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WooFood Internship: Food Writing
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WooFood Internships:

Food Writing


WooFood, a unique 501(c)3 nonprofit that certifies restaurants and beyond that make the healthful choice the easy choice - is looking for aspiring writers, journalists, and food bloggers with a passion for food, nutrition, and public health.  Opportunities for networking with local media exist! WooFood provides training, including basic nutrition, so a nutrition background is not required.  



The intern who fills this position will be expected to be diligent and responsive with communications including emails and be familiar with Google Docs.  Applicants should possess excellent people skills and be open to learning new concepts about nutrition and choice psychology.  Enthusiasm, teamwork, and excellent interpersonal skills are highly valued.


Journalism, English, Communications

About WooFood:

WooFood is young and innovative company founded by three medical students at UMass Medical School.  WooFood targets the challenge of changing people’s eating behaviors with a simple mantra: Make the healthful choice the easy choice. WooFood helps these restaurants develop healthful dishes and employs innovative strategies to make those dishes end up in front of patrons. The WooFood model takes lessons learned from the fields of behavioral economics, choice architecture, and choice psychology and applies them to improving dietary patterns. It is not enough to have healthful options available at a WooFood Certified food service - they must be delicious, creatively named, and easy to order. /