FMFC All High School Fencing Team  INFORMATION


What is the HS league?

The Minnesota High School Fencing League is an amateur league that is run by the Minnesota High School Fencing Coaches Association with the purpose of creating opportunities for fencers in grades 7-12 to compete. For more info 

Fencers of the FMFC are allowed to fence in the MN HS League because the FMFC is a USFA MN Member Fencing Club.

There are three categories of competition in the MNHSFL:

  1. Dual meets
  2. The Minnesota State Individual High School Championships
  3. The Minnesota State Squad High School Championships.

Categories 1 and 3 are fenced by teams and Category 2 is fenced individually.

Team events require a minimum of 3 fencers and a maximum of 4. Fencers in the team event are chosen by the FMFC staff balancing out different factors: experience, seniority, maturity, mental strength, results, team spirit, exemplarity, etc. Decisions in the selection are not to be questioned by parents, and to do so may result in the fencer not being considered for team events in the future.

In the past, due to overflow or odd number of fencers, some students were not be able to participate in team events, however they showed great sportsmanship and team spirit coming to the tournament to cheer and support their clubmates, it is our most sincere desire that this tendency continues on in the future.

Why should my kid join the HS team?

The HS league is a lot of fun for everybody, and also gives a taste of competition under a controlled framework. Fencers experience camaraderie and teamwork as well as they grow as individuals inside and outside of the strip. It is a great honor and opportunity for the FMFC to participate in the MN HS league, there are great teams out there and not everybody has the opportunity to participate in these kind of events.

Is my kid ready?

The requirements of age for a fencer to participate are:

A fencer must be in grades seven through twelve or if home-schooled of similar age. A fencer must be at least twelve years old on the January 1 date of the competing season.

It is never out of place to talk to the FMFC coaching staff to see if you kid is ready for competition and if the fencer is mentally prepared to participate in the league.

When is it?

The FMFC traditionally participate in 3 events:

  1. The SPA invitational
  2. The Giant Dual Meet
  3. The MN High School championships

All three tournaments are fenced within the starting of January to the end of February.

Every event (weapon/gender) usually starts at different times, please check to see when is your fencer’s event starting, it is recommended you show up 1 hour prior the start of the event so you have time to register and warmup.

The FMFC HS season starts December 1st and ends with the MN HS Championships. In those 3 months the FMFC concentrates their efforts in the HS group and  trains for those tournaments.

We practice three times a week: Tuesday Epee, Thursday Foil and Friday Sabre/open-fencing, it is the same price for one to 3 nights a week, we encourage all our fencers to come as many nights as they can.

Where is it?

Most competitions are fenced in the Twin Cities area. Locations vary from year to year. The final calendar is provided to the participants as soon as its known, also the calendar of the club (in the website) is updated with the date as soon as it is known by the club.

We train in our regular facility at the times specified in the calendar of the club.

What equipment do I need?

You need full electric equipment, 2 working and TESTED weapons, 2 body cords, knickers and an underarm protector , long socks, mask, jacket and glove (without holes) . You are required to arrive on time to the tournament wearing your knickers, an FMFC T-shirt, a club patch (if you own your own fencing jacket) , and, the club warm-ups. Some equipment can be borrowed from the club but we highly encourage you to have your own equipment and be responsible for it.

To borrow equipment contact the coaching staff.

How much does it cost?

There is no extra payment made to the FMFC to participate in the HS league representing the club. However, fencers are responsible for getting to the tournament, for their hotel if they need it,  and for individual tournament fees (which are paid at the venue and are around $20-$30 depending on the tournament).

The club will sponsor the team with coaching at the tournament, team event fees and logistics.

If the fencer doesn't own an FMFC warm-up he/she must rent one from the club for $5.

The club usually obtains a group price for hotel rooms with a reduced price. Families and fencers are encouraged to stay together to build team spirit, it is not required.

An email with the club info and hotel is sent 3-4 weeks prior the event to the email provided in the HS contract.

An FMFC fencer has to active in the club to be on the team, class payments can be done in different ways  [ ]:

- Spring Semester payment which will cover from starting of Jan to end of May (recommended)

- Monthly Payment, dues can be paid month by month: $50/month if you own your own equipment and $70/month if you dont own your own equipment.

- HS season payment, $120/season, the season will cover from starting of December to end of February.

What paperwork has to be done?

Everything is at the online registration 

How many weapons/categories can I fence?

You can only fence a single weapon in individual events and a single weapon in team event, most of our fencers fence the same weapon in individual events and team events.

How do we fundraise for the cots of the club?

To compensate the cost of the team fees and miscellaneous the team does different fundraisers. They vary from year to year and they are coordinated in the team parent meetings. We encourage everybody to participate as a unit.

Examples of these fundraisers are:

- Barnes & Noble Gift wrapping

- T-shirt sale for the HS team

- Flocking


What is the Team dinner?

In 2 day tournaments, such as the MN HS Championships, it is tradition that we get together and have dinner after the first day of the tournament, it is not mandatory to come but recommended.

The place and time is determined depending on the tournament schedule, once fixed is communicated by email.

Is my kid going to win?

Fencers win and lose, it is part of the sport, the FMFC prepares our fencers as much as possible to obtain good results in the league, however, our time is limited and this is a sport that requires a lot of hard work. Fencers coming every night that we have class,and  that do their own exercises outside the club will have better chances.

What kind I do as a parent to help my kid?

As a parent you may assist your fencer making sure all their equipment is ready to go, providing moral support, cheering in tournaments, making sure everybody is hydrated and having food ready if they need it.

The coaching staff will be there to help with fencing matters, in addition our fencers are trained to solve fencing problems by themselves or using teammates, it is discouraged for parents to coach the athletes while in tournaments or practices.

Try to have fun with them.

Is there fencing life after HS?

The HS league is meant to serve as an opportunity to start fencing in competition, there are several competitions besides HS, rated and non-rated USFA tournaments. The club lists in the website those tournaments that are close to the FM, it is encouraged to go to those tournaments if the fencer has shown maturity in prior events.

After every USFA season a National Team for the FMFC is selected among the top fencers of the club, the National Team gets partial support from the club to participate and represent the FM area in top tournaments all around the US.

Is there any meeting about the HS league?

The FMFC conducts 2 HS league meetings, one around September and one starting of December, which coinincides with the FMFC HS season. The Team meetings are geared towards parents that have extra questions.

What if I have more questions?

If you have any other questions you can always email the current parent coordinator:

Jason Powell -

or email the club with any general questions