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1 - Advancements in CS
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CS2 - Advancements in Computing Science

Credit: Computing Science 2

Clearly, the world is changing and Computer Science is at the forefront.  Your goal is to learn about and synthesize some of the research and advancements in computer science by making a firm prediction and backing it up. 

Choose one of the following Thesis Statements as the basis of your research

  1. By 2040, virtual reality will have reached the stage of _______ and will be used in the following industries:  _____, _______ and _______.
  2. Artificial intelligence of supercomputers will equal human intelligence in the year _____.
  3. By 2030, artificial intelligence will have eliminated human jobs such as ___, ___ and ____.  It will have created jobs in the areas of ____.
  4. The first sustainable (self breeding) population of cloned animals that are currently extinct will be _____ and they will arrive in ______.
  5. The Olympics will change their stance on the use of artificial limbs in the year ____ to outlaw _____.
  6. The first complete and fully functioning 3D printed heart will be used in the year ____.
  7. The first consumer neuroprosthetic to enhance human memory will be available in the year __.   OR Humans will be able to download/upload memories starting in the year ___.
  8. Quantum computing will be available for personal use in the year ____. OR  Quantum Computers will never be available for personal use.
  9. Augmented Reality will become a part of normal day-to-da lives in the year ___.
  10. Fully functioning prosthetic eyes will be available in the year ___.
  11. By 2025, cyber terrorism and warfare will impact…
  12. Online currencies will begin to disrupt the power of national monetary policies around the year ___.
  13. Humans will no longer be allowed to drive cars on public roads in Canada starting in the year ____.

Step 1: Create a ‘Google Presentation’ called Advancements  in _________ that begins with an introduction to your research. (likely 1 or 2 slides)

Step 2: Read at least three full articles from any online technology news source that will help you triangulate a conclusion.  Any you choose must be written very recently (likely in the last year).  

Recommended Sources:         CNET                CNN Tech        Computer World        Wired

b) For EACH of the three articles, you must  (likely 1 or 2 slides for each of the 3 articles)

  1. An applicable visual
  2. Explain who did the research (person, company, institution, etc. - include as much as you can find
  3. When and where the research is taking place
  4. Summarize the research in your 100ish of your own words. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO COPY AND PASTE FOR THIS PART OF THE PROJECT.  Include in your summary:
  1. A simple description of the research
  2. An explanation of who the research most directly affects
  1. What is “your take on it” - How it relates to your thesis statement and/or explain why you think this is a breakthrough or important advancement.

c) Write a mini-essay of about 200 words that clearly state your conclusion and TRIANGULATES the evidence.  


Recommended layout example (from a slightly out of date assignment):

Couprie’s use only below

Base Requirements (see assignment for details)                Advancements in CS

Introduction                                                        /2

Article 1        ☐Who        ☐ What        ☐ Who it Impacts        ☐ Why significant                /4

Article 2        ☐Who        ☐ What        ☐ Who it Impacts        ☐ Why significant                /4

Article 3        ☐Who        ☐ What        ☐ Who it Impacts        ☐ Why significant                /4

Images used throughout                                                /2                                /16

Mini Essay Content requirements

☐ Exact Thesis is used        ☐ Clear Conclusion is reached        

☐ Essay uses specific evidence to back up conclusion        ☐ Essay makes reference to each piece of  research        /4

Depth of Thought - 34% (see rubric below)





A consistent effort is made to use your own thoughts and words throughout to explain each piece of research

Research chosen is academic in nature

You have attempted to provide insight beyond what is mentioned in the articles.

Your essay makes specific reference to your research.

Some effort is made to use your own thoughts and words to expand on the articles chosen

Research chosen is less academic and more pop culture or marketing

You have completed an in-depth summary of the articles

Some requirements of the mini-essay are missing but the others show indepth thought.

Your essay does NOT make specific reference to your research.

Mostly regurgitating thoughts and words of articles

Summary is satisfactory

Mini-essay is not completed (max mark is 3/6)

Mini-Essay does not address the applicable hypothesis

Mostly copy and pasting

Little to know depth of thought demonstrated

Summaries are lacking throughout

Base Requirements (see assignment for details)                Advancements in CS

Introduction                                                        /2

Article 1        ☐Who        ☐ What        ☐ Who it Impacts        ☐ Why significant                /4

Article 2        ☐Who        ☐ What        ☐ Who it Impacts        ☐ Why significant                /4

Article 3        ☐Who        ☐ What        ☐ Who it Impacts        ☐ Why significant                /4

Images used throughout                                                /2

Mini Essay Content requirements

☐ Exact Thesis is used        ☐ Clear Conclusion is reached        

☐ Essay uses specific evidence to back up conclusion        ☐ Essay makes reference to each piece of  research        /4

Depth of Thought - 34% (see rubric below)





A consistent effort is made to use your own thoughts and words throughout to explain each piece of research

Research chosen is academic in nature

You have attempted to provide insight beyond what is mentioned in the articles.

Your essay makes specific reference to your research.

Some effort is made to use your own thoughts and words to expand on the articles chosen 

Research chosen is less academic and more pop culture or marketing

You have completed an in-depth summary of the articles

Some requirements of the mini-essay are missing but the others show indepth thought.

Your essay does NOT make specific reference to your research.

Mostly regurgitating thoughts and words of articles

Summary is satisfactory

Mini-essay is not completed (max mark is 3/6)

Mini-Essay does not address the applicable hypothesis

Mostly copy and pasting

Little to know depth of thought demonstrated

Summaries are lacking throughout