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LE: Q1: L12 Cell Membrane Assignment
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Osmosis and the Cell Membrane

Part 1 - Constructing diagrams, definitions and claims (Pages 34 & 35)

Directions:  Use the links below to construct a diagram, definition and claim. Please use these links ONLY. Do not GOOGLE the definition of semi-permeable or any of the questions.




Intro to Osmosis and the Cell Membrane

Intro to Osmosis Read-aloud


Biology 4 Kids

Biology 4 Kids

Cell Membrane


Kid Courses

Bozeman Science

  1. Construct a DETAILED and LABELED diagram of the cell membrane. Do NOT draw this:

  1. Construct a definition of semi-permeable in your own words.

  1. Construct a claim: Why do you think it is important that the cell membrane only lets some molecules through and not others?

Part 2 - Draw and describe (Pages 36 & 37)

Click HERE to watch this video.

  1. Beginning of Video: Fill in column labeled “Before Adding Salt”
  2. At 4 seconds: Fill in column labeled  “After Adding Salt”
  3. At 10 seconds: Fill in the column labeled “Before Adding Distilled Water”
  4. At 17 seconds: Fill in the column labeled “After Adding Distilled Water”