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Part 5: An Onixpected Arrival
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Part 5: An Onixpected Arrival

        Aly and I trudged through the dimly lit cave. The only light came from the ominous flicker of torches that protruded from the damp walls. There were multiple tunnels that trainers could take to traverse Mt. Moon but we decided to stick to the main path, the only one that was not consumed by total darkness. Our low battery Pokegear kept losing signal due to the dense rock up above but it was safe to say that we had been in the cave for at least a day.

        ‘Hey, Robin?’, Aly asked, snapping me out of my daydream, ‘Wanna take a quick break? I could sure use a snack right now.’ Her expression was tired. Dratini floated wearily beside her.

        ‘Sure thing. I’m pretty hungry too.’, I agreed and summoned Toto, Peeks and Hope from their pokeballs. The three pokemon seemed happy and well rested, ‘How about something to eat you guys?’ The trio perked up and nodded.

        Aly and I sat on a rounded rock and ate canned slices of pineapple. It wasn’t my Mom’s cooking but it sure beat no food at all. Toto, Peeks, Hope and Dratini were settled down on the ground beside our feet. They shared two bowls of high quality pokemon food and ate in content.

        As I ate, I pondered to myself on something that I had notice during my time spent in the cave, ‘Hey Aly, doesn’t it seem strange to you that we have come across hardly any pokemon since we got here?’, I asked gulping a half chewed slice of pineapple.

        ‘Umm, yeah, I guess’, she replied, clearing her throat, ‘Then again, this is the path that most trainers travel. I bet there are a lot more pokemon down the side tunnels, away from people.’

        I gave a resigned sigh, ‘Yeah, you’re probably right!’ I set the can of fruit down by my feet and dug out Bill’s Moon Stone that I had kept in my pocket. I gazed at the rock’s smooth coating and gave it a quick polish with my sleeve.

        ‘Its hard to believe such a small rock can cause a pokemon to evolve into a whole new form’, said Aly taking interest in the rare stone.

        ‘Yeah’, I nodded, ‘I can’t wait to see what Bill and Lanette discover. And that lab must be full of interesting pokemon. That should more than make up for the lack of pokemon around-’

        I stopped my mumble of open thoughts, sure that I just felt something, just a slight vibration. I looked at our pokemon who had stopped eating. Peeks was up on his hind legs, his peaked-ear twitching like he had heard a distant noise.

        ‘You felt that too, right?’, Aly asked nervously. Her tense face flickered in the light of the dancing torches.

        I stood up and laid down the Moon Stone beside my half full can and withdrew my pokemon with a sense of foreboding. Dratini snaked quickly over to Aly who picked her up with open arms.

        Suddenly, the can behind me started to rattle and the floor began to shake violently. Small pieces of debris fell from the tunnel ceiling. We edged closer to the wall, sheltering our heads with our arms. Dratini snuggled under Aly’s chin for protection.

        Without warning, there was a sudden burst from the ground in front of us. We were knocked off our feet with the sheer force of the eruption.


        Still dazed, I forced my eyes open. Big mistake!

        Over shadowing us was a long, enormous pokemon, its body consisting of large boulders that continued down into the pit it had created. A large rocky spike protuded from its head. I stumbled backwards on my hands, away from the rocky giant. Aly just looked up and stared like she was hypnotised by the beast’s ferocity. Panting, I checked my Dex:

        Onix, the rock snake pokemon. Onix rapidly tunnels through the ground at speeds up to 50 mph. The echo of its reckless tunneling can cause tremors at the surface.

        Suddenly, Onix surged forward, releasing the rest of its body from the hole it had created. We jumped out of the rock snakes way. The boulder like segments of its body almost brushed our noses. As onix slithered by I remember the Moon Stone. I turned my head in horror to see a jutted piece of Onix’s body gravel up the precious stone.

        The Onix turned a corner, into a side route and out of sight.

        ‘Are you ok, Robin’, asked Aly in a sigh relief.

        ‘Yeah, I’m fine’,I coughed, ‘You ok?’

        ‘Yeah. We got lucky. Wait, where’s the Moon Stone?’, she asked cocking her head around the cave.

        ‘It got caught between Onix’s boulders. Come on, we have to get it back!’ I hastily grabbed my rucksack without a second thought. Flinging it over my shoulder I took off around the corner down an unlit tunnel, after the Onix.

        ‘Wait, Robin! There’s no light down there. It could be dangerous!’, Aly yelled after me, but I was gone. ‘Come on, Dratini’, she said with a scowl and ran after us.

        I could just about make out the path ahead of me thanks to the faint light from my Pokegear. I ran as fast as I could through the path that seemed to be veering left, following the echos left in Onix’s wake. I almost tripped over a sleeping geodude who flung his arms around in retort. Wild zubats fluttered and screeched above me, also disturbed from their deep slumber. There were sure a lot more pokemon around here than on the main path of the inner mountain, but I had made a promise to Bill to deliver that Moon Stone. I had to get it back!

        After a few minutes my legs started to stiffen with tiredness but that was the least of my worries. I began to slow my pace as I approached a junction of different paths spreading in five different directions. But which one did the Onix go through. I support myself against the damp cave wall and panted loudly, my head in a muddle. I heard a small beep and everything went dark. Great! My Pokegear battery had died. Just my luck!


        The roars of the Onix echoed from my right. As rash as ever I stumbled blindly through the dark. I could also hear a flurry of footsteps, most likely human, from nearby. Could it be Aly following me? I hope she was ok. It was stupid of me to run off on her like that.

        I thought I saw a flash of light up ahead but it could have just been my weary mind playing tricks on me. The clatter of fast approaching footsteps grew louder, but this time it sounded like there was more than one person. Who else in their right mind would be-


        ‘Ow! What the-!’

        ‘Ah!’, I winced in pain as I pressed my throbbing forehead with my palm. I used my other hand to steady my back up off the ground.

        ‘Pichu, use flash!’, commanded an unfamiliar female voice.

        Suddenly, the tunnel was lit up with an intense bright light. I flinched backwards and squinted as my eyes slowly adjusted to the blinding light.

        ‘Ugh, wait! Robin!? Is that you?’, moaned another female voice, but this one was a lot more familiar.

        I looked up to confirm my suspicion, still dazed from the collision. I was right!

        ‘Oh, hey Kiwi! Sorry for running into you like that’, I apologised as I rubbed my head once more. It still hurt but I soon forgot about it, happy to see a familiar face.

        ‘Yeah, we need to stop meeting like this’, she giggled and slowly rose to her feet. As soon as she steadied herself she offered me a hand and I hoisted myself up.

        ‘Kiwi, are you ok?’, asked the other girl with a concerned voice. She could not have been more than two years older than us. She wore her light brown hair tied up in a bobble and a long open white coat that draped down past her dark blue skirt.

        ‘Yeah, I’m fine, Juni. Thanks!’, Kiwi smiled back at the girl while dusting herself off, ‘I suppose I should introduce you to one of my oldest friends. This is Robin. He’s from Viridian City and wants to become a pokemon master too.’

‘Hey, please to meet cha!’, I said, offering my hand. At first she seemed uncertain but then she smiled back and we shook.

‘Hi, Robin, nice to meet you. My name is Juni and I dream of becoming a pokemon professor’, she said cheerfully, ‘And this is my friend, Pichu.’

A small pichu poked its head around Juni’s legs. It’s black tail was shining brightly, illuminating the whole tunnel. Since I never got a chance in Viridian Forest I checked my Dex:

Pichu, the tiny mouse pokemon. Pichu’s electric sacks are too small to carry much electricity and can sometimes end up shocking itself.

The little mouse quickly hid behind Juni’s legs again.

‘A pokemon professor? That sounds like a tough job!’, I said with strong interest.

‘It is’, she replied, ‘But learning and discovering new things about pokemon seems so exciting!’, she exclaimed.

‘That’s why Juni is joining me on my travels’, added Kiwi.

‘Yes, we bumped into each other when we both visited the Pewter City Museum. My mom said I would learn and experience a lot from traveling with her, instead of spending all my time behind books. Of course, I’ll be giving Kiwi plenty of information and advice in return’, she smiled and winked at Kiwi.

‘Mhmm. It’s a win - win’, smiled Kiwi, ‘By the way, Robin, what brings you down these dark tunnels by yourself?’

‘Well, you see, Aly and I were-’, I stopped suddenly in my explanation as a dawn of realisation swept my thoughts, ‘Oh crap! I forgot about Aly! I hope she’s-’

‘I’m fine you BUTTHEAD!’, a voice complained from behind me. I spun around to see Aly and Dratini. Neither of them looked too amused.

‘Next time you’re gonna chase a pokemon down a dark tunnel, please give me a bit more of a heads up!’, she scowled.

‘I’m sorry, it’s just that-’

‘Wait a second!’, interrupted Kiwi, ‘You’re that girl who helped us out in Viridian City!’

‘Oh yeah’, said Aly thinking back, ‘You’re that girl with the squirtle, right?’


‘Please to meet ya!’, curtseyed the young dragon tamer, ‘My name is Aly and this is my partner, Dratini.’

Aly introduced herself and her pokemon to Kiwi and Juni. We both explained how we met in Viridian Forest and decided to travel across Kanto together. When we finished Aly turned to me, confused, yet alerted.

‘Robin, did you ever find the onix that took the Moon Stone?’

I stood there, pupils dilating.


How could I have forgotten about the Moon Stone!?

‘Hang on! That Onix is mine!’, exclaimed Kiwi, ‘Or at least it will be once I capture it. I’ve been chasing that thing for hours!’

I jerked backwards at Kiwi’s thunderous statement. I could understand why she wanted it so bad, though. I mean that thing was colossal!

‘Wait, I’m not trying to capture it’, I retorted, raising my hands in defence, ‘We just need to get the Moon Stone back for Bill’s research.’ I explained what happened at the entrance of Mt. Moon with Team Rocket and Bill’s request.

‘I see...’, said Juni in concentration, ‘Well, we could get really lucky and stumble upon a Moon Stone, but those things are really rare so... We would probably be best off working together!’, she suggested happily.

‘Well...’, pondered Kiwi, ‘I guess we could search for it together. But which way has it gone?’

‘Maybe you should use that pokemon you caught near the entrance to the cave?’, suggested Juni again.

‘Oh, you’re right!’, replied kiwi, her face brightening. She took one of the pokeballs from her belt and held it towards the ceiling of the mountain. ‘Zubat, we need your help!’

The pokeball opened and the bat like pokemon emerged from the beam of red light. I decided that now was as good a time as ever to check my Dex:

Zubat, the bat pokemon. Although Zubat has no eyes it can emit ultrasonic waves to sense obstacles that are miles away.

‘Zubat! Help us to locate onix’, commanded Kiwi, ‘Use supersonic!’

The Zubat screeched and fluttered in the air. It then took off suddenly down the path and took a sharp right. Kiwi and Juni followed closely behind it with Pichu brightening the cave. Aly, Dratini and I ensued the chase from behind. Although I wouldn’t admit it in front of Kiwi; using Zubat’s ultrasound was a really smart idea to track down that onix.

This became evident as the ground soon started to slightly tremble under our feet once again. We took multiple turns, weaving through the different paths of Mt. Moon. The tremors beneath us intensified.

As we turned the final corner, I realised that we were back on the main path. However, the path was not only lit by torches but also daylight, illuminating from the exit outside. The zubat flew into the late evening and we joyously followed. Thanking her Zubat, Kiwi returned the pokemon to her pokeball.

‘Oh, fresh air!’, said Aly relieved as she stretched her arms into the sky. Her Dratini snaked down her body and stretched.

It was not as hot as it had been when we first entered the cave but the sun’s rays still blemished from behind the clouds as it began to set behind Mt. Moon.

Route 4 had a noticeable amount more of greenery than the mountainous Route 3. However beyond the slight incline we stood on, there were also numerous steep ledges and cliffs descending down the mountainside. Observing my surroundings, I strolled over to the side the Mt. Moon exit and peered down the cliff face. Hundreds of meters below stood a range of trees going far back into the distance. I didn’t hesitate to walk away. It was one steep and long way down after all.

‘That Onix has to be close!’, stated Kiwi, ‘I can feel it.’ As she exclaimed her last words, the grassy earth beneath us began to tremble once more.

‘Here it comes’, said Juni, bracing herself, ‘Pichu, thanks for your help. Return.’ The frightened Pichu went gratefully back into the pokeball.

Suddenly, the Onix burst from the ground with an eruption of earth. A nearby sandshrew quickly dug a hole and scattered away to safety. The rock snake pokemon looked a bit smaller in the spacious outdoors but was still undoubtedly giant as it towered over us. It shook its head violently like it was in pain. It was then I noticed the small Moon Stone that was lodged between two of Onix’s boulder’s.

In response, I unhinged Toto’s pokeball and readied myself to summon him.

‘Wait, Robin!’, yelled Kiwi, her face illuminated with determination, ‘I got this! Go, squirtle!’ She through her pokeball and summoned the small turtle pokemon. I sighed and re-attached the pokeball to my holder belt. Kiwi was set on capturing this Onix and I respected her action as one of my closest friend’s.

‘Squirtle, I need your help to capture this Onix. Are you ready?’, she asked.


The pokemon nodded back at her and then faced the restless Onix.

‘Squirtle, use water gun!’, she commanded. With a deep breath Squirtle unleashed a gush of water. It struck the Onix in the face. The rock giant writhed and groaned in pain as it sustained serious damage from the super effective attack.

‘Good job Squirtle, now get in close and loosen that Moon Stone with another water gun!’

The Squirtle scurried across the grassy terrain until it was close enough to get an accurate shot with water gun. However, sensing Squirtles intentions the Onix recklessly swung its tail, wiping the turtle pokemon off his feet and sending it hurtling towards the mountain edge. Squirtles hind legs skid off the edge. He barely hung on to a loosening small rock with his tiny hands. He squirmed desperately trying to hoist himself onto flat solid land.

‘Hang on, Squirtle!’, screamed Kiwi as she frantically reached for his pokeball. She ripped the pokeball off her her belt and held it out. ‘Squirtle, return!’

Just as the pokeball opened, the small rock that Squirtle had been clinging to popped loose from the ground. The red light from the pokeball beamed outwards to return the pokemon but to everyone’s horrified gasps it missed and Squirtle fell backwards, off the mountain cliff.


Squirtle’s cries could be heard faintly as it fell down the steep mountainside to it’s supposed doom.


Kiwi collapsed onto her knees, her body shaking in shock.

‘Squirtle...’, she gasped through her trembling lips. Teardrops streamed down her cheeks. She sniffed silently in distress.

Aly covered her mouth at the tragic scene. Dratini coiled around her neck and nudged the back of her ear, trying to comfort her. We are all speechless, our words lost in disbelief. The Onix gave out another groan of pain, still trying to loosen the Moon Stone from its body.

Distant cries of pokemon could be heard beyond the great mountain edge. They must have been disturbed by something, perhaps from the commotion that had just occurred.

Then, my head jolted up from a sullen look of astonishment. I was now fully aware. Aly lifted her head in a similar fashion. She had heard it too.

        Among the pokemon cries was a faint yet high-pitched screech. It sounded somewhat familiar and caught my curiosity. Then, the heavy beat of flapping wings could be heard from far below. Now, even Kiwi steadied her breathing, listening attentively as the sound of flapping wings grew louder and louder.

        Suddenly, a giant creature rose up from the depths of the cliff, spreading it’s wings with great audacity. The beast was carrying it’s master, wearing a long red sleeved t-shirt and beige track pants. This confirmed my niggling suspicion.

 It was Salvadore and his Aerodactyl!

        Aly gasped in delight, thrilled to see our friend again.

        ‘Seriously, I leave you guys for one day and you already get yourselves into trouble’, joked Salvadore.

Another surprise popped up behind Aerodactyl’s ferocious head.

        ‘Squirtle! You’re ok!’, called Kiwi, overcome with relief.

        As the Aerodactyl landed Kiwi ran over with open arms and Squirtle jumped into them safely. It was a heartwarming reunion all round.

        Salvadore eased himself off his Aerodactyl and returned him to its pokeball.

        ‘Squirtle, I’m so sorry . Taking on Onix was just a step too far’, sobbed Kiwi as she embraced her partner, ‘Please forgive me!’

        Squirtle hugged his trainer in acceptance and then leaped out of her arms and over her shoulder.


        Squirtle yelled at the Onix who was still wriggling in distress. Then, without warning, the turtle pokemon jumped into the air and withdrew himself into his shell. He spun mid-air at a fast rate and surged towards Onix.

        ‘Amazing!’, exclaimed Salvadore, ‘Squirtle learned rapid spin!’ Everybody looked on as Squirtle used his new attack on Onix. The rapid spin attack struck the rock snake pokemon in the joint between two boulders and dislodged the Moon Stone. The precious stone fell softly onto the grass.


        Onix roared up to the heavens, relieved, yet still in pain.

        Kiwi stood up and wiped the tears off her face. Taking control she yelled, ‘Squirtle, finish this with a water gun!’

        Squirtle emerged from his shell and accurately struck Onix on the fin-like rock atop its head. The giant rock serpent fell backwards from one of its great weaknesses.

        ‘Kiwi!’, called Juni, ‘You know what to do!’

        Kiwi nodded and calmly withdrew a pokeball. With a deep breath she threw it, ‘Go, pokeball!’, she yelled as it whistled through the air towards Onix. The pokeball opened and Onix was engulfed by the red beam. The pokeball dropped to the ground with a slight thud and began to twitch with a red light.

        Everyone stared at the moving pokeball, holding our breath in anticipation. It twitched a third time and then beeped auspiciously.

        Kiwi ran over and cradled her new pokemon within the pokeball.

        ‘We did it!’, she screamed, jumping in the air, ‘We caught Onix!’ Squirtle jumped into her arms in celebration. Aly, Juni, Salvadore and I applauded  and cheered Kiwi’s latest capture.

        Aly and I then turned to Salvadore.

        ‘Salvadore, I can’t believe it’, I said as I looked up at the gym leader, ‘It’s great to see you again, but how come you’re not at the gym?’

        He smiled back at me, ‘Well, remember back in the gym when I told you I had a dream?’

        I thought back to that moment and then nodded, remembering his wise words.

        ‘Well, ever since I was young, my oldest brother, Brock, got me interested in a profession called pokemon breeding’, he continued, ‘Since then, it has been my dream to become the world’s best pokemon breeder, helping pokemon to reach their full potential through proper nursing and training.’

        ‘Wow, that does sound interesting!’, gleamed Aly.

‘Anyways, I had a long chat with my dad yesterday and he suggested that I should travel with you guys. He was really impressed with all our battling skills against Team Rocket and thought we could learn a lot from each other. He even offered to look after the gym as my younger siblings are old enough to look after themselves now. So, what do you guys say?...’, he asked hesitantly.

I stood there in shock.

‘YES!’, Aly said a bit over excitedly, ‘Ahem.. uh... I mean... we’d love if you joined us.’ She composed herself and both her and Dratini smiled.

‘A former gym leader and a pokemon breeder as a traveling partner!’, I exclaimed, ‘It would be an honour!’ We shook hands.

‘Great!’, Salvadore smiled back, ‘I can cook for us on our travels... That’s if no one else feels obliged, of course?’

A pokemon breeder and a cook?  Fate had once again swung in our favor. Aly and I grinned at each other.

‘Hi Salvadore’, said Kiwi as both her and Juni strolled over, ‘It’s nice to see you again.’

‘Hi Salvadore’, greeted Juni, ‘Nice to meet you. My name’s Juni and-’

‘You’re beautiful, but I already knew that! You and I should have dinner sometime. Just the two of us!’, stumbled Salvadore in a goofy voice. With extreme speed he had made his way over to Juni and was now holding the stunned girl’s hands. Slightly freaked out, she edged back, blushing

Kiwi and I looked at each other bemused. I guess he had a soft spot for the ladies.

Aly furiously stormed over and caught a grip of his ear, ‘Less of the love sauce’, she mumbled angrily. He shrieked in pain as she dragged him off by the ear.

‘Well, that was weird’, I said scratching the side of my head.

‘Mhmm’, agreed Kiwi, ‘Oh yeah, Robin. Don’t forget about the Moon Stone!’, she reminded me.

Startled, I ran over and picked up the Moon Stone which had been lying in the grass, imprinted by Onix’s body. I sighed in relief at it’s safety and shoved it back in my pocket. I then curiously looked over a small mound of earth that had blocked our view of the descending Route 4.

Far into the distance, past miles of small cliffs and masses of green land I could see the shining lights of Cerulean City. The rest of the group joined me to view the spectacle.

I looked at my friends and then turned my attention to Kiwi, ‘Last one to Cerulean is a rotten Exeggcute!’ Without warning, I skidded down the shallow ledge and ran on towards the big city.

‘You’re such a cheater!’, Kiwi yelled after me and pursued me down the declining hill.

Aly, Juni and Salvadore laughed at the ridiculous nature of our competitiveness and followed us down Route 4, onto our new adventure!