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Stage 1
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Crimelike Codelist

The Room - This is essentially a testing arena meant only for showcasing and balancing the basic mechanics. A player should be able to roll a new character, assign some skills, and then go wild attacking, using a few skills, and manipulating the environment.

  1. Finalize character stats
  2. Skill Advancement on use
  3. Skill Advancement with exp expenditure
  4. Skill thresholds and skill decay
  5. Stances
  1. Running
  2. Crawling
  3. Crouching
  1. HIDEN
  1. Finish helper functions.
  2. Finalize basic evidence trails
  1. Melee
  1. Special Attacks
  1. Take downs
  2. Holds
  1. Weapon dependent speed and damage
  2. Blocks
  3. Dodges
  4. Defensive postures
  1. Firearms
  1. Finalize ammo types and reloading
  2. Automatic fire
  3. Bullet tracking
  4. Penetration
  5. Aimed shots
  6. Cover
  1. Explosives
  1. Coned blasts
  2. Simple radius blasts
  3. Penetration
  1. Weapon Concealment
  2. Wounds & Death
  1. Limb crippling
  1. Legs
  2. Arms
  1. Bleeding
  2. Unconsciousness
  3. Death and corpse creation
  1. Furniture movement
  2. Environmental Destruction
  3. AI’s
  1. Attacking
  1. Melee AI
  2. Ranged AI
  3. Use of “Best” weapon
  4. Weapon switching
  1. Fleeing
  1. Deciding when.
  2. Purposed retreats vs panic
  1. Crime reporting
  1. Cell phones
  2. Landline phones
  3. Shouting to others
  1. Faction Dependent Actions
  1. Sneaking
  1. Basic darkness vs Light
  1. Locks
  1. Lock difficulty
  2. Electronic locks
  3. Lockpicking
  1. Bonus from tools
  1. Lock breaking