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Wednesday 1st October, 2014. Issue #10

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By: sheldor_da_greatmcsg logo copy.png

Recently, the administrative team at MCGamer has decided to make some changes to the official rules (found here:mcgamer.info).

One of the changes was a clarification to the rule concerning advertising. The rule now states that MCGamer videos may be advertised when asked for. If you are a streamer, you may advertise a livestream once per game, or once every half hour in the hub.

Another rule added to the thread is one regarding win boosting. Any series of wins acquired in an unfair manner are not allowed. Generally, win boosting is defined as playing games with alt accounts or friends and having them do /kill to give you the win, but if in doubt, ask a staff member.

Apart from changes to the in-game rules, the TeamSpeak rules have also been added to the thread for those who are curious as to what is against the rules when enjoying company on our fantastic TeamSpeak server!

With these fabulous rules now updated for your convenience, please enjoy your time on the MCGamer network

Quarter Quell Competition

By DracoHD

Hey Tributes! As many of you know, Survival Games is not the only servers MCGamer has to offer. Although this gamemode draws the most amount of players, an interesting gamemode is Quarter Quell.

This gamemode features the map Catching Fire, as well as a slight difference from  the normal SG. This means that the game is based around the second Hunger Games Saga; Catching Fire.
These servers will now have a slight update; this is known as a Quarter Quell Map Contest.

Soon this week, the map contest is thought to be planned.  Teams will compete against each other for the first position; these teams have 2 weeks to build a map, and try to build a map to their abilities.
Structure, gameplay and style are some of the key factors the Judge Team will be looking for. A set team, made up of 7 members, will be looking for characteristics within maps to make the best map, winner. The top 3 places will receive interesting ranks, from donors, to more, and builders will be mentioned on the Forums.

Interested? Did this event catch your eye? Make sure to keep up to date, as soon we will be releasing an important thread regarding this Contest. Draco-out!


Wishing to be mod?

By Avaline

Sometimes we do things we are not very proud of, something that might have consequences for us later. Sometimes someone might think hacking is a good idea on our server, but later regret doing it because it had consequences.

If you are one of the people who dreamed of becoming a mod, but sadly decided that hacking was fun and got with the ban hammer. Fear no more! You can now apply for mod if your ban is over one year (12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8765 hours, or 525948 minutes,) old.

4th Official MCGamer Awards Results

By: PeriLH_


Good day, tributes! Recently the MCGamer Awards ended, and with that came results. Below are the winners in each category. If you would like to see all of the 2nd and 3rd place winners, click the link below.

Best Owner: ChadtheDJ                        Best  Graphics Designer: FinsGraphics

Best Admin: Dave                                Best PVPer: Huahwi

Best Sr. Moderator: Draco                        Best Youtuber: GoldEllipse

Best Moderator: duckluv123                        Best Builder: xBayani

Best Developer: Forairan                        Best Terraformer: LoveLights

Best VIP: Huahwi                                Best Redstoner: GotCubes

Best Ex-Staff: LoveLights                        Best Build Team: Team Elite

Best Thread: Show Yourself                        Best Map: Valleyside University

Best Forum Poster: Mooclan                        Best Gamemode: Survival Games

Most Helpful Member: duckluv123                Best Community Event: 4th MCGamer Awards

I would just like to congratulate all the winners! Also, thank you to everyone who participated in voting for this event.

If you would like to see the runner ups, click this link:


1.8 Conversion!

By: PeriLH_

        As you all know, 1.8 has finally come out and MCGamer is very prepared. Although there have been some glitches, we would like to let you know that everything should be up to date soon. We have followed the snapshots and the developers have been working for such a long time due to this extreme update. Our sincere apologies go out to each and every one of you due to the disguise feature being disabled for a few weeks. If you find any bugs, make sure to report them to a member of staff! Also, make sure to read Devin’s 1.8 article with extra details about the update linked below.

For Devin’s 1.8 Update, click here!

VIP Changes

By: Scott


     As many of you know, there are new requirements for VIP. One of these changes are you can now get VIP for Twitch livestreaming! After there were many requests from the community, the administration has decided to allow people to apply for VIP for Twitch.tv!

In order to get VIP for Twitch, you must meet the following requirements:

To apply for Twitch.tv VIP, please consult this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1GF638tSgmmwkT5WfhoLg9TNkyPMSuDivGAZEmSdpV-o/viewform

In addition to allowing Twitch.tv VIP, there have been changes to the currect YouTube VIP requirements. One of these changes are that you must have 20,000 subscribers for VIP instead of 10,000. Another one of these changes is that you must have an average concurrent viewership of 3,000 people. To apply for YouTube VIP, please go to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1qtKg5ZbvFc-AMnfo1xepofY94fZdFr_xIMjWlKMfvBs/viewform

For users that applied for YouTube VIP in between July 1st and August 22nd, you are being asked to reapply. Please note that these new applications will fall under the new requirements.

10th Staff Q&A!

By: Scott

Ten weeks ago, the biweekly event known as the Staff Q&A started! Now that the tenth one is coming up, there is going to be a special trivia section at the end of the Q&A! For those of you who don’t know, the Staff Q&A is a time for the community to ask the staff questions on TeamSpeak (ip: ts.mcgamer.net). The official thread can be found here: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/q-a-sessions.111875! Hope to see you guys there!

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It’s Finally Here!

By: PleaseTeamIfan


Greetings tributes! It sure has been a wild ride throughout the waiting and anticipation of the 1.8 release. We have waited 312 days having since the release of 1.7.2 on October 25, 2013.Well, on September 2nd, it was finally released! And boy, there are some pretty new cool stuff that has come along the way. Although it won’t all be introduced into MCGamer, there is still some things that will be. Please refer to the previous section on how 1.8 will impact MCGamer above. To start with this amazing release, we have some statistics. First, this update had the most development snapshots of any major update so far, at 52 snapshots. The update with the most snapshots previous to this was 1.6.1, with 18 snapshots. So you know a lot must have happened in that vast amount of snapshots. There were many updates for Survival, and they even introduced a new mode, spectator mode! The highlights of survival include:

There were also many bug fixes and plenty of upgrades in commands for Adventure map makers. The name of this update was “Bountiful”, and I think we can see why. So much added and changed for the better!

For full list of changes, including each individual snapshot, reference here:




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This week’s YouTube spotlight goes to Devon Crawford Games!

On his channel, you can find daily MCSG, or minecraft related videos! Devon is a relatively small, but steadily growing YouTuber! Be sure to check out his channel, and consider hitting that subscribe button! :)


This weeks artist spotlight goes to OldManDippy!

OldManDippy runs his own art shop where he randomly draws users who post on his thread- a creative way to give away some amazing avatars!

His unique cartoon-esque style is a breath of fresh air, and he always seems to have a new trick up his sleeve with every avatar he creates.

Check out his art thread here:



MCGamer’s cartoon series recently debuted its first official episode!

The brand-new animated series will follow an MCSG newcomer and their adventures throughout SG!

 Make sure to subscribe so you can stay tuned for future episodes!


Recently, I, hectorg98, have been thinking of having a visual version of the CEP to make it more interesting and make the CEP have more variety. As well, to help people practise for hosting, editing, and being able to co-operate more! This idea is the CEP mini series!

Every publications will have a video for itself where we basically talk about everything written in the publications.

 The one for this publication will be delayed a bit because of the late start of the project, but will be uploaded and posted here soon. Do you have talents in hosting, editing, or in general planning videos and directing follow the format here and send this by PM to @hectorg98 & @DracoHD     


 In-game name:


What is your chosen skill? :

How long have you had this skill? :

Do you have experience in this, if so please include it:

When are you available to work? :


Know of an amazing MCSG YouTuber? Want to share some art with the community?

Anything  from channel spotlight recommendations, art, or videos can be submitted!

Simply PM ‘@duckluv321’ and ‘@DracoHD’ on the forums with a link to the channel, video, or art you’d like to see featured in the next article!

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Make sure to congratulate them if you see them around!


Senior Staff:



Michael (_AquaTechMC_)

Thank you to Lively and Michael (_AquaTechMC_) for all their hard work in the community. They have been fantastic members of staff and their presence in the staff team will be greatly missed.





Celine | Sphaera









Captain | Lqzer






‘I have seen a lot of people resign from MCGamer. It's always sad to see such amazing people and hard working people leave the staff team. But, since becoming a staff member, I have seen a lot of people join the staff team. It's always a great thing to see people achieve their goals and work hard at them.  I look forward to the many new staff members to come!’  - Scott

As many of you may have noticed, recently quite a few staff members have left. That being said, we have gained a lot of staff members also, so warm welcome to the junior mints! Everyone that has left, it was a pleasure to work with you and every one of you has helped all of as a staff team become stronger. Obviously no one likes when someone resigns, but it is the cycle, there is nothing we can do about it. What most people think is: "We've lost someone, we are weaker. I think that the hardship actually makes us stronger and more able to conquer harsher tasks. We [the staff team] all are individuals, and we all have our weaknesses and strengths. We [the staff team] rely on each other to help out in times of need. - Alex (Adragonfire9)


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Have a Story to Share?

The MCGamer community is very dynamic and highly active, yet our reporters can only see so much. That’s why we depend on community members to help us find new stories to write about. Do you know about a topic that would make a great story for us? You can always leave us a tip, or write your own story; you will be credited if the story you suggested gets published.

Follow the template displayed and private message all staff members below if you want to contribute or want a topic covered.

Template for stories:

Name (IGN, Forum name etc):

Title of story:

Why should this story be featured?:

Story details/Summary (Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How):

Are you interested in writing the story?:

Thread link(If applicable):

Notify all the staff members listed with the correct template. We will then review it and decide if it could be featured and assign an editor help you along with your work. Make sure to PM or message (not poke) ALL staff members. If you don’t, it may be overlooked until the requirements are fulfilled.

 Do note that the submission of a story does not guarantee its publication. The CEP Staff and the MCGamer Administration reserves the right to deny any suggested story for any reason. The author of any articles written by a non-member of the CEP staff will be marked as a Guest Writer, and they will not be recognized as an official member of the CEP staff; the Guest Writers’ thoughts and opinions do not reflect on the thoughts and opinions of the CEP, the CEP staff, nor the MCGamer community.

Staff You Should message your template to:




Do you have an event you’d like to have published?

Are you hosting an event for the MCGamer community? Want to get some advertising, but don’t know how? The MCGamer Current Events Publication is always looking for community events to write about. Whether they’re up and coming or already finished, we want to know about them all.

Follow the template displayed and private message all staff members below if you want to contribute or want a topic covered.

Template for events:

Name (IGN, Forum name etc):

Event you want to be announced (Concert, a battle in game, giveaways etc):

Why your event should be announced:

(Optional) Can you write a draft for how you want your event to be announced?:

Thread link:

Notify all the staff members listed with the correct template. We will then review it and decide if it could be featured and assign an editor help you along with your work. Make sure to PM or message (not poke) ALL staff members. If you don’t, it may be overlooked until the requirements are fulfilled..

Staff You Should message your template to:



Want to help out in another way?:

Do you think you have some skills that can help us out, such as editing, illustrating, interviewing, or video production? If so, then we want you! Follow the template displayed and private message the staff members below if you want to contribute.

Miscellaneous Application:

Name (IGN, Forum name etc):

What your skill is:

How experienced are you in that:

How you think it can help the publication:

In order to contribute to the CEP, please send a Private Message/Conversation via the Forums to @Col_StaR, @DracoHD, and @JimmerHD. We will then review it and decide if it could be featured and assign an editor help you along with your work. Make sure to PM or message (not poke) the stated staff members. If you don’t, it may be overlooked until the requirements are fulfilled.

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7qSNihF.pngCol_StaR- Thank you to everyone who filled my inbox with pictures of unicorns. That was the most magical spam I’ve ever had. Sadly, no one found Best Pony, thus no one received the prize.

 DracoHD- Hello. My name is Marco, and  I will be working as Head Editor. In this, I have no set Topic to be covered. Last minute changes, formatting and style is my area of work.

Handling the CEP Team is part of it; assigning tasks, topics, and watching out for their wellbeing.

After Col's offer, I'm ready to help and offer my skills anywhere I can!

Jimmer CEP head.pngJimmerHD - Hey there, I’m Jimmer! I have been commissioned to work on this project in an overseer/administrative role. For my own part, I’ll mostly be working on general stories, and doing some of the administrative work that is associated with CEP (such as hiring new writers). You can mostly find me writing, editing material, or just hanging out on Teamspeak with my friends. Feel free to PM me, or poke me on Teamspeak, if you have any questions/comments/concerns with the CEP (or, for that matter, any Sr. Staff related issue)..

205nvdc.png Avaline - Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.

m3HvzDJ.png PeriLH_ - Hi everyone! My name is Peri. I love writing articles and being involved with the publication. Thanks for reading the publication and I hope to see everyone around MCGamer!

hdtCkdn.pngsheldor_da_great -Hello fellow survivors! Most people know me as Sheldor. I am one of the editors/reviewers of the Current Events Publication (CEP), but I will be doing some writing as well. If you see me around, feel free to say hi!

wertea Wertea- Hey, its wertea and I will hopefully be working mainly in the Minecraft News section. I have many ideas for new topics for the publication, which once I get my head around them will be revealed.

gzFKeXo.png xWriterx- Aloha, I’m Katy! I am a new and fabulous member of the CEP team, and I am looking forward to writing various articles and topics about all the new and exciting news MC Gamer will be bringing to you! At the staff castle, many of you will have seen that I’m the ‘Artist of the Mods’ as I love art and drawing! And there’s no obvious doubt that I also love writing, when my username is xWriterx!

scott46743.pngScott- Hi, my name is Scott. I am a fairly new member of the CEP team and I am happy to work

with all of these amazing people! I will be helping out at a writer and I will be attempting to do some interviews with people as well. If you have any ideas for me or the CEP, don’t hesitate to PM me. Hope you enjoy my work.

duckluv321.pngDuckluv321- Hia, My name is Shea, but I’m much better known as Duck. I am new to the CEP team, but I’m excited to work with my fellow CEP members, and write some articles! I will be working on various ‘graphics’ related items, the ‘Media’ section, and wherever else I’m needed :)

Hectorg98.pngHectorg98- Hey everyone! My name is Gregory or, better known as Hectorg98 and I am writer and video producer here at the CEP. What I mainly do here is edit the videos of our mini-series, direct it,  get the recordings, put everything together, and finally upload it!

iVelocityGaming.pngiVelocityGaming-  Hey there, my name is Niall, though most people know me as iVelocityGaming. This is my first issue in the CEP Team and I am so privileged to be able to work with these wonderful people! I help maintain the ‘Staff News’ section and I plan on introducing more sections soon for you to enjoy.

PleaseTeamIFan.pngPleaseTeamIFan- Hello all! My name is Zach, or PleaseTeamIFan! I am very excited to be introduced to the CEP team, and all it has to offer. I am mainly a writer here, but also occasionally an editor. I am ecstatic to be a part of this amazing team, and I’m looking forward to see all that will come.