Advanced American Studies                        Name________________

The Civil War                                                            Hour______

Turning Points of the American Civil War

Your Task:  You will be assigned to present the context and results of one of the significant battles of the Civil War.  How did this battle begin?  Who was involved?  Where was it?  When did it happen?  What were the results and how did they change the course of the war?  You are responsible for answering these questions in a meaningful educational experience for your class.

You and your partner will put together a short presentation based on one of the following battles:

First Battle of Bull Run (Manassas)

Clash of the Ironclads

Peninsular Campaign


Second Battle of Bull Run

Antietam (Sharpsburg)





Sherman’s March to the Sea

Richmond / Appomattox Court House

*Understand this represents a small sample of hundreds of battles throughout America between 1861-65.


______/ 5         Effective summary of turning point in the Civil War (content)

______/ 5     Effective use of electronic media to support summary (medium)

______/5            Verbal presentation (delivery)

______ / 15 total points