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6th Science - Week of 4/16/12
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                                                                         WEEKLY LESSON PLAN                                 


Teacher’s Name:  Mrs. Ramsey                                                                                    Week of:   4/16/12      


Subject:  Science                                    Unit: IV                                             Grade/ Class: 6





What will the students know or be able to do at the end of the lesson?


How will the students demonstrate that they have accomplished the desired outcome?


In what activities will the students be engaged to accomplish the desired outcome?


e.g. one should be on knowledge, one on application, and one on synthesis or evaluation.





Students will understand that sound is a form of energy that travels in waves referred to as compressional waves

Students will share their KWL chart and answer the questions on what they would like to know

Students will create a KWL chart, a three-column list of what the students think they Know about a topic, what they Wonder about the topic, and a final column to be completed at the end of the lesson on what they have Learned about the topic

1.  Can sound travel in water and can sound travel through solids?

2.  Do we always see things vibrate when we hear something?

3.  What do sound waves look like?







Students will understand that sound waves can travel through different mediums, including solids, liquids, and gases 

Students will record their observation and answer the questions:  What do you see? What do you hear?

Students should tap on the drum and observe what happens to the paper clips.

Students should tap on the drum.

1.  What type of medium is the wave traveling through?

2.  Estimate the direction does the wave appear to travel?

3.  Determine what happens to the medium as the wave travels?







Students will understand and observe that sound waves travel in a given direction until an outside force or object gets in the way of its motion and reflects it

Groups will present diagrams to the class and demonstrate their understanding of the two types of waves by showing the class how to "read" their map 

Students will work in groups to create concept maps comparing the two types of waves

1.  What were the variety of mediums through which the waves traveled?

2.  Can sound exist in space outside of the space shuttle?

3.  Which waves could you hear in the lab and which could you not?







Students will learn how sound travels in different mediums.

Hypothesize what happens to sound waves when they reach a wall or other solid, flat object.

If sound can't travel in space, hypothesize what other modes of communication astronauts can use when they are outside the space shuttle? 

1.  What do you think a sound wave would look like if we could see it?

2.  Compare what is learn about sound waves to what they have learned about light waves

3.  Hypothesize what happens to sound waves when they reach a wall or other solid, flat object.






Waves and Sounds summary

 Students will summarize the lesson after watching the ppt.

1. What are waves?

2.  What are two kind of mechanical waves?

3.  What is a wavelength?



Bloom’s Taxonomy

 (HOTS Questions)







School Grade Weighting Scale:

Tests and Quizzes (50%):

Classwork/ Participation (20%):

Homework (15%):

Projects/ Portfolios (15%):


Multiple Intelligences/ Differentiated Instruction:

Use of Technology:

   ____ Smartboard

   ____ Student Response System