MCGamer Current Events Page

January 1, 2014. Issue #1


New Year, Big Plans

By Col. StaR

2013: one heck of a year. History will remember 2013 as a year of great activity. The year was marked by much political turmoil such as the use of chemical weapons in Syria, a coup in Egypt, and a government shutdown in the United States. Many great lives have ended, such as the Nelson Mandela’s and Margret Thatcher’s, but many great lives- such as Prince George of Cambridge’s- have only just begun. The torrents of Typhoon Haiyan and the horrors of the Kenyan Mall shooting may have battered the wills of many, but many more continue to find faith in themselves, in each other, and in humanity’s inevitable march towards progress.

While everyone was being talking about twerking and wondering what foxes say, I’ve watched this community grow over these many months. And looking back, I’m can confidently say that I am proud to be a part of this community.

One year ago, there was no such thing as MCGamer. Now our community ranks among the largest Minecraft communities in the world, garnering thousands of players at any hour of the day. We have expanded beyond the borders of the US and EU to bring games to Canada, Australia, and Asia. Player count records are broken month after month, and I have a feeling that this trend will only continue as our servers become more popular and as we roll our more of our planned features.

Our community has felt the occasional growing pain, but the Administration has already begun to address them. Many of our staff are working on projects geared towards reforming our weaknesses and reinforcing our strengths; this very publication began as a project from one of our Senior Moderators and came to fruition by the input of many staff volunteers. In the future, we hope to unveil the fruits of our labor, including reforms to staff training, player rewards, and moderator motivation. Furthermore, thanks to the efforts of our Development team, a number of fixes, changes, and features will be released as soon as they are fully finished and ready to be implemented. We have never stopped working for this community, and soon you will see what we have made because of it.

The year of 2013 may be over, but 2014 is already gearing up to be an active and exciting year.

Happy new year, Tributes. And may the odds be in your favor.

- Colonel StaR, on behalf of the MCGamer Administration

After Much Ado, Survival Finally Returns!

By Lively

After months of anticipation from the community, Survival is back! And better than ever! After a long break the Survival server has returned. The direct IP is So grab your pick, punch some trees, and be ready to survive like you’ve never survived before!

The spawn has been rebuilt and a brand new world has been loaded. The administrative staff attribute the long break due to the fact that they wanted to open the server in 1.7 only.

Because of this, we had to wait for a stable version of CraftBukkit to come out. When it came out, Antster360 commissioned Red Forest to build the spawn. With help from a few members of Team Elite, the spawn was built in a matter of days. The spawn has custom terraforming just outside of the spawn area and a unique, redstone-operated trading system.

When the server was started, players were given multiple kits to celebrate. The Christmas kit gave players a number of enchantment books to give them an edge right at the start. When the server was officially opened, players rushed out of the spawn to gather resources and set up their bases and factions.

Since the server is 1.7 only, you cannot connect through the hub yet since the hub is compatible for 1.6 and 1.7. To connect to the Survival server, your minecraft version must be 1.7.2 or higher. Then, you may connect through direct connect or by adding to your server list.

Have fun surviving!

MineYear 2014: Kicking Off the New Year, Minecraft Style

By MeaganRoses and JeremyTyler

To kick off the New Year, MCGamer’s players celebrated together by lighting fireworks and partying on “MineYear,” a skillfully built and user-interactive server set up specifically for the community to remember 2013, and start 2014 with some fun! The MineYear server, owned by @Ohlala00, was created just for the special occasion.

 “Minecoming was great, but we wanted something bigger and more interactive with people. We wanted to have a cool party for everybody,” said Kelly (@Ohlala00). Players could do parkour, ride roller coasters, make a wish in the diamond wishing well, have a few potions at the bar, take a boat ride, leave their new year’s resolution on the resolution wall, interact with each other, and so much more! This spontaneous event was not only a fun time as a New Year’s celebration, it was also a great bonding experience for the players involved in the MCGamer community. The concept of MineYear came into creation only seven days before the New Year, so the team had to act fast. “It was Ohlala00’s idea to make it, so she’s the owner and @JoelJC is the one that’s been doing the console. Everyone else was a builder. We pulled it together last night to get this running,” @DammitDeanne said. The list of builders can be found on the server. “We had a lot of people who helped us out the last minute and just got down to business. We really appreciate that and we could not have done it without them,” she added.

Be sure to follow for updates! Have fun, and happy MineYear to all of you MCGamer players out there!

T’is the Season, Let’s Get Festive on MCGamer

By Lively

It’s that time of year again, folks. The time of snow, and christmas trees, and a fat bearded man crawling down your chimney to leave you an iPhone or a new graphics card. It’s the holidays and the MCGamer Community is celebrating the season. The Christmas season introduced a modified hub for the servers.

The highlight of the hub is a large Christmas tree built over spawn. Players can wander through the snowy environment and climb on oversized gifts, snowmen and other festive decorations. Players also found they had collected a bottomless pile of snowballs while they were offline. Many players were seen having friendly snowball fights under the gentle snowfall. The jolly environment allowed players to temporarily forget their clan rivalries, their bitterness towards a backstabbing teammate, and their competitive natures and take joy in hurling snow at anyone and everyone.

The hub was built by, then later modified by our very own Team Elite.

With most schools on winter break, summer break for people over in countries south of the equator like Australia and the surrounding countries, our server activity has boomed! We’ve been averaging around 150% higher than the normal player count during November. Because of this, the developers of the MCGamer community worked hard to present two more gamemodes for all of you to enjoy this season. One is the new Kit PvP, where you can safely practice your PVP skills without worrying about your stats. The other is the long awaited return of the Survival server! Both of these will be covered in separate articles later in the newsletter.

We hope you’ve had a great Christmas, and from the MCGamer Current Events Publication Team, have a happy New Year! May the odds be ever in your favor.

Hone your PVP skills in the Kit PVP Server

By Lively

Photo courtesy: @Dave

Just in time for the holidays,  the past week revealed the debut of MCGamer’s very own Kit PvP server where players can practice their PVP. The server is still in Beta. At the moment, we have two maps, which are built by Red Forest. Using Minecraft 1.7.2 or higher, type /server pvp from the hub to be teleported to the server.

Once you spawn in, you have the choice of which map you’ll play on. Once you choose that, you choose what spawnpoint you’ll spawn into. Once you spawn in, it’s a no-holds-barred free for all. You’re pitted against anyone else who happens to be in the server. You choose who to kill or to strategize against to prepare yourself for combat in the Survival Games.

On a personal note, my name is Lively. I am a terraformer for Red Forest and I helped build both of the maps used in the Kit PvP server. This was the first major project I did with them and I really enjoyed working on it. The first map we finished was the island map. We were inspired by one of the battle maps in Mario Kart DS. The map is named Uncharted shores and is probably one of my favorite projects I’ve done with the team. The second arena is based around the Geniosian Battle arena from Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones. We’ve had some trouble coming up with a name for this map. What do you think it should be called?

Tributes’ efforts recorded by the Guinness Book

By MetagrossVSwablu

Amazing people are always in our presence. Each person holds something unique about them. The Guinness Book of World Records attempts to show off some  people who are paramount, or champion all others in that category. In the Guinness Book of World Records Gamer Edition, 10 of our users, the top 1o at the time, were included as the record holders of the Year for Survival Games in Minecraft!’

Rightfully so, those who were included in the book such as Reven86, the retired staff member who was listed as #7, are pleasantly surprised at their achievement.

“I feel like I’ve made an accomplishment,” said DevilicCrafter, who was listed as #6 in the book and has risen since then, currently holding #3 on the leaderboards. The ecstatic young man attributes his skill to having played PVP games in the past and trained himself from there.

All the players rightfully deserve praise for their triumph. However, the Guinness team took the scores from late in the summer. Everyone who made it to where they are aspire for the best. However, the leaderboards fluctuate and strong players emerge and claim an occupied position.

“I don’t mind [not being included], but I really would like to go higher,” said MNGLOGANp, who is #5 right now but claimed his spot fairly recently as he wasn’t in the Top 10 that Guinness featured.

All of these individuals strive towards their goals of being #1. They are self-determined and now they have another reason to compete.

Although the Guinness Book of World Records hold many different categories of a champion, a common trait that many of the holders share is their determination. They try to be the best they can be at something. This can be carried over to all aspects of one’s life as those who master their skill are respected for it in their community. Congratulations to the tributes who were included in the book, and good luck to anyone aspiring to fill a spot for next year.

MCGamer Open Mic Night

Are you a performer? Join us on our Team Speak server. You can join our Team Speak server using any of these server addresses:

Check out the Open Mic Night website to learn about how to participate, when its your’s or someone else’s turn, or how to become an audience member (who can talk after a performance):                                 

Regarding our recent Open Mic Night events, they have been extremely successful and have had a visit from the big guy himself, ChadtheDJ! Hopefully we’ll continue to get great results and community support. As of the November 16th, during our fourth open mic night, we hit a huge achievement of 199 participants in one channel! Keep it up! We will continue to keep count, so lets make these numbers bigger!

The Open Mic Night Crew:


                       FantasticTardis   Decemberr   LizzyBethyMC   Krackan

Survival Games Classic

by slasherxtreme

        With the release of the second installment of the popular movie series, The Hunger Games, comes the return of the old game style of MCSG. Back in 2012, when the first Hunger Games movie released, MCSG had its version 1 plugin with different chests, limited map selection(such as only SG1 and SG2 as map options), varying text color, mobs and other features. This was the original style of the Survival Games. With the recent release of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, The MCGamer Network has released a replica version of the previous plugin dubbed, “Survival Games Classic”, “SGC” or “SG Classic”. This old game style has made its way on to 56 servers (28 for US and EU), with future plans to expand. Along with its own section on the forums, SGC also has its own new leaderboards, which has sparked some competition.    

See more information here: [Link]

Survival Games Classic servers: [Link]

Survival Games Classic leaderboards: [Link]

Staff News

These mods were recently promoted to

Sr. mod

By MetagrossVSwablu

A senior moderator is an experienced member of the staff  seasoned to the MCGamer community, knowledgeable of the rules and expectations, and ready to go above and beyond the call of duty to help out the servers. They must be ready to help both the community and staff, and serve as mentors to their peers. Only the best get invited to the team, and even then are subject to a rough Trial Senior Mod period. Let us welcome the newest members of the Sr. Staff and wish them luck!

K259864: “I take pride in my work [as a staff member] and try to do it to the best of my ability,” said the young New Yorker who was recently invited onto the Sr. Staff team. Known as K2 around the community since it’s more appealing than Kay-two-five-nine-eight-six-four, the humble 15 year old gave this advice to newer members to the staff team: “don’t be afraid to ask questions if you’re confused about something!” “One mistake is not the end of the world! We all mess up!” K2 plans to eliminate the lack of communication between the Sr. Staff and the other moderators. This will substantially improve relations within the staff and increase the efficiency of how things get done around the community. To the wonderful members of the MCGamer community, K2 pronounces “Keep doing what you’re doing because you’re awesome! Don’t be afraid to approach the staff! We’re nice — most the time (unless we’re mad at you)” We look forward to seeing good work from you, K2!

Cubes: Who can solve any Rubik’s Cubes that’s thrown at him? Cubes, or GotCubes is an enthusiastic new addition to the Sr. Staff. Aided greatly by the random voices in his head telling him what to do, Cubes’ abilities aren’t limited to solving Rubik’s and crying uncontrollably from the terrible things the voices whisper. He is infamously known around the community as a superb redstoner and Cubes is a proud member of the MCSG building group Red Forest and works hard with the rest of the team to produce fun, high quality maps. The young engineer’s attention to detail continues into his moderator duties. His proudest moment as a moderator was when he was poked for his first hacker. “When I got poked for the hacker, I took it seriously. I knew it was the real deal.” To the moderators, Cubes says “Improve your relations between yourself and the regular members. They are the face of MCSG. Respect them!” Cubes is deeply passionate about the work he does for the community. “We’re like a family,” he says to the community. Let’s wish him the best and await more brilliant work to come!

KRaidium: Everything that the servers are is thanks to the hard work of the members of the MCGamer community. KRaidium, or Diar, bears this hardworking mentality. KRaid is very enthusiastic when it comes to helping on the servers. Diar can be found helping out in game, on our Teamspeak, or on the forums. A majority of his work is behind-the-scenes, but in terms of his duties, he is proactive and dedicated. Some wisdom he has for his follow staff members is “don’t be afraid to get involved in the community.” He adds “it builds experience and this can inspire you to work harder.” The Irish Trial Senior Moderator aims to have more positive impacts upon the community by using his position. “Keep being amazing” is the message he has for the awesome MCSG community. Good luck as a Senior Moderator, KRaid! We look forward to seeing the quality work that you put out!

These mods were recently hired:

BepppeJr - Dec. 15

rougehh - Dec. 15

thejambd - Dec. 15

demcmd - Dec. 14

blakew447 - Dec. 12

Gamertagcody - Dec. 29

NyanCaatt - Dec. 29

rkettenstock - Dec. 29

Be Sure to Congratulate them on the forums/Teamspeak!








Captain Sours

Be sure to thank them. Their service to the community is appreciated by all!

(Apologies to any who have been missed on this list, feel free to message an editor to have your name put on the list)

Returning Moderators:

On Christmas day, TLerDaily came out of retirement to help the server once more. If you see him on the server, remember to say hi, and wish him a warm welcome back!

Map News

Map spotlight:  Teweran 1 (Howling Mountains)

by krackan

This map, added long ago, was one of the most successful maps MCGamer ever added to the network. It was introduced in September 2012 and it was an instant hit. It was formerly voted in most games, along with Breeze and a few other popular maps. This map, in my opinion, embodies everything a decent map needs.

- Great terraforming: The map consists of mountains, valleys, rivers and fields. The mountain’s snow covered build make it look very realistic.

- Plenty of chests: The map has many many routes you can choose from, such as heading up the treacherous mountains, under them through caverns, or around them.

- Fantastic builds: The map has a village, a castle, sunken ship and much more. The attention to detail on this map is second to none in all aspects.

- Secrets: The map holds many secrets for you to explore when you want to take a break from shattering your enemies. The castle that is hidden inside the mountain holds a secret that can be accessed by completing a code so it is perfect for exploring!

- Weapon efficiency variation: Of course, some people aren’t as handy with a sword or bow so Teweran provides varying terrain to accommodate all weaponry. From mountain ranges for the Bowman, lakes for the Fisherman, grass for the Pyromaniac and ice to render the pyromaniac helpless whilst giving the swordsman an advantage make it, most definitely, anyones game. It levels up the playing field.

This map is always a lot of fun to play and it was one of the first maps I ever set foot on on MCSG. I will always enjoy a game on the icy tundra! Since its release we have seen another two brilliant maps by it’s author, the build team Teweran. These maps are Teweran 2 - Drybone Valley and 3 - Futuristic City, which are both varying in genres and available on the MCGamer network. I especially liked Teweran 2, the binary opposite of Teweran 1, which is also a fantastic map. However, that is a review for another time!

        Teweran 1 is one of my all time favorite maps since it holds a lot of fond memories from when I first joined the server. Playthroughs on this
map always go smoothly, as players tend to stick to the valleys which weave between the mountains, occasionally venturing up to the icy peaks in search of resources to scavenge. One of the features that made this map revolutionary, is the obsidian dragon that watches over cornucopia, with its wings looming out into the sky - a fantastic aesthetic addition to the map that really made this map special in its time.

Veterans of MCSG will remember the double tier two chests at the dragons feet, containing a bounty of items, ranging from speed potions, exp bottles, diamonds, golden apples, diamond boots and so forth. Many games began with a mad rush up the mountain in attempt to obtain these bountiful benefits, although, the journey often ended with the tribute being knocked off the hillside, plummeting to their end.

Teweran definitely didn’t skimp on the details when designing this map and I have thoroughly enjoyed slaying my opponents one by one under the watchful eye of the obsidian reptile looming above.

Map updates/changes

The following maps have been added to the servers:

The following maps were removed:

The following maps have been updated/changed:

Minecraft News

1.7.4: The Update That (Slightly) Changed the World

By MetagrossVSwablu

It’s hard to believe that Minecraft version 1.7.2, popularly known as The Update That Changed the World, was released a month and a half ago. Earlier this month, Mojang released another update to supplement this update, donned version 1.7.3/1.7.4 which introduces a couple new features that may be useful to the community.

The first of which is the highly awaited broadcasting! Now you can link your account to your mojang account (you can do this here: For the hundreds of users on our community who broadcast, from ChadTheDJ and Dave, to BenjaCanadian and HolyTriniti, streaming is now as easy as hitting F6!

In addition, some bugs were fixed, including a server chunk loading bug and some crashing issues. That little pest in the picture was welcomed into the game, and finally Mojang changed their logo!

Both versions, 1.7.2 and 1.7.4, are compatible with our servers and will remain as such as long as we support 1.7.


Interesting Articles

by LadyOfLove

Hey tributes! In order to celebrate the amazing creativity our community has, we’ve decided to spotlight users from the Art Section! Each issue, we’ll be selecting one user to spotlight and we’ll be exemplifying their work. So without further adieu, the spotlight of the issue goes to:

@KorriPocky runs a thread over in the Art Section, where she takes requests for these amazingly well executed chibi style avatars! Her work shows a huge amount of patience and attention to detail, particularly with shading. She definitely has her own easily recognizable style. They’re also so cute! If you check out her thread, she is still taking requests. Amazing avatars, and they’re free!

Thread: [Link] 

Since the dawn of Minecraft, players have been creating awesome content and sharing it with the world through Youtube. So, to support the amazing youtube community we have within MCSG each issue we’re going to be shining a spotlight on a Youtuber who creates MCGamer content!

This issue the spotlight goes to


‘Zenority’ AKA DairyQueen_ and affectionately recalled as “DQ” has been a longstanding member of the MCGamer community and is a moderator again. At the time of writing this, his subscription count stands at an awesome 418. If you’re looking for a Minecraft youtuber to support who puts out high quality video and audio and a wide range of other projects, he is it. Not only does he post awesome MCSG videos, but he’s recently embarked on a survival series with some friends. Make sure to check him out!

Channel: [Link]

Clan News


Our current team:

 Col_StaR- Just doin’ my job.

 slasherxtreme- Hi, I’m slasher. I’m glad to be working with all of these amazing people to bring out an idea that will, hopefully, benefit the community. In this project, I will be updating the staff section, assigning tasks, scheduling meetings, ensuring updated information throughout the staff, overseeing development and a bit of writing here and there.

 MetagrossVSwablu- Hey guys, I’m Art, or MetagrossVSwablu. I think journalism is a terrific tool for spreading news, ideas, events, and to give praise where it’s due. It is because of this philosophy that I jumped on the opportunity to work. I was a member of my High School’s award winning newspaper for three years, under the guidance of a New York Daily News editor, and I was an editor on the aforementioned paper for two years. I will focus on the community section, occasional copy-editing, and some freelance writing. I’m looking forward towards the future of this project and its impact on the community.

 Krackan- -Insert Joker “Hai…”- My current tasks in this project is providing updated information on maps being added, removed or changed. In addition, I am also in charge of writing reviews for maps in order to bring attention to a map that may not be as popular as others. Although that is the intent, it is not limited to only unknown maps.
~your favorite cracker-lacking mythical sea entity

 LadyOfLove- Hey there! I’m Shelby and I’m from Australia. My role in this project is to bring you cool community news, interviews and creativity based spotlights. I will make a lot of the graphics here and generally decide on the images used.There’s not much to really say about it - but.. hey!

 MeaganRoses- Hi MCGamer! I’m Meagan and I’m incredibly excited to be working on a project such as this. Currently I am a senior in high school and I am the Editor for the Yearbook, so I have quite the amount of experience in publication! I love photography, writing, and graphic design… and I love Minecraft of course :) I can’t wait to see where this is headed!

 JeremyTyler- Hey everyone! My name’s Jeremy and I’m going to do my best to help all of you readers out there catch up on some fun MCGamer news! I don’t know exactly what content I’ll contribute to you yet, but you can look forward to some interesting updates and articles coming your way! This is a great team and I’m absolutely ecstatic to be working with them to produce some fun output for you!

 DracoHD- Hello. My name is Marco, and  I will be working on the Minecraft section. In this section you will see new updates, new ideas brought in by Mojang and further information about any area including it.

I will be helping out in any area I can, and after Col's offer, I'm ready to help and offer my skills anywhere I can!

 Lively- Hello! I’m sure you’ve seen me around on the forums. My role in this project is to write the articles on various topics, and to edit what I come across. I’m a jack-of-all-trades, if you will. My experience in the area of writing comes from my two short stories that I have published via an online medium. Here’s to a long and interesting future with this project.

Interested in helping out?:

Are you a writer? Journalist? Photographer? Videographer? Or are you a community member who’s seen or knows something amazing and wants to share it? Well we want you! Follow the template displayed and private message all staff members below if you want to contribute or want a topic covered.

Template for events:
Name (IGN, Forum name etc):
Event you want to be announced (Concert, a battle in game, giveaways etc):
Why your event should be announced:

(Optional) Can you write a draft for how you want your event to be announced?:

Thread link:

Template for stories:

Name (IGN, Forum name etc):

Title of story:

Why should this story be featured?:

Story details/Summary (Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How):

Are you interested in writing the story?:

Thread link(If applicable):


Interested in helping out in another way? Services can range from photography to conducting interviews, to editing. Maybe you’re interested in producing news videos for us? If you think your skills can help us out, use the following template:

Name (IGN, Forum name etc):

What your skill is:

How experienced are you in that:

How you think it can help the publication:

Notify all the staff members listed with the correct template. We will then review it and decide if it could be featured and assign an editor help you along with your work. Make sure to PM or message (not poke) ALL staff members. If you don’t, it may be overlooked until the requirements are fulfilled..

Staff You Should message your template to:









Compiled by MetagrossVSwablu

Happy birthday to the following community members:


29th: @Coteup    @darkdragon200150     @hardasmetal      @Zaikurun

30th: @CaleOG    @average_name     @chriswillis1234     @Eddie3745       @endthebean      @Fisheer       @Henry       @mathijs3011       @ProShooterBF

31st: @BowlOSoup      @CyphirxusGraphics      @Nureactor      @Pearsonbros        @Soadamnix        @Specton      @Torperion

January (Also Happy New Year!)

1st: @4non     @Aldxelm       @ash0521       @BenjaCanadian      @casse19999      @Chaos_Slayer_       @Cratous       @DarkBladeDoesMC      @deadzombiesyum         @Diggger58        @Haqeem        @Idefix123        @ImASecretWriter       @jreitere       @KatyRoseRain         @Katz4Sale          @LtxeXx         @mice9       @SneakyCaveman        @Teku3O       @THEJOSHI123        @thesilentgod        @Tironas11         @UserCraf7min3         @xTopBacca          @DestinyyHD

2nd: @LethalCactus         @mikle00117           @SailedStingray6           @SirLe          @_Snake_Venom

3rd: @Hamhams110        @UltiGohanNCreepr

4th: @cootoopro         @flamer15623         @FossilBricks        @obiwanloulou           @Phexlar          @Rhinoviru5             @TheCocaColaGuy          @xSOULxRAGEx

5th: @calltriswim          @celinevanelden          @Legowampas479           @MinecraftJosh1legz           @MKFarrell

6th: @Creper_face           @evil_gnome123          @kaiomann         @nathan83764         @OrangeTrees

7th: @lakerfuffle          @Olisol            @ZombiePigThang

8th: @krackan       @G8trgrl2000         @PRO_Eugene_MC

9th:  @DannyDeeto         @ErinEquinox         @Willowcraft4

10th: @EvermoreHD       @JackTheBritish         @Sarchikani        @soggypickle

11th: @ben31245       @lreeves       @timbersarmy14

12th: @jfdragon    @michael harmon      @PyrusZodiac       @TheSurvivalGamesCrew       @yoshidude

Don’t forget to wish them a good one over Teamspeak, in-game, or on their profiles!