Published using Google Docs Fun Races
Updated automatically every 5 minutes fun races rules.


Arriving to the server, you must obey these rules when training, when racing or just chilling in the server. (Accept when the rules might be changed for certain races.)


1. Driving rulesow on track on purpose and slowing down the traffic or stand in the way of other drivers.

1.3. You must obey the Yellow flag and the Blue flag:

Blue flag - Means that some faster driver is passing you by more than a lap and you must let him pass as safely as possible without getting into his way.

Yellow flag - Means that you are either passing slower driver by a lap or there is a crash, standing car etc. on track. In this situation it is important to slow down a little bit if you can not see what is going on in front of you, so that you wouldn't make a crash.

1.4. Forbidden to crash others on purpose.

1.5. Forbidden to short cut the track where it is possible. (Unless it is allowed.)


Penalties for short cutting:

1 time = +5 sec to your finishing time.

2-5 times = +10 sec

6-10 times = +15 sec

11. - ... = +20 sec


1.6. Coming out of pits, you must obey the exit pit line. (If you cross it with more than 2 wheels you will be given + 10 seconds to your finishing time. This does not count during the qualification, but you still must obey it.)


2. Chatting rules

2.1. It is forbidden to chat during the qualification and during the race. (If you chat too much and ignore this rule, you might get added more time to your finishing time.)

2.2. It is forbidden to use rude words or offend other people in the server.

2.3. It is forbidden to spam in the server.


3. General rules

3.1. It is not advisable to attend the race if you have problems with your internet connection or if you are lagging. (In this kind of cases you might not be allowed to race if the organizer or the administrator thinks it is not safe enough.)

3.2. During the races and qualifications it is forbidden to stand or leave your car on track. (You can leave it in pit area.)

3.3. Do not restart or qualify the session if someone is still on their lap. (And it is forbidden to do it during the real qualification and race without organizers permission.)

3.4. You must race with the same car in the race as you raced during the qualification.

3.5. If you miss the qualification you will not be allowed to participate in the race.

3.6. Only TOP25 qualification drivers will be allowed to participate in the race.

3.7. If your qualification time is slower than 106% of WR, you might not be allowed to race without organizers permission.


4. Registration

4.1. There is no registration to these fun races. Anyone who has a free time during that evening is allowed to come and race.



Failing to disobey these rules you will be penalized or you might be kicked or banned from the server or even disqualified for more than one races by the choice of the organizers or server administrators.


Rules might be changed or added after some time.



Rules were written by andRo. (