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Name: Curtis Cruz

Question: who will become the president , Mitt Romney or Barack Obama?

Source Information Needed:

Name of Author(s). Publication Date. Title of Work. Publication. Pages of the chapter or article. Link to Web page.





Source (Last Name),

Quotations, Summaries & Descriptions

Here’s a place for you to capture important quotations from the text you are reading.

  • Transcribe important details, sentences, and phrases.


  • Summarize key ideas, events, and information from the text.

My Questions and Comments

Here’s a place to ask questions, speculate, and comment on the quotations.

  • What questions do you have about what you are reading? You can ask questions to clear up confusion, or as a tool to get more deeply into your inquiry about a text.
  • You chose important ideas and information from the text. Why are they especially important. Give your thoughts.
  • Why are specific quotations and details significant?  What is their significance?

source 1

page 1

Also posted is a letter from the Romneys' tax preparer, PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP, which gives an overview of the Romneys' tax returns covering an additional 20 years, from 1990-2009.

Why will people say that romney have not paid his taxes? I think the reason why people feel like Romney was not paying his taxes is because they are trying to ruin every chance he got to become the president. If romney do become president he does lower taxes than most people will feel happy.

source 2

page 5

Obama did not have a relationship with his father as a child. Obama Sr. left to attend Harvard University, pursuing Ph.D. studies, when his son was still an infant.

Do you think he really got a chance to remain the president? Yes I think he has a chance to remain as president becauses what he has done which was create the obamacare . that keeps the lower class people eligible for many things.

source 3 page 12

Romney responded quickly. Obama “may think that announcing new trade cases less than two months from Election Day will distract from his record, but the American businesses and workers struggling on an uneven playing field know better,” the Republican said

Do you think the american business is uneven? I personally feel like American business is uneven because Most jobs are saying they are hiring but when people go on an interview it seems like you gonna get the job but in reality you went threw all that for nothing ,  If this economy becomes even then i guess we all will live happily ever after.

source 4 page6

This week, Mitt Romney gave a speech in Las Vegas outlining how he would save the US economy. Romney’s main themes were deregulation and lowering taxes,

Will Romney lower taxes ? I feel like if he becomes the president he will have the chance to lower taxes. By lowering the taxes your helping most people out but i still think the upper class should pay more taxes. for extent if you make more than 500,000 a year you should pay taxes. If his theme is that i hope he sticks with it and not try to  act like barack obama. I give obama all my respect just because he helped the lower class.

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