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Name:Karina Santos

Question:Why is money needed to survive?

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Quotations, Summaries & Descriptions

Here’s a place for you to capture important quotations from the text you are reading.

  • Transcribe important details, sentences, and phrases.


  • Summarize key ideas, events, and information from the text.

My Questions and Comments

Here’s a place to ask questions, speculate, and comment on the quotations.

  • What questions do you have about what you are reading? You can ask questions to clear up confusion, or as a tool to get more deeply into your inquiry about a text.
  • You chose important ideas and information from the text. Why are they especially important. Give your thoughts.
  • Why are specific quotations and details significant?  What is their significance?

pg 3

(survival manual)

“ its says americans running annual trillion dollar deficits with no end in sight. The only solution the government has come up with is to borrow and print more money at an unsustainable pace.”

According to this quotation i feel like america is in a huge debt when it comes to money. This is so true because they owe china and other countries for what they borrowed. and this will never end until it is payed off. the matter of printing the money is never going to end, we need a lot of money in this lifestyle, so imagine how much money is being printing everyday.

pg 15

(survival manual)

“Since most americans are living from paycheck to paycheck it may be necessary to go and find a second job or part time job.”

I feel like getting an extra job would be extra help because you really need it now in life especially the economy today. the economy is going down the drain, but with the help of a second job can be really useful to us. Everyday people lose there jobs for silly things. New york is really hard to look for a job because of the population. Minimum wage today is $7.50 and thats not enough, thats why you need education in life to succeed.

pg 7

(survival manual)

“the coming depression will be far worse than in the last depression because in the 1920s and the 1930s were not steeped in debt. Most americans are struggling to keep up with their mortgages, auto and credit card payments.”

totally agree with this quotation being that the economy today is really bad money wise. the depression back then wasn't really that bad then if we was to have one now. now it would be crazy. Violence would occur, stealing and other sorts of crazy things. i know it sounds horrible but thats what is going to happen when america does not start making payments as soon as possible, or else its a rap.

pg 4

(survival manual)

“ If america failed to make preparations for the upcoming collapse of the u.s financial system and the coming implosion of the u.s dollar then they will find themselves falling with with the rest of the nation into abject poverty.”

This statement to me is absolutely correct because the down of the economy is something we don't want to face. The nation period is in debt so with that being said, we need to start making payments today so we don't have to go through all of that mess. The dollar printing machine needs to move quick. Like that no worries or anything like that . No depressions or anything. We need america to run smoothly thats all we want.

pg 3

(transcript ballenger)

“You think about it as a baby. Babies don't take a whole lot to make them happy.Just alil bit of food and warmth and they're good to go. As they get older they start to have experience with money.”

As i said we really don't care for money when we are young because we have someone taking care of us. We get what we want when we want because we are too young to do things on our own. Then we start to get allowance and we start to realize that money gives us freedom. And thats what everyone wants when we get older. We start to do things on our own because thats what we have to learn to do.

pg 4

(transcript ballenger)

“You already setup the dynamic that money equals fulfillment.
And after the survival mode, once you've got money coming in and you know you can survive, we start to look to comforts. And in that world more money equals more comfort equals fulfillment.”

So money comes in we know that we are ok. Then we start to realize that it gets us what we want. So we work harder and do anything in our power to get money. As you get older you want more money. Sooner or later you are not going to look to your gaurdian and start looking for jobs and start taking care of ourselves.

pg 5

(transcript ballenger)

“Eventually we move beyond comforts to luxuries- and we barely register the change. And we don't see that more and more money spent on luxuries is actually bringing us less and less fulfillment.”

A Lot of money isn't enough money is what we tend to realize. We start to buy stuff that interest us. We buy all sorts of things. We just have to use our money the right way. We get to the point where we need more money. Thats why people work to get a paycheck at the end of the day. So they don't have to worry about not having money. You will feel good at the end of the day.

pg 6

(transcript ballenger)

“ One day we will hit a fulfillment ceiling. More is no longer better. Spending more just brings a whole bunch of futility.”

Theres a point where we just spend our money on nonsense then we start to regret it. There something else we have to learn to start getting stuff that is useful. What if you run out of money then the things you brought won't be useful. Think again when you buy something. In the long run you won't regret it.

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