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Part 20: Kin and Bone
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Part 20: Kin and Bone


                ‘This will be a one on one Pokémon battle!’ Salvadore announced ‘The last Pokémon left standing wins! Let the battle... Begin!’

                I looked confidently over at Kay-Bee, my pokeball clenched tightly in my fist. I smiled as I waited for him to make the first move.

                ‘Ok, Typhlosion let’s give him a battle to remember!’ Kay-Bee yelled as he tossed his pokeball high into the air. The clearing became drastically hotter as his Pokémon was summoned to the field. I stared in awe at the blazing creature before checking my Dex:

                Typhlosion, the volcano Pokémon and the evolved form of Quilava. When enraged Typhlosion’s fire attacks greatly intensify, burning anything in its path.

                ‘Wow! That looks like one strong Pokémon’ I admitted ‘but we can handle it! Toto, I chose you!’

                Croconaw entered the field with his arms crossed, ready for business. His eyes suddenly bulged as he gawped across the glade at Typhlosion. The volcano Pokémon blinked back at him in disbelief.

                ‘A Croconaw!?’ Kay-Bee gasped ‘That’s not one of the Kanto starters!’

                ‘I know! As a matter of fact, this was one of last year’s Johto starters. Toto didn’t have a trainer until a few months ago when I met Prof. Oak and Prof. Elm. After an examination Prof. Oak realised that Toto was just feeling a bit lonely, so we teamed up. Now we’re best buddies and have travelled together since’

                ‘Whoa! You sure have grown a lot since we last met, Cro- I mean Toto. Nice to see you again’ Kay-Bee smiled at the big jaw Pokémon before composing himself for the battle ‘Anyways, enough chatting. We may have a type disadvantage, but our strength more than makes up for it. Typhlosion lets get this battle started with a quick attack!’

                Typhlosion was slow to react to his trainer’s command, still in shock of meeting its old friend. After a moment of silence it shook its head and advanced at great speed towards Toto.

                ‘Dodge it and use water gun!’ I ordered.

                Toto leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding the quick attack as Typhlosion brushed passed his shoulder. The Croconaw skid across the grass field, unearthing some roots beneath him as he spun around to face his opponent.

                He inhaled deeply, readying himself to attack.

                ‘Use flamethrower, quickly!’ urged Kay-Bee.

                Typhlosion exhaled a burst of fire just in time to combat Toto’s oncoming fury of water. The two attacks collided half way as both Pokémon struggled to out do the other. Both Kay-Bee and I screamed out words of encouragement as the fire and water attacks wrestled against each other, emitting a vapour of steam across the field. The steam was dense and I could hardly make out anything.

                ‘Now’s your chance, Typhlosion! Use double-edge!’

                Croconaw suddenly cried out in pain as it was hurtled out of the steam, landing in a slump at my side. It looked tired and in a lot of pain, but still conscious.

                ‘Toto, are you alright? Are you still able to battle?’ I looked down at my Pokémon in concern.

                He stared up at me, looking deeply into my eyes. I returned his stare, understanding, empathising with his pain. He grunted loudly and struggled to his feet, breathing heavily. I smiled and glanced over at the opposing Typhlosion who was stroking his wounded shoulder. One of the side effects of double edge is that the user also sustains serious damage.

                ‘Wow! Toto’s definitely a fighter, but this battle’s over. Typhlosion, think you can manage one more double-edge?’ Kay-Bee asked his Pokémon.

                Typhlosion glanced back at him with a reassuring nod before proceeding towards Toto once again.

                ‘Toto, get out of the way!’ I commanded, but just stared at the oncoming Typhlosion, panting heavily.

                It was then that I noticed a swirl of water, engulfing the Croconaw’s tail. As the Typhlosion barged towards Toto, the Croconaw whisked around on the spot, striking Typhlosion in the face with his drenched tail. Typhlosion soared backwards from the force, its body hopping along the ground until it finally came to a stop.

                What on earth was that move, I pondered to myself. I checked my Dex:

                Aqua Tail, a water move. The user swings its water drenched tail as if it were a vicious wave to strike the foe.

                ‘Nice job, Toto!’ I congratulated my Pokémon. Toto smiled back at me, pleased with his new move.

                ‘This isn’t over yet!’ Kay-Bee yelled at us. We stared in amazement as the Typhlosion glared at Toto and rose to his paws.


                It roared to the cloudy sky above us and intense flames erupted from its back. It wasn’t called the volcano Pokémon for nothing!

‘That’s the spirit, Typhlosion! Never back down! Now, use another flame thrower!’ spurred Kay-Bee.

                I gritted my teeth. ‘Toto, use aqua tail!’

                Both bellowed ferociously, readying their attacks when all of a sudden, a small pink Pokémon bounced in front of them. They immediately ceased their attacks to watch the little intruder who seemed to adore our attention.


 I checked my Dex:

                Jigglypuff, the balloon Pokémon and the evolved form of Igglypuff. Jigglypuff’s lullabies can cause even humans to become drowsy and cast them into a deep sleep.

                I glanced from the Dex to the Jigglypuff, and then back to the Dex. I noticed that the Jigglypuff that stood proudly before us had a red marking on its leg, possibly a bruise. However, no markings were seen on the picture in the pokedex. Had it been injured? It didn’t seem to be in any pain.

                ‘Hey Jigglypuff, we’re in the middle of a battle. You have to get off the field’ Kay-Bee yelled as he ushered the Jigglypuff away. Jigglypuff however, simply smiled and took a deep breath before starting to sing.


                Jigglypuff’s lullaby was soft and melodic- familiar. I could feel my body being enchanted by its sweet sound.

                I looked over to Aly, Togepi and Kiro, all of whom were yawning and beginning to doze. My eyes slowly grew heavy as the little balloon Pokémon continued to sing. My body relaxed and my knees became week under the spell. Without putting up too much resistance I slouched to the soft grass beneath me and fell into a deep... deep... sleep...



* * *



                I yawned loudly and stretched out my arms, slowly etching my eyes open as I took in my surroundings. We were still in the large glade within the Gaiva Forest. Aly, Kay-Bee, Salvadore and Kiro were just coming around from their deep sleep as well. I slowly rose to my feet and massaged my tired eyes.

It was then when I noticed that both Toto and Typhlosion were slumped across the lawn snoring loudly, still in a profound slumber.

Salvadore jumped upright and cleared his throat ‘Both Pokémon are unable to battle! I declare this match a draw!’

I was disappointed at the anti-climactic finish, but I still admired the effort which both Pokémon displayed. With a heavy sigh I raised the Croconaw’s pokeball in my fist. ‘Toto, return. You did great!’

‘You too, Typhlosion’ said Kay-Bee as he withdrew his Pokémon. He then walked over to me and stretched out his hand. ‘That was a great battle. It’s a shame we didn’t get to finish it, but who knows, maybe we’ll meet each other in the League?’

‘I hope we do’ I nodded and shook his hand firmly.



* * *



We strolled along the Gaiva River, parting ways with our new friend and rival, Kay-Bee. He had business in Celadon City to attend to and his own Pokémon journey to lead, but I knew we would meet soon enough.

‘Kay-Bee was right’ said Salvadore, his face buried behind the Trainer Guide. ‘HopHopHop Town is the closest place with a Pokémon Centre and Poke mart. It’s only about a few hours walk from here. We should hopefully get there before dark’ he noted as the sun began its slow descent into the sky.

‘That’s great! After we stock up in supplies we can make our way to Vermillion City and I can get my sixth badge!’ I said brimming with excitement.

‘Hey, what’s that?’ Aly interrupted, staring curiously off into the distance.

I looked around and didn’t notice anything at first. Then, my eyes focused on a Pokémon lying in a heap further down the path. We instantly picked up our pace which soon turned into a run. Salvadore knelt down beside the Pokémon and heaved it over onto its back. We all gasped when we realised the seriousness of the Pokémon’s injuries. I quickly scanned my Dex:

Marowak, the bone keeper Pokémon and the evolved form of Cubone. It wields a mysterious bone which it then uses as a weapon.

‘How bad is it, Salvadore’ I asked the breeder anxiously as I watched him check the Pokémon’s pulse. The Marowak breathed slowly and hoarsely. Sweat drenched its upper bow. Cracks dented its skull and bruises painted its body black and blue. It was obvious that it was in a bad state.

‘There’s nothing I can do for it. It needs proper medical attention immediately, or else it could die!’ he said sternly as looked up at me.

I stared into the breeder’s eyes and then looked down at the suffering Marowak. Without further hesitation I knelt down and cradled the Pokémon into my arms. It was heavy, but I ignored the strain on my arms and looked back at Salvadore ‘Lead the way to HopHopHop Town. Let’s hurry!’

Salvadore nodded and we started to run. We ran as fast as we could, not stopping to take a breath. Kiro sprinted right beside me. Marowak didn’t have much time. Its fate was literally resting in my hands. Now and again I would glance down at the drained Pokémon. It would wince in pain before loosing consciousness, yet somehow it still held onto its fractured bone. The sky began to get dark, the sun fading behind the looming Gaiva forest.

In our race against time, I almost stumbled on a loose stone on the path. I barely managed to keep my balance. Salvadore looked back at me, making sure I was okay and offered to carry Marowak. My body was in agony from carrying the heavy Pokémon. I wanted to collapse there and then, but it whimpered and stirred in my arms once again.

‘Hang on, buddy. We’re almost there’ I panted and began to run even faster than before, pushing my muscles passed the point of pain, grunting my worries away.

After what seemed like an eternity, lamp lights started to sprout up either side of us. We were close! Although we had finally reached HopHopHop Town, we still kept running. Salvadore navigated us through the quiet town. We turned several corners before we eventually found the Pokémon Centre. We burst through the doors abruptly and fell over the main reception, frantically buzzing the assistance button for help. Nurse Joy and a Chansey emerged from the automatic door immediately and gasped in shock at our presence. ‘Oh my! What on earth happened!?’


I took one last glance at the weak Marowak and smiled ‘You’re... safe... now...’ I panted deliriously before a feeling of weakness swept over my body. The room started to spin around me as I fell backwards with fatigue. Muffled cries and all the colours around me became one, clashing as I fell into unconsciousness...



* * *


Everything was quite- just a dead silence except for a steady ominous beeping sound. The noise was infrequent, but seemed to keep rhythm. I inhaled deeply and the beep instantly became faster, making my mind more alert. With a weak moan a blinked my eyes open and suddenly sat upright on the comfy bed. I became panicked as the beeping noise sounded more like a siren. I glanced around the room in an alarm, instantly regretting my actions as my muscles tensed with stiffness. I was in a private recovery ward hooked up to a monitor, blaring noise in accordance with my unsteady heart rate. Light was flooding through the window, reflecting off the television which hung tightly to the opposing wall.


I literally gasped at the sound of my name and jerked my body in fear. I exhaled in relief as Aly stood in the doorway with Togepi in her arms and Kiro standing proudly at her side. The little egg Pokémon waved at me wearily and giggled.

‘Glad to see you’re awake. We were getting worried’ she said as she flopped down on the bedside chair. She looked tired and her eyes were blotchy red, as if she had been crying.

‘I’m fine’ I reassured her, slowly propping myself up against the mountain of pillows behind me ‘How’s Marowak doing?’


I turned my timid neck to look at the dragon tamer, who stared motionless at the floor. Tears began to well up in the corner of her eyes. She sniffed and stuttered as she spoke ‘She... she...’


‘She... didn’t make it...’ she choked on her words.

It took a few moments for my mind to comprehend what she had just said. Maybe I misheard her? I looked at her once again, crying silently. Togepi gave a puss and hugged her mother. The worst had actually happened. Marowak had died!

I hung my head in disbelief. I had failed her. She was on death’s door and I was the delivery boy. My body became riddled with pain, not from my aching muscles, but a sudden wave of depression. I bit my lip fiercely and my face stiffened in anger. An uncontrollable fury swelled up inside me. It was my fault- all my fault! Hot tears trickled down my cheeks as images of Marowak haunted my thoughts. The last words that I said to her echoed through my mind. I was unsure how to channel my anger. I started to shake and in a moment of rage I grabbed a nearby remote control and threw it against the wall with a painful scream. The television turned on from the impact before the remote smashed into pieces.

Togepi squealed and began to cry. Aly quickly stood up and left the room, shocked at my reaction.

I did not care.

I simply curled up on my bed and buried my head into my lap, crying inconsolably. Kiro, shocked, but worried for my well being leaped onto the bed and caressed my arm with his cheek.

‘Breaking news just in!’

I slowly lifted my head, my thoughts briefly distracted by the news bulletin. I steadied my breathing and reduced my loud cry to a solemn sob.

‘... It is currently unknown why the Magnemite infested Gringey City, but amateur video footage caught a short glimpse of the anonymous hero who forced a lot of them to retreat from the city’

The screen cut from the reporter and showed a poor quality clip of a group of injured Magnemite fleeing the city. My mouth almost dropped when I noticed the trainer giving orders to his loyal Charmeleon. It was Gary!

The video footage then finished and the news went back to the male reporter who was talking live in Gringey City. I immediately lost interest after that as he went to mention Government investigations and other things that had no interest to me. I did not know what to think. I briefly thought of Gary for a moment before slouching back against the pillows stroking Kiro’s silver main. It was somewhat soothing and I soon found myself drifting asleep.


* * *


I walked quietly into the emergency room where Salvadore knelt asleep across the remains of Marowak. Her wielding bone lay in his grasp.

 I felt a lump developing in my throat, but steadied my breathing and cleared it quickly. I tread gingerly across the floor as not to disturb the dead silence. Kiro walked by my side, staring at the solemn scene attentively. My body was still stiff from yesterday’s sprint, but I got over that pretty quickly. Nurse Joy followed behind me and placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, comforting me as I gazed at the Pokémon’s lifeless body. Amidst the scars and bruises she looked peaceful. I hoped that she was now in a better place.

‘How are you feeling?’ Nurse Joy asked, breaking the silence.

‘Oh, umm... better... I guess? Is Salvadore ok?’ I asked concerned.

‘Yes, he just needs to rest. He was up all night. It was really brave of him to say goodbye, the sign of a pure Pokémon breeder. What you did was very brave what too’ Nurse Joy said, encouragingly ‘Very stupid, but very brave! You could have died from exhaustion’

‘And look what good that did! I failed her...’ I sniffed disheartened, not breaking my gaze over the dead Marowak.

‘Don’t you dare blame yourself! There was nothing more you could have done. You risked your own life to save hers. At least now we can give her a proper burial, better than her fate would have been if she was with those poachers’


‘Yes’ Nurse Joy continued, her voice sounding more stern ‘The injuries she sustained were as a result of poacher equipment. She was also a mother, so we can only assume that she was trying to protect her young one; a true sacrifice of love’

My faced stiffened and my fists clenched at the thought of poachers harming Pokémon. ‘If I ever meet those nasty-‘

My rage came to a swift conclusion as Aly and Togepi entered the room. They appeared shy, yet concerned. I exhaled and smiled weakly. ‘Hey, I’m sorry about earlier. I was just...’

‘I know’ Aly nodded understandingly ‘I felt the same way. But that’s life I guess. We all can’t live forever’

I stared in silence at the Marowak as Aly’s words echoed through my mind.



* * *



We stood in the outskirts of HopHopHop Town, where the infrastructure merged with the surrounding forest. Aly, Salvadore, Nurse Joy and I, as well as all of our Pokémon (with the exception of Aly’s Charmeleon) circled a small grave. Geodude and Growly had almost finished refilling the hole where the deceased Marowak was now laid to rest.

It was a sad, yet somewhat settling scene. Some of our Pokémon whined in sadness and respect for the Marowak. Togepi waddled over to the grave and softly placed a lily on the mound of earth. She then ran back into Aly’s loving arms. A cool breeze whistled through our hair. Colourful leaves danced and swirled by, adding a touch of colour to this remorseful scene. A dramatic piano organ provided a theatrical symphony, provoking all our feelings towards death and-

I turned around curiously, facing the direction from where the music was coming from. I stared puzzled as a giant cathedral organ was being conducted by a maniacal Sir Duke.

‘Sir Duke! Cut it out!’ I scowled my Pokémon.

At my orders the Haunter hit a series of bum notes and the music came to an abrupt stop. He then spun around, revealing a white phantom mask concealing half of his face. He gave a devilish smile and nodded at us to proceed.

As the path fell silent again, Salvadore stepped up a bit closer to the grave and cleared his throat. He held her bone tightly in his fist, reflecting for a moment before saying his farewell. ‘Marowak, we did not know you too long and your passing was untimely, but we have all learned a life lesson because of your bravery. Life is something which should be cherished, for it can be taken from us at any minute. You paid the ultimate sacrifice to protect your child and this shall not go unnoticed. We hope that you’re now at peace and will watch over us’ the breeder bowed respectfully at the Marowak’s final resting place and stepped back.

We all stood in silence- in respect. Marowak’s passing had given me a new appreciation for life and for my Pokémon. They always gave their best in battles and pushed themselves beyond their limits. I swore to myself to become not just a better trainer, but a better person. It was time we made the best of what life had to offer while there was still time.