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Part 18: Kickin' Grass!
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Part 18: Kickin’ Grass!

I stared out the window of the Pokémon centre dorm, watching as the sun rose from the seemingly endless forest behind Celadon City. The room was quiet, apart from the occasional snores and murmurs Salvadore would make in his sleep. I was tired, but could not sleep. I was used to battling tough gym leaders, but not in the presence of my mother.

 It was not the thought of her embarrassing me during my battle that worried me, but the fear of failure. This was my first chance to show her how much I had grown since I left her loving care to become a Pokémon master! I simply had to win!

I was swiftly taken from my worries as something pawed my arm. I eased my shoulders when I realised it was Kiro. He gazed up at me with his soft, beady eyes and nuzzled his head under my arm. His silver fur shone and sparkled as sun rays stretched through the window. I smiled wearily at him and stroked his soft main. He slowly laid his head on my lap before falling asleep.

‘We’ll make it... someday... together...’ I whispered into his ear.

We sat in silence as the sun ascended higher into the clear sky and my gym battle with Erika grew closer.

  * * *


I took a deep breath as I lead the way into Celadon Gym. Aly, Salvadore, my Mother, Growly and Prof. Oak followed me eagerly into the massive complex. An overpowering aroma of perfume enchanted my sense of smell. I could feel my nerves leaving my body. The glass ceiling and walls created a bright and fresh atmosphere. Many young women, as well as Pokémon- mainly grass types were walking around the complex in discussion. Such a sight left Salvadore with his mouth hung open in awe.

‘Excuse me, can I help- Oh! Professor! What a surprise! What brings you here?’ asked a violet haired woman, robed in a kimono. She curtseyed and smiled warmly at us.

‘Erika! Long time no see’, said Prof. Oak as he bowed respectfully. ‘I had some business to attend to earlier, but right now I am here to observe this young man’s battle. He wishes to challenge your gym’. The Professor gestured towards me as he spoke.

‘A gym battle, you say? That can be easily arranged. Yesterday was so hectic, but I have practically nothing lined up for today. So, does this young man have a name?’ she beamed down at me.

I stuttered for a moment before clearing my throat. ‘My name’s Robin. I come from Viridian City and I wish to challenge your gym!’

‘Well said, honey!’ my mom said proudly.

I could feel the colour draining from my face at the sound of my mother’s words. Aly laughed to herself as I stood there, mortified!

‘It’s nice to see that you have such great support’, Erika giggled. ‘Follow me. I am intrigued to see your battle style’.

I was struck by an abundance of different fragrances as we passed different rooms in the building. It seemed that the complex was not just a gym, but also a facility for producing different perfumes. It was hard to focus my thoughts with all theses alluring distractions.

We finally stooped in front of two mahogany doors. ‘Welcome to the battle arena’, Erika said kindly.

With little effort she slid the wooden panels open to reveal a giant green house, similar to the one we had seen at Bill and Lanette’s lab. Oddish and Bellsprout rested peacefully beneath the shade of tropical plants that lined the glass walls of the room. Wooden logs lay lengthways across the arena, acting as seating areas for spectators. The grassy field in between was clearly marked out to portray a battlefield. The room was comfortably warm from the sun which glowed high above the open ceiling. I found it somewhat ironic that such a tranquil room could be used for battle.

Erika sauntered across the soft across and twirled elegantly into a rectangle marked out for battlers. She curled her hair behind her ears before whipping a pokeball from her kimono pocket. Her brows deepened as her face seemed to change completely, changing from a soft smile to look of boasting confidence.

‘Let us begin, Robin! Show me your true colours!’ she beckoned.

Exhaling a breath of held nerves I stepped forward onto the battlefield and unhinged a pokeball from my belt. Kiro stood proudly beside me. Ready for to battle for me if necessary.

‘Good luck, honey. Just do your best’, my mom said encouragingly as she made her way to the viewing area with the others.

‘I will, Mom’, I reassured her with a nod. I felt a bit more relaxed after her words. A surge of confidence was growing within me.

Another women, also dressed in a kimono entered the room and walked to the edge of the battlefield. I vaguely remember passing her when we had walked through the building. She bowed respectfully at both of us before announcing herself as the referee for this battle. She stated the rules of this battle in a clear, yet calm voice, ‘This gym match is between Celadon gym leader, Erika and the challenger, Viridian City’s Robin. This will be a four on four battle. There is no time limit and only the challenger may switch out Pokémon between battles.’

I was a bit thrown by the rules. None of the previous gym leaders had used more than three Pokémon and I had not really thought about a forth Pokémon which I could use against these grass types. It was poor planning on my part, but I had move on and go with my gut feeling.

‘Victreebel! Show him how grass Pokémon are not to be messed with!’ Erika urged as she summoned her Pokémon.


Startled by the Pokémon’s deafening battle cry, I checked my Dex:

Victreebel, the flycatcher Pokémon and the evolved form of Weepinbel. Victreebel produces an attractive aroma, which is in fact, is highly acidic liquid.

‘Hope, I chose you!’.

I tossed my pokeball high into the air and summoned my Butterfree, who danced and fluttered in the air.

‘Alright, Hope! Let’s start this off with psybeam!’ I commanded.

‘Dodge it and use sleep powder!’ Erika said promptly.

Hope fluttered her wings and emitted waves of psychic energy towards Victreebel. However, to my surprise, using one of its vines the Victreebel propelled itself into the air and leaped over the psybeam, and screamed out a mouthful of green spores.

‘Hope! Blow the spores back with gust!’ I ordered.

Hope beat her wings drastically, whipping up a strong wind. The oncoming green spores seemed to loop backwards as they were redirected towards Victreebel. The giant plant screamed ferociously until it was overpowered by its own sleep powder. Its screams grew fainter and eventually stopped as it drifted off to sleep.

‘Oh no! Victreebel!’ Erika gasped in shock.

‘Good job, Hope! Now finish this off with psybeam!’

Erika’s please to her Victreebel to wake up were drowned out by the sound of Aly, Salvadore and my Mother cheering me on. Hope sent a psybeam towards the helpless flycatcher Pokémon. It was a direct hit to its bell-like body. The sleeping Victreebel keeled over on its side- fainted!

‘Victreebel is unable to battle. Butterfree wins!’ declared the referee.

I punched the air in victory and congratulated my Butterfree as she danced elegantly in the air. I was now sure of myself. I felt I could definitely win this, and maybe even win it comfortably. I looked on at the gym leader, my spirits raised as my mother and friends continued to cheer for me. Even Growly barked encouragingly and wagged his tail in excitement.

Erika returned her Pokémon and thanked it dearly for its efforts. She then withdrew another pokeball from her pocket and threw into the air, seemingly unfazed by her loss.

‘Sunflora, I chose you!’ she said calmly as ever.

A small plant Pokémon was summoned to the field.


It waved its leaves in a dance, smiling happily. Interested in the gym leader’s choice I checked my Dex:

Sunflora, the sun Pokémon and the evolved form of Sunkern. Sunflora absorbs sunlight and converts it into a specific type of energy, depending on its ability.

‘Well it sure doesn’t look that strong, but be careful’, I warned my Butterfree.

‘Sunflora, use sunny day’, Erika ordered.

Sunflora looked up to the glass ceiling and began to sing to the skies. I looked at the Pokémon, puzzled. Nothing seemed to have happened.

Suddenly, the sun above the glasshouse gym shone brighter than I had ever seen before. The heat greatly intensified inside the arena. All the Oddish and Belsprout crept out of the shade and bathed in the sunshine’s glory. Sweat started to trickle down from my brow.

‘Hope!’ I panted in the severe heat, ‘Stop this thing before it uses any other tricks. Use psybeam!’

The Butterfree fluttered her wings and sent a blast of psychic energy towards the cheerful Sunflora. However, Sunflora seemed to skim across the grass in a blur, easily avoiding the attack. Its speed was incredible and unexpected. Hope tried to use psybeam again, but the Sunflora kept drifting across the battlefield at blinding speed.

‘How...?’ I gasped in disbelief.

‘Sunflora’s ability is Chlorophyll. It allows her to move twice as fast in strong sunlight than in regular conditions’ Erika explained sweetly.

I gritted my teeth in frustration. How were we supposed to battle something if we couldn’t keep up with? I noticed that Hope was beginning to tire. I needed to act in a different approach and with something that could out pace the speedy sun Pokémon.

‘Hope, return!’ I said to everyone’s surprise. I withdrew her to her pokeball and summoned my next Pokémon. ‘Sir Duke, I chose you!’

The Haunter emerged from his pokeball with a hysterical laugh.

‘Sunflora, use leaf storm!’ Erika commanded.

‘Confuse ray!’

Sir Duke’s eyes glowed a fiendish shade of red as he sent out hypnotic waves towards the preparing Sunflora. The sun Pokémon’s body began to sway as the confuse ray took effect. Razor sharp leaves hovered menacingly around her.

‘Sunflora, snap out of it!’ Erika pleaded to her Pokémon once again.

Sunflora flung her hands in the air and the leaves started crisscrossing and slicing at her body. She screamed in agony as she was attacked by her own frenzy of leaves.

I momentarily took my eyes off Sunflora and looked bemused over at Sir Duke. The Haunter was reclined back in a leather chair, wearing a pair of 3D glasses and in stitches with laughter. He gobbled intermittent fistfuls of popcorn between bouts of laughing as he watched Sunflora being tossed around the field by her own attack.

‘Sir Duke!’ I snapped at the Haunter. He looked back at me, lowering his glasses. ‘This is a battle, not a movie! Now stop messing around and finish this!’ I commanded angrily. I was still well aware that my mother was watching me. I didn’t mean to sound too harsh on the Haunter, but I had to show her that I was in control.

Sir Duke floated into the air and swallowed the box of popcorn whole. With a snap of his fingers the leather recliner and glasses seemed to disappear in a poof! He then created a shadow ball and launched it at the struggling Sunflora. It made a direct hit and Sunflora bundled backwards to the ground- fainted.

‘Sunflora is unable to battle. Haunter is the winner!’ the referee stated.

‘Thank you, Sunflora’ Erika said lovingly ‘Your contribution will not go unnoticed. Now it’s your turn, Leafeon!’

A small fox-like Pokémon with pointy leaves protruding from its ears and tail stood confidently on the field before us. It pawed the soft grass with its sharp claws, unearthing the rich soil which lay beneath. Captivated by its alluringness I checked my Dex:

Leafeon, the verdant Pokémon and the evolved form of eevee. Leafeon uses photosynthesis to cleanse the air around it.

‘C’mon, Sir Duke! This is her second last Pokémon. Use confuse ray!’ I spurred on my ghoulish Pokémon.

Everyone, apart from Prof. Oak, cheered us on. Sir Duke’s eyes glowed a satin red before he emitted confuse rays towards Leafeon. To my surprise, Leafeon just stood there, continuously pawing the earth beneath it. The hypnotic waves seemed to break as they came into contact with the verdant Pokémon.

‘How come it’s not working!?’ I gasped panicked.  

‘Look around you, boy!’ Prof. Oak shouted from the stands ‘The sunny day used by Sunflora is still in effect. Many grass Pokémon have abilities that depend on the sun. Leafeon, for instance, has the leaf guard ability, which prevents it from receiving a hindering status problem’ he sighed disappointed at my incompetence.

‘Hm... I guess we’re just going to have to battle it with our regular attacks. Try a shadow ball!’

‘Sand attack!’ Erika retorted.

Before Sir Duke could even create a shadow ball Leafeon pivot its body on the spot, swiping its tail down on the place where it had been clawing at. This sent a wave of unconsolidated earth into the unexpected Haunter’s eyes. Sir Duke clawed his eyes in pain. He popped his eyeballs out of his sockets and licked them furiously with his tongue, desperate to clean the residue.

‘Wow!’ Salvadore exclaimed ‘A ground move like sand attack shouldn’t even be able to hit Sir Duke considering he can levitate. Erika must have trained Leafeon extremely well!’

‘You bet I have’ the gym leader said with a wink. ‘Now end this with shadow ball!’

Leafeon screamed a thundering battle cry and bellowed a high paced shadow ball towards Sir Duke. Kiro observed the attack in awe. The blinded Haunter felt the full force of the attack before crashing to the ground- fainted.

‘Haunter is unable to battle. This round goes to Leafeon!’

Leafeon sat contently on its hind legs, waiting to see what its next opponent would be.

‘Thank you Sir Duke. You did great!’ I thanked my Haunter as I called him back into his pokeball. ‘Hope, lets give this another go!’

The Butterfree was summoned to battle once more. She still looked a bit tired from her previous match with Sunflora, but danced into the air all the same.

‘Quick attack!’, Erika yelled.

Without warning, Leafeon dashed across the grass in a blur and knocked the unprepared Butterfree backwards. She managed to stay floating in the air as she flapped her wings weakly. Maybe it was a mistake for me to have asked so much from her. She had already battled valiantly for me and now I was asking even more from her.

‘Good job, Leafeon! One more quick attack should do it!’ Erika encouraged her Pokémon.

Leafeon nodded understandingly at her orders. She sprinted at full speed across the field. Suddenly, Hope flicked her head up attentively and frowned.


An ear piercing noise vibrated through the entire gym. Hope was flapping her wings at such a fast pace the all I could make out was her body. Waves of energy rippled out from the Butterfree, putting a stop to Leafeon’s quick attack and forcing its entire body to the floor in pain. Cracks began to stretch across the panes of glass above us. Erika, the referee and the spectators all covered their ears from the screeching noise. Togepi began to cry and Growly whined from the noise. Flinching in pain, I checked the Dex:

Bug Buzz, a bug move. The user vibrates its wings to generate a damaging sound wave. It may also reduce the foe’s special attack.

After a few moments the noise desisted. The referee looked over to Erika’s Leafeon who lay unconscious on its side. She was just about to award Hope as the victor when she noticed the Butterfree bobbling her head exhaustedly. I ran over to Hope, just in time to catch her as she collapsed into my arms from fatigue.

‘Both Pokémon are unable to battle. I declare this round a draw. Gym leader Erika has only one more usable Pokémon left’ her words were uplifting. Victory was in sight.

‘Thanks Hope. You were awesome! Take a well deserved rest’ The Butterfree nuzzled my arm gently before I withdrew her into her pokeball.

Erika thanked her Leafeon as she called it back. She then turned her attention to me and smiled admiringly. ‘You’ve definitely proven your worth as a trainer, but let’s see how you fair against your final test and my oldest friend. I call on you, Bellossom!’

A small grass Pokémon sprang onto the battlefield. Her cute face and pretty red flowers could even give Togepi a run for her money. She looked like one of the least threatening Pokémon I had ever seen. However, I was also aware that the effects of sunny day were still active and I had learned not to be fooled by looks. Who knew what tricks Erika had taught this Pokémon. Interested, I checked my Dex:

Bellossom, the flower Pokémon and the evolved form of Gloom. Bellossom enjoys dancing and is at its strongest when battling in the sun.

Quickly thinking through my remaining Pokémon I took a pokeball from my belt and tossed it into the air. ‘Mia lets finish this battle!’

The Meowth landed on the grass with her boot strapped hind legs. She stood confident and sure of herself as she licked her paw.

‘Whoo! Go Mia!’ my mother cheered ecstatically. Mia waved at my mom with a smile and purred. Growly snarled and growled at the cat Pokémon who was receiving all the attention.

Spurred on by my mother’s support she dropped onto all fours and prowled towards a cautious Bellossom without my orders. Feigning a jab with her left paw, she scored a direct hit to Bellossom’s face with her right. The flower Pokémon fell backwards in pain.

‘What was that?’ I asked confused.

‘Robin!’ Salvadore shouted down front his seat. ‘That’s Mia’s fake out attack. You can only use it once per battle, but Bellossom is flinching. Now’s your chance!’

I nodded appreciatively at the breeder before refocusing back on the battle. ‘Mia, use fury swipes!’

The Meowth in boots whet her claws before scratching the helpless Bellossom rapidly. After she was done she jumped over to the side of the field and took a bow. My mother gave her a standing ovation for her performance. Growly glared at her. I sighed resignedly.

With every last bit of effort Bellossom got to her feat and breathed heavily.

‘Bellossom, use synthesis!’ Erika pleaded.

I was trying to call Mia’s attention, but she was too absorbed by my mother’s compliments. Bellossom seized her opportunity and looked up to the intense light above her. She began to sparkle and her wounds seemed to self heal using the power of the sun’s rays. After a moment, Bellossom bounced dazzlingly on the spot, almost as if she had never taken damage at all!

‘Solar Beam!’ Erika commanded in confidence.

I didn’t even get a chance to warn Mia. It all happened too quickly. Bellossom simply raised her little arms and a blast of concentrated light shot outwards, striking Mia square in the back. The force sent the Meowth crashing through several logs before ceasing. When the dust settled I could see Mia slumping over a chipped log- fainted. My mother instantly ran over to the Meowth and cradled her in her arms. Growly continued to snarl in jealousy.

I looked at her in disbelief and then turned my attention to the dancing Bellossom. How could a Pokémon create a solar beam that fast?

‘Meowth is unable to battle. Bellossom wins! The winner of the next round will decide who wins the match’ the referee declared definitively.

‘I can see you’re still wondering how solar beam was created so quickly?’ Erika giggled as she read my vividly puzzled look. She then pointed upwards to the sun and winked. ‘Sunny day has quite a few benefits; including reducing the time it takes to make a solar beam. I think it is only fair that I warn you; Bellossom also has the ability, chlorophyll. Chose your next Pokémon wisely’.

I gulped nervously. I had been in some pretty tough situations before, but this one seemed hopeless. Peeks had excellent speed, but electric attacks would do barely any damage. Toto was weak against grass moves and although he knew ice fang he would be easy prey to a one turn solar beam. Kiro was the newest member on my team and I couldn’t think of any attacks that would benefit this situation whatsoever. I looked up to my mother as she cradled Mia. Growly barked down at me in anticipation. Aly, Salvadore and Prof. Oak stared down at me, waiting for me to make my decision.

 I sighed deeply and unhinged a pokeball from my belt- Toto’s pokeball. I stared at it for a few seconds. Although I felt bad about thinking it, I had little faith in my Pokémon at this moment in time- my amazing Pokémon who had always been there for me! I had to believe in them. We had to try!

I cleared my throat and exhaled determinedly. Tossing the pokeball into the air I yelled with all my might, ‘I chose you, To-‘


Without warning, Growly leaped from the wooden stands and landed on the grassy battlefield before me. Before Toto’s pokeball had the chance to open Growly slapped it back to me with his tail.

I caught the pokeball and looked at the Growlithe in shock. ‘Growly, what are you doing!? I’m in the middle of an important battle!’

Growly barked threateningly towards Bellossom before turning to me, panting contently.

‘Wait a second! You want to battle... with me!?’ I asked him, trying to piece things together. The Growlithe nodded back.

I stared at him for a moment, and then thought to myself. Growly has never battled before... and I don’t know any of his moves... but... I have known him longer than any of my other Pokémon... and... He’s a fire type!

I looked up at him once more and nodded with a smile ‘All right, let’s do this!’

I quickly scanned my Dex for moves.

‘Sorry, but I’m no going to let a fire type like Growlithe get the upper hand. Bellossom, use solar beam!’

Her words quickly grabbed my attention. I raised my head to see Bellossom lifting her hands as Growly watched, waiting for an order.

‘Umm... ehhh... Agility!?’

I side stepped just in time as a solar beam soared passed my right shoulder. I refocused my attention on the field where Bellossom stared in disbelief as Growly stood at the side of the field, unscathed.

‘Don’t give up, Bellossom! Keep using solar beam!’ Erika drove her Pokémon on.

‘Keep up the agility!’ I yelled in response as I glanced back and forth between my Dex and the battle.

A series of blurs and bursts of energy flashed before me. Mom, Prof. Oak and my friends watched cautiously, ready to duck behind logs if necessary.

I kept scanning through my Dex, always keeping one eye on the battle. My eyes and fingers worked quickly. After a while I came to the topic I had been looking for. I scanned the information before looking up and smiling sinisterly.

‘Growly! Stop!’ I commanded suddenly.

The Growlithe dashed to my side and panted, rapidly trying to catch his breath. Bellossom also retired with her solar beams. Both Pokémon seemed exhausted. I looked up at the sky as I felt the intensity of the sun beginning to drop.

Erika noticed the reducing temperature too. I waited patiently for her to give the orders.

‘We need more sunlight! Bellossom use sunny day!’ she screamed, demanding last stitch efforts to see this battle through.

Bellossom leaped into the air and sang out to the sun. The room was once again filled with an overpowering heat as the sun shone even brighter than before.

It was time.

Unsure of what I was about to do I cleared my throat and gave my order ‘Growly, use flame thrower!’

‘Solar beam!’

Bellossom shot out a speedy light of energy. Growly glanced at me and then turned his attention back to the oncoming attack.  With a ferocious battle cry he exhaled a powerful flame. Both attacks collided and wrestled with each other. Both Pokémon were giving it their all. I clenched my fist, waiting- hoping- preying!


The energy from the sun intensified Growly’s flame thrower attack, just as I had hoped. The fire surged towards Bellossom, engulfing her solar beam before blasting her backwards.

Erika held out her hands and caught her singed Pokémon. As the embers cleared, it was obvious that Bellossom had taken her final hit, fainting.

‘Bellossom is unable to battle. Growly wins this round. I hereby declare Robin the overall victor of this gym battle’ the referee nodded gesturing towards me before leaving the glass complex.

It took me a few moments to register what had just happened. Growly barked excitedly and jumped on top of me, licking my face with glee. I could here my friends and family cheer as I laughed and hugged my Growlithe tightly. ‘You did it, boy! You used a flame thrower and we won. You were amazing!’

‘I must say, that was nicely played, Robin. Not only did you maximise your own Pokémon’s strength, but you also managed to use our advantages against us’ Erika congratulated me.

 I managed to pick myself up off the ground and compose myself.

‘In honour of your victory over my gym, I am please to present you with the Rainbow Badge’ she said and held out the multi-coloured stone. I gently took it from her soft palm and held it up to the intense light, still shining brightly through the clear glass panels around us. Its glistening colours projected out onto my face.

‘Thank you so much’ I said honestly and bowed respectfully to the gym leader.

I was joined by Aly, Salvadore, Prof. Oak and my mother, cradling the weak Mia. Each of them offered their words of praise. Kiro scampered up my back and gazed at the attracting badge.

I opened my jacket and carefully attached the badge to the inner lining. Five down; three to go!

* * *

‘Take care, honey’ were my mother’s parting words as we left the pokemon centre. After a tearful hug I gave a quick wave and we were on our way. I was sad to leave her company once again. We never really had the chance to have a proper talk, but that’s what happens when you become a dedicated Pokémon trainer. We have to make tough decisions, and hope that they are for the greater good.

‘So, where to next?’ asked Aly as we strolled passed Celadon University.

‘Preferably somewhere with a gym, I guess?’ I shrugged my shoulders, not too bothered about our next port of call... as long as there was a Pokémon gym present.

‘According to the guide, the closest gym to here is in Vermillion City. We can take the old route along the River Gaiva, bypassing Saffron. It should only take us about a week to get there’ Salvadore suggested.

‘Sounds good to me! What do you think, Togepi?’ Aly asked her little Pokémon. Togepi squealed gleefully in her arms. Aly’s upbeat smile fell as she looked over at me. I was staring at the ground in reflection of today’s events. ‘You missing Mia?’

I sighed resignedly ‘Of course, but I had to let her go. At least I know she’s in good hands. Her and my mother were perfect for each other and I know they’ll take care of one another’ I raised my head and smiled at the dragon tamer ‘Besides, I think it was for the best’

I held up a pokeball to my friends. Within it contained my oldest friend and the newest addition to my team, Growly!