Kivon Lawson                

October 8, 2010

English 10- Period 5

Autobiographical Narrative

Final Draft

Devastating Moment

I was standing on the stage, looking for you and the first thing that came to mind was “Where are you,  I can’t see you”. As I stood there waiting ,admiring all the parents of my friends that were there, I thought to myself, why was my grandma there before my eyes instead of my mom.  I was just so devastated at the fact that my own mother was not there for me. Should I have thought that my grandma loved me more than my mother had ever loved me?.

It was mid June at my elementary school, Loma Heights where my kindergarten graduation took  place.  The room was filled with decorative balloons and streamers. The streamers were bright colors such as yellow and lime green. The balloons were bright colors like the streamers except the balloons had each of our classroom numbers and our names. There were so many people in the auditorium but they all were dressed in casual clothes instead of dressing formal. As people started to sit down I noticed that all of my friends had someone there for them, someone that meant the world to them. I thought that since my friends has someone in the crowd then my family or friends should be in the crowd to.

Before graduation had started I was in the classroom with my friends at the table. My friends and I were talking about how special it will be to see all of our parents in the crowd and there facial expressions when we would walk on the stage. I started to get nervous and scared because I imagined all the people that would be out there in the crowd including my family. My friend had looked at me and started to smile and said everything will be okay as soon as I stepped out on the stage. After my friend Ashley had told me everything was going to be okay the class started to head out of the classroom. When I stepped on the stage to take my seat I noticed no one was there to support me and cheer for me when I walked across the stage.

As I sat  there and stared at the crowd I  noticed  that my friend’s family had made posters and signs to recognize their kids that are on the stage.  The teachers and the principal started to name the students and had asked us to stand up and get in line in alphabetical order so when he called our name it would be easy to call us to get our diploma.  I was last in getting my diploma and walking across the stage. When I was getting my diploma I had looked in the crowd and suddenly began to cry.  I started to cry because my grandma and my uncle were in the audience before my eyes.

The principal finished calling the students names on the stage and had gathered the class together to stand up and throw there cap in the air to show everybody we finished the criteria. I stepped off the stage and ran to my grandma and my uncle and gave them a big hug and started to cry in there arms. My grandma had said “ no matter if you were not able to make it across the stage or if your mom was not there you still held your head up high”. I looked at my grandma and my uncle and had said to them it’s not that I'm crying because my mom is not here, it’s because my own grandma and my uncle came to support me.

In the end it made me a stronger individual. It made me realize that I don’t need my mom for everything in life. All that really counts is to know that I have people in my life that want to support me and will support me. Sometimes I may want my mom to be there and sometimes I don't. It is really important to know that you should have your mom by your side each and every day. For whatever reason my mom could not make it is okay because I know from right then and there that something was obviously more important then to take a minute to recognize your daughter in life.