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Flat Classroom Certified Teacher Course - Information for Applicants
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Flat Classroom® Certified Teacher Course 2013-14

This information page is available at 

Announcing: Flat Classroom® Projects will be offering TWO Flat Classroom® Certified Teacher (FCCT) courses in 2013-14.

Application Form:

Billing form:


Last updated October, 2013 - Julie Lindsay

Table of Contents for this document:

Recent Graduates Speak Out!

Aims of the Course

Guiding Questions

Enduring Understandings

Course Structure

Course Pathway

Pre-requisites and Expectations

Course Content

Part 1: Getting Started with Flat Classroom® Pedagogy

Part 2: ‘Rock the World’ Global Project Design and Management



Dates for 2013-14:

Part 1: Getting Started with Flat Classroom Pedagogy

Completion Requirements

Part 2: ‘Rock the World’ Global Project Design and Management

Completion Requirements

Flat Classroom® Certified Teacher 13-2

Course Structure and Timeline

Flat Classroom® Certified Teacher 14-1


Application Process

Further Flat Classroom® Project information

Contact Flat Classroom

Director Flat Classroom

Recent Graduates Speak Out!

This is what past graduates of the course have said:

Catalina Valenzuela - 12-1 cohort:

“I will highly recommend this course. The world is flat and the classroom needs to become flat too. I also think that this course offers a great opportunity for teachers to exchange ideas and to learn new skills to be applied in the classroom straight away.

Moreover, this course comes with the added bonus of a GREAT and CARING learning community with lots of creative ideas.”

Julie Balen - 12-1 cohort:

Would you recommend this course to other educators?

“Yes, because the course prepares teachers for what global projects could be, even if they don't start with Flat Classroom projects. If they don't take the course they are likely to think that global projects is simply about one class skyping with another.”

Aaron Maurer - 11-1 cohort:

"Wow! Where do I begin? The one thing I learned is that I have so much to learn. I came into this course thinking I was quite tech savvy and with current trends. I quickly learned that this whole notion of global connectedness is massive and very, very cool. I learned that there is this whole entire online community of amazing people who are trying their hardest every single day to become better educators and to empower their students and themselves. I continued my notion that learning how to work with people from all over the world is a very important element to education right now. We must learn how to work with others both in person and online. We may not know what type of jobs are going to exist in the future, but it is a guarantee that working with others and global collaboration will be part of the mix."

Amy Jambor - 11-1 cohort

"I would recommend it to anyone and everyone who had a true passion for global collaboration. I would recommend this course because it teaches you everything you need to build a global project. What is even more important is the relationships that you develop - they are amazing!"

Cynthia Sandler - 11-3 cohort

“I learned pretty much everything I know about global collaboration as this was my first real experience with creating such projects. I learned what to consider as important goals and objectives, how to structure a working framework for a project, how to manage the project by learning 21st century tools like pull technologies. I learned how I can reach out to others to find partners. I gained friends and a supportive network.” and “Yes [recommend the course to others]. I think it provides the framework and scaffolding one might want to feel comfortable creating and participating in a global collaborative project. It's a great way to network and find supportive and like minded people from around the world”.

Aims of the Course

The Flat Classroom® Certified Teacher course aims to provide educators at all levels (e.g. K-12, Tertiary/Pre-service, Teacher educators) with resources and skills to join and complete and design, implement and manage a global collaborative project. Focus is on connected and collaborative learning using Web 2.0 and other technologies. Weekly workflow and regular assignments and challenges provide pathways for teachers to build confidence to interact globally and to bring opportunities to their schools and classrooms.

Those who earn the designation Flat Classroom® Certified Teacher will have proven their competence through this rigorous course. Graduates will in turn be invited to apply for recognition as a Flat Classroom® Global Educator.

Guiding Questions

Enduring Understandings

By completing the Flat Classroom® Certified Teacher course participants will:

Course Structure

The Flat Classroom® Certified Teacher course will be delivered in two, consecutive parts. Both parts need to be completed to gain the Flat Classroom® Certified Teacher Certificate. Part 1 is 8 weeks in length, Part 2 is 4 weeks. There are 10 modules to complete in total, and fifteen Flat Classroom Challenges.

Where possible participants will be involved with one or more of the Flat Classroom® series of projects. All participants will complete most of the “Flat Classroom® Fifteen”, a series of challenges or learning opportunities. The course also provides opportunity for participants to connect with other Flat Classroom teachers and collaborate on an actual project while exploring project design and implementation. Professional development for project-based learning and preparing to introduce others to global collaborative learning is also a part of the course.

Individual and team structures will provide variety in working modes to complete the course material and opportunities for teachers to connect with future global partners.

Course Pathway

Pre-requisites and Expectations

The Flat Classroom® Certified Teacher course uses the text authored by Lindsay and Davis, Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds: Move to Global Collaboration One Step at a Time. Participants are expected to purchase this prior to commencing the course. Both hardcopy and eBook versions are available.

It is expected participants will be former, current or future Flat Classroom® Project teachers and/or advisors, including the Flat Classroom Project, NetGenEd Project, Digiteen Project, Digitween Project, 'A Week in the Life...' Elementary School Project, K-2 Building Bridges to Tomorrow or Global Youth Debates Project. Some familiarity with the challenges of global collaboration within a Web 2.0 context would be desirable, however the course covers all aspects of personal learning network development, appropriate tools for collaboration and project design and management.

Participants will be expected to commit to a regular online meeting to review progress and discuss content of the course in relation to concurrent practical experience and sharing of outcomes from the course. Participants are also expected to take advantage of the networking and collaboration opportunities with other colleagues in the course and complete all team as well as individual assignments.

Course Content

The Flat Classroom® Certified Teacher course content supports educators in the development of a PLN (personal learning network), as well as learning how to use social media effectively for collaboration and creation. Global project design and management is the main focus in Part 2 of the course. It provides a systematic approach to embedding collaboration into the curriculum as well as strategies for challenge-based professional development.

Part 1 aims to set teachers up with tools and connections and knowledge of how a global collaborative educator and classroom functions.

Part 2 aims to support global project design, implementation and management.

Final Presentations are an integral part of completing this course, and extra time is given after the 8-week and 4-week sessions to prepare and deliver material.

Part 1: Getting Started with Flat Classroom® Pedagogy

Six Modules completed over eight weeks.

Most of Flat Classroom 15 Challenges #1-12 completed.

Meet the Flat Classroom

Seven Steps to Flatten Your Classroom Design Principles

Part 2: ‘Rock the World’ Global Project Design and Management

Four Modules completed over four weeks.

Most of Flat Classroom 15 Challenges #13-15 completed.

Cohort Flat Classroom Project

During this 4-week course all participants will be involved in our own global collaborative project. This will provide hands-on experience of Seven Steps Design Principles while we work through advanced design ideas.

Module 7: Global Project Design Essentials

Module 8: Advanced Global Project Design and Management Essentials

Challenge-based Professional Development

Module 9: Putting it all Together


The cost for the Flat Classroom® Certified Teacher course per individual teacher is as follows:

ANNOUNCING! Flat Classroom Certified Teacher - Group discount for schools and organizations (2013-14)

Schools that want to go flat can purchase a group discount 2013-14:

Contact Flat Classroom now to tailor your professional development needs.


Dates for 2013-14:

Part 1: Getting Started with Flat Classroom Pedagogy

Meeting 1 - Kickoff: Meet the Flat Classroom

Meeting 2 - Module 1: Connection

Meeting 3 - Module 2: Communication

Meeting 4 - Module 3: Citizenship

Meeting 5 - Module 4: Contribution & Collaboration

Meeting 6 - Module 5: Choices and Creation

Meeting 7 - Module 6: Celebration

Meeting 8 - Time for sharing and reflection on Part 1

Completion Requirements

1. Personal Journal Work

2. Online interaction via the Flat Classrooms Ning

3. Project:

Part 2: ‘Rock the World’ Global Project Design and Management

Meeting 1 - Module 7: Global Project Design Essentials

Meeting 2 - Module 8: Advanced Global Project Design and Management Essentials Part 1

Meeting 3 - Module 9: Advanced Global Project Design and Management Essentials Part 2

Meeting 4 - Module 10: Putting it All Together

Final Presentation - F.L.A.T - To be scheduled after the end of the course

Completion Requirements

1. Personal Journal

2. Online interaction via the Flat Classrooms Ning

3. Project:

4. Final Presentation:

Flat Classroom® Certified Teacher 13-2

The first online teacher meeting for this cohort will take place the week of August 19, 2013. Once your enrollment has been confirmed you will receive further information about the Blackboard Collaborate meeting room and other spaces we will use to connect and communicate.

Course Structure and Timeline

Flat Classroom® Certified Teacher 13-2, the following timeline is applicable (2013):

Flat Classroom® Certified Teacher 14-1

The first online teacher meeting for this cohort will take place the week of February 3, 2014. Once your enrollment has been confirmed you will receive further information about the Blackboard Collaborate meeting room and other spaces we will use to connect and communicate.

Course Structure and Timeline

Flat Classroom® Certified Teacher 14-2, the following timeline is applicable (2014):


Students wishing to earn two hours of graduate credit from the University of Northern Iowa should register through Continuing & Distance Education at Then, select the first option, "Courses, workshops, practicums and internships".

FEE: $150 for two hours of graduate credit


COURSE TITLE: Studies in Flat Classroom Teacher Certification


INSTRUCTOR: Dr Leigh Zeitz

If you have any questions while completing the enrollment form please contact Trisha at 1-800-648-3864 or

Application Process

Educators and education leaders are invited to apply for a course according to the deadlines and starting dates as listed above.

Application Form:

Further Flat Classroom® Project information

Contact Flat Classroom

General inquiries - Email:

Director Flat Classroom

Julie Lindsay, Australia