A compilation of frequently used characters.


  • Fiera
  • Guruk
  • Kidhrinthor, Sidhgleradiel
  • Maedhon, Ruan
  • Orbryn, Ehlark
  • Raast
  • Salal
  • Scouter
  • Shelby
  • Starfall, Naia
  • Syvil


  • Adams, Derek
  • Agmon, David
  • McGregor, Kianna
  • Petralia, Sonja


  • Raghild, Maria


  • Quinn, Aaron
  • Rees, Vanora
  • Whisper, Airlia
  • Whisper, Alessia Rose
  • Whisper, Blackwing
  • Whisper, Jacquelyn Rose
  • Whisper, May Madeline
  • Whisper, Pythia
  • Whisper, Whisp


  • O’Callaghan, Desmond


  • Cheng, Liang
  • Cheng, Song
  • Kokuro, Shin'ichi
  • Kunlong
  • Wu, Ling


  • Allard, Jesse
  • Baron
  • Bastien, Dominique
  • Degare, Draven
  • Delatte, Julienne
  • Lessard, Marius
  • Lessard, Sanina
  • Richard, Sophia
  • Richard, Vanessa
  • Sylvestre, Adelaide
  • Sylvestre, Sebastien
  • Volette, Esme


  • Lamotte, Carlisle


  • Takayama, Sakura


  • Belock, Christian
  • Bentley-Lessard, Sarah
  • Bentley-Lessard, Alice
  • Cartner, Tessa
  • Harris, Julian
  • Reed, Shelly
  • Rhea
  • Rynhart
  • Sun, Ming
  • Sunchaser, Wren
  • Vulpes, Varia
  • Zahira

Terran, Caldonia

Terran, Eastlands

  • Nightroad, Chase
  • Romanae, M'reth
  • Romanae, R'muel
  • Veugh, Dryden

Terran, Hafirjan

  • Okeke, Najia

Terran, Northlands

Terran, Therrier-Paix

  • Thrice, Viktor

Terran, Ungarran


  • Agarwal, Arnesh
  • Bhandari, Tahir
  • Bhandari, Ambar
  • D'alia, Kumar
  • Darzi, Ishya
  • Hakkar, Shanthi
  • Haigara
  • Hajira
  • Havaja
  • Hebbar, Najiv
  • Kakkar, Bharat
  • Kavaki, Adriaan
  • Kumara, Avantia
  • Kumara, Arun
  • Nayar, Aagar
  • Nayyar, Asha
  • Singh, Amrit
  • The Rising Sun


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[WANTED] For acts of terrorism against Terra.

Name: Jacquelyn Rose

Alias: Whisper, Alessia, Airlia, Pythia, Whisp

Age: 26

Species: Human/Ethereal

Place of Birth: Lorhill, New Haven

Jacquelyn is just a wisp of a girl standing at only about five feet tall, and weighing roughly a hundred pounds. Her pale skin, light blue eyes and white hair give her an almost ethereal appearance, but the gauntness of her cheeks adds an almost sickly touch to what might have otherwise been an attractive woman.

Jacquelyn's family line is mingled with ethereal blood, though the influence has become diluted through the generations leaving the story as little more than a family legend. While believing themselves human, those of Jacquelyn's family frequently present with a certain spiritual affinity and psionic capabilities. Whisper is no exception and her harrowing experiences on Terra have developed once dormant and passive abilities into something more formidable. How she implements these abilities varies greatly, though almost all of her abilities have psychic or spiritual origins. Empathy, emotional manipulation, tampering of sensory input, telekinesis, telepathy, and planar shifting are among her key abilities.

Due to suffering from dissociative identity disorder, Jacquelyn's personality is highly variable and subject to changing without warning. She is currently employed in the service of the Aschen Empire; though, the definition of employed is greatly a matter of perspective for this unwilling servant.

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The Personae:

Alessia Rose




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Name: Alessia Rose

Age: 36

Species: Human/Ethereal

Place of Birth: Lorhill, New Haven

Alessia's family line is mingled with ethereal blood, though the influence has become diluted through the generations leaving the story as little more than a family legend. While believing themselves human, those of Alessia's family frequently present with a certain spiritual affinity and psionic capabilities. Alessia is no exception and her harrowing experiences on Terra have developed once dormant and passive abilities into something more formidable. How she implements these abilities varies greatly, though almost all of her abilities have psychic or spiritual origins.

Alessia is a rather well rounded individual, acting in the capacity of older sister and protector to her younger sister Jacquelyn. In time she has grown to fill the role as guardian and matriarch to all of the personalities contained within Jacquelyn, and though she does not often approve of the actions they may commit, her purpose it to ensure the survival and stability of the group as a whole. As such she is the eldest and the most responsible of the lot. Unfortunately this also cripples her ability to act at times. Due to her first priority being to protect, she will frequently refrain from actions that would put them in danger. Alessia is an adept priestess.

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Name: Pythia

Age: 20

Species: Human/Ethereal

Place of Birth: Unknown

Pythia is typically extremely disoriented and confused when she presents. She rarely knows where she is and often does not even recognize or remember faces and names. Upon viewing the dreaded image of Lzothozsh, Jacquelyn's mind was shattered and broken which resulted in the manifestation of Pythia - a martyr of sorts with the purpose of containing the memories of the mental trauma endured. She is frequently delusional and suffers from vivid hallucinations as she re-lives the horror of Lzothozsh over and over. In time this grew into a single-minded obsession, and the destruction of Lzothozsh became her sole purpose.

Often acting as a prophet to warn of Lzothozsh's coming, this woman has typically been disregarded as a wayward doomsday prophet who has lost touch with reality. With the destruction of the Corruption, chief priest of Lzothozsh, Pythia has fallen into dormancy and has not presented in many months; though, Pythia has been known to present in the past under periods of intense emotional and physical duress, such as that which Whisper has frequently endured at the hands of her Aschen captors. The other personae are typically unified in a sense of protectiveness towards Pythia whom they view as 'innocent' to the actions of Jacquelyn, and to the role she was made to play in the survival of the collective.

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Name: Whisp

Age: 25

Species: Infernal

Place of Birth: The Abyss

Current Residence: N/A

Whisp is a cold emotionless entity that acts without conscience or remorse. That is not to say that she is rash or recklessly violent. Quite the opposite, she is patient, calculated and efficient. She can play the part of cunning and deceptive, or deadly assassin. Her existence is Jacquelyn's solution to fulfilling acts she may feel are necessary, but that she is unwilling to live with. Whisp is not hindered by moral conflicts and past friendships.

Initially born out of Jacquelyn's devotion to Nyx Alurane, Whisp's purpose has evolved since the death of the succubus. No longer in the service of any external entity, Whisp now serves to embody the resolve that Jacquelyn lacks - the willingness to do whatever is necessary to survive. Whisp is an unwavering force in her convictions towards self-preservation.

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Name: Airlia

Age: 23

Species: Human/Ethereal

Place of Birth: Illumene, Brillion

Current Residence: N/A

Airlia is driven by the passions of the people around her. Riding the emotions of society, she can shift between emotional extremes of benevolence or outright wrath. She has an over abundance of pride and a high level of arrogance to match it. She values her freedom above all and despises anything and anyone that would deign to chain her down.

Airlia was initially created out of Jacquelyn's self-loathing for the things she gave up with her frequent poor choices in life. As a result Airlia despised Jacquelyn due to her belief that Jacquelyn chained her down and kept her from being truly free. Jacquelyn's own choices caused her to sacrifice everything, including her freedom which manifested as Airlia.

Though time and empathy has tempered Airlia's loathing of Jacquelyn, she remains a defiant force against the constrictions of freedom. She is both reckless and irresponsible, with her behaviors frequently getting the other personae into trouble and often times endangering herself, but she very much believes in living life to its fullest and is not afraid to play with fire.

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Name: Blackwing

Age: N/A

Species: N/A

Place of Birth: N/A

Current Residence: N/A

Blackwing is a peculiar entity recreated out of the strands of code imprinted into her mind during a systems malfunction aboard an Aschen Reverence. The original AI's systems were corrupted beyond repair, but the personality within Whisper that names itself Blackwing serves as a near identical replica. Though Blackwing is far from an AI, the formation of this personality out of the data banks of an AI has resulted in nothing shy of an intellectual prodigy. She thinks like an AI, follows the logic coding of an AI, and serves as a literal walking database into the Aschen culture, history and military.

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Name: May Madeline

Alias: Whisper

Age: 24

Race: Human, Aschen

Ethnicity: Caprican

Religion: Kobollian

Place of Birth: Caprica, Delphi

Current Residence: Caprica City, Langara

Occupation: Aschen Special Projects Division

May's existence is a direct result of attempts to forcefully indoctrinate Whisper into Aschen society. Months of isolation, propaganda, and servitude gave rise to a need for an escape. With the data banks of an Aschen AI to fall back upon, Whisper possessed all she needed to take on a guise that would allow her to immerse herself into the Aschen culture and her station within the Aschen Special Projects Division. Languages, culture, history, military intel and protocols were all at her disposal.

By her recollection, May is a young Caprican woman from the city of Delphi, and a graduate from Apollo University. Possessing an unusual genome mutation and a remarkable intellectual capacity, she was a prominent candidate for the Aschen Special Forces Division. Though serving the Confederation loyaly, May's self-treatment of migraines with the use of heroin and pattern have left her usefulness on the field called into question.

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Name: Taima

Alias: The Storm

Height: 6'8

Weight: 250 lb.

Place of Birth: Caldonia

Species: Draconian

Caste: Draconian Highborn

Though humanoid in form, Taima's features are unmistakably draconic in nature. She is an imposing individual, standing at about six-foot-eight. Her face is the visage of a dragon snout complete with a mouthful of vicious looking fangs and bony protrusions, and in place of skin she has scales, crimson red. On her back she sports a large pair of wings.

Taima came into her prime during the peak of the elemental wars that ravaged Caldonia. Serving in the draconian army, she led her people to great victories at seemingly insurmountable odds and quickly became renowned as a hero and a legend. Unfortunately victory came at a cost. During a final stand against the primordials that had been unleashed upon the land, victory and salvation for Caldonia was seized at the destruction of the draconian homeland. Disgraced, Taima faded into a self-imposed exile far to the north.

It was many years later when she resurfaced briefly during the days of the Orsa of Terminus. Taima died a heroes death, falling in battle in the defense of Terra. Though it has been decades since her passing, rumors have begun to spread that this champion of old has been seen walking the lands of Terra once more.

Taima now serves as herald to Ahuma, patron deity of the draconians. As a mortal, Taima was an awe inspiring champion of Terra, as a demi-god she's a torrential storm of divine retribution. She is however not permitted to directly meddle in the affairs of mortals except as is required in the execution of her duties.

As the herald of Ahuma, Taima has been granted access to a wide variety of divine capabilities. In addition to this touch of divinity, Taima is well versed in worldly knowledge from her travels as a mortal. Geography, religion, culture, the realms and planes of the world, demons, and the undead are only a few of Taima's more knowledgeable fields, and her knowledge continues to expand day by day.

Taima favors a halberd, and maintains a strong affinity to lightning, but she is also well versed in the use of swords, and decently capable with most basic melee weapons.

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Now not all gods are inclined to appearing at request, but Taima was not as many godly beings. Unlike those born into their station, or those who took their crowns through the worship of mortals, Taima had earned her place among the gods through her valor and unwavering devotion both to Valore, and to Ahuma, the patron deity of the draconian people.

Perhaps it was Messor's draconic nature that drew Taima to him on this day - though surely one of Taima's station would know that Messor was not born into his current state of being. Perhaps it was echoes of a time past that drew her eye - a time when they stood as enemies. Perhaps it was simply a thread of mortality that still clung to her, and the willingness to answer those who called to her, those who might have need of her. It was perhaps this very same thread of mortality that kept her from attaining true godhood, but one could only speculate into what it was that made a god a god.

As the echoes faded from Messor's mind they were replaced by the deafening crack of a thunder bolt that split the sky. The window of the observatory shattered beneath the concussive sound and the floor was littered with broken glass as an arc of lightning found entry via the open window where it struck the floor within. As the flash of light cleared, a looming warrior knelt in its wake atop the scorched rock with her halberd embedded into the cracked stone.

Though humanoid in form, her features were unmistakably draconic in nature, and her face was the visage of a dragon snout complete with a mouthful of vicious looking fangs and bony protrusions. In place of skin she had scales, crimson red. Her startling visage did little to abate the sense of divinity that permeated her body though. Armored head to foot, she had the look of a warrior, a champion.

Raising her gaze she looked upon Messor before pulling her halberd free of the stone floor and rising.

"You who were once foe, why have you called for me?" she asked, her voice a rough and gravely growl.

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Name: Sanina Lessard

Age: Appears 20

Height: 5'5

Weight: 130lb.

Race: Human

Species: Vampire

Sanina was once a woman of beauty, and some might still think her it if they looked past the insanity in her eyes, and the stench of decay that clings to her form. She has a pale complexion, befitting one who sees very little sunlight, crimson eyes and long black hair. She is often well dressed and leans towards old fashioned styles of gowns and dresses. At her throat she wears a silver cross.

Sanina is cunning and cautious by nature, and rarely will she take part in a physical conflict. Her less than socially acceptable behaviors she keeps to dark alleys or behind closed doors. Her personality can be variable depending on her current level of lucidity and awareness, anywhere from whimsical and motherly to viciously violent and cruel.

Her history prior to her family's arrival in Wing City is a matter of speculation, and should one ask into it she'll probably just lie. That and her perception of actual history is skewed. Insanity can make remembering pesky historical details quite troublesome.

  • Shape shifter: Sanina can assume the shape of either a wolf or a bat, as well as a hybrid bat form, complete with wings.
  • Hypnosis: With direct eye contact, Sanina can lull a victim into a state of passiveness.
  • Seers vision: Sanina is a seer. This is a passive ability, and not one she can call at will, though it grants her visions of the future. Due to the future being an ever changing place, these visions are often vague, and can take time and effort to properly interpret.
  • Raise Dead: Raises the deceased body of a creature into a zombie or skeleton. Can be adapted to create wraiths and ghosts in instances where the soul failed to move on after death.
  • Control Undead: Seize control over an undead creature. The stronger the will power of her target, the harder it is, though physical contact or access to the victims blood increases the potency of the spell.
  • Ghoul Touch: The ability to inflict localized paralysis and decay with hand contact.
  • Drain Life: This ability to drain the life from a living target or object through maintained contact.

Sanina has a large number of undead minions at her disposal. Most are simply your traditional skeletons and zombies, though she has a knack for creating hybrids, in which she summons forth demonic entities to possess her creations, which remain thoroughly bound under her control through their undead nature.

  • Zombie Wolves: Her undead wolf pack numbers at about thirty.
  • Pack leader - Wulfric: Wulfric is a demon hybrid, and he serves as pack leader over the zombie wolves, granting a sapient head to unify their numbers and to keep the pack acting as a cooperative unit without Sanina's direct attention. This allows the pack far more efficiency in a group than the mindless undead would normally be capable of, without Sanina needing to tax herself to direct them individually. Anyone attempting to wrest control of the wolves needs to overcome both Wulfric, and Sanina's control simultaneously, making it a difficult process. Wulfric's abilities are very much an extension of Sanina's own, and his necrotic bite inflicts her ghoul rot affliction – localized paralysis and decaying of the flesh.
  • Dire bear - Ursa: Ursa is a demon hybrid and for all intents and purposes, the tank of the lot. Ursa relies on brute strength in combat, lacking any magical or demonic abilities offensively, though its undead nature, and regenerative qualities make it very resilient to absorbing damage.
  • Demon cat - Scamp: Scamp is a demon hybrid best suited for ambush tactics. A permanent displacement effect over Scamp leaves him always appearing to be standing approximately two feet from where he actually is. Scamp can breath an all consuming demonic hellfire, as well as travel in and out of the infernal plane through fire.
  • Bat swarm: As individuals her undead bats are likely the weakest of her numbers, though in groups they can create a great deal of chaos. The swarm sits at about two-hundred strong.
  • Raven - Carrion: Carrion is Sanina's eyes and ears, lurking and spying where Sanina could not otherwise go.
  • Zombie Kitten - Patches: Does this one really warrant an explanation?

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Name: Wren Silvermane Sunchaser

Age: 12 (approximately 20 in equivalent human years/life-span)

Hair: Silver

Fur: White

Eyes: Green

Height: 5'

Weight: 90 pounds

Race: Catfolk

Place of Birth: Wing City, Terra

Place of Residence: N/A

Wren stands in at only five foot, and though she is vaguely humanoid in posture, her features are unmistakably feline. Though not to be mistaken as a cat, Wren is no more cat than a human is a monkey. However, characteristics of her distant ancestry still linger in her feline features, including clawed hands, slit pupils, feline ears and tail, distinctly pronounced canines, and a light layering of fur over most of her body.

Wild and mischievous Wren has a knack for causing trouble and getting in over her head. Though, having survived her escapades long enough to reach some semblance of maturity, she has learned to apply her talents professionally, rather than in a strictly recreational capacity.

Though traditionally in times past, Wren's people were a nomadic bestial race, times have changed for them as much as they have for humans and other sapient races over the years. Wren is no more a child of the wilderness than any other born and raised city dweller or space going sort.

Wren has a wide range of abilities and talents that she has picked up here and there.

  • Breaking & Entering: Professional thief, knows her way around security measures, locks and alarm systems.
  • Pick pocketing: Quite deft of hand.
  • Firearms: Knows how to handle fire-arms adequately, though is far from an expert.
  • Melee combat: Talented in melee fighting and brawling.
  • Athletic: Racially enhanced speed and reflexes, though not unnaturally so. Just above that of a humans.
  • Vision: Racially enhanced night vision.
  • Mechanic: Passably decent mechanic. Knows her way around a ship well enough to keep it in working order.

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Alias: Rhea

Age: Unknown – Ancient

Height: Variable

Weight: Variable

Species: Dragon

Breed/Race: Khrevahkian Shapeshifter

Rhea's physical appearance can vary greatly, given her shapeshifter nature. Her preferred form is that of an elven woman, and for all intents and purposes she can quite thoroughly pass as an elf with her angular features, pointed ears, sandy hair and almond shaped eyes; though, her accent holds an exotic note unfamiliar among elven dialects. Her wardrobe consists primarily of expensive and vibrant fabrics and an over abundance of jewelry and exotic ornaments.

Rhea is an experienced and ancient practitioner of magic. She is thoroughly versed in many fields of the arcane arts, but her favored area is in the art of illusions. Outside of the darkest and most forbidden areas of magic or the most secret of practices, Rhea has a diverse education within the field of magic. Rhea is also well versed in the study of modern medicine.

Rhea's true species is that of a Khrevahkian Shapeshifter, a breed of dragon, though she rarely assumes this form when interacting with mortal races. Within her natural form Rhea stands about twenty-six feet tall and sixty feet long with brilliant orange scales that form a protective plated hide. Sharp horns and spines adorn her head, dorsal ridge and tail.

Rhea's draconic nature provides her with an innate resistance to magic based effects.

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Alias: Rynhart

Age: Unknown – Ancient

Height: Variable

Weight: Variable

Species: Dragon

Breed/Race: Khrevahkian Shapeshifter

Physical Description:

Rynhart's physical appearance can vary greatly, given his shapeshifter nature. However his preferred form is that of an elven man standing about 6'2 and weighting in at about 200 pounds. For all intents and purposes, he can quite thoroughly pass as an elf – albeit a tall one, with his angular features, pointed ears, sandy white hair and almond shaped eyes. Though even in this form, his eyes retain an almost luminescent green sheen and his accent holds an exotic note, but not one of elven origins. His wardrobe consists primarily of expensive and vibrant fabrics frequently adorned with exotic ornaments.

Abilities and Talents:


Rynhart is experienced and well versed in the study of magic. His favored areas of magical practice include bardic magic, chaos magic and curses. However, within the realm of your typical fields of magic, he's reasonably well studied.


Dragon Form:

Rynhart's true form is that of a dragon, though he rarely assumes it when interacting with the mortal races. He stands in at about thirty-five feet tall and eighty-two feet long with brilliant purple scales that form a protective plated hide. Sharp horns and spines adorn his head, dorsal ridge and tail.


"Rynhart," Taima's voice echoed. "I would call upon you once more."

"My debt to you has already been paid when I took Parlina under wing as you asked," Rynhart answered.

"And is that all the child was to you?" Taima asked. "A debt?"

"You know that's not what I meant," Rynhart answered.

"Then why did you leave her?" Taima inquired.

"I am not you, nor my sister," Rynhart replied. "I could not live among them and watch them grow old and die in what amounts to the blink of an eye."

"It is the burden we bear," Taima answered somberly. "So that they might have those lives however fleeting they might be. How many Parlina's will be snuffed out should you turn your back upon humanity once more?"

Rynhart sighed heavily. "What would you have of me?"

"Troubling times lay ahead," Taima answered. "The realms threaten to crumble around us even as old enemies are reborn anew. Take my boon, and return to Westeria City. There, when the time is right, use it upon the soldiers of Krycis so that they might be purged from this world once more."

Her hand upon his chest had carried a warmth that radiated through his scaly hide before the shimmering hand print faded when she withdrew her hand. Overhead a rift was forming within the sky as a storm began to brew.

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Name: Adriaan Kavaki

Age: 27

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 160 lb.

Race/Species: Avorian

Place of Birth: Volary, Western Shintenchi of Terra

Current Residence: Wing City, Midlands of Terra

Nationality: Volarian

Occupation(s): Elysian Vanguard, Street Fighter

A monk hailing from western Shintenchi, Adriaan is lithe and lightly built, as appropriate for his species, with a toned and muscled form. Though some might label his features effeminate as they toe that line somewhere between handsome and pretty, the lighter body build results in less body mass and bulky muscle tone which is more fitting for a species accustomed to flying. Though his skeletal structure is not as sturdy as that of a human, his rigorous training and use of Ki leaves him a capable fighter. He has grey eyes, slightly pointed ears, and long silver hair that he typically keeps braided. A pair of powerful and fully functional feathered wings can be seen sporting from his back.

Adriaan is rather good natured and a touch chivalric at times, though his chivalry can often be credited to his weak spot for damsels in distress. Adriaan is apt to taking a somewhat dogmatic approach to the teachings of his order and often views his life as a scale of giving and receiving, and he's not afraid to play the scales a bit to enjoy himself while accepting the consequences that will arise at a later date for his indulgences. After all, what's the point of life if you don't live a little.


Gauntlets: These gauntlets cover the hands as well as extend upwards to the elbow and vicious spikes have been affixed to the knuckles. Though metallic, their exact origin is uncertain, but for their light build and nearly weightlessness they are extremely durable. They are capable of withstanding a great deal of blunt force as well as well as magical assaults upon them.

Prayer beads: Used to help focus his Ki. He generally wraps them around his fist and wrist during fights while keeping them in his pocket when not involved in combat.         

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Name: Avantia Kumara

Title: Matriarch (Terran) / Vākśaṉai (Volarian)

Age: 28

Species: Avorian

Place of Birth: Volary, Western Shintenchi of Terra

Current Residence: The Royal Palace of Volary

Nationality: Volarian

Occupation: Reigning Matriarch of the Avorian Monarchy

Language(s): Volarian, Losenyu, and Taiyou

Family: Arun Kumara (son)

Avantia has been serving as the Matriarch of Volaria for four years now, and has garnered herself a reputation among her people for compassion and benevolence. These qualities, though still present, are often marred in matters of foreign affairs as Avantia has also garnered a reputation for being haughty and quick to take offense. First impressions are often everything to Avantia, and many have earned her ire for mistaken slights. Conversely, she is quick to respect those who respect Volarian culture, and who take the time and effort to learn their customs.

Avantia's recent decision to join with the AXIS cooperation forces, and the public execution of a TNG citizen by the name of Joshua Mattrix has given rise to some controversy, but she still maintains a strong show of loyalty from her people for the time being.

Avantia has a son of eleven years of age.

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"A war could end us," spoke the familiar voice of Avantia. She sounded tired.

"You heard their words," a male's voice replied. "Their promise to return with more men, and armies. If they want war then we need to be prepared for it."

Through the ajar door a glimpse of movement could be seen as the male crossed the library floor to approach Avantia from behind. He rested his hands on her upper arms with a gentle caress of his hands. The male's garb marked him as one of Avantia's Royal Guard.

"You're doing the right thing," he reassured her.

"And the TNG?" she asked. "Am I doing the right thing by opening trade and bringing these foreigners here?"

"It is not for me to question the wisdom of the Matriarch, but it is my belief that we can't trust them anymore than we can trust the Invictus," the male replied quietly. "These invaders from the sea have reminded us of that lesson. The only ones we can trust are ourselves." He pressed his lips lightly to her shoulder as they spoke and his arms slid around her waist to hold her back against his chest.

"And Sato," Avantia added.

"Of course," the male replied. His words of agreement didn't reach his eyes though.

Avantia sighed and shook her head. "I don't want my legacy to be one of war. Volaria hasn't seen a war in centuries. The people trust me to keep them safe. An alliance with the TNG would help to strengthen the security of Volaria."

"Avantia, you are the Matriarch. Your people love you, and they will follow you anywhere, even to war if we must. But you are too open, too trusting."                                          

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Name: Shanthi Hakkar

Age: 20

Species: Avorian

Place of Birth: Volary, Western Shintenchi of Terra

Current Residence: Volary, Shintenchi

Nationality: Volarian

Occupation: Emissary of the Avorian Monarchy

Shanthi serves as one of the youngest ambassadors within Avantia's court, a fact that can perhaps be credited to the young woman's rearing within the palace and her close relationship with the Matriarch herself.

Shanthi is a spirited young woman with a strong wanderlust, but her recent ventures from her homeland of Volaria left her maimed and scarred at the hands of the Aschen businessman, Miles Hagan.

The brutal surgical removal of her wings has left the young woman a shadow of her former self.


"I want to touch the stars."

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Name: Takua

Age: 34

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 120 lb.

Takua's upper torso is vaguely humanoid in stature, but that's about as far as the similarities go. The nature of her species is uncertain, but she seems to share characteristics similar to that of both a fish and a mammal. She sports both scales and gills, and her skin is of a rich blue coloration. Her hands are webbed and in place of legs, she has a long fin like appendage.

Her hair is similar in coloration to her scales - though interlaced with green hues, and though it resembles mammalian hair, it's merely carefully replicated tendrils of skin that form hairlike appendages.

Whether her species evolved naturally or not is a question that would involve in depth study of the reclusive creatures.

Found mostly in the deep recesses of the ocean, and given their shy and reclusive nature, her species has rarely been observed by land-goers. However, there are those that know of their existence, and they are a highly valuable acquisition for those rich enough to procure such a rare creature – should it survive extraction from its ocean going home.

They are fragile creatures, and can become sickly and unwell when subjected to harsh conditions, and as such, few have survived such extractions for long.

Little is known about their natural environment, cultural aspects, language, or even life span.

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Name: Naia Starfall

Age: 759

Height: 6'

Weight: 280lb

Species: Centaur

Physical Description:

For a Centaur Naia isn't particularly large, standing at about six foot and weighing about 280 pounds. Her upper torso is of a light skin tone, and her features fair. Waist length blonde hair offsets her green eyes and her lower equestrian torso is lightly furred and white, with tufted hooves and tail. Overall, she gives the appearance of elegance, and delicacy.


Shamanic Magic:

Naia is a shaman, and the spells listed here are merely her most commonly used spells. Within the realm of shamanic magic, Naia is quite versatile. Tier 1 spells are basic spells that take very little spiritual reserve and can be cast as frequently as she wants. Tier 2 spells are a bit more taxing and detract from her spiritual reserves. Tier 3 spells are her most advanced spells but require the use of her talisman and calling on her spiritual ancestors in order to access them.

Tier 1 spells:

Tier 2 spells:

Tier 3 spells:

Shamanic Healing:

Outside of the realm of magic, Naia is quite talented in natural and spiritual healing methods as well.


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Name: Aubrey Dieter Felbrich

Alias: Ravenlock, Raven

Age: 329

Height: 6'2

Weight: 180 lb.

Race: Human

Species Vampire

Physical Description:

Aubrey is an imposing individual with a dark demeanor that he makes little effort to conceal. Well toned build, dark hair, crimson eyes and a dominating height of six foot two only further this perception and even his wardrobe consisting almost exclusively of worn black leather does little to dissuade people of this notion. He frequently wears clothing that leave his chest and arms bared to reveal the intricate lacework of tattoos adorning his figure. Covering his arms and much of his torso, these tattoos serve to bind Aubrey's powers. Only a direct descendant of the one who bound his powers can unbind them again.

Abilities: Superhuman Strength and Agility, Superhuman senses, Regeneration, Shadow Manipulation, Hypnosis, Shape-Shifting, Mind-Reading, Sixth Sense, Phasing, Levitation.

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"Perhaps you will do as you say," he agreed. "You are resourceful. You will learn quickly, and you will survive, for a time anyways. A week, a month, maybe even years. But you will die," he promised her. "Do you know why?"

"No, I don't. Enlighten me, will you? Truly, I don't think you'll be able to do a thing, but carry on."

Ravenlock cracked a grin again. It was a peculiar position that the woman was in. To fear mortality, and yet to crave the thrill of danger. In time it would come to dominate her senses and intoxicate her. He was certain of it, for she already had a taste for it.

"I think you do know. You felt it in the quickening of your pulse when the promise of danger whispered in your ear," he replied.

He turned to walk away without further word of explanation as his footsteps echoed on the pavement.

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Name: Sidhgleradiel Kidhrinthor (Sith)

Age: 17

Species: Sprite

Occupation: Adventurer

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Name: Tessa Cartner

Height: 5'7

Weight: 128 lb.

Species: Human

Tessa appears to be in her late teens and has a pale complexion, red hair and hazel eyes. Her wardrobe is highly variable, though her eccentric personality and flare for vibrant colors leaves her often clothed in brightly colored outfits.

Tessa serves as a magical amplifier. Spells she casts or that are cast in her vicinity are amplified beyond their normal limitations which frequently create uncontrolled and chaotic situations. Tessa favors black magic and demonology, but she is a well educated and versatile graduate of Academia Celestia and is experienced in many schools of magic; though, she lacks the same level of efficiency outside of her area of expertise.

Tessa can summon a large variety of extraplanar creatures but these are the ones she most frequently utilizes.

  • Razbit: Resembling a demonic rabbit, Tessa isn't really sure what it is, but it's cute even if it doesn't seem to do anything useful
  • Tokarattihael: A typical imp, Toka doesn't have much in the way of abilities beyond a knack for skulking about and causing mischief.
  • Sesataapraz: This fire nymph is the most powerful of Tessa's summons and wields a combination of elemental fire and demonic hellfire. For the sake of elemental resistances, hellfire is not fire, but rather a demonic dark energy.

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Name: Sérëdhiel

Alias: Kianna McGregor

Age: Unknown

Height: 5'2

Weight: 120lb.

Species: Human

Kianna appears a largely unremarkable woman with an equally unremarkable history. Though Terran born, Kianna has gone to great lengths to shed this aspect of her identity. Despite the origins of her nationality and a penchant for self-interest, Kianna continues to perform within her role as Mollem's body guard and wife.

Kianna's physical description has been subject to great variation over the years, but at the current time, she maintains the guise of a lightly built human woman with green eyes and blonde hair. Kianna is rarely without weaponry on her person, or within the near vicinity, and among her typical arsenal is her T-65 Augmented Combat Skin, a pair of unobtrusive wrist bands that form an extra-dimensional storage space for that contains a pare of enchanted blades. The runic enchantments that grace the length of the blades reinforce them against both physical and magical damage.

Kianna is well known for her short temper and vicious tongue, but despite her less than pleasant nature she can maintain a mask of amiability if there's gain to be had in it.

Kianna keeps her history a very closed secret and has changed her name and even her species more times than she can recall. Her birth name is lost even to herself.

While not mystical in nature, Kianna has a sharp mind and is well versed in the practice of warding her thoughts from mental intrusions through carefully maintained self-control and mental conditioning. Kianna is also an accomplished liar and capable of doing so fluidly and with little effort. For Kianna, lies come as naturally as truth and often times more readily.

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She could feel his gaze upon her back, the sharpness of his eyes. He was suspicious of her, but then again he would be a fool not to be. The thought brought a smile to her lips.

"Why does it matter in the end. I have served faithfully have I not? I bring results, results which others under your command have not been able to boast. Is that not enough? Why does it matter why I do what I do, so long as I do it."

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Name: Rhogar

Height: 6'9

Weight: 320 lb.

Species: Draconian

Caste: Draconian Highborn

Though humanoid in form, Rhogar's features are unmistakably draconic in nature. He is an imposing individual, standing at about six-foot-nine. His face is the visage of a dragon snout complete with a mouthful of vicious looking fangs and bony protrusions, and in place of skin he has red scales.

Rhogar is an impressive specimen of a warrior, and weighing in at 320lbs of pure muscle, he is well capable of dominating the battle field. Despite his formidable combat prowess however, Rhogar is unfortunately not the most intellectually gifted of individuals. Having never before experienced the advancements of a more technological age, Rhogar quickly made a name for himself in the art of slaying demons (cars) that quickly landed him at the RIP correctional facility.

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Name: Alan Crux

Age: Unknown, appears 20

Height: 5'7”

Weight: 150 lb.

Species: Human

Physical Description:

Alan is a remarkably average looking guy. His build is more lanky than muscular leaving him looking less than imposing. Shaggy black hair and grey eyes are his only real distinguishing features, that and the almost perpetual look of boredom upon his face.


Alan is a remarkably impatient individual, given his ability set, and he hates wasting time. It is no end of frustration that he finds himself sitting and going through the motions of conversations in which he knows the outcome already. However as he has learned, trying to skip ahead to the end of a conversation is rarely received well by others. As a result, Alan is rarely found indulging in casual conversation or small talk. Alan often exudes an air of boredom, that seems to remain present even in situations where one might think it strange.


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Name: Chase Nightroad

Height: 6'2

Weight: 180 lb.

Age: 23

Species: Werewolf

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Name: Amund Olafson, typically goes by Olaf

Age: 42

Height: 7'5

Weight: 350lbs

Species: Human/Giant

Places of Birth: Windcrest, Terra

Current Residence: Windcrest, Terra

Occupation: Sjiefding (Chief/Governor) of Windcrest

Like his father before him, and his father's father before that and so on back through the generations, the Olafson's have been serving as the Sjiefdings of Windcrest. As with those that came before, Amund took on the name Olaf upon assuming the title of Sjiefding. Though the hereditary practice isn't strictly democratic, when one accounts for the dominating support of the citizens of Windcrest - one can argue that in itself is democratic.

The Olafson family is almost something of a local legend that continues to be maintained for as long as the Olafson family continues to ensure the safety and security of Windcrest.

Amund is a grizzled veteran of battle, and his life in the far north of Aslund is well apparent. His skin is both weather worn and scarred from the elements and numerous conflicts with the wild denizens that prowl the snowy landscape. Wild animals, wyrms, marauders, and dragons have all met their demise beneath the bite of his axe.

Amund's axe is a blending of Volarian steel and Ghrigorian craftsmanship. Volarian steel is a highly durable alloy that is extremely lightweight; though, Amund's axe has been blended with traces of adamantium to add heft to the otherwise lightweight metal. The Ghrigorian art of runesmithing has left this weapon imbued with the runes of the basic elements of earth, air, fire and water.

Amund also wields the Vulcan Boomstick, one of twelve ancient artifacts forged by the founders of the Patronus order. The weapon was gifted to him by the Patronus during the early days of reviving their order within the Icy Peaks of Northern Aslund. The weapon fires a blast of magma that reaches upwards to about 2400 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Name: Viktor Thrice

Age: 250

Height: 6'

Weight: 175lb.

Species: Half-elf

Sub species: Vampire

Physical Description:

As customary for those of his kin, Viktor is a portrait of well chiseled features, bordering the line between pretty and handsome. His slanted eyes and slightly pointed ears hint at his mixed heritage, though it is the crimson of hue his eyes that is the most striking feature about him.

Though at first glance Viktor has one of those faces that tends to illicit trust and ease, he frequently emits a faint aura of enigma.


Viktors strengths lie in the power of domination and mental fortitude. Though he is gifted with all the traditional benefits of the Lessard line, enhanced strength, speed, reflexes, senses and the ability to shapeshift - his talents in such matters are average at best. However, his mental prowess would seem to be a strongly evolved form of Sanina's domination abilities. Within this field, his powers have surpassed that of even hers.

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Name: Varia Vulpes

Age: 23

Height: 5'4

Weight: 130lb.

Species: Human

Sub species: Vampire


Varia could have been a picture of beauty, if you looked past the extensive tattooing and piercings, the wild unkempt hair and general look of contempt about her. Varia is a wild soul at heart, and she isn't afraid to show it.

Wardrobe aside, Varia is very much the sort of person to smoke next to the no smoking sign, or to chew gum very loudly at a meeting. She is thoroughly rebellious and defiant of authority and rules, no matter how petty or small they might be.


As with all of the Lessard line, Varia is gifted with enhanced strength, speed, reflexes, senses and the ability to shapehift. However, she has a far stronger affinity to her animalistic nature than either her sire or her grandsire. Even her eyes have taken on the amber hue of a wolves eyes, rather than the typical crimson of the Lessard's.

As with those that she shares such affinity with, Varia is prone to acting on instinct over careful planning and forethought. However, she also has a far weaker grasp than most of her line when it comes to self-control and restraining her vampiric instincts.

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Name: Maria Raghild

Height: 6’

Weight: 175 lb.

Age: 1211

Species: Human, werewolf

Sub-Species: Ulfhednar

Place of Birth: Southern G'ael, Terra

Current Residence: Wing City, Terra

Nationality: Tribal Terran, G'ael

Occupation: Mercenary

Maria is a human barbarian that hails far to the north from the lands of G'ael. She is an imposing and dominating figure with thick red locks of hair and amber eyes. Though taller in stature than is typically deemed attractive in a woman, her striking features could once have been deemed alluring; however, her looks have grown marred by the feral state that grips her, and the ragged scar that runs down the length of her neck from ear to sternum. Both hair and clothing are frequently wild and unkempt. The few that have seen her in recent years say that she is cursed, a creature as wild and dangerous as the beasts that roam the wilderness.

Afflicted with lycanthropy, Maria's war with her growing affliction has left what attractiveness she once possessed to slip away with each drop of her humanity. Even within her human state, the lycanthropy affliction seems to have taken root in her mannerisms and increasing instability. As is customary of her kind, Maria is strongly bound to the lunar cycles and forced into her werewolf state upon the night of the full moon; however, having been so overtaken by her affliction, Maria is also capable of releasing the beast within her during times of intense duress.

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Maria stood from where she had knelt to examine the tracks in the snow and brushed the white powder from her hands and knees.

'I heard you died,' Maria remarked.

'And they say you lost your mind,' Taima replied.

Maria grunted. 'I think I got the better deal.'

Taima might have smiled had such an expression been possible with her draconic visage. 'We shall see,' she replied. 'Your spirit remains strong. You have bore your affliction for longer than most.'

Maria snorted. 'I suppose that's your doing. Set Rynhart on me did you?' she asked.

Taima chuckled lightly. 'It is not my place to dictate the actions of mortals. That part of my life ended with my death.'

Maria frowned and looked to the tracks her quarry had left. 'The trail will grow cold if I delay,' she told Taima.

Taima shook her head. 'You are on the wrong trail, Maria,' she answered. 'But that is not why we are here.'

'Of course not,' Maria grunted. 'People don't show back up after a few centuries unless they want something.’

Taima offered no response and instead gestured behind Maria towards a shrine that stood at the outskirts of a small village nestled within the heart of the Northlands. Maria looked to it only briefly but when she turned back Taima was gone.

A frown upon her lips she approached the large wrought-iron fence that enclosed the structure. Assessing the height, she quickly cleared it to land in a crouch upon the other side. The stench of the place reeked of decay she noted with distaste as she stood and approached the building carefully.

She had made it only as far as the entrance before she had awoken. She might have passed it off as a dream, but why dream of Taima now after all these years. Regardless, she would know soon enough the validity of the dream once she reached her destination.        

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Name: Jason Tommel

Age: 25

Height: 6'0

Weight: 160lbs

Species: Human

Places of Birth: Windcrest, Terra

Current Residence: Windcrest, Terra

Occupation(s): Windcrest City Militia

Family: Helena Tommel (sister), Gregor Tommel (father), Diona Tommel (mother)

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Name: Amethea

Age: 25

Height: 6'7

Weight: 400lbs

Species: Centaur

Places of Birth: The Cold Plains, Terra

Current Residence: Windcrest, Terra

Occupation(s): Pathfinder                                                 

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Name: Igtrid

Age: 62

Height: 12'

Weight: 1500lbs

Species: Giant

Race: Ghrigorian

Places of Birth: The Icy Peaks, Terra

Current Residence: Windcrest, Terra

Occupation(s): Blacksmith

The mountain giants of the Icy Peaks are known for their reclusive nature, and few are known to make their homes within the settlements of humans. Igtrid serves as an exception to the norm as she has come to be as much a part of Windcrest as the Olafson's who are reputed to carry giant's blood within them. Rather than meeting ostracization at the hands of the locals, the people of Windcrest have a great measure of pride in their Ghrigorian resident. She, like the Olafson's, has become something of a local attraction and an integral part of their local culture.

None really know why Igtrid chose to make her home among the humans of Windcrest, but she brought with her the Ghrigorian art of runesmithing and she owns and operates a local weaponsmith shop.

The extensive tattooing that adorns Igtrid's greyish-black skin has imbued her with an elemental affinity to fire.         

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Name: Nahuatl

Age: Ancient

Species: Naga

Place of Birth: The rainforests of North Arteghia, Terra

Current Residence: Mintinca, South Arteghia, Terra

Occupation: High Priestess of Mintinca

The Tal'asan elves were once a vast civilization claiming dominion over much of the Arteghian rainforests, but their great society fell to foreigners from across the seas, when after a violent and bloody conflict, many of their cities were destroyed. Nahuatl, an albino naga foretold to be their salvation, gathered the remaining Tal'asan together for a pilgrimage far into southern Arteghia. It was there that they found a new home within the lost city of Mintinca, the equivalent of their 'holy city' which had been built around and named after the ancient temple of Mintincua. Nahuatl swore to protect the remaining Tal'asan for as long as they remained within Mintinca, and from there they retreated from the world.

Historically Tal'asan worshiped the gods of nature - especially that of the sun and rain - and were known to partake in the practice of ritual sacrifices. Their leaders, the High Priests, also served as their societal leaders, resulting in many strict religious laws. The High Priests were typically viewed as nothing short of divine themselves, and sacrificing of blasphemers who would speak against them was a common practice. In modern days the practice of ritual sacrifice has been outlawed, but it still exists among cult groups and devout followers of the old ways. These Tal'asan look to Nahuatl's male counterpart, Venomagia, a herald of destruction. It is their belief that Venomagia will be the cleansing fire that reclaims their ancestral lands once more.

While worship of the nature gods remains strong, the Tal'asan people primarily look to their new gods, Venomagia and Nahuatl. Typically speaking, devout priests of Nahuatl favor elemental magic, while those of Venomagia favor sorcery.

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Name: Zahira

Height: 5'6

Weight: 140 lb.

Age: 27

Species: Human

Zahira was a woman of privilege. Both wealthy and possessing great grace and beauty, her alluring looks had carried her far in life, but even further still had her captivating violet eyes carried her. Capable of implanting false memories into the minds of others, her influence over people had known no bounds.

Her privileged upbringing and unique talents had bred a woman with no regard for any but herself. Self-serving to the core, she lived her life with no thought of consequences until her unique talents drew the eye of Krycis.

Broken and reborn, Zahira has become something more than human, something more than she was. But at what cost?                                                 


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Name: Tahir Bhandari

Age: 26

Race/Species: Avorian

Place of Birth: Volary, Western Shintenchi of Terra

Current Residence: Volary, Shintenchi

Nationality: Volarian

Occupation(s): Volarian Royal Guard

Though it is unusual for avorians to travel abroad from Volary, let alone Shintenchi, Tahir fell to wanderlust at a young age. For seven years he wandered Aslund in search of purpose until his travels eventually led him full circle. Upon returning to Shintenchi Tahir spent another three years residing in Narita, choosing to forsake the company of his own people in favor of their Taiyou neighbors.

Tahir's travels have left him a changed man, and the once wild youth has become a picture of introspective somberness. Few recognized him as the same boy from before his departure save by name.

Tahir has has only recently returned to Volary and claimed a place among the Volarian Royal Guard as a Rocket Angel pilot for reasons unknown. He doesn't much talk about why he left, where he went for ten years, nor why he returned.

The one indisputable fact among the Royal Guard is that Tahir is a powerful psionic. He has offered no explanation into how he came into possession of such abilities, but they are not avorian in nature. He is a formidable adversary and a skilled combatant with or without his flight suit.

As is typical of avorians, Tahir Kumar is characteristically lithe and lightly built with slightly pointed ears, light hair, and a pair of powerful and fully functional feathered wings.         

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Name: Ambar Bhandari

Age: 19

Race/Species: Avorian

Place of Birth: Volary, Western Shintenchi of Terra

Current Residence: Volary, Shintenchi

Nationality: Volarian

Occupation(s): Volarian Royal Guard

Ambar is a relatively young addition to the Volarian Royal Guard. Full of youthful zeal and the same wanderlust that once drew his brother, Tahir, from Shintenchi, Ambar is often characterized by over-eagerness and impatience. Much to Ambar's chagrin he has been unable to draw any answers or stories out of Tahir into his brother's travels across Aslund.

It is his duties within the Royal Guard, orchestrated and arranged by Tahir, that keep Ambar grounded to Volary.

As is typical of avorians, Ambar is characteristically lithe and lightly built with slightly pointed ears, light hair, and a pair of powerful and fully functional feathered wings.

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Name: Kumar D'alia

Age: 25

Race/Species: Avorian

Place of Birth: Volary, Western Shintenchi of Terra

Current Residence: Volary, Shintenchi

Nationality: Volarian

Occupation(s): Volarian Royal Guard

Kumar serves within the Volarian Royal Guard as a rocket angel pilot. Avorians have long claimed the skies, but with the military tech put at their disposal by Sato of the Shintenchi Shogunate, these formidable aerial combatants have been made all the more deadly. Kumar is no exception as he took to his flight suit with all the grace and finesse of a natural born flier. While some avorians have met these technological advancements with apprehension and even resistance, Kumar was among those who eagerly stepped forward into a new age.

Kumar's notable flaws lie in his recklessness and arrogance. With his flight suit, the young avorian can perform aerial maneuvers he could only dream of performing naturally, and he is never one to pass up the chance to push his flight suit and himself to their limits. Kumar is also characterized by his haughty nature and often times disdainful attitude towards enemies of lesser skill than himself.

As is typical of avorians, Kumar is characteristically lithe and lightly built with slightly pointed ears, light hair, and a pair of powerful and fully functional feathered wings.

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Name: Scouter

Age: 26

Species: Wolven

Place of Birth: Tai'emroth City, Aelora

Current Residence: Traveling

Nationality: N/A

Scouter is a traveling merchant who makes a living out of transporting weapons and supplies to and from outlying towns and cities.

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Name: Leonis

Age: 40

Species/Race: Catfolk, Mira

Place of Birth: Forest of the Fall, Aelora

Nationality: Ra'shak Clan

Occupation(s): Sheif

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Name: Guruk

Age: 24

Species/Race: Catfolk, Mira

Place of Birth: Elderwood Forest, Aelora

Nationality: Elderwood Clan

Occupation: Sheif

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Name: Raast

Age: 22

Species/Race: Catfolk, Mira

Place of Birth: Forest of the Fall, Aelora

Nationality: Ironclaw Clan

Occupation: Sheif

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Name: Salal

Age: 21

Species/Race: Catfolk, Mira

Place of Birth: Forest of the Fall, Aelora

Nationality: River Clan

Occupation(s): Sheiftess

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Name: Makya

Age: 16

Species/Race: Catfolk, Mira

Place of Birth: Forest of the Fall, Aelora

Nationality: Ra'shak Clan

Makya was only eleven years old when the Ra'shak clan split from the rest of the Mira in Aelora and migrated to Terra. Given his youth, Makya has grown into adulthood within the jungles of Veshrac, far from their volatile homeland. He lacks the feral edge that grips many of the older Mira who grew up in Aelora, though one should not make the mistake of assuming the youth to be soft.

Like all Mira, Makaya has been raised to the ways of combat and been taught to uphold the honor and traditions of the Mira with unrelenting resolve. Makaya carries the fervent fire that burns within the hearts of all Mira, but it has been tempered with the wisdom and age of Leonis, shief of the Ra'shak clan. Makya is a picture of dignity, honor, and courage, but he is young yet and is prone to youthful zeal and impulsive decisions.

It is often thought that Makya will one day prove himself a contender to succeed Leonis as sheif of the Ra'shak clan, and like Leonis before him Makya has been taught the ways of the Patronus alongside those of the Mira.                                 

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Name: Tapu

Age: 19

Species/Race: Catfolk, Mira

Place of Birth: Forest of the Fall, Aelora

Nationality: Ra'shak Clan

Tapu is large even by Mira standards and stands at an imposing six and a half feet tall. Both broad of shoulder and burly in build, Tapu is well capable of holding his own against his smaller brethren but his lack of ambition has kept him from rising through the Mira ranks.

Tapu serves as a level balance of both jovial mischief and untempered ferocity. Good natured and playful, Tapu always seems to find humor in all situations no matter how grave they might seem.

Though often seeming the part of a 'gentle giant', Tapu possesses the same fiery fervor that defines the Mira people. As with all Mira, Tapu has been trained in the art of combat from a young age, but unlike some of his more feral clan-mates Tapu has never forgotten the spirit behind these lessons.

Tapu has recently self-declared himself ruler of the Galaxy and all that live within it. All hail Tapu, overlord and god-emperor of god-emperors.

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Name: Fiera

Age: 24

Species/Race: Catfolk, Mira

Place of Birth: Forest of the Fall, Aelora

Occupations(s): Shamana

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Name: Meke

Title: Shahta'an (One without Honor)

Age: 24

Height: 6'

Weight: 200lbs

Species/Race: Catfolk, Mira

Place of Birth: Forest of the Fall, Aelora

Nationality: N/A

Family: Ryth (brother)

Occupation: Sell-sword

Place of Residence: Traveling

Meke is a quiet, but fierce warrior who served as second to Shief Leonis of the Ra'shak clan until his subsequent banishment one year after they arrived on Terra. Clanless, Meke now wanders Valore as a shahta'an, which loosely translates to honorless, or one without honor.

When Meke departed from the Veshrak jungle at the age of twenty, he left behind a younger brother of only seven years of age. It was once believed that Meke would succeed Leonis as clan shief, and that his brother would stand at his side as Shamana, but now it falls to his brother to restore honor to their bloodline while Meke has taken up the life of a rogue.

As with all Mira, Meke has been trained in the art of combat from a young age and he now roams the lands of Losenji lending his combat expertise to those who would have it. Not to dissimilar to Losenyu ronins of old, the Mira warrior has acclimated well to the local culture. His grasp of the Losenyu tongue grows stronger day by day, and his journey now leads him to Mount Senji in search of answers as to the origins of the Mira people and their fabled link to the Torajin of Losenji.

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"And what meaning do the ancient rights hold to one of the Ta'kra," Meke snarled.

"All the meaning in the world. As I recall, Meke, you abandoned us. You have little right to comment on the honor of a clan when you've fled like rats from the rightful shief. Now unhand me."

"A shahta'an has no right to name himself shief," Meke growled lowly. "A shahta'an has no clan, nor title. Your shief lost his claim to such things long ago when he betrayed your Shamana and the ancestors with her," he reminded her vehemently as he released his hold upon her clothes. "As did those who followed him."

         "Survival over all," she said, defiance lacing through her voice. "We waste time dredging old wounds, warrior. I wish an audience with your Shief. I will go under whatever guard you deem necessary in order to pass along a simple message. Afterwards, I will accept whatever fate befall me."

"I have no Shief," Meke replied before turning from the female to walk away. He paused only briefly. "These people. Harm them, and we will see one another again," he warned.                                          


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Name: James Guiscard

Alias: Baron

Age: 82

Species: Werewolf

Place of Birth: Lutetia City, Lutetia

Nationality: Lutetian

Occupation: Pack Leader of the Bloodstone pack and proprietor of The Den.

Current Residence: Lutetia City, Lutetia

Family: Ragenard Guiscard (brother), Maxwell Lessard (son)

James is the fourth generation of Guiscard to serve as Pack Leader of the Bloodstone pack. He took up the name 'Baron' two years into his new position and has held the pack for eight years now.

Under his leadership, the Bloodstone pack has flourished in numbers and nearly doubled its territory in the past four years. Unlike many of the Lutetian packs, James is known for taking in mutts - werewolves who contracted lycanthropy via bites, which has served to swell his numbers to a respectable size.

Baron strives to maintain a balance of morality and freedom in the running of the Bloodstone pack, and though he - and those of his pack - are far from upstanding, law abiding citizens, the Bloodstone pack is largely devoid of involvement into organized crime.

Baron is the proprietor of The Den, a bar in Vargeras. Unlike many werewolf establishments, Baron permits humans and other creatures to frequent the bar provided they're not causing trouble for him or his pack. Wolves from rival packs may want to steer clear though.

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Name: Desmond O'Callaghan

Age: 29

Species: Werewolf

Place of Birth: Iveria

Nationality: Iverian

Occupation: Bloodstone Pack Member

Current Residence: Lutetia City, Lutetia

Family: Brendan O'Callaghan (brother)

Desmond is Iverian by birth, but during something of a cross continental escapade and a series of unlikely developments, he and his brother found their way into Baron's pack in Lutetia a few years ago.

Desmond was something of a stranger to urban pack life when he arrived in Lutetia; though, he's far from a stranger to an urban lifestyle. This hard-living Iverian werewolf strives to leave no rock unturned in his pursuit of the finer things in life. He's rarely found far from his quest of female companionship, late night drinking, good food, and loyal friends.

Desmond's attention is apt to being captured by new things, but just as quickly he is prone to abandoning his fixations as new distractions cross his path. These fixations can range anywhere from women to drugs and alcohol, as well as personal projects and business ventures.

However despite his somewhat childish demeanor when it comes to the responsibilities of adulthood, Desmond has earned himself a solid place among pack life with his patience and support of those struggling with their affliction.

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They went on like that for some time, with his voice droning quietly in the background as he guided her along by helping her to envision up the field within her mind until it was as real as the ground beneath her knees.

He could almost see the tension easing out of her body with the calming of her breath and the trance like sensation that settled over her, and he stood quietly taking a step back.

"Imagine yourself standing up, an' taking a step forward," he told her. "Feel the grass beneath your paws, 'nd the breeze ruffling through your fur. It's gonna rain soon, can you smell it?"

He hadn't explicitly told her to envision herself as a wolf, and instead aimed to guide her to it subtly with the context of his words.

"Don't be afraid. In the days before the Queran's landed on these shores, men called our kind friend, an' we roamed these lands without fear."

He took a seat on one of the stones ringing them as he continued to speak calmly and quietly to her.

"Go to the forest. Feel its 'eartbeat beneath your paws. It's callin' you, it wants you to run wi' it."

Desmond's eyes watched her face carefully for any telltale signs of distress, but the slack calm reassured him.

"The smells of the forest are all around you, the sounds of the animals rustle in the trees overhead. They know you. You are a child of the lan'. The earth is your mother, an' both man and beast are your brothers."

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Name: Ahuma

Species: God

Age: Immortal/Unknown

No image can truly capture the essence of Ahuma, but popular artwork often depicts him as a great dragon of legend. It is said that Ahuma is the patron father of the draconian people, and that he was once worshiped through-out the continent of Caldonia. During the peak of his reign he served as a guardian and a symbol of justice.

Legend tells of a millennium past when the southern lands of Caldonia were ravaged by war - human against draconian - and in an hour of desperation the humans unleashed the ancient primordials upon the battlefield. The primordials - long banished to the elemental planes during the dawn of gods - lay rampant destruction in their wake until Ahuma himself descended to the mortal plane to do battle. It is said that the cataclysmic battle raged onward for a week or more until the great Ahuma was at last felled.

Slain in battle, and with the draconian empire in ruins, this once mighty god has faded from memory.                                                 

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Name: Eirik

Age: 2 (physically 9)

Species: Werewolf

Sub-Species: Ulfhednar

Place of Birth: The Cold Plains, Terra

Current Residence: Windcrest Orphanage

Family: Maria Raghild (mother), and Riaze Nightroad (father)

Eirik is a mixed breed werewolf born out of the pairing of an Ulfhednar of G'ael, and a wolf of the Nightroad clan. Abandoned to the elements only weeks after birth, Eirik was discovered by the Elysian Vanguard and given over to the care of the Windcrest orphanage.

Eirik possesses all the wild and feral spirit of his mother's blood-line, but the insanity of the Ulfhednar has been tempered by the the blood of his pureblood father.

His rapid physical development and lack of parental guidance has left Eirik contending with an onslaught of warring instincts and impulses, and the boy has become near feral. Stealing, fighting, and running away are weekly endeavors for this wild child of the north.

At the age of seven, the boy managed to survive a month on his own in the frozen wastelands of the Icy Peaks until he was discovered and returned to the Windcrest orphanage clawing and biting with all the wild viciousness of the craig wolves he had taken up home with. Since then, Eirik has only grown all the more obstinate and defiant.

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Name: Kunlong

Age: Ancient

Species: Dragon

Kunlong is one of several dragons that have been aptly named the guardians of Shintenchi. While others of his kin rule over the sea and the skies, Kunlong makes his home deep within the heart of the Shensheng Mountains. Revered by the locals as a god, they often bring offerings to Kunlong's temple at the peak of the mountains in the belief that he will bring them good weather and fertile crops.

Kunlong claims dominion over the earth of the Shensheng Mountains, but like all of his siblings he is said to hold sway over the weather as well.

Kunlong is brother to Haigara, who claims his dominion over the seas of Shintenchi, and to Havaja, who claims her dominion over the skies in the far northern reaches of Volaria.

Of the three dragons, Kunlong is the oldest, and often deemed the wisest and the most even-tempered.         

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Name: Havaja

Age: Ancient

Species: Dragon

Havaja is one of several dragons that have been aptly named the guardians of Shintenchi. While others of her kin rule over the sea and the earth, Havaja makes her home in the far northern peaks of Volaria high above the clouds. Revered by the locals as a sky-god, they often bring offerings to Havaja's temple at the height of the Volarian peaks in the belief that she will bring them good fortune and fertility.

Havaja claims dominion over the skies of Volaria and is said by the locals to hold sway over the weather.

Havaja is brother to Haigara, who claims his dominion over the seas of Shintenchi, and to Kunlong, who claims his dominion within the Shensheng mountains of Losenji.

Of the three dragons, Havaja is the youngest, and often deemed the most benevolent.

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Name: Haijira

Age: Ancient

Species: Dragon

Haijira is the son of Haigara, and he stakes his claim over the denizens of the sea that make their home near Shintenchi. Like the Val'hai that once called him king, Hajira is an adept psychic.

Haijira is capable of allowing his body to petrify into hardened stone to hibernate for extended periods of time so as to ensure his longevity and capacity to waken when there is need of his presence.

Haijira has awoken for the first time in fifty years to find the Val'hai gone and their cities abandoned.                                                 

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Name: Haigara

Age: Ancient

Species: Dragon

Haigara is one of several dragons that have been aptly named the guardians of Shintenchi. While others of his kin ruled over the earth and skies, Haigara makes his home within the deep recesses of the ocean. The locals have named him as a sea-god, and they often cast offerings from the Shintenchi cliffs into the sea below in the belief that he will send them good weather and prosperous fishing.

Haigara's dominion is that of all things water, and the denizens of the ocean that make their home near Shintenchi are his to call upon.

Haigara is brother to Kunlong, who claims his dominion within the Shensheng mountains of Losenji, and to Havaja, who claims her dominion over the skies in the far northern reaches of Volaria.

Of the three dragons, Haigara is the most aggressive and the most volatile, but he has been known to be tempered by Haijira.

For being the largest known predator to make its home in Shintenchi waters, it is curious to note that Haigara's trademark attack is reminiscent to that of one of the ocean's smallest predators, the pistol shrimp, and is that of a sonic boom created by the collapse of his immense jaws. Once his jaws are drawn taught, the collapsing pressure creates a cavitation bubble that generates large quantities of acoustic pressure. The speed, sound, and pressure generated by these sonic booms is devastating, and the collapsing cavitation bubble briefly reaches temperatures equivalent to the surface of the sun. The sonic boom has a powerful recoil for Haigara.

Haigara can also generate powerful electric shocks that tend to be fatal to smaller creatures within near proximity to him, and is capable of stunning those even larger than him. This tactic can't be directed and it grows weaker the farther out that it disperses.

In deeper waters Haigara typically navigates via sound and is capable of mapping vast distances with a low keening wail that can carry for miles. Haigara is also capable of navigating by sight - and requires only the barest of light to see - but even Haigara remains blind in the darkest reaches of the ocean where light fails to penetrate.

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Name: Torinn

Age: 52

Species: Draconian

Place of Birth: Lorandor, Caldonia

Nationality: TNG

Current Residence: Lorandor, Caldonia

Torinn serves as a dying relic of an ancient people. Once a sprawling empire within Caldonia, the draconians have fallen into ruin. With their numbers dwindling and their homeland destroyed nearly a millennium past, much of their culture has become scattered and lost to time. What few remain can be found mingling among other races, a forgotten people from an age past. To this day though, above all else honor and commitment are deeply ingrained into each and every child.

Though humanoid in stature, the features of the draconian race strongly resemble those of their namesake. They sport both scaly hides and reptilian eyes while bony protrusions and spines adorn their faces. The full extent of their draconic features is highly variable from caste to caste with the features of the highborn being the most prominent. Even wings have been known to present in the purest of the bloodlines. Muscled and strong of stature, the draconians are imposing figures renowned for their fervent passion and unwavering pride.

Traditionally draconian society revolved around a tier of rigid castes, with the highborn at its head. With the fall of their empire, much of this archaic social structure has crumbled into obscurity, but those of the highborn lines still maintain that it is their ancestral right to one day lead the draconian people back to their former glory. Draconian pride, and strict adherence to ancestral ways has only hastened their decline. Despite their dwindling numbers, it is perceived as dishonorable to breed with a 'lesser' caste. This is most strongly witnessed among the highborn in which it is still to this day viewed as an act of betrayal to their bloodline. They perceive it as their sacred duty to maintaining the pure bloodlines for the the foretold day when their people will rise to their former glory. Due to their unwavering resolve to maintaining these lines, the highborn are the least changed from their ancestral appearances. The draconic visage of the highborn is a matter of racial pride and a mark of their heritage as the dominant draconian race.

Torrin is one of the last of the draconian highborn, and like many of his surviving kin he hails from the desert city of Lorandor.

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"It is easy to speak of diplomacy while we sit here, safe and secure far from these troubles," Torinn growled in response as he too rose to speak.

The towering draconian was an imposing figure and his voice a rumbling gravely growl. The Draconian people - scarce though they had become, -where well renowned for their fervent battle lust. It was known to be tempered with age though, and while that fire lived with Torinn, as it lived within the hearts of all Draconian, his words where chosen with care and precision.

"It is not we who are living in fear for our homes, and our lives along the southern borders," he emphasized roughly. "We have all seen the rise in violence, and the fire of intolerance sweeping through the eastern seaboard, and the far south. The people turn on one another in fear. We must bolster our borders if for nothing else than to assure the people of Terra of their continued safety. If the Shintenchi land on our shores, it will be in the south where our military presence is weakest, and it is in the lands of Caldonia that Terran blood will be spilled first. Should that day come, it is our responsibility to ensure they do not spill it alone."                                          

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Name: Vanessa Richard

Age: 22

Species: Werewolf

Place of Birth: Lutetia City, Lutetia

Nationality: Lutetian

Occupation: Bloodstone Pack Member

Current Residence: Lutetia City, Lutetia

Family: Sophia (daughter, age six)

Vanessa is a long standing member of the Bloodstone pack, having been born and raised in it. She had her daughter, Sophia, when she was only sixteen, but the pack remained supportive of Vanessa's decision to keep the child and Sophia was welcomed into the pack when she was born.

Vanessa maintained an off and on relationship with Sophia's father until she officially broke it off two years ago after he killed a man in front of his four year old daughter.

Vanessa has since sought to raise her daughter away from the more unsavory elements of pack life - namely Sophia's father. Vanessa is a pack wolf though, and despite the great lengths she has gone to keep her daughter separated from that aspect of her life, she herself continues to be drawn back into pack life.

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Name: Sophia Richard

Age: 6

Species: Werewolf

Place of Birth: Lutetia City, Lutetia

Nationality: Lutetian

Current Residence: Lutetia City, Lutetia

Family: Vanessa (mother)

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Name: Jesse Allard

Age: 26

Species: Werewolf

Place of Birth: Lutetia City, Lutetia

Nationality: Lutetian

Occupation: Bloodstone Pack Member

Current Residence: Lutetia City, Lutetia

Jesse is one of the newest additions to the Bloodstone pack. At twenty-six years of age, he was fresh out of med school and starting his internship at Saint Lucien Hospital when he contracted lycanthropy from a gunshot patient who shifted in the middle of the hospital.

Over the next month Jesse lost his job, his girlfriend, his apartment, and landed on the streets with an accumulation of school loans hanging over his head. Three months later he found a home within the Bloodstone Pack.

Jesse's family remains woefully unaware of his condition, his firing, and the fact that in all of his work stories that he shares at family dinners, his patients are all werewolves now.

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Name: Julienne Delatte

Age: 26

Species: Werewolf

Place of Birth: Lutetia City, Lutetia

Nationality: Lutetian

Occupation: Bloodstone Pack Member

Current Residence: Lutetia City, Lutetia

Julienne is a long standing member of the Bloodstone pack, having been born into it. She has a spit-fire temper, and no tolerance for anything that she perceives as a threat to the pack, or her position within the pack.

She's also has served as legal guardian to her younger brother, Noel, since the death of their parents - both victims of the bloodier side of pack life.

With scarcely a responsible bone in her body when it came to Noel, the pair barely made ends meet and more often than not Noel was left to his own devices while Julienne shacked up with her newest fling of the month. In time Julienne only grew to resent Noel's dependence on her, and in return he grew to resent Julienne's neglect of him in favor of her next lay.

Despite their personal issues though, they're all the family they have left and those bridges haven't yet been burned.

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Realizing that Julienne was about to throw herself into the fray unarmed, Carlisle slipped his arm around her waist and forcefully pulled her back from the man who had pulled a knife on her even. She kicked and clawed at him, and her brown eyes had shifted to an amber hue as the transformation threatened to overtake her right then and there.

"Let me go!" she snapped at Carlisle. "I'm going to kill that mother fucker."                                          

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Name: Dominique Bastien

Age: 25

Species: Werewolf

Place of Birth: Lutetia City, Lutetia

Nationality: Lutetian

Current Residence: Lutetia City, Lutetia

Family: Sophia Richard (daughter), Felix Bastien (brother)

Bastien grew up on the streets of Lutetia with his younger brother Felix, and the pair learned early that you either grew up mean, or you died young. The pair where headed down a one way road to a short and brutal life before Baron and the Bloodstone pack offered a new outlook on life.

Unfortunately where Bastien began the uphill climb to make something more out of his life, his brother Felix turned to organized crime and fell in with Scions of Aodhan - a rival pack with a long and violent history of conflict with the Bloodstone pack.

Felix's betrayal of Baron and the Bloodstone pack marked the end of him and Bastien's relationship as brothers.

Bastien also has a six year old daughter, Sophia. Though he and Sophia's mother, Vanessa, have been separated for two years now he remains very much a part of his daughter’s life, and there's few things he wouldn't sacrifice for her safety.         

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Name: Julian Harris

Age: 32

Sex: Male

Race: Terran

Height: 6'1

Weight: 165lbs

Place of Birth: Westeria City, Terra

Place of Residence: Westeria City, Terra

Occupation: City Council (Acting Mayor for Westeria City)

Family: Kyleen Harris (wife), Issac (son), Noah (son)

Julian has been a relatively unknown figure until recent days, but with elections on the horizon this idealistic, or perhaps ambitious politician's name is on the rise. His strong advocacy for heavy regulations over the paranormal citizens of Terra has drawn the ire of some, but also has garnered the support of many of the pro-human groups and those who have suffered at the hands of the lawless and unregulated nature of these individuals.

While Julian supports a strong military, he strongly opposes military, national, or foreign policing of Terran citizens and he intends to work to shift the power of law enforcement in Westeria City back into to the hands of the WCPD.

To this ends, it was by Julian's wrangling that Thaddeus Kraggen was recently appointed as Chief of the WCPD out of a mutual desire to see the WCPD reformed into something more efficient, and its reputation mended.

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Julian lives in Cedarwood Grove with his wife and two sons of the age of ten and eight.

Julian has spared little expense with the safety of his family and their home sports state of the art alarms and around the clock security. The surrounding grounds are monitored both by electronic surveillance measures as well as an assortment of rottweilers that serve as trained guard dogs.

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Name: Ehlark Orbryn

Age: 124

Species: Elf, Altari

Place of Birth: Tai'emroth City, Aelora

Nationality: Amarathian

Current Residence: Amarathia City, Aelora

Family: Torin Orbryn (brother)

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Name: Carlisle Lamotte

Age: 152

Species: Werewolf

Place of Birth: Quelaya, Valore

Nationality: Lutetian (immigrant)

Current Residence: Lutetia City, Lutetia

Occupation: Bloodstone Pack Member

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Name: Derek Adams

Age: 34

Sex: Male

Race: Human, Aschen

Ethnicity: Caprican

Height: 5'9

Weight: 190lbs

Place of Birth: Caprica, Caprica City

Religion: Kobollian

Occupation: Ship Commander of the AHSC RII Unyielding Heirophant

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Name: Sonja Petralia

Age: 28

Sex: Female

Race: Human, Aschen

Ethnicity: Gemenon

Height: 5'9

Weight: 128lbs

Place of Birth: Gemenon, Illumini

Place of Residence: Caprica, Caprica City

Religion: Kobollian

Born to an average middleclass family, Sonja had a relatively uneventful upbringing. After putting herself through college, Sonja later relocated to Caprica City in pursuit of a lucrative job opportunity. Seven years later Sonja has made a name for herself in the business world as both strong and willful. With a strong willingness to protect her investments, Sonja is now the proprietor of several prominent nightclubs throughout Caprica City.

Sonja's marked success in the business world comes from a like of traveling, and Sonja makes a point of traveling abroad several times a year. Sonja is well noted for the foreign influences that she brings back from her travels to incorporate into the aesthetics of her clubs. While this has given them an exotic flair among the locals of Caprica City, it has at times stirred controversy among the more notably xenophobic critics.

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Name: David Agmon

Age: 28

Sex: male

Race: Human, Aschen

Ethnicity: Tauron

Height: 6'

Weight: 180lbs

Place of Birth: Hadante

Occupation: Ha'la'than Enforcer

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Name: Aaron Quinn

Age: 10

Species: Human

Race: Isirian

Place of Birth: Illumene, Arastel

Nationality: Aschen Citizen

Current Residence: The Imperial Palace, Langara

Aaron Quinn is a boy of only ten years old that was discovered by the Aschen Empire during the mutant cleansing that swept through Isiria. Though slated for termination, the Empress Kianna saw the potential that the boy possessed, if his unique abilities could be suitably harnessed. However, the boy's talent for being able to implant false memories into an individual left him too dangerous for simple placement in the Aschen Special Projects Division.

Aaron was instead brought before the Emperor Mollem, where Kianna urged her husband to take the boy as their own.

Taken from a dreary life of normalcy, Aaron now enjoys the lavish life that comes with residing within the Imperial Palace. This has left the boy developing a haughty arrogance, and an over-inflated sense of self-importance.

Though Aaron credits Kianna with rescuing him from the hands of the confessors, it is Mollem that the boy seems to have bonded most with and he can often be found in or near the company of the Emperor.

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Name: Najia Okeke

Age: 23

Sex: Female

Race: Terran

Height: 5'4

Weight: 120lbs

Place of Birth: Hafirjan, Terra

Current Residence: Hafirjan, Terra


Najia is the eldest of six, and of humble origins. She first became involved with the political elements of Hafirjan through Rubano Malijin. Though it was unlikely he remembered her among the many others of her small tribal village, it was through his efforts that her people have been blessed with clean water, vaccinations, and governmental aid - all of which played a hand in sparing the youngest of her brothers from death - though not before he had suffered permanent blindness and partial hearing loss from measles.

After witnessing first hand the good that the government can do when in the hands of those who care for their people, Najia made the decision to pursue a life beyond her village where she might become an advocate for humanitarian efforts for the less fortunate of Hafirjan that suffered at the hands of disease and famine. She put herself through schooling and has spent the last year traveling throughout Hafirjan raising awareness for her people and others like them.

Fate it would seem was set to reunite the young woman with her old idol as she once again crossed paths with Rubano in Kampala.

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Name: Shelly Reed

Age: 35

Sex: Female

Race: Terran

Height: 5'8

Weight: 140lbs

Place of Birth: Westeria City, Terra

Occupation: Deputy Director of the NPA

Shelly is a hard and often times unrelenting woman with three years of service as an Asteria City police officer, and another ten years of service as an investigator for the NPA.

Gifted with telepathy, the NPA felt that her talents were being squandered as a city police officer and instead gave her a career in the investigative field of the NPA. It should be noted that non-consensual mind-trawling is illegal without a warrant, and though any information gained can be used in pursuit of an investigation - it alone cannot be used to convict an individual of a crime simply on her word that they're guilty. It should also be noted that Shelly cannot access an individuals memories, and is only capable of picking up surface thoughts as they occur.

Shelly's talents garnered the respect of her agency for her efficiency and persistence in the line of work until an injury took her out of the running for nearly a year. Shelly's recent return to the agency has placed her in the position of deputy director. Though Shelly still occasionally takes part in leading prominent investigations at the direction of NPA Director, her primary responsibilities have shifted away from field-work.

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Name: Shin'ichi Kokuro

Nickname: Shin

Age: 24

Species: Human

Place of Birth: Tiānshì City, Lósénji Island

Place of Residence: Imperial Palace, Tiānshì City, Terra

Nationality: Losenyu

Occupation: Losenyu Prince

Language(s): Losenyu, Volarian, Taiyou, Terran English, Lutetian, Shintenchi Dragon Script.

Family (siblings):

     Empress Kaida (sister)

     Princess Emiko (sister)

     Prince Kenji (brother)

Family (other):

     Prince Haruki (uncle)

     Princess Asami (niece)

     Prince Riyuu (nephew),

     Emperor Suoh (brother in law)

Shin'ichi is a quiet and reflective individual who is more comfortable with a pen in hand than a sword. Though he is second born to his older sister, Kaida, Shin'ichi's uncle still maintains the title of General of the Empress. With two children born to Kaida, it is Shin'ichi's hope that they come of age before his uncle passes the mantle on, thus leaving Shin'ichi free of inheriting such matters. Despite all effort to teach him the art of warfare and tactics he simply doesn't seem to have a mind to apply himself to such things - a fact not gone unnoticed by his family.

Shin'ichi's constant companion is the dragon Tamotsu who seems to share an equally gentle soul with the Losenyu prince.

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Name: Esmee Volette

Age: 28

Sex: Female

Race: Human, Lutetian

Height: 5'6

Weight: 130lbs

Place of Birth: Lutetia City, Lutetia

Family: Extensive Relations within the Volette Family

Occupation: Lutetian Police Officer

"Eight words the Witch's Rede fulfill, An it harm none do what ye will"

Esmee Volette is an esteemed member of the Volette family that can trace its roots within Lutetia all the way back to the early days of settlement. Through the ages their name has been spoken - depending on the current atmosphere of the world - with reverence, as well as persecuted and cursed upon.

The reason for such disparriages in acceptance lays within the family legacy of Witchcraft. Passed from mother to daughter, and father to son, the secrets of the Craft have been well preserved through the generations.

Esmee's creative mind has led to her strongest talents laying within the realm of creation. The crafting of talismans, fetishes, and other objects of spiritual power are skill sets that she is well known for, as well as spell crafting. Her familiar is that of a lion.

Esmee has been serving with the Lutetian Police Agency for six years, and her lack of advancement within their ranks is a matter often speculated upon by her co-workers.

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Name: Akosua

Age: 34

Sex: Female

Race: Human, Arteghian

Height: 5'6

Weight: 130lbs

Place of Birth: Ungarra, Arteghia

Occupation: Elysian Vanguard

Akosua is a seer who hails from Arteghia. She first encountered the Elysian Vanguard shortly after the fall of the Orsa of Terminus during efforts to relocate and make a new home for the Ra'shak Mira clan within the rainforests of Ungarra. During that time she developed a particularly close relationship with the Mira tribe, but when the day came for the Elysian Vanguard to depart for Terra she chose to leave with them so that she might aid them in furthering the good she had witnessed in Arteghia.

As a seer she has proven to be a great asset in locating artifacts, predicting future events, and locating those who have heard the call of the Vanguard to guide them to the steps of Nasazura's Rest.

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Name: Shae

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Race: Half-elf, Terran

Height: 5'2

Weight: 110lbs

Place of Birth: Northlands

Occupation: N/A

Despite her youth, Shae survived for six months alone in the frozen wasteland of the Northlands after her town fell to the mysterious shadow beasts that have begun plaguing its countryside. Her will to survive is a vicious one, but it has come at the cost of renouncing any ties that might hold her back.

With the scars of her ordeal bore upon both her body and her mind, Shae's fatalistic views leave her precariously detached. Family and friends are a lost concept to her. People are to be valued based only on their capacity to be useful. The weak are not meant to survive.

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Name: Ritza

Age: 22

Sex: Female

Race: Human, Arteghian

Height: 5'10

Weight: 160lbs

Place of Birth: Ungarra, Arteghia

Occupation: N/A

Ritza was born into one of the many indigenous tribes of Arteghia where she grew into a skilled warrior. Or at least that's what she thought at the time. Arrogance and pride often left her fighting for the simple sake of fighting, and a lack of truly skilled opponents left her with an over-inflated sense of confidence in her abilities to take on any challenge presented to her.

When disease struck her village, Ritza found herself among those to fall ill. Sick with fever and delerium, her dreams offered the only respite from the heat that scorched her veins. The cold wind of the snowy mountains was a soothing salve during her sleeping hours against the fever that had claimed so many of her tribe.

It was Akosua of the Elysian Vanguard who nutured the seed of purpose into taking root within Ritza while treating her illness. The woman taught her that a true warrior fights for a purpose, and that only when she found hers would she be able to beat back the fever. Without a purpose to fight for, she would die.

Ritza arrived at Nasazura's Rest with newfound direction, and never again would she fight only for herself she swore.

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Name: Rayen

Age: 19

Sex: Female

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Name: Syvil

Age: 43

Sex: Female

Race: Centaur

Place of Birth: Aelora

Occuptation: Elysian Vanguard

Syvil is a somewhat controversial member of the Elysian Vanguard. The void-tainted centaur raised some eyebrows when she had crossed their path two years ago, but her steadfast resolve in turning her taint upon the Void itself, and her resolute oath to bear her curse in the name of the Light had won her enough favor to join their ranks.

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Name: Draaven Degare

Age: 88

Species: Werewolf

Place of Birth: Lutetia City, Lutetia

Nationality: Lutetian

Current Residence: Lutetia City, Lutetia

Formerly old school Bloodstone, Draaven is freshly returned to the city of Lutetia after eight years of absence.

Draaven is no manner of green to the bloody lifestyle of Lutetian pack life, and he has spilled his share of blood in the name of his pack. But when the day came that father and son faced off, Draaven opted to depart Lutetia rather than be caught in the position of spilling the blood of his own brothers as an internal pack war seemed imminent.

Though he never renounced his affiliation to the Bloodstone pack, Draaven has spent a good many years oversees in Arteghia, an enlistee in the Terran military.

All things must come full circle though, and the time has come for Draaven to return to the place that he once called home.

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