Feedback Fiesta

Feedback is Fun!

Put these sentences in order 1-10, 1 being the one you most agree with and 10 being the one you least agree with.

Feedback should not take up a lot of class time.

Feedback needs to be done thoroughly every class.

Feedback doubles up as a warmer and something to do while waiting for latecomers.

Feedback is also a revision activity.

Feedback is also an opportunity for extension.

Feedback needs to be varied.

Feedback needs to be motivating.

Positive feedback is as important as negative feedback.

Feedback is an opportunity for personalisation.

Feedback is fun!

Five Step Feedback

What order do we do these five stages of feedback in?

Ways of Varying Feedback

  1. T reads out passage and stops before answers for SS to give answer.
  2. SS nominate each other to answer.
  3. T reads text with answers, SS listen with books closed. SS then open books and check answers with P, asking T about ones can’t remember or not sure of.
  4. T only checks answers to ‘difficult’ questions.
  5. SS check answers in pairs and if have different answers ask T/SS check with answers on board.
  6. T gives SS answers with the homework. Ss do homework, check it themselves and bring questions to class.
  7. T gives each SS one correct answer and SS mill to check all.
  8. T chooses SS to write answer on board.
  9. T calls out Q numbers randomly and SS race to board to write correct answers.
  10. T gives half answers to one half of class and half to other, SS swap answers across class in shouting dictation.
  11. T gives answers to one SS who corrects homework and then passes on to next SS. If someone hasn’t seen answers by end of class they have to ask another SS for homework.
  12. T nominates SS to play T and get feedback from rest of class in any way they like.
  13. T emails answers to SS between classes for them to self correct. SS email T with Qs before next class.
  14. SS have laminated A4 sheet on which to write answer. T calls out Q and each group holds up answer on sheet.

Fitting Feedback

Global Pre Intermediate Page 92, Clandfield, Macmillan, 2010

Global Pre Intermediate Page 93, Clandfield, Macmillan, 2010

PERM Your Feedback


Personalised discussion questions using the right answers

True/false sentences about yourself/the class


Reformulate into more natural English

Doing the exercise yourself and talking them through it


Students tell partner what they were thinking while you monitor

Short story or dialogue context


Sports and Games – Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Tennis, Grand Prix, 0s and Xs, etc.

(More games will appear on my blog

Personalisation                                        Extension                        

Reformulating feedback

1 I never have a snake in my house.

2 I’d love having a horse in my house.  

3 I used to take it walking and I used to clean it and I used to play with it.

4 I have a cat, he has fourteen years old.

5 In the latest years I don’t have a pet.

Insights 3 WB P74 Ex1, McBeth, Macmillan,  2011


Global PreIntermediate CB P151, Clandfield, Macmillan, 2010

Feedback Famous Five

Personalised Feedback

  1. I never worry about missing planes.
  2. My father-in-law never lets me pay for dinner.
  3. I’m always complaining about my wife’s cooking.
  4. I’ve really been looking forward to coming to Bariloche.
  5. My wife blames me for everything!
  6. It’s difficult choosing between pizza and pasta.

©Neil McMahon, Macmillan, ih Buenos Aires, IHWO 2011