Alumni News:

Yaxun Fan (postdoc 2015) has been promoted to  Assistant Professor. We wish her all the best with her new appointment.

Great news from Kayitmazer Research group. Their first paper has been accepted for publication in Soft Matter. Congratulations to Basak Kayitmazer (PhD 2007) and her students.

Elaine Foun (BS UMass 2010) finished her graduate work at URI in 2012, and is now a QC chemist doing mainly ICP-MS at Fuji Films Electronic Materials in Rhode Island. She loves being back in the lab again.In addition to authoring two fine papers (Langmuir, J. Phys. Chem.) she was a superb mentor for Bingqian Zheng.

Emek Seyrek (PhD 2005) has moved to Rio de Janiero to continue her research as an ANR "Chaire d'Excelence" (permanent affiliation Univ. Paris-Diderot). She is accompanied by husband Guillame and son Riva (aka "Robinson")

Basak Kayitmazer (PhD 2007) is directing a research group (two PhD and one MS student) at Bogazici University.

Yisheng Xu (PhD 2012) after leaving his postdoc in Cornell, joined Chem. Eng. at ECUST where he was awarded a major research grant.

Yael Mishael (postdoc 2005), Assoc. Prof. of Soil and Water Science,  is assisting water purification technology start-ups at the Hebrew University (Rehovoth).

Yajuan Li (postdoc 2007) is working at Unilever, Shanghai, and enjoying raising her daughter with husband  Xiaoyang Wang.

Yale Mishael (postdoc 2004-2005) received tenure at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment).

Emek Seyrek (PhD, 2005) and her husband Guilliame welcome the arrival of their baby boy Riva.

Basak Kayitmazer (PhD, 2007) gave an invited lecture at Polyelectrolytes 2012 (Lausanne).

Michael Hernon (BS, 2006)

Malek Mazzawi (BS, 2010) - M.S. (in Biomedical Sciences) earned in May 2012 / M.D. Candidate, Class of 2016 at the University of Massachusetts Medical School