion deal that is integral to Motorola’s restructuring. The 60-day extension by China’s Commerce Ministry was the latest in a series  

China’s Five-Year Energy Plan Likely to Have Ramifications For Metals

An interesting article in the New York Times last week looked at Chinese plans to release details this month of its new five-year plan for energy conservation. The issue facing the authorities is more than pollution or the balance of payments, cost of coal, or oil and natural gas imports, as severe as those issues [...]  

Canadian Business on China’s bubble economy on China. But a warning – at 5,400 words the article is long. Here are some key extracts from the article, along with some commentary and charts for additional context. Note, I have added the subtitles in order to split the article into themes. Trouble brewing: Over the past year, a growing number of analysts and investors have argued

Bloodstained Property Map and Trampled Rights; China's Population: 1.3 Billion; Construction Underway: 43 Billion Square Feet

...democracy in China.Despite a few anecdotes in the article, the idea of a large or growing democracy in China is unfounded given Chinese central authority trampling of human rights and property rights, on top of having the world's largest central planning scheme.However, what most caught my eyes was the sheer amount of real estate malinvestment,...

China Inc, smaller than you think

...China doesn't have as many global giants as it should. Only a handful of listed Chinese companies compete with the rest of the world in terms of size. Here's how they shape up. Continue reading: "China Inc, smaller than you think"

Fitch: 60% chance of China bank crisis

...China faces a 60% chance of a banking crisis by mid-2013, according to a report by Fitch Ratings agency (part of Fitch Group, owned by McGraw-Hill; MHP.NYSE),  

YGE: Jefferies Says Buy, With Or Without Italy

...that the China-based maker of solar energy technology should be able to meet its forecast of 1.7 gigawatts to 1.75 gigawatts worth of shipments this year, with or without shipments into Italy in the second half of this year. Ongoing deliberation about the implications of Italy’s review of its solar energy subsidies continues to be a source of  

FNSR Q3 Call: China’s A Mystery; JDSU, Others Tumble

...slowdown in China, including the shutdown during the Chinese New Year, are affecting the company’s outlook, Rawls said. Moreover, some telecommunications carriers were “adjusting inventory levels […] particularly for products previously on allocation and with long lead times, including our wavelength selective switches and ROADM line cards.”

Finisair Plummets 35% After Company Stuns With Weak Outlook, Chinese Business Slowdown Blamed

...China, is now growing dim: from the mea culpa: "the Company will be impacted by...a slowdown in business in China overall." Is this the beginning of the end for the tech bubble?What is more troublesome is the reason cited for the major business slowdown:

Will China Take Over the U.S. Wind Market?

...China built its first wind farm in 1986 in Shandong Province. Its 1996 Ride the Wind program allowed wind farms to be built with up to 60 percent foreign materials. By 2005, China’s leadership was putting more emphasis on renewable energy, went the historical narrative recounted in InfoCast’s “China's Participation in the US Wind Sector”

China’s yuan-child policy, relaxed

...China will relax the one-child policy in five provinces this year and probably switch to the two-child policy within five years. According to the Chinese Liaowan Weekly, under the new policy, all couples with a one-child family can have two children. The policy relaxation will first be conducted on a pilot base in selected provinces either from ..

Top Ten der Handelspartner: Wohin die deutschen Waren strömen

...allem aus China. Die wichtigsten Handelspartner der Bundesrepublik in der Übersicht.


...China literally allowed its money supply to skyrocket, compared to that of the U.S. or the eurozone, with annual growth averaging +17.4% between 1996 and 2008, which compares to +7.1% in the eurozone and +6.3% in the United States. Above all, since the beginning of 2009, this divergence has actually widened, despite the Fed’s QEs and 0%  

Will Chinese television go “red”?

...floor of China’s National People’s Congress yesterday came from delegate Fang Ming (方明), an anchor at China National Radio, who suggested advertising be prohibited on Channel 1 of China’s state television broadcaster, China Central Television. Fang said television programming was now too dominated by advertising,

BlackRock CEO: We’re “Very Big” Buyers of the US Dollar

...On China: “They are more uncertain. They are the biggest producer of products in the world today. We’re very much dependent onChina. It is a similar way we are dependent on Saudi Arabia for oil.” “I am very concerned about China. China has done a magnificent job about engineering its economy…They have 300-400 million people living at substandard...

China’s Top 15 Social Networks

...China’s social networking landscape is diverse and thriving. No single player is nearly as dominant as Facebook in the U.S. and there’s a long tail of networks for different users (urban and rural) and different purposes (social, dating, and games). Here is China’s SNS universe for the top 7 sites. And here is a table of the top 15  

Hussman on QE and the "Iron Law of Equilibrium"; Will Stocks Be Firm Until QE II Ends?

...effects of China, India and other developing countries, but this long-term growth story certainly didn't prevent commodities from collapsing in 2008. It's a well-known result in resource economics that even when a resource is exhaustible and in significant demand, the price does not rise at a spectacular rate.  

Pettis on China’s Five Year Plan to consume

...policymakers in China right now), Premier Wen put “keeping the price level stable” as the top priority.  Chen Long reminded me that this is the first time in the past decade that growth is not mentioned in the first place. What’s more, “increasing household consumption” is listed in the second place.  This has never happened before either.

China's Jasmine Headache

...times for China.China's probity, sobriety, and responsibility during the financial crisis made for a highly favorable contrast with the United States.The U.S. has compounded the irresponsible behavior of the Bush years, both militarily and financially, with a significant abdication of its obligations as the world's only superpower  


...And China, America, India, Europe, Japan all have the same overriding need for access to this pool. The proponents of non-traditional alternative energy sources argue that the prices of oil and its byproduct gasoline are understated because among other things they do not include the price of supporting a global military presence to ensure t...

from The Big Picture - Mar 7, 2011 (6 days ago)

Why China May Not Take Over LED Lighting Just Yet

...China became the dominant player in solar modules in a few short years because of standardized manufacturing recipes, a diverse supply chain and high demand. Now, several Chinese companies have begun to crank out solid state lights. Still, history may not repeat itself in exactly the same way, says Aldo Kamper, CEO of Osram Opto Semiconductors...

Wall St wannabe points to China's growth risks

Reuters) - Yujiapu does not roll off the tongue like Wall Street, but planners in the northern Chinese port city of Tianjin hope it soon will. Round-the-clock construction is transforming muddy ground into what officials boast will be the world's largest financial zone a decade from now.

China’s Red Star Breaks With Convention in Beijing

...Party of China, attends a meeting during the annual National People’s Congress at the Great Hall of the People on March 6, 2011 in Beijing. While most of his peers stuck to a predictably dry script, Mr. Bo, a favorite for promotion to the Party’s Politburo Standing Committee next year, kept reporters entertained for over three hours  

Guest post: Why China’s rebalancing will be bad news for profits

...long prodded China to change its economic model from one of export-led development towards greater internal consumption. Officials in Beijing are now embarking on precisely such an endeavour, albeit gradually. Investors had better pay attention: the implications may..

Asia Today: China Leaders Focus on the Poor at NPC

...China’s leaders’ pledges during the National People’s Congress include boosting the incomes of the less wealthy and taming inflation. WSJ’s Jake Lee and Asia Heard on the Street Editor Mohammed Hadi discuss why China’s rise is leaving some behind and the difficulties the country faces in trying to balance the economy.

Brazil's carnival is 'made in China'

...exclusively from China, according to the Association of Textile Importers

China New Loans Less Than CNY 600Bln in Feb.

...China Securities Journal reported citing unnamed sources. read more

Another Geo Game: Chinese and US Equivalent

...and diverse China really is, The Economist came up with a map in which all provinces of China are replaced by equivalent countries in the world. For instance, you will learn that the GDP of Honk Kong is closest to that of Egypt; although Egypt, with its 80 million + people, has more than ten times the population of Hong Kong  

Top Chinese copper producer sees rising metal prices this year

...China's top copper producer, sees copper prices rising this year as supply remains tight and demand continues to increase

China taking steps to boost domestic consumption

...China has a new scheme that will: 1. raise wages, focusing especially on rural workers, whose incomes are about 30 percent of what city dwellers earn. The aim is to not only boost consumption but alleviate that growing and problematic wage gap. 2. China will deemphasize the manufacturing sector in favor of the more labor-intensive services sector.

Opium Wars and the perfidy of Google

...hardliners in China, these convulsions tell a different story. That story is less about the “political power of social media” than about the national interests that power serves — those of the United States, of course. And the story is also hackle-raisingly familiar, opening up a wellspring of galvanizing national shame.

[a] ggggggggggggg




[b]i like this —traussnig

