CDIP Archive Files

CDIP now maintains two separate archives with two distinct types of information:

   1 - the channel archive, for all single-sensor parameters; and

   2 - the processing archive, with fields describing how a station as a

         whole should be processed. This includes indicating how different

         channels are combined in the processing and data products.

The Channel Archive

The channel archive consists of a header and lines of comma-delimited data.

The header includes the fundamental, unchanging attributes of a station:

the name, the station number, etc. The lines of data following the header,

meanwhile, are composed of all the attributes that are sensor-dependent

and change through time. (For maximum flexibility, it is assumed that ANY

channel attribute may change.) Each line of data contains a channel number,

a frame number, and all of the corresponding field values.

        Name: KINGS BAY

        Station: 183

        Funding: USACE/CBDW

        Operator: CDIP

        Decomissioned: --------


        1,1,Channel Entrance Surge,1999081900,2000010100,32 51.187,117 21...

        1,2,Southwest Corner,2001020100,----------,30 43.0,81 18.0,2,...

        2,2,Northeast Corner,2001020100,----------,30 43.0,81 18.0,2,...


Each line of data - known as a "time frame" - will include the 26 following


        1. channel: integer, range 1 to 20

        2. frame: integer, range 1 to 50

        3. description: string, maximum 50 chars. "BUOY", "ARRAY", etc.

        4. installation date: string, 'YYYYMMDDhh'. Note that the frame opens

                at the very beginning of the given hour - if 2002122308, the

                frame is open from 2002-12-23 08:00:00

        5. removal date: string, 'YYYYMMDDhh'. Note that the frame closes

                at the very end of the given hour - if set to 2002122308, the

                frame closes at 2002-12-23 08:59:59. To denote an unknown

                date in the future (for the removal date of a sensor currently

                in use), the date 2100010100 is used.

        6. data type: indexed integer, chosen from the following list.

                1.  'Water column (cm)         '

                2.  'Vertical displacement (cm)'

                3.  'Datawell vectors          '

                4.  'Air temperature (C)       '

                5.  'Sea temperature (C)    

                6.  'Wind speed (cm/s)         '

                7.  'Wind direction (T)        '

                8.  'Air pressure (mb)         '

                9.  'Sensor orientation (T)    '

                10. 'Current speed x (cm/s)    '

                11. 'Current speed y (cm/s)    '

                12. 'External - directional    '

                13. 'External - non-directional'

        7. gauge type: indexed integer, chosen from the following list.

                1.  'Paros pressure sensor           '

                2.  'Sensotec pressure sensor        '

                3.  'Kulite pressure sensor          '

                4.  'Gulton pressure sensor          '

                5.  'Datawell Mark 1 directional buoy'

                6.  'Datawell Mark 2 directional buoy'

                7.  'Datawell non-directional buoy   '

                8.  'Wavecrest non-directional buoy  '

                9.  'RM Young anemometer             '

                10. 'Qualmetrics anemometer          '

                11. 'Skyvane anemometer              '

                12. 'Minco resis temp detector (RTD) '

                13. 'Paros temperature sensor        '

                14. 'KVH digital compass             '

                15. 'Marsh-McBirney current meter    '

                16. 'Digital Paros pressure sensor   '

                17. 'RM Young temperature sensor     '

                18. 'RDI Waves ADCP                  '

                19. 'Datawell Mark 3 directional buoy'

                20. 'NDBC buoy                       '

        8. sample rate: real, in Hz

        9. serial number: string, maximum 10 chars

        10. top hat number: string, maximum 10 chars. Applies to directional

                buoys only

        11. latitude: real, in decimal degrees. Negative values represent

                south latitudes

        12. longitude: real, in decimal degrees. Negative values represent

                west longitudes

        13. water depth: integer, in cm. With respect to MLLW.

        14. sensor elevation: integer, in cm. Does not apply to buoys. Elevation

                from sea floor to sensor. This applies to both underwater

                and above water sensors.

        15. local magnetic variation: real, in degrees. Applies to directional

                stations - buoys, arrays and wind.

        16. inclination: real, in degrees. Applies only to directional buoys.


        17. maximum value: integer, units depend on sensor type. Currently

                this is a maximum value for the calibrated barometer

                time series points and a maximum for the final Hs value

                calculated for wave sensors. (Currently wind and temperature

                values have hard-wired maximums in the processing; this

                field is not considered.)

        18. field station type: indexed integer, from the following list.

                1. 'memory distributed  '

                2. 'smart               '

                3. 'labview             '

                4. 'sun                 '

                5. 'N/A                 '

        19. field software version: indexed integer, from the following list.

                1.  'N/A                 '

                2.  'tr.exe              '

                3.  'dh136               '

                4.  'dh139               '

                5.  'dh146               '

                6.  'dh147               '

                7.  'dh169 tt            '

                8.  '179pd tt            '

                9.  '180/181pd tt        '

                10. '182pd tt            '

                11. 'datawell_acq v1     '

                12. 'datawell_acq v2     '

                13. 'pressure_acq v1     '

                14. 'sci_acq             '

        20. method of analysis: indexed integer, from the following list.

                1.  'CDIP                '

                2.  'Datawell            '

                3.  'External            '

        21. calibration factor: real. See .far/rd_to_df/calibrate.f for

                details of use. Does not apply to directional buoy or paros


        22. calibration offset: real. See .far/rd_to_df/calibrate.f for

                details of use. Does not apply to directional buoy or paros


        23. Paros cal_a0: real. See .far/rd_to_df/calibrate.f for

                details of use. Applies only to paros gauges.

        24. Paros cal_b0: real. See .far/rd_to_df/calibrate.f for

                details of use. Applies only to paros gauges.

        25. Paros cal_t0: real. See .far/rd_to_df/calibrate.f for

                details of use. Applies only to paros gauges.

        26. gps flag: logical, "T" or "F" in the frame. Applies only to

                directional buoys, T if gps-equipped

        27. surge filter flag: logical. Applies only to wave gauges other

                than directional buoys

        28. energy basin flag: logical. Applies only to wave gauges other

                than directional buoys

        29. radio modem flag: logical. Set for all gauges transmitting data

                via a radio modem.

        30. temperature calibrated flag: logical. For directional buoys,

                no temperature processing is performed if false. If set true

                for paros gauges, indicates that temperature-dependent

                calibration should be performed. NOTE: THE CURRENT PROCESSING



        31. public flag: logical. All gauges flagged public produce files and

                products in CDIP's PUBLIC_DATA directories; other data goes

                into the NONPUB_DATA directories

The Processing Archive

The processing archive holds time frame information for the processing

streams, i.e. the different sorts of processing performed on a

station's data. Each line of data represents one time frame, is

comma-delimited, and will include the 9 following fields:

        1. stream: integer, range 1 to 20

        2. frame: integer, range 1 to 50

        3. start date: string, 'YYYYMMDDhh'. (See description above)

        4. end date: string, 'YYYYMMDDhh'. (See description above)

        5. processing type: indexed integer. Chosen from the following.

                1. 'Default             '

                2. 'Parameter           '

                3. 'Waves               '

                4. 'Wind                '

                5. 'Current             '

                6. 'Tidal               '

                7. 'Wind buoy           '

                8. 'Gauge comparison    '

                9. 'Dir buoy, omit temp '

        6. stream list: string, asterisk-delimited: '01*02*04'. List of all

                channels and streams needed for the specified processing type

        7. beach normal: integer, in degrees. Applies only to 'Waves' streams

                (directional array processing)

        8. instrument orientation: integer, in degrees. Applies only to

                'Waves' streams (directional array processing)

        9. public flag: logical. (See description above)

The labels for streams, like the labels for channels, are two character

strings, but the first character is always 'p'. Thus sp08302200101150825

is the spectral file for channel '02', while sp083p2200101150825 is the

spectral file for stream 'p2', the combined, directional wave processing.

The first two streams in the processing archive, p0 and p1, are reserved

streams. Stream p0 is for the default, or single-channel, processing; all

channels which are processed alone should be included in this stream.

Stream p1, meanwhile, is the official parameter stream; all channels to be

included in the main parameter file should be listed in this stream.