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Bedlams initial contract 001
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Bedlam’s Members Contract

Bedlam Ensemble Welcomes You!!!

I__________________, have received Bedlam Ensemble’s Manual on ___/____/___

- I have read and understood the Manuals statements and guidelines

- I have the right to vote on Bedlam upcoming productions.

- I have the right to be one of the players of Bedlams next  season plays lineup.

- I am responsible to come to meetings every Sunday on time 6-8p, (75% attendance needed).*** NEW MEETING MODEL WITH LESS FREQUENT MEETINGS IS ON THE WORKS

-  am responsible to attend all scheduled rehearsals I am needed for (whether as tech or acting)

- I am responsible to come ready (pre-rehearsed) to the Sunday rehearsal.

- I will help on shows (crew) that I am not part of the cast.

Member Signature _______________________  date _______________________

Bedlam’s Secretary _______________________

Signature___________________ date__________________________