Saturday 31st January 2015 - Issue #14

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No-Tolerance Hacking Policy

By Scott

     Recently, the Sr. Staff put together a study about hackers coming back after their first offense ban expiring. They came to the conclusion that only 0.2% of hackers changed their ways or stopped playing. This suggests that second chance was not used like it could have been. For this reason, the administration came to the conclusion that hacking will be a no-tolerance permanent ban, but there are many things that need to be cleared up first.

    For one, this has taken effect as of February 1st. If you or a friend has been banned previously for hacking first offense, your/their ban will not be changed to a permanent ban unless they hack again. If someone hacked/hacks on or after February 1st, it will be a permanent ban regardless of the offense number. This is to help eliminate the chance of a hacker returning to the network.

     In addition, we can now divide different hacking offenses into different categories. The three categories include modded clients, hacked clients, and admitting to hacking. Modded clients (chest finder, increased gamma, etc.) will continue to be a 1 week then permanent ban. Hacked clients (aimbot, no-knockback, etc.) will be a first offense permanent ban. Admitting to hacking will also continue to be a 1 week to permanent ban. This will prevent complaints from not getting a second chance on offenses that people are unaware about.

     Finally, there will be rare instances where second chances can be given. This will be done by the Sr. Staff, but more information about the forgiveness policy should be coming within the next few weeks. If you have any questions about the new policy, please message a staff member.

1.8 & MCGamer - What’s New?

Guest Written by Mooclan

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the MCGamer Network! Or maybe you’re not so welcome. This is, after all, the MCGamer Network with Survival Games, where almost anything goes and the goal is to kill 23 other tributes...but that’s an article for another time. For now, assuming you haven’t made personal enemies out of the Gamemakers, you’re free to roam the map, gathering equipment and duking it out with other contestants. But you might notice something. The server is...different. You can’t quite place your thumb on it, but it’s clear that something has changed. And then you look at the edge of your screen, and see it.

You’re not playing in 1.7 anymore!

Even if you’re not playing the SG gamemode, you’re probably using 1.8 to connect to the MCGamer network. After more than a year with 1.7, running all the way from 1.7 to 1.7.10, MCG has completely switched over to 1.8 (and 1.8.1!), which allows the servers to be upgraded with some of the latest features, such as Spectator Mode, titles, armor stands, and colored beacons! With the introduction of Spectator Mode, you can expect a more reliable spectating system, as it now utilizes the vanilla feature rather than relying on a custom plugin. Titles, which, can end up being a very flashy and convenient way of making announcements, act as a very aesthetically pleasing feature. Combined with the upgraded Scoreboards, who knows what possibilities lie in store? Don’t even get me started on the new blocks! Having witnessed some fabulous builds utilizing the newest blocks, I can personally say that I’m excited to see some beautiful, bouncy new maps with prismarine and slime blocks.

While it’s true that some major changes may be around the corner (or already arriving!), it’s better to think of it as progress. Rather than stagnating in 1.7, MCGamer took the leap to become one of the first major networks to fully upgrade to 1.8. It’s no surprise that there are issues - but just consider how quickly they fixed the initial bumps like the disguise glitches! Considering the significance of the update, combined with the incoming Leaderboard Update and recent MCGamer V2, the Developers have actually done a terrific job. All-in-all, MCGamer’s update to 1.8 won’t end as badly as most people think. Remember the sprint-key? It changed PvP, but didn’t break it. Block-hitting got changed, but isn’t gone. The update is going to revamp many aspects of various game-modes. Whether it be changing both the Map and PvP aspects of the Survival Games, or the raw combat of Battlegrounds...change is approaching. Or perhaps it has already arrived?

 Operation Cleansweep EU Update

By Scott

      So far, Operation Cleansweep EU has been a successful operation. With all the help we’ve received, we have been able to eliminate hackers off the EU network. We hope that you’ve seen a decrease in hackers with this operation, but we do realize that there is still a lot of work to be done with this. For those who are unaware, this is a time where both the community and staff get together and clear the EU region of hackers. Community members go server to server and record hackers. Staff members use the reporting feature (known as XAC) to catch hackers. After we record them, the hackers are banned. In previous operations, this technique has proven to be a successful method in lowering hacker counts in the EU region; however, we are continuing to look into ways that are more successful. In order to catch the highest possible number of hackers, we organize Cleansweeps during EU’s peak times.

     To find out more information, please check out the threads in the news and announcements section. All-time stats will be released at the end of this week. 

MCGamer V2: Here and Now

Guest Written by FancyPantsMC

As you all know, MCGamer has recently upgraded to V2, which has brought upon us more minigames, features, maps, and a whole assortment of new items you can buy with our new credit system. Now as V1 starts to become a more distant memory, I feel this is an appropriate time to review and reflect upon what we have gained, and what has become of the servers. In the beginning of this bountiful V2 update, we had many naysayers stationed throughout the network, as well as bugs/glitches.There was constant complaining from many sources, and many wanted to return to V1. However, we made it through this trying time. One of the reasons I created this article is to show the drastic improvement from the beginning of this update. In addition,I want to recognize how much better the servers have become since the outset of the update process. First off, I would like to thank YOU for sticking with MCG throughout this trying time. Some of the glitches were quite annoying, but you all stuck with the servers and I would like to thank you for that. Secondly, I would like to thank the developer team - they are constantly under appreciated, and they are the reason the servers stand as they are today. Their work did not come to a halt when V2 was released to the public, not by a long shot. Everyday, they take the time to both fix bugs of the server, and create new original features to help improve your experience here at MCGamer. In the early stages of the update, every 5 messages in chat seemed to say things like “er mai gurrrrd, V2 is [Insert Potty-Mouth Word Here]”. Now, this negative attitude has improved immensely from it’s original state. Many believed this would be the final downfall of MCG, but we have proved them wrong as a community. We are here, and remain to be the best Survival Games server that Minecraft has to offer. So, in closing, thank you all for your cooperation with the new update, and I hope to see you in-game!

MCGamer Community Calendar - February

By TechSolomon

Here is a list of all the events that MCGamer is holding for the month of February. Mark the dates, tributes! We hope to see some of you out at these wonderful events.

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 Minecraft Name Change Update

By Jay

        If you haven’t noticed, on January 12th, Mojang has officially announced the Name Change update, and how it’ll work! The Name Change is planned to be available for everyone on February 4th. Heres the catch, all you need to have is a Mojang account and you’ll be set for the ability to change your name! If you’ve been permanently banned from our servers, and you change your name, you will remain banned. Think about the things you can do now! Be creative, change capitalization, add numbers, you can make a whole bunch of changes to your name.

        Yet, you may be thinking, this is amazing, I can change my name every single day. Not really, after you’ve changed your name, you’ll have to wait 30 days until you can change your name to something else again. If you see someones name who you like, and they decide to change their name, you can have it. After a user changes their name, 37 days later, the username they had will become available for grabs! If you’d like, comment below what name you’re trying to have with the name change update. Have fun, and enjoy the name changes!


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In this edition of the Current Events Publication, Lemonz87 is our YouTube spotlight. She plays a lot of Survival Games, but she also does other things like building challenges. Be sure to check her out and subscribe today! 


For this edition of the Current Events Publication, JuggerHD is our artist spotlight! He is one of the select artists who makes both banners, avatars, and thumbnails. To check out his thread and ask his thread, please check here:

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Welcome to these new Staff Members!
















Congratulations to the New Mods of the Month




Be sure to congratulate them on this excellent achievement!

Farewell to the Following Moderators










16 Moderators have been removed due to inactivity.

Farewell to the Following Sr. Staff Members



Interview & Article by Zach

        GotCubes first became Moderator August 27th 2013, and has made a lasting impact ever since. When originally applying for Moderator back in 2013, he felt the desire to be a part of the growing community. Seeing the increase in popularity of the server, Cubes felt that he could contribute to the benefit of the network by being a staff member. Throughout Cubes’ time as a Moderator, he made everlasting friendships, and helped to keep this server clean of hackers and other rule breakers! In Cubes’ three months of Moderator, his favorite part was getting to meet and talk to all of the administrators for the first time, and creating some of the many bonds that Cube’s still has to this day. Following Cube’s three months of Moderator, her was offered the position of Senior Moderator. When he was offered the position, he felt that it was mostly confusing, considering he didn’t think he quite heard what Dave was saying the first time. After recollecting his thoughts, Cubes would become Senior Moderator the day of December 14th 2013. And from that day on, Cubes would end up being a Senior Staff member for 14 months! MCGamer staff and community greatly appreciates all that Cubes has done in his time here through applications, interviews, ban disputes, and managing the moderator team. Personally to Cubes, his favorite part of Senior Staff member was ban disputes because he found it fun to examine the details of the evidence provided with punishments and work out sed situations. All in all as a senior staff member, Cubes’ favorite experience as a Senior Moderator didn’t actually take place on the server. His favorite moment would be one day when he was rolling around Chad's office via segway, all while being at my own house (long story short: technology is insane)! These are Cubes’ MCGamer staff experiences in a nutshell. In the end, Cubes’ favorite part of this community is getting to meet new people constantly. The cultural diversity that you see here is really something that shouldn't be taken for granted. He says the player base has everything to do with who plays. It's truly a forward-bound mentality. And again, we all thank Cubes for his time here, and we wish him luck in his future.

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Have a story you’d like to share?

Know of an event you’d like to see advertised?

Want to be part of the CEP team?

The Current Events Publication team is always looking for new talent and new material. Have a story to share, an event to advertise, or a talent for writing? Follow the template displayed and send a private message the staff members below if you want to contribute.

Name (IGN, Forum name, etc):

What you wish to contribute (article idea, planned event, writer application):

Comments and Information:

In order to contribute to the CEP, please send a Private Message/Conversation via the Forums to @Col_StaR, @Jimmer, and @duckluv321. We will review your message and decide if it could be featured. If the suggestion is approved, we will assign an editor help you along with your work. Make sure to PM or message (not poke) the stated staff members; if you don’t, it may be overlooked until the requirements are fulfilled.

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7qSNihF.pngCol_StaR - Using math to take down hackers: that’s why I am very proud of the Hacking Recidivism Study.

face.pngJimmer - Hey there, I’m Jimmer! I have been commissioned to work on this project in an administrative role, but you can refer to me as the CEP Head Editor. For my own part, I’ll mostly be working behind the scenes and completing the administrative work that is associated with CEP (such as hiring new writers). You can mostly find me writing, editing material, or just hanging out on Teamspeak with my friends. Feel free to PM me, email me, or poke me on Teamspeak if you have any questions/comments/concerns with the CEP (or, for that matter, any Sr. Staff related issue).

duckluv321.pngDuckluv321- Hi! My name is Shea, but I’m much better known as Duck. I am new to the CEP team, but I’m excited to work with my fellow CEP members, and write some articles! I will be working on various ‘graphics’ related items, the ‘Media’ section, and wherever else I’m needed :)

hdtCkdn.pngsheldor_da_great -Hello fellow survivors! Most people know me as Sheldor. I am one of the editors/reviewers of the Current Events Publication (CEP), but I will be doing some writing as well. If you see me around, feel free to say hi!

scott46743.pngScott- Hi, my name is Scott. I am a fairly new member of the CEP team and I am happy to work with all of these amazing people! I will be helping out at a writer and I will be attempting to do some interviews with people as well. If you have any ideas for me or the CEP, don’t hesitate to PM me. Hope you enjoy my work.

PleaseTeamIFan.pngPleaseTeamIFan- Hello all! My name is Zach, or PleaseTeamIFan! I am very excited to be working in the CEP team, and all it has to offer. I am mainly a writer here, but also occasionally an editor. I am ecstatic to be a part of this amazing team, and I’m looking forward to see all that will come.

Hectorg98.pngHectorg98- Hey everyone! My name is Gregory or, better known as Hectorg98 and I am writer and video producer here at the CEP. What I mainly do here is edit the videos of our mini-series, produce it, get the recordings, put everything together, and finally upload it!

Ohjayx.pngOhjayx- Hey guys! I’m Jay, you might see me in-game as Ohjayx! I’m extremely pleased to be an adjustment to the CEP team. My standing here in the CEP team shifts from editing and writing. I’m more than happy to be here on the team and give my utmost participation to make my time on the crew extremely enjoyable!

Screenshot_217.pngGetRidaHim- Hello everyone! I’m Rida, or as a lot of people know me as, GetRidaHim.  It’s very exciting to be introduced into the CEP team. I work as an editor, writer, illustrator, video editor and producer. I’m so happy to be here on the CEP team today, it’s a very exciting experience, and will hopefully make my job here at MCGamer more interesting, and I hope to help the CEP team as a whole!

gQShq4v.pngTechSolomon - Heyo! My name is Solomon. I will primarily be working on the MCGamer Community Calendar. If you didn’t see the above article, the MCGamer Community Calendar will house numerous important dates. For example, events that are open to the general public & birthdays. Peace! :D