Notes from the "Thriving Church" Seminar

Gallatin 1st UMC, April 26, 2008

Presenter: Tom Bandy of Easum, Bandy & Associates,

1.        Thriving churches –

  1.         Are those that are growing in the numbers of people becoming disciples, not simply the number of people who take membership vows.
  2.         Will do whatever it takes to attract people to become disciples of Jesus.
  3.         Are changing all the time.
  4. Are Spirit-guided from the bottom up and have abandoned "top down" ministries
  5.         Understand that today the unchurched are not merely indifferent to the church, they do not like the church. They are alienated from the church and from God.
  6.         Do not make announcements in the sanctuary; they have a welcome/information center and other effective information programs.
  7.         Are able to answer meaningfully the question, "What is it about our church that our community cannot prosper without?

2.        It is crucial to understand the church's mission field.

  1.         The mission field is the area from which people will come to worship and take part in the congregational life. The mission field extends as far from the church as people of the community drive to work or to shop.
  2.         Churches must know the demographics of their mission field. Why? See para. 3.

3.        There are three main categories of "seekers," people looking for spiritual fulfillment:

  1.         Age 60 and above. They generally value:
  1.         Church heritage
  2.         Good preaching and Bible study
  3.         Sound administration, especially financial
  1.         Boomers, mid-40s to 60. They value:
  1.         Good pastors (but not necessarily great preaching; they tend to want a pastor who is sociable and likeable, a “good guy.”)
  2.         Excellent programs.
  3.         A comfortable style of worship and of church generally
  1.         Age 24-45 or so. These people are mostly unchurched. This group is not looking for

programs. They value:

  1.         Bold vision of a church
  2.         Spiritual guides, not only the pastor
  3.         Mission impact in the community
  1.         In a spiritually healthy, growing church:
  1.         80 percent of members attend at least 3 times per month
  2.         Half participate during the week in some sort of spiritual discipline
  3.         A fourth will be active in hands-on missional activity
  4.         A third of newcomers are there because of a mission activity of the church
  5.         Healthy churches leverage technology

4.         Key differences between declining churches and thriving churches:

Declining churches:

Thriving churches:

Evaluate newcomers as to how they can help the

church keep doing what it already is doing

Ask themselves how they can help newcomers

grow into Spirit-led discipleship.

Are obsessed with the false idea that "children

and youth are the future of the church."

Understand that people between the ages of 25

45 are the future of the church. Take care of

them and they will take care of children and


Fear change because "we might lose people."

Understand that they have already lost hundreds

of people through ineffective hospitality,

outreach, mission, vision and evangelism.

Are set up as "ecclesial factories," where

newcomers are enrolled, indoctrinated,

nominated and supervised.

Are set up as organisms (the body of Christ), not

factories, where newcomers are discipled into


Signature of declining churches: the deeper they

are into decline, the more meetings they hold.

Signature of thriving churches: self-organized

mission and ministry groups that have no set life


5.        What brings people back again and again

a.        Sunday to Sunday, hospitality is the key for newcomers to decide to return.

b.        Repeated studies show that newcomers decide not to return within mere minutes of  arrival.

c.        There is nothing more important to becoming a thriving church than effectively

welcoming newcomers on Sunday morning.

d.        Churches must have people in hospitality who are gifted for it and trained.

e.        Hospitality after the service is just as important as before.

6.        Three fundamental anxieties of seekers:

  1.         Emptiness and meaninglessness. They are looking for Christ the spiritual guide or Christ the perfect human.
  2.         Fate and death. They are looking for Christ the promise keeper, Christ the master of life and death.
  3.         Guilt and condemnation. They are looking for Christ the healer, Christ the vindicator.

7.        What about worship?

  1.         The type and order of worship is the most contentious issue in most churches today.
  2.         There are six basic kinds of worship styles. No one service can successfully blend more than two types.
  1.         Traditional - this is compassionate, comforting, reassuring. Gives a sense of belonging, confidence and harmony. Powerfully communicates God's love.
  2.         Mission connectional - emphasis is celebration and prayer for outreach to the unchurched. Consecrates missions and their workers, motivates people to give thanks and to participate in the hands-on missions of the church.
  3.         Inspirational - high performance content and dramatic quality. Gives an emotional high. Motivates people to align themselves for the week with a mission or bold purpose.
  4.         Transformational - also known as "healing" or "recovery" worship. Dramatic, sacramental, filled with images, very interactive. Gives inner peace, actual healing, new direction. Powerfully changes lives for the better. Often the best choice for a second service, very attractive to the unchurched. Minimum emphasis on preaching. Introduces Christ the new beginning.
  5.         Educational - also known as "teaching" worship. Maximum emphasis on preaching. Intellectually challenging, gives deeper knowledge and broad perspective. Focuses on understanding doctrine and principles of faith.
  6.         Coaching - also known as "mentoring" or "how to" worship. "How to. . ." is an important focus. Relevant to the ambiguities of daily living, very practical and topical. Gives guidance to live a good, spiritually healthy life. Very appealing to the under 45 group. Models Christ as the spiritual and moral guide.

8.        Keys to reaching the unchurched:

  1.         Church's members, pastor and staff must abandon concern with their privileges, be willing to be discomfited by change, must not worry about continuity of programs or ministries from one year to the next, and shift focus from shoring up the institution to making disciples.
  2.         We must pay more attention to the people out there than the people in here.
  3.         Giving hope, and reasons for hope, is central to reaching the unchurched.

9.        Five compelling ministry areas:

  1.         Transformational experiences - encounters with God that changes lives.
  2.         Persistent story telling - intersects the stories of the members with the story of Christ.
  3.         Peculiar companionships - build personal partnerships for accountability, personal development and mutual support.
  4.         Counter-cultural lifestyles - live better than everyday morality.
  5.         Urgent missions - invest in a major "signature" outreach ministry that capsulizes the church's identity and blesses strangers.

The declining church is all about belonging.
The thriving church is all about changing lives.


From a study of American congregations by Bill Easum and Tom Bandy in Growing Spiritual Redwoods. Reported in the UM Reporter, Jan. 1, 1999.

Members of Declining Congregations are:

Members of Thriving Congregations are:

Committed to the church

Committed to Christ

Managing committees

Deploying missions

Holding offices

Doing ministry

Making decisions

Making disciples

Training for membership        

Seeking quality

Serving in the church

Serving in the world

Doing church work

Finding personal fulfillment

Retiring from church work

Pursuing spiritual growth

Surveying internal needs

Discovering community needs

Eager to know each other

Eager for others to know God

Loyal to one another

Seek out the unchurched

Building faith on information

Building faith on knowing Christ

Perpetuating a heritage

Visioning/building a future

Declining churches want to do everything on the right side without letting go of anything on the left. Thriving churches want wholeheartedly to do everything on the right side and are prepared to let go of everything on the left.

Declining churches want to do everything on the right side without letting go of anything on the left. Thriving churches want wholeheartedly to do everything on the right side and are prepared to let go of everything on the left.