Published using Google Docs
April 23, 2012
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Board Meeting April 23, 2012




Records Commission Committee met prior to regular meeting at 6:30 p.m.

Regular Meeting

Administration Building

222 West Carrol Street

Kenton, OH   43326


Learning Is The Bridge To Success

  1. Call to order - President  Mark McCullough                        Time __________

  1. Roll call of members

    Haushalter______McCullough______ Blue______Brim_______Watkins ______


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Approval and/or correction of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 26, 2012.

        Motion to accept ____________Second__________Vote_____________


  1. Principal/Supervisor/Faculty Reports

        a.        People to People Leadership Team

1.)        Ian Lyons

2.)        Tye Sherman 

        b.        Rick Abbott:        Foreign Exchange Students

1.)        Yuilya Chernysheva - Ukraine

2.)        Sonja Sarajlic - Serbia

3.)        Diana Gatelind - Norway

4.)        Chi Yin (Vickie) Cheng - Taiwan 



c.        Northwood Tech Program - Ryan Collins

                1.)  Cheyenne Newland - 4th grade

                2.)  KayLee Ritter - 4th grade

                3.)  Carter Kauble - 5th grade

                4.)  Keller Stout - 5th grade

d.          Cafeteria report included in packet

   6.        The public participation section of the Board of Education’s Agenda is specifically designated for the public to address the Board with their compliments, concerns and/or questions.  The Board welcomes your comments.  If you wish to address the Board regarding a problem, the Board would remind you of two things.  First, your comments should be factual and respectful of the rights of others.   Second, before coming to the Board with a specific problem, you should have first addressed the problem with the appropriate teacher, staff member or administrator.

 7.          Reports of Treasurer

a.  Cash Position Report of March 31, 2012.

Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue______Brim_____Watkins ______

b.  Review of accounts payable (check register).

Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

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c.  Investment report

Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins ______

d.  Treasurer’s communications –

8.  Superintendent’s reports/communications

        a.  Reorganization and Programming

        b.  New Construction Updates


        c.  Around the district                                        

9.  Board Committee Reports

        a.        Finance Committee

        b.        Facilities Committee

        c.        Extracurricular Committee

        d.        Career Center

        e.        Policy Committee

10.  Old Business



Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins ______

11.  New Business

        a.  Go into executive session to discuss personnel matters

Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

         Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins ______

b.  Approve employment of Teachers - Contracts for the 2012 - 2013 school year.  


        Rebecca Wolfe        Julie McCullough                Katie Ketcham  

        Melissa Good


        Angela Neal Kimmell         Patty Cribley                Bo Hoppe                Katie Park        

Alicia Fetter                 Brenda Jennings                 Kathy Abbott        

Lori Vandeborne                Meghan Smith


        Carol McKinley        Andrea Schneider                 Alyssa Lauck

        Cherie Smith        Tyler Turner                        Colleen Potts

        Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

         Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins ______

c.   Approve Shawn Dobbins, Supplemental one (1) year contract for (1/2) High School Assistant Track Coach.  Effective immediately.  Two (2) years experience - Step 1 - $1,171.00  

        Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

         Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins ______

d.  Approve Kevin McPherson, Educational aide at KMS, change in hours per day from 6 hours to 6-1/2 hours per day, retroactive September 7, 2011. 

Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

Haushalter _____McCullough______Blue_____Brim_____Watkins_____

e.  Approval of Substitutes for the 2012-2013 school year contingent upon proper certification/training, BCI, FBI, etc. :

Sally Bacon        Amy Bahr          Mike Blechinger        Kathy Burris

David Cosart        Judi Cronley          Andrew Corne        Brittany Daniels

Bob Davis        Paula Deardorff           Julie Dearing        Sara Decaminada

Britni Dooley        Marilyn Dulin         Tina Ellliott        Brock England

Jamie Harp        Doug Heilman          Emily Heilman        Paul Herman

Sandy Herman        Bradley Hess          Michelle Hicks        Lanny Huff

Mike Jardot        Janet Jusick          Benjamin Kretz        Lois Lautenschlager

Elliott Lawrence        Deb Manns          Greg Markley        Patricia Marshall

Amy McPheron        Roy Mentzer          Shawn Moore        Samantha Paul

John Rish        Jeff Risner          Terrena Robson         Robin Rosebrook

Natasha Ruhlen        Brandi Schriber Lewis Kelly Shadley        Mary Sherman

Holly Simon        Jackson Smith          Jill Smith        Mist Snyder

Sarah Stamp        Krystal Strahm           Leslie Tidd        Jared Thomas

Susan Thrush        Anda Tudor           Zach Turner        Steve Walter

Kelsey Wilcox        Nancy Wilcox           Sue Wilcox        Randall Wilson

Becky Potts        


Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins ______        


f.  Approve the non-renewal of the NON-EMPLOYEE Supplemental contracts no later than the final day of the 2011-2012 school year or end of the season, which ever is first.

John Hines - High School Musical/Asst. Top Twenty

Colby Rush - 7th Grade Asst. Football

Brian Petty - High School Asst. Boys Soccer

Mark Schwemer - High School Girls Soccer

Julie Dearing - Middle School Volleyball (8th grade)

Rhonda Haudenschield - Middle School Volleyball (7th grade)

Kaley Donnelly - Freshman Volleyball

David Cosart - High School Girls Tennis

Krystal Strahm - Flag Corp Advisor

Ashlee Worthington - Majorette Advisor

Brittanie Martin - Middle School Fall Cheerleading

Danielle Nease - High School Fall Cheerleading

Julie Baird - Freshman Fall Cheerleading

Bill Lawrence - High School Asst. Girls Basketball

Ryan Cahill - High School Girls JV Basketball

Ken Risner - 8th Grade Girls Basketball

Randy Morris - 7th Grade Girls Basketball

Zach Turner - High School Asst. Wrestling

Jared Thomas - 7th Grade Boys Basketball

T.J.  Legge - 8th Grade Boys Basketball

Brittanie Martin - Middle School Winter Cheerleading

Julie Baird - Freshman Winter Cheerleading

Danielle Nease - High School Winter Cheerleading

Merrill Kaufman - High School Head Swimming

Kim Kaufman - High School Asst. Swimming

Bill Lawrence - High School Head Softball

Dave Stuck - ½ High School Asst. Track

Shawn Dobbins - ½ High School Asst. Track

Meg Manns - Middle School Head Track

Ben Mauk - Middle School Asst. Track

David Cosart - High School Boys Tennis

Nathalie Bullock - Ticket Manager


Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

        Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins ______        

g.  Approve the following volunteers for the 2011-2012 school year, contingent upon required paperwork.  (BCI, FBI)

Sarah Zickafoose - Northwood - Field Trip

Dean Brown - Middle School - O.A.A. Volunteer

Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins ______        

h. Motion to approve Jared Thomas for the 6th Grade Language Arts position at Kenton Middle School for the 2012/2013 school year.  Step 0 at a rate of $32,463.00.

Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins ______

i. Motion to approve Scott Laman for the 6th grade Science position at Kenton Middle School for the 2012/2013 school year.  Step 0 at a rate of $35,678.00.        

Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins ______        

j. Approve the following Administrative Assistant Sub for the 2011/2012 school year, contingent upon required paperwork.  (BCI, FBI)

Rosa Williams - Effective April 19, 2012

Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins ______        

k. Approve the following resolution:




WHEREAS, Ohio Revised Code 3313.843 was amended by House Bill 153 of the 129th General Assembly in June 2011 to provide that the board of education of each city, exempted village or local school district with an average daily student enrollment of 16,000 or less, must enter into an agreement with the governing board of an educational service center, under which the educational service center shall provide services to the district; and


WHEREAS, any agreement entered into under 3313.843 shall be filed with the Department of Education by the first day of July of the school year for which the agreement is in effect; and


WHEREAS, the Kenton City Schools District Board of Education (hereinafter, the “Board of Education”) has an average daily student enrollment less that 16,000; and


WHEREAS, the Board of Education desires to enter into an agreement with the Auglaize County Educational Service Center (“ESC”) to be in compliance with Ohio Revised Code 3313.843 and to provide services delineated in the Agreement.


                NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Kenton City School District that:




                The Board of Education, in compliance with the Ohio Revised Code 3313.843, hereby authorizes and approved the Agreement with the Auglaize County ESC for the provision of services as detailed in the service agreement.


                The effective date of this agreement is July 1, 2012.  This agreement shall be effective until terminated by either the Kenton City School District Board of Education or the Auglaize County Educational Service Center by giving the other party written notice in advance of the termination date according to state law.




                IT IS FOUND AND DETERMINED that all formal action of this Board of Education concerning or related to the adoption of this Resolution was adopted in an open meeting of this Board, and all deliberations of this Board that resulted in such formal action were adopted in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all applicable requirements of the Ohio Revised Code.

Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins ______

l.  Approve the Interdistrict Contract from Auglaize County Educational service Center for the 2012-2013 school year for Julie Hammer, Occupational Therapist, for a total of 152 duty days (4 days/week for 38 weeks)Commencing August 1, 2012 and concluding July 31, 2013.  


Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins ______        

m.  Accept the resignation of Allison Haver effective June 1, 2012.

Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins ______

n.  Recognize Teacher Appreciation Week which is May 7, 2012 through May 11, 2012

        Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

         Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins ______

o.  Motion to approve the Contract for services with the Hardin County ESC for the 2012-2013 school year in the amount of $255,630.80

Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

         Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins ______

p. Approve the following resolution:

Whereas, the Board of Education previously adopted the Ohio Department of Education’s Special Education Model Policies and Procedures, which included an Appendix “A” that consists of a chart that summarizes when the District must send Prior Written Notice, Informed Consent and Procedural Safeguards Notice; and

Whereas, the Ohio Department of  Education recently revised the chart;

Now, therefore, be it resolved, the Board of Education amends its previously adopted version of the Ohio Department of Education’s Special Education Model Policies and Procedures to substitute the revised chart, which is attached hereto, for the original Appendix “A”

Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

        Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins _____


q. Approve the following resolution:




                WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the Kenton City School District (the “Board”) is engaged in a capital improvements program, which includes a new elementary school being constructed in partnership with the Ohio School Facilities Commission (the "OSFC") as Segment 1 of its Classroom Facilities Assistance Program, which also includes certain improvements that are not part of the co-funded OSFC project (all of which is referred to as the “Project”); and

                WHEREAS, Garmann/Miller & Associates, Inc., the Board’s Architect, prepared a program of requirements document for the new elementary school building, and Smoot, Elford, McDaniel’s, the Construction Manager for the Project, reviewed the program of requirements document prepared for the new school building by the Architect and provided comments on the document for conformity with the design phase submission requirements for the Project; and

WHEREAS, the Construction Manager assembled a program of requirements design phase submission for the new elementary school building, which includes the Form Agreement for Local Funded Initiatives (LFI) document required by the OSFC to describe the locally funded initiative items included in the Project and other required documents; and

WHEREAS, the Board wishes to approve the program of requirements design phase submission for the new elementary school building and to authorize the Architect and Construction Manager to proceed with the schematic design phase documents for the Project, subject to approval of the OSFC;

                NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Kenton City School District as follows:

1.   The program of requirements design phase submission prepared for the new elementary school building is approved, subject to approval of the OSFC, and the Superintendent and Treasurer are authorized to sign the design phase submission form provided by the Construction Manager.

2.   The Superintendent and Treasurer are authorized to sign the OSFC Form Agreement for Local Funded Initiatives (LFI) document prepared for the new elementary school building, based upon the program of requirements design phase document prepared to date, which includes the Locally Funded Initiative Funding Plan for the new elementary school building.

3.   The Board authorizes the Architect and Construction Manager to continue with the preparation of the schematic design phase documents for the new elementary school building.

Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

        Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins _____

r.  Approve of following resolution:



                WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the Kenton City School District (the “Board”) passed a bond issue to fund the local share of Segment 1 of a co-funded Classroom Facilities Assistance Program (“CFAP”) project, which is being pursued in cooperation with the Ohio School Facilities Commission (“Commission”), based upon a master facilities plan prepared by the Commission and accepted by the Board, and which also includes improvements that are outside the scope of the co-funded CFAP project (all of which is referred to as the "Project"); and

                WHEREAS, bonds to fund the local share and other District costs for the Project have been sold and deposited into the appropriate funds; and

                WHEREAS, the Board previously selected Garmann/Miller & Associates, Inc. as its design professional for the Project following the statutory qualification-based selection process for design professionals applicable to public school districts and now wishes to enter into an agreement with the firm for the services to be provided for the Project, based upon the professional design services agreement form provided by the Ohio School Facilities Commission for co-funded improvements; and

                WHEREAS, the Board wishes to approve the professional design services agreement prepared for the Project by the Board’s legal counsel and to authorize the Board President and Treasurer to sign the Professional Design Services Agreement on behalf of the Board, in the form presented, which has been reviewed and prepared by legal counsel, subject to any modifications required by the OSFC Project Administrator and Staff and after their review of the agreement and terms has been completed and approval has been given for the agreement, so that the agreement can be submitted to the Commission for approval at its next meeting; and

                NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Kenton City School District that:

1.      The Board approves the professional design services agreement with Garmann/Miller & Associates, Inc. for the new elementary school and related improvements in the form provided, subject to any modifications required by the OSFC Project Administrator and Staff after review of the agreement has been completed, with the understanding that the agreement is subject to final approval by the Commission.

2.      The Board authorizes the Board President and Treasurer to sign the professional design services agreement with Garmann/Miller & Associates, Inc. for the new elementary school and related improvements, which are being designed and constructed through the Commission’s Classroom Facilities Assistance Program as a Segment 1 project, after the OSFC Project Administrator and Staff have reviewed and approved the terms of the agreements, so that the agreements can be presented to the Commission and approved at the next Commission meeting.

        Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

                Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins _____

s.  Approve the following resolution:





                WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the Kenton City School District (the “Board”) is engaged in a capital improvements program, which is being designed and constructed through the Ohio School Facilities Commission as Segment 1 of a Classroom Facilities Assistance Program (“CFAP”) project and which includes improvements beyond the scope of the co-funded CFAP project (all of which is referred to as the “Project”); and

                WHEREAS, the Project Agreement between the Board and the Ohio School Facilities Commission for the Project will direct the Board to designate an authorized representative to make decisions on behalf of the Board, and the Board wishes to name its Superintendent as its authorized representative to make decisions related to the Project between Board meetings or to determine that a special meeting should be scheduled to make a Project decision by the Board; and

                WHEREAS, required services and items related to the Project include, but are not limited to, site surveys, test borings, environmental studies, establishment of bank accounts, and obtaining required insurance, and such services and items may be required before beginning construction of any of the improvements included in the Project, all of which items are included in the budget for the Project approved by the Board; and

                WHEREAS, during construction of the Project, there will be changes to the work to be performed by the contractors awarded construction contracts for the Project that may result in changes to the contract sum and/or time for performance of one or more construction contracts, and these changes may be documented by field work orders before final pricing and scope of work is determined, so that work can proceed without delay, and/or change orders prepared by the Construction Manager; and

                WHEREAS, the contract documents also provide that Field Work Orders may be issued for work that will ultimately be covered by a Change Order, but for which the cost cannot be determined at the time the work is needed, and it is crucial that work proceed without impact to the construction schedule; and

                WHEREAS, Field Work Orders must be approved by the Board, unless the Board has delegated that authority to other individuals; and

                WHEREAS, Field Work Orders are recommended by both the Construction Manager and Architect, after consultation with the Core Team and with the advice and support of the OSFC Project Administrator; and

WHEREAS, Change Orders also require the written consent of the Board, as owner of the Project, and must be executed by the Architect, Construction Manager, and the OSFC; and

WHEREAS, for Change Orders up to the amount of $10,000.00, the OSFC has delegated authority to the Construction Manager to execute such Change Orders on its behalf so that work on the Project can proceed without interruption and delay; and

WHEREAS, for Change Orders up to the amount of $25,000.00, the OSFC has delegated authority to its Project Administrator to execute such Change Orders on its behalf so that work on the Project can proceed without interruption and delay; and

WHEREAS, the Board wishes to give authority to the Superintendent for the review and approval of Field Work Orders and Change Orders for the Project as follows:

1.      The Superintendent or her designee, after review by and consultation with the Treasurer, may sign Field Work Orders and/or Change Orders in amounts up to and including $25,000 on behalf of the Board.  The Superintendent or her designee is also authorized to sign deductive change orders to construction contracts on behalf of the Board in any amount.

2.      The Superintendent, or in the Superintendent’s absence or unavailability her designee, in consultation with the Board President or the President’s designee, may, in an emergency, sign Field Work Orders and/or Change Orders in amounts exceeding $25,000 if the Superintendent reasonably believes that such action is needed prior to the next meeting of the Board to maintain the Project schedule and avoid additional costs and delays and has consulted with the Board President or the President’s designee.

3.      The Treasurer is authorized to issue purchase orders and sign any related documents required to finalize Field Work Orders and/or Change Orders approved pursuant to the authority granted in this resolution.

                WHEREAS, the Board wishes to authorize its Superintendent and Treasurer to conduct such other business related to the Project as is required between Board meetings, including, but not limited to, approval of bid packages for work on the Project, signature on behalf of the Board for approvals and agreements for services and work related to the Project (so long as such items have been included in the project budget approved by the Board), meeting with local governmental officials regarding the Project to review zoning, utility, access, and other related issues, establishment of bank accounts required for the Project, obtaining required insurance for the Project, placement of advertisements for bids for services and work related to the Project, the solicitation of proposals and quotations for services and work related to the Project, entering contracts for such services, payment of fees related to the Project, and all other related business activities without the necessity of bringing each item before the Board for approval;

                NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Kenton City School District as follows:

1.   The Superintendent is designated as the Board’s authorized representative for reviewing issues requiring a decision between Board meetings and to make decisions on behalf of the Board or to request a special meeting for the required decision by the Board as a whole, including meeting with other governmental agencies to review zoning, utility, access, and other related issues regarding the Project and to negotiate the terms of documents required for any improvements included in the Project.

2.   The Superintendent and Treasurer, in consultation with each other, are authorized to conduct whatever business related to the Project is required between Board meetings, including, but not limited to, approving bid packages for work on the Project, signing approvals and agreements for services and/or work in connection with the Project on behalf of the Board of Education, placement of advertisements for bids for services and work related to the Project, the solicitation of proposals and quotations for services and work related to the Project, entering contracts for such services, payment of fees related to the Project, and all other related business activities, including procurement of insurance coverage and establishment of banking accounts required for the Project.

3.   The authority to approve and sign Field Work Orders and/or Change Orders on behalf of the Board is delegated as follows:

(a)        The Superintendent or her designee, after review by and consultation with the Treasurer or his designee, may sign Field Work Orders and/or Change Orders in amounts up to and including $25,000 on behalf of the Board, including deductive change orders in any amount.

(b)        The Superintendent or in the absence or unavailability the Superintendent, the Treasurer, may, in an emergency, sign Field Work Orders and/or Change Orders in amounts exceeding $25,000 if the Superintendent or the Treasurer reasonably believes that such action is needed prior to the next meeting of the Board to maintain the Project schedule and avoid additional costs and delays.

(c)        The Treasurer is authorized to issue purchase orders and sign any related documents required to finalize Field Work Orders and/or Change Orders approved pursuant to the authority granted in this resolution.

3.   The Construction Manager shall maintain a record of all Field Work Orders and Change Orders related to the Project and shall provide a report of Field Work Orders and Change Orders pending and resolved to the Board on a monthly basis.

 Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

        Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins _____

t.   Motion to approve engineering agreement for professional services with Choice One Engineering to do a PK-6 Traffic Impact Study for the Kenton City Schools in the amount of $20,860.00

  Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

        Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins _____

u.  Motion to approve the estimated cost of constructing an open water way on the school property on TR 114 by Crates Farms and Excavating for $24,775.00

Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

        Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins _____

v.Motion to approve flashing work on the Kenton Middle School by 5-C roofing in the amount of $12,612.00

Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

        Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins _____

w.  Motion to approve the purchase of replacement 24 tables at the High School from Tom Sexton and Associates in the amount of $20,752.00

Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

        Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins _____

x  Motion to approve contract with Local Government Services Section of the Office of the Auditor of the State (LGS).  This office will compile the basic financial statement for the Kenton City School District for fiscal year ending June 30, 2012.  Estimated hours of 170 at a rate of $50.00 per hour for a total cost not to exceed $8,500.00.

Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

        Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins _____

y.  Adopt/revise/replace the following Board of Education Policies:



8451 - Pediculosis (Head Lice)


1240 - Evaluation of the Superintendent

1530 - Evaluation of Administrators

1540 - Suspension of Administrative Contracts

3120.06 - Selecting Student Teachers/Administrative Interns

3131 - Reduction in Staff

5517.01 - Bullying and other forms of aggressive behavior

6460 - Vendor Relations

7530.01V1 - Wireless communication allowance and staff use of wireless communications devices

        7540.03 - Student network and internet acceptable use and safety

7540.04 - Staff network and internet acceptable use and safety

8320.01 - Personal information systems

8330 - Student Records

8405 - Environmental health and safety issues


1230V1 -  Superintendent of schools

1320V1 - Duties of the Treasurer

z.  Adopt/revise/replace the following Board of Education Administrative Guidelines:


AG 8320.01 - Criteria for personal information system

AG 8500A - Nutritional guidelines


AG 5340A - Student Accident/Illness/Concussion

AG 5460A - Criteria for awarding the diploma with honors

AG 5605 - Disciplining students with disabilities

AG 5605A - Disciplining a 504 student

AG 5610 - Suspension and expulsion

AG 6700 - Fair labor standards act (FLSA)

AG 8330 - Student records

AG 8405A - Use of animals in the classroom and on school premises

AG 8451- Pediculosis (Head Lice) (Revised/Renumbered)

AG 9160B - Use of service animals


AG 8450A - Pediculosis (Head Lice)

Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

        Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins _____

aa.        Motion to approve the renewal application for Guarantee Trust Accident Insurance for the 2012/2013 school year.

Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

        Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins _____

bb.  Approve the following purchase order(s) that are over the $10,000.                   Superintendent limit:

#121847 - to Huntington Private Financial (Medical Insurance) in the amount of $186,051.66

#121848 - Huntington Private Financial (Dental Insurance) in the amount of $11,902.83

#121765 - Fees, (Educational Service Center 2nd half March State Foundation- $1753.82), (Community School Tuitions 2nd half March State Foundation - $13606.03), (Open Enrollment Tuitions 2nd half March State Foundation - $21979.89), (Pass Adjustment for 2nd half March State Foundation - $5101.31) for a grand total of $42,441.05

#121763 - State Teachers Retirement System for 2nd half March in the amount of $47,638.00

#121764 - School Employees Retirement System for 2nd half March in the amount of $16,267.00

#121766 - Hardin County Auditor & Treasurer Fees in the amount of $95,982.45 

#121916 - State Teachers Retirement System for 1st half April in the amount of $47,638.00

#121917 - School Employees Retirement System for 1st half April in the amount of $16,267.00

#121918 - Fees, (Educational Service Center Contract on 1st half April - $1,754.83), (Community School Tuition for 1st half April - $13,606.03), (Open Enrollment Tuition for 1st half April - $21,979.89), (Pass Adjustment for 1st half April State Foundation - $3,654.48)

        Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

                Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins _____

cc.  Motion to approve resolution for the disposal of records submitted by the Treasusrer’s office, Northwood, Westview, Hardin Central, Kenton Middle School and Kenton High School


Motion to accept____________Second____________Vote____________

        Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins _____

The next regular Board of Education meeting will be held on May 21, 2012 at

7:00 p.m .

12.  Motion to Adjourn                                Time_______________

        Motion to accept ______________    Second __________ Vote __________

Haushalter________McCullough______ Blue_____Brim______Watkins ______