Moderator: Amanda Altschuler

11-29-12/4:30 pm CT

Confirmation # 21619791



Moderator: Amanda Altschuler

November 29, 2012

4:30 pm CT

Operator:        Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by and welcome to the Suits call with Sarah Rafferty. During the presentation all participants will be in a listen-only mode. Afterwards we will conduct a question and answer session.

        At that time if you have a question please press Star then the number 1 on your telephone. If you would like to withdraw your question press the Pound key. I would now like to turn the conference over to Amanda Cary. Please go ahead ma’am.

Amanda Cary:        Hi everybody, thank you so much for joining the call today with Sarah. Sarah stars as Donna Paulsen on USA’s hit series Suits. The series returns with new episodes on Thursday, January 17 at 10:00, 9:00 Central. But viewers can catch up now. All episodes to date for all of season one and the first ten episodes of season two are available on demand with most cable operators and online at

        We will have a transcript available after this call so if you would like that or if you have any questions please email me at And with that I’ll go ahead and turn it over to our operator to begin the Q&A with Sarah. (Natalie) can we get started?

Operator:        Ladies and gentlemen, if you would like to register a question please press Star then the number 1 on your telephone. If your question has been answered and you would like to withdraw your registration please press the Pound key. If you are using a speakerphone please lift your handset before entering your request. One moment please for the first question. Our first question comes from the line of Jamie Ruby with SciFi Vision. Please proceed with your question.

Jamie Ruby:        Hi, thanks so much for talking to us today.

Sarah Rafferty:        Hi, my pleasure.

Jamie Ruby:        So can you kind of just tell us what’s in store for Donna this year or the rest of this season?

Sarah Rafferty:        Oh what’s in store for Donna for the rest of the season? Well you get - the firm is going to be busy picking up the pieces in the back six after the power struggle that we went through in the beginning of the season. So Donna is going to be busy, you know, helping out with Harvey and, you know, having her usual fun.

Jamie Ruby:        All right, and what do you enjoy the most about working on Suits?

Sarah Rafferty:        Oh my gosh, that’s probably hard to nail it down. Right now, now that we’re not working on it we’re on hiatus for a few months, I can tell you I definitely miss my castmates. I miss seeing them every day. So I think the right TV family that we have is really special so I’m really grateful for that.

Jamie Ruby:        Okay great well thank you so much.

Sarah Rafferty:        Thank you.

Operator:        Your next question comes from the line of Jamie Steinberg with Starry Constellation. Please proceed with your question.

Jamie Steinberg:        Hi it’s such a pleasure to speak with you.

Sarah Rafferty:        Hi, my pleasure.

Jamie Steinberg:        I was wondering is there anything you brought to Donna that wasn’t originally scripted for her?

Sarah Rafferty:        Oh my gosh, all her brains. That’s all me. No, I do not share that quality with Donna actually. You know, I think we’re lucky on this show. We do have some fun ad libbing every now and again. We do what’s written on the page and then sometimes we improv a little bit. So, you know, I think there is a little bit of that happening.

        And in my real life Gabriel and I have been friends for almost 20 years now so I think we naturally brought that kind of comfortable relationship to Harvey and Donna. I think that just kind of naturally bled into it because of the circumstances of our own life.

Jamie Steinberg:        What do you think it is about Suits that continues to make it such a fan favorite program?

Sarah Rafferty:        Oh gosh, we are so lucky to have such great fans, such devoted fans. I think, you know, our writing is awesome. We really are so lucky that the stories are incredible but the writers have also just done such an amazing job of creating these characters and the stories enhance our connection to these people.

        And I think I know when I read the pilot I was really struck in just that one script at how much of a hit I got from each character. I knew who these people were and I was intrigued by them. And I think the writers have, you know, done an amazing job with that, our creator did that, and it’s probably what hooked the fans in I would imagine.

Jamie Steinberg:        Great, thank you.

Sarah Rafferty:        Thank you.

Operator:        Our next question comes from the line of Reg Seeton with The Deadbolt. Please proceed with your question.

Reg Seeton:        Hi Sarah, thanks for your time today.

Sarah Rafferty:        Oh yes, how are you doing?

Reg Seeton:        I’m good. Well even though Donna returned to the firm can we expect her to be more guarded than she was before, not just with Harvey but in general with everything that is happening?

Sarah Rafferty:        Yes and probably more protective of the firm too. Yes I think that’s kind of a natural consequence of what she has been through. So yes I think that’s a pretty good guess.

Reg Seeton:        And how do you think Donna has been affected by the coastal murders case and the firing?

Sarah Rafferty:        I think - I’m sorry, I have a phone ringing here. I’m just going to turn this off. I think she is - well one thing is that Donna hasn’t, you know, Donna was really - let’s see, how can I say this. How has she been affected by that case? I can imagine that Donna is going to desire to have some one-on-one time with Daniel Hardman as a result of what he did to her. So that’s something that she’s going to need to have an opportunity for some closure in that way.

Reg Seeton:        And just one last question, what do you think she needs to protect herself from the most when the show returns?

Sarah Rafferty:        What does she need to protect herself from?

Reg Seeton:        Yes, the most.

Sarah Rafferty:        Tell me what you’re implying there.

Reg Seeton:        Well after everything that has gone on like with, you know, the case, Harvey, now that Louis is kind of a loose cannon. She seems vulnerable in a lot of ways so I’m wondering like, you know, in being guarded, what does she, you know, does she have to protect herself from.

Sarah Rafferty:        Well I think you bring up a really good point about Louis. I think everybody is going to be a - got to be a little guarded about Louis because, you know, they feel really betrayed by him. So she is - it’s going to be a process, their relationship is going to be a process and Louis is going to, you know, have to work at that going forward.

Reg Seeton:        Awesome.

Sarah Rafferty:        And so that will lead to some interesting, you know, situations with Donna and Louis. Because Donna did have I think you witnessed, you know, an affinity for Louis in a unique way. And that was really challenged.

Reg Seeton:        Well I can’t wait to see it. Thank you very much.

Sarah Rafferty:        Thank you.

Operator:        Your next question comes from the line of Joshua Maloney with the Niagara Frontier. Please proceed with your question.

Joshua Maloney:        Hi Sarah, thanks for your time today.

Sarah Rafferty:        Yes, my pleasure.

Joshua Maloney:        So you and your castmates, you really had us on the edge of our seats, you know, for a significant amount of last season and obviously there was a lot of very emotional, very hard hitting moments. I’m wondering, you know, for you as an actress how hard is it to sort of, you know, put that down, walk away from it, take a break, and then pick it back up again?

Sarah Rafferty:        Do you mean pick it back up like while you’re shooting the scene? Is that what you mean? Or do you mean (unintelligible)?

Joshua Maloney:        You mentioned that you’re on a break now and I’m just wondering after, you know, such a, you know, hard hitting emotional series that we just saw sort of take a break, sort of how easy is it for you to sort of get back in the rhythm of things when you return to the set.

Sarah Rafferty:        I think - well I think that there are a number of things that make it easy to have you return to it and I keep going back to the writing but the writing is just so - has such clarity for these characters and it’s so true to who these people are and has such a strong voice that you can kind of get right back into it.

        I’d also like to say, and it sounds superficial, but putting on those clothes really brings you back. Like you put on those high heels, you walk like Donna, you know. You know, you’re almost the same height as Jessica so you’re seeing her in a different, you know, have a different energy.

        So I think there are - it’s - I think you can get right back into it when you’re on set and I’m sure that after, you know, some rest we’ll all be very excited to go back to season 3 which we’ve been so lucky to be picked up for which is great.

Joshua Maloney:        Yes that’s great. Well tell me also, you guys film in Toronto which is in my coverage area and it seems like a lot more TV shows are filming these days in Toronto. What do you like about working and acting in that city?

Sarah Rafferty:        I like Canadians. Who doesn’t like Canadians? It’s amazing, they’re the friendliest people on earth. It’s a great city. It’s really - we really enjoy it. I have two kids so it’s a great city for families. There’s so much to take advantage of culturally but it also just has - it’s a really comfortable city to live in and then you can also have a lot of fun when you go out as grownups. So who knows, it’s great, it’s really nice. And the - we’re really lucky, you know, to have this - to have our Canadian crew. They’re awesome.

Joshua Maloney:        All right, thank you very much.

Sarah Rafferty:        Thank you.

Operator:        Our next question comes from the line of Carla Day with BuddyTV. Please proceed with your question.

Carla Day:        Hi, how are you?

Sarah Rafferty:        I’m good, how are you?

Carla Day:        I’m good. I was wondering, with Donna being absolved with the missing document fiasco, how - and now that she’s back at the firm and Hardman has been kind of defeated at least for now, how is Donna going to get - relate with the other employees? Will there still be ramifications from what happened with Harvey or any of the others at the firm?

Sarah Rafferty:        No, I think Donna’s ready to move on and put it behind her. Yes, that sounds short and sweet but I think it’s true. I think that’s Donna’s style. She’s looking ahead.

Carla Day:        Awesome. Can you talk a little bit about Donna and Rachel’s relationship in these last six episodes? Does Donna get involved at all with Rachel’s father coming in the third episode or anything else going on?

Sarah Rafferty:        You know what, that is so funny that you bring that up. When I - the answer is Donna is not that involved actually with Rachel’s father coming to town but it’s in an amazing - it’s a great episode because we really do get to learn so much more about Rachel.

        But it’s funny that you bring that up just like on a side note. I am a huge Wire fan, were you a huge fan of Wire?

Carla Day:        Yes I watch that.

Sarah Rafferty:        Like obsessively, right?

Carla Day:        Yes.

Sarah Rafferty:        So when I heard that Wendell Pierce was coming to play Robert Zane I wrote a note to our creator and just said can you write in a scene for Donna? I just wanted to have an opportunity to meet him and work with him but that will have to happen the next time.

Carla Day:        Oh so you guys didn’t get to scene together?

Sarah Rafferty:        I did not get to work with Wendell Pierce this time but I’m, you know, still holding out my hope that maybe he’ll come back.

Carla Day:        Excellent well congrats on the third season pickup.

Sarah Rafferty:        Thank you so much.

Operator:        Our next question comes from the line of Crystal Bell with Celebuzz.

Crystal Bell:        Hi there Sarah.

Sarah Rafferty:        Hey, how are you?

Crystal Bell:        I’m good. So I want to talk about my favorite aspect of the show is that there’s so many strong female characters.

Sarah Rafferty:        Oh yes.

Crystal Bell:        It’s so refreshing not to, you know, deal with, you know, neurotic like womanly crisis every week.

Sarah Rafferty:        Yes.

Crystal Bell:        I mean, tell me a little bit about, you know, is that refreshing, that must be refreshing for you as an actress.

Sarah Rafferty:        Absolutely. I mean, it’s - I really - I was really - I’m very excited about how these three women are all incredibly strong and incredibly good at what they do and they’re not trying to be anybody really that they’re not, you know? Rachel of course has her aspiration but she’s pretty comfortable in her own skin and she’s, you know, a strong, smart woman so that’s great.

        I’m told that there’s no like cattiness going on, there is no room for that at this firm. And, you know, I always think it’s amazing, I always enjoy that Donna - Donna is very strong but she’s also very feminine and she’s, you know, you think this was a “man’s world” but Pearson Hardman isn’t. I mean, you know, Jessica Pearson obviously is a woman and, you know, doing a great job in her position. She’s an aspirational character.

Crystal Bell:        Definitely, for sure. Do you have, you know, so far having filmed the last six episodes of the season, is there like a standout Donna moment?

Sarah Rafferty:        Oh I couldn’t tell you any of that. You’ve got to tune in.

Crystal Bell:        Okay, okay, fair point, fair point. But, you know, is there - does she like stand up to, you know, we know that she’s going to have some sort of one-on-one time with Daniel.

Sarah Rafferty:        I’m trying to think what else there is that I could tell you about. You know, what’s fun is in the back six we get a little bit more into Harvey’s personal life and that’s always fun for Donna.

Crystal Bell:        Of course. Awesome, I can’t wait to see it. Thanks so much.

Sarah Rafferty:        Thank you.

Operator:        Our next question comes from the line of Diane Morasco with Morasco.

Diane Morasco:        Sarah thank you so much for taking the time to speaking with us especially since we’re in the midst of the holiday season.

Sarah Rafferty:        Oh yes, happy holidays.

Diane Morasco:        Thank you. Okay now the question before kind of covered it but since Donna is such a kick ass bad ass, you’re Harvey’s equal. And thank you for being a powerful healthy female role model. What is the one character trait that you admire of Donna’s you wish you had?

Sarah Rafferty:        I wish I had?

Diane Morasco:        Yes that you wish you had of Donna’s.

Sarah Rafferty:        Okay well she is quick, she is quick witted. It may be because I have two kids that I feel like not quick witted. But she really can think on her feet and yes, I mean, I could go on and on about characteristics about her that I admire. You know, she’s - she seems fearless, she doesn’t (unintelligible), she’s so loyal, she’s loyal to a fault. She’s really confident. She’s kind of maybe a little too confident like Harvey, they’re kind of fun.

        And then she has like her Donna superpower which is that she’s kind of known to everything which is fun. And she’s a people person. You know, she’s - I think that’s why she’s a good complement to Harvey is that she really understands relationships and she really cares about relationships. And we get to see that continue as the season continues with the back six.

Diane Morasco:        Okay now what do you remember most about your experience studying theater abroad in London and Oxford during your year there that you still implement today?

Sarah Rafferty:        That I still implement today, gosh, you know, I think what you learn studying acting is that you have to have the courage to just make a strong choice. And one thing that was really great about that year abroad, I can’t tell you how much theater I went to see while I was in London and Oxford and, you know, I went to Stratford.

        And just witnessing people making bold, deep choices. And I think whether you’re working on the stage or in film or on TV, you know, that’s what is required to kind of make things compelling. And it’s risky too because you can get it wrong, you know. So it takes a certain amount of courage.

Diane Morasco:        Okay and my last question is what would be the best advice you would tell your 16 year old self?

Sarah Rafferty:        Oh God. Stop worrying. Stop worrying, just be present.

Diane Morasco:        Present in the moment, thank you so much.

Sarah Rafferty:        Yes.

Diane Morasco:        Thanks Sarah.

Sarah Rafferty:        Thanks.

Operator:        Your next question comes from the line of (Ranier Collin) with TV Dirty Laundry. Please proceed with your question.

(Ranier Collin):        Hi Sarah, thank you for taking the time to speak to us.

Sarah Rafferty:        Oh yes.

(Ranier Collin):        My first question is what as an actress are the biggest obstacles you have faced on the set of Suits?

Sarah Rafferty:        Biggest obstacles, you know, it sounds sort of lame but sometimes it’s really late and we’re really tired and that can just be hard. It’s just the nature of shooting something. We can be there at 4:00 in the morning trying to shoot something and, you know, you can be - it can be hard at times to remember what you were going to say or things like that.

        Sometimes, you know what’s fun about shooting when you shoot exteriors, when you’re shooting on the street in Toronto, Donna and Harvey had such a great scene on the street when he comes to give her her bonus check and get her back, to come back to the firm.

        And that day it was over 100 degrees and we were shooting on one of the busiest streets, one of the best looking but busiest streets in Toronto that had cable cars. And there’s no cable cars in New York. So we were constantly having to stop so that the cable cars wouldn’t be in the shot.

        And it was just a lot of picking up the pieces like and hurrying and trying to just get it while we held the traffic, let’s just get a shot in, that kind of thing. So it was kind of - it’s kind of exciting and challenging at the same time to be dealing with those kind of elements.

(Ranier Collin):        Okay and my second question is what is your dream role as an actress?

Sarah Rafferty:        Oh God, that’s impossible. That’s so - oh that’s such a good question and so impossible. I’m going to say that there’s a chance that I might currently be playing her and I’ll leave it at that.

(Ranier Collin):        Thank you very much Sarah.

Sarah Rafferty:        Thank you.

Operator:        Our next question comes from the line of (Abhiroop) with SpoilerTV. Please proceed with your question.

(Abhiroop (SpoilerTV)):        Hi there Sarah, thanks for being on the call today.

Sarah Rafferty:        Yes.

(Abhiroop (SpoilerTV)):        And I would like you to congratulate on the renewal of the third season.

Sarah Rafferty:        Thank you so much, we’re excited.

(Abhiroop (SpoilerTV)):        My question is that you have done a lot of guest roles in many popular shows. How does it differ for your acting point of view compared on being on a regular show or a guest star? Is it easier, harder, or is it fun and challenging, which one is fun and challenging?

Sarah Rafferty:        You are asking which one might be more fun or which might be more challenging?

(Abhiroop (SpoilerTV)):        Yes.

Sarah Rafferty:        Well I think, you know, it’s all great because it’s really fun to be able to play different characters and to go visit other people’s shows and be a guest on them and work with different actors. That’s, you know, always a pleasure and a great opportunity.

        But when you’re a regular on your own show there’s a comfort level that you have with the crew and the other castmates so going into work can feel like going to your second home. So that’s one of the real pleasures of being a regular.

        And also being a regular on our show, it’s been really fun for me getting the scripts each week just seeing how Donna evolves. And I’m just excited to kind of be on the journey with her going forward. So that’s a real pleasure about being a regular on a TV show.

(Abhiroop (SpoilerTV)):        Oh and is there a favorite episode coming up for Harvey and Donna? If not then perhaps you can see anything in the future for them that fans should really look forward to?

Sarah Rafferty:        Well I think what’s great about - I loved the flashback episode that we had this year and since we have now all ten of the episodes and also the first season, anybody at any time can go back and watch that episode on demand.

        And I actually am going to do that soon because that was one of my favorite episodes. I don’t know if the writers have anything, any more flashbacks planned but yes. Sorry, you were going to say something?

(Abhiroop (SpoilerTV)):        No no just that is there any scene in the future that we should really look forward to?

Sarah Rafferty:        Well Donna is going to continue having her fun with Harvey in terms of his personal life and his personal life is going to come up a little bit more in the back six.

(Abhiroop (SpoilerTV)):        Okay. And just one last question, which actor would you like to work with in the future on Suits?

Sarah Rafferty:        Can I have anybody? I can have anybody? I’m going to pick - right now I’m going to pick Mark Ruffalo and I think that he’s going to have to be Donna’s love interest.

(Abhiroop (SpoilerTV)):        That’s great. Thank you for answering your question and good luck for the rest of the series.

Sarah Rafferty:        Thank you so much. It was nice talking to you.

(Abhiroop (SpoilerTV)):        You too.

Operator:        Our next question comes from the line of (Meg Nurol) with the Lighthouse.

(Meg Nurol):        Hi Sarah.

Sarah Rafferty:        Hey.

(Meg Nurol):        We love your character, we just love Donna so I just wanted to tell you how much we enjoy your work.

Sarah Rafferty:        Oh I’m so glad, thank you.

(Meg Nurol):        We had an opportunity to talk with Mr. Korsh a couple of months ago and you keep bringing up, you know, great writers. Do you ever talk about - because Donna is in a supporting position in that firm and does she have an aspiration to become a lawyer herself? Or do you ever talk about where you would like to see in the future?

Sarah Rafferty:        Yes that’s a great question. So it’s kind of a two-parter, right? I think that Donna - and she said it sort of straight up to Rachel when they went out for drinks. Do you remember that episode? And she says I’m a legal secretary but that’s not who I am.

(Meg Nurol):        Right.

Sarah Rafferty:        She said I’m proud of that fact but it’s not who I am. And I think one of the things that makes Donna - that I really admire about Donna is that she’s really comfortable with who she is and she’s really proud of who she is. And I don’t - I think she recognizes that she’s indispensable. So I don’t believe that she aspires to be anybody other than herself.

(Meg Nurol):        Okay.

Sarah Rafferty:        Which is a great thing to play. And the second part of your question was the conversations that we might have with the writers about where our characters are going. Is that what you asked?

(Meg Nurol):        Yes.

Sarah Rafferty:        You know, I think that some of those conversations may come up more in the future but up until now my conversations have been more about - we have fun talking about the back story that we see for the character. I have great conversations about what we think happened in the past for Donna. And, you know, so that might evolve into talking about things that will happen in the future but it hasn’t yet.

        And obviously like I’m just kind of pleasantly surprised and you know, I read the scripts when they come in with kind of an excitement to see where it’s going without trying to control it, you know.

(Meg Nurol):        Because we - I mean personally I would love to see Donna in a better position where she can control everything. She has that quality to control everything and she knows what’s going on and she’s just on top of everything.

Sarah Rafferty:        Yes.

(Meg Nurol):        So that’s why I thought you might have some conversations with the writers.

Sarah Rafferty:        Well I am happy to pass that on your behalf.

(Meg Nurol):        Oh please, please. Thank you. Best of luck with the rest of the show, rest of the season.

Sarah Rafferty:        Thank you so much.

(Meg Nurol):        Thank you.

Operator:        Our next question comes from the line of Melissa Girimonte with the Televixen. Please proceed with your question.

Melissa Girimonte:        Hey Sarah, it’s great to chat with you today.

Sarah Rafferty:        Hi, I love that name Televixen.

Melissa Girimonte:        You’re actually one of the most searched terms on my site and have been for over a year now.

Sarah Rafferty:        Are you serious?

Melissa Girimonte:        Seriously, since the very first Suit set visit.

Sarah Rafferty:        Oh my gosh, is Donna (unintelligible) on the Televixen?

Melissa Girimonte:        I don’t know, I think that everyone loves your character and wants to find anything they can about you.

Sarah Rafferty:        Oh my gosh, that’s so funny, wow. I’m very flattered.

Melissa Girimonte:        Well I found that the second season definitely has a darker tone. And not so much that it felt like a different series but there was a - because at the heart it was still the same but there was definitely a different tone. Have you enjoyed the intensity of this season versus the first season?

Sarah Rafferty:        Yes that’s a great question. Yes you’re absolutely right. It did get darker this season. And I have enjoyed it, I think we all have. I think because the nature of being in the second season there was the time and the luxury to really dig in with these people. And, you know, as an actor I was totally psyched that Donna got fired and all that messy stuff that was going to come out of that.

        And what pops in my mind right now is kind of one of the first big blowout scenes for Donna was the scene in - I don’t know if you remember in I think it was episode 205 when Harvey comes into the bathroom and they have it out. And she admits that she destroyed the document and then realizes what a mistake that was.

        And he says I’m not going to fire you, I might kill you but I’m not going to fire you. And, you know, that was exciting, you know, when the material took that kind of turn. I had fun with it and hopefully the fans too.

Melissa Girimonte:        I definitely have really enjoyed the episodes so far and really, really looking forward to what is still to come this season.

Sarah Rafferty:        Great.

Melissa Girimonte:        Thanks a lot.

Sarah Rafferty:        Thank you.

Operator:        Our next question comes from the line of (Ranier Collin) with TV Dirty Laundry. Please proceed with your question.

(Ranier Collin):        Hi Sarah. Do you stay in character when you’re filming and when you go home do you leave Donna behind?

Sarah Rafferty:        Yes I can say I definitely leave Donna behind because my life as a mom is decidedly less glamorous than Donna’s life. The outfits are much different.

(Ranier Collin):        Thank you. Thank you very much.

Sarah Rafferty:        You know.

Operator:        Ladies and gentlemen, as a reminder, to register for a question please press Star then the number 1. Our next question comes from the line of Tina Charles with TV Goodness.

Tina Charles:        Hey there.

Sarah Rafferty:        Hey there. TV Goodness, I love that.

Tina Charles:        Thank you.

Sarah Rafferty:        TV Goodness.

Tina Charles:        So Donna getting fired was one of the biggest moments of the first part of season two, it was jaw-dropping. What was that like for you to play it out especially with Gabriel Macht?

Sarah Rafferty:        It was really exciting. Gosh it was really exciting because like I said before, you know, taking that kind of turn into the relationship getting very messy was fun to play as an actor. So just how much it complicated their relationship in the episodes that followed was great.

        And also what was really fun was that the flashback episode came after that so we got to flash back to a time when things were - when they were younger and, you know, more energized and more lighthearted. We got to flash back to that too which I felt was kind of perfectly timed considering all the heaviness that was going on in their situation.

        And also, you know, as I mentioned Gabriel and I are old friends so some of it was - sometimes when the scenes are very serious it can be - we need to take a minute to pull it together because it’s just - it can be funny to us as people when it’s 4:00 in the morning and we’re really tired and challenged.

Tina Charles:        That’s funny. Well we saw Donna kind of struggle over the fact that she may have lost that file. Is - do you think, you know, because she’s always so good at her job. Do you think there is anything else that would shake the core of her - of your character that would cause her to lose her cool? Because she is always so perfect.

Sarah Rafferty:        Well yes no, it would be things like that, like I think she was so shocked that she could have possibly made a mistake. I mean, even Harvey says Donna never makes a mistake. She is cocky and confident and she has kind of earned that confidence. So I think that really sent her reeling.

        So yes, I don’t know what might lie ahead if that’s what you’re asking in terms of what, you know, could shake her. I think messing up that bad shook her though.

Tina Charles:        Finally just are we going to get any more casual yoga going Donna, we’d kind of like to see that.

Sarah Rafferty:        I don’t know, the Donna at home version, the Donna at home action figure. I also - I would love to visit her more at home. I can pass that along to the powers that be too on your behalf if it’s a request.

Tina Charles:        Great thank you.

Sarah Rafferty:        Thanks.

Operator:        Our next question is a follow-up from the line of (Ranier Collin) of TV Dirty Laundry. Please proceed with your question.

(Ranier Collin):        Hi Sarah, it’s me again.

Sarah Rafferty:        Hi.

(Ranier Collin):        I just need to know if you could give advice to young actors what advice would you give them?

Sarah Rafferty:        I think I would say something that has been said which is just is to keep studying, like keep going back to class and keep working, keep working on your craft and keep digging. And I think I’d also just say that it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Like, you know, don’t give up, keep going. I would say that.

(Ranier Collin):        Thank you very much Sarah.

Sarah Rafferty:        It’s a tough business, it’s a really tough business so persistence is a big, important quality to hone.

(Ranier Collin):        Thank you very much.

Sarah Rafferty:        Thank you.

Operator:        You have no further questions at this time.

Amanda Cary:        Okay we can go ahead and wrap up the call then. Thank you everybody so much for joining today and thank you Sarah for taking part in our call. And again if you have any questions or want the transcripts you can email me at Thank you so much everybody.

Sarah Rafferty:        Thank you, thanks everyone.

Operator:        Ladies and gentlemen that does conclude the conference for today. We thank you for your participation and ask that you please disconnect your line.