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"The ghost of the girl"// Brenda and Erica
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                            “The ghost of the girl”

Story:  Once upon a time a boy was in  forest playing with his family .Suddenly he saw a little girl running in the forest, John really  got scared, went to talk to his father but he didn’t believe what he said. Then he went to the central police to say to the policeman what had happened.Fortunately the policeman was very sympathetic , so he accompanied John to the place that he had seen.When they arrived the ,policeman saw the same girl who John had seen .Both of them were buried in the wood;searched and searched for five hours but found nothing.John couldn't believe it, he had seen the girl but she didn’t appear.Very tired , John ran to his family to continue playing, but when he arrived the camping with his family was not.He said :

   - Hello¿Is there anyone here?

But he heard nothing.The John’s heart began to beat louder and louder (he was alone, with the policeman).Very crazy he began to run like a horse .He started to run through the wood again when he arrived in a very dark place, stumbled with a rock.He felt an ache in his head, opened his eyes and he realized  that all was a very ugly dream.
