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Applied Piano Department Syllabus
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Applied Piano Department Syllabus

MUS 121, 122

MUS 321, 322

Prerequisites:  None for MUS 121 or MUS 122; Advanced Standing Examination must be passed for entry into MUS 321 or MUS 322.

Course Numbers:  300-level courses in piano and organ are reserved for students who have passed the Advanced Standing Examination in their applied emphasis; all others will be assigned 100-level courses.

Hours Credit:  Students may register for one to six hours credit. Students who enroll for one credit hour will receive one half-hour lesson per week. Those who register for two or more credit hours will receive one hour lesson per week.

Rationale for Course:  Piano is a central element in any music degree program. It prepares the student for the various areas of a teaching career, for the ministry of music in church, or for advanced professional training. As an elective, research has revealed that with the study of any music, skills needed in the strengthening of memory, in academic excellence in other disciplines and in good emotional development are enhanced.

Outline of Contents of the Course:  The teacher will assign literature according to the level of performance which the student has already attained and according to the purposes for which he or she is studying piano. It will consist of secular and sacred music drawn from the major music periods (Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Contemporary).

Methods of Instruction:  Refer to the individual instructor course syllabus.

Practice Requirements:  Daily practice requirements are stated in the college catalog.  Credit is given according to the following tables:

                1 semester hour per semester                        8 hours per week

                2 semester hours per semester                        10 hours per week

                4 semester hours per semester                        14 hours per week

                6 semester hours per semester                        18 hours per week

Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:  Grades are given in each faculty member’s studio according to their design which has been clearly defined in that teacher’s syllabus.  At the end of the semester there is a jury examination. Three or more piano teachers will hear the jury with the jury grade counting as the final examination grade.  Memory work will be required. The student will be evaluated on both the quality of performance and the completion of the work assigned during the semester.  The jury examination counts 25% toward the final grade.

Absences:  The Mississippi College institutional policy concerning attendance regulations states that any student whose absences, whether excused or unexcused,  exceed 25% of the class meetings will receive a grade of F in the course.  This means that a student taking for one hour credit will receive an F with the 4th absence. The student taking for more than 1 hour credit will receive an F with the 7th absence.

Academic Integrity:  The statement of academic integrity may be found in the current Mississippi College Undergraduate Catalog  and  Tomahawk. All students should understand that music assigned is to be purchased.  There should be no photocopying of music.

Additional Information:  Senior Bachelor of Music performance majors and Master of Music performance majors may apply to perform evening recitals. All other piano recitalists will be scheduled for afternoon recitals. There will be a recital jury examination which must be successfully passed before the student will be permitted to present the recital.  This examination is given at least two weeks prior to the recital date. The student is responsible for completing the recital application form and the publicity form which is provided by the music department. In addition, the BM and MM candidates must prepare program notes to be included with the printed program of the recital. Students will be charged a fee for the cost of the printing of the program.