Create * CREATE TABLE table_name(column_name datatype, PRIMARY KEY(column_name)) * Datatypes * Int * Varchar(size) * Column Options * NOT NULL * AUTO_INCREMENT * CREATE VIEW view_name AS query Read * SHOW * SELECT * SELECT DISTINCT * SELECT * * FROM * ORDER BY * ORDER BY…DESC * LIMIT * WHERE * WHERE…BETWEEN * WHERE…AND * WHERE...OR * WHERE…IN () * WHERE…NOT * WHERE…LIKE ‘%’, ‘_’ * WHERE MATCH() AGAINST(‘’) * WHERE MATCH() AGAINST(‘’ IN BOOLEAN MODE) * WHERE…REGEX * AS * GROUP BY * GROUP BY…HAVING * UNION - creates one result table with data from multiple queries * UNION ALL - includes duplicate entries * Joins * WHERE = * LEFT OUTER JOIN…ON - include all items from table on left) * RIGHT OUTER JOIN…ON - include all items from table on right) * Functions * CONCAT() * +, -, *, /, SQRT() * AVG() * SUM() * COUNT() * MAX() * MIN() Update * INSERT INTO [table name(column titles)] VALUES() * INSERT INTO [table name(column titles)] SELECT…FROM * ALTER TABLE * ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name datatype * ALTER TABLE table_name ADD FULL TEXT(column_name) * ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name * UPDATE table_name SET column_name = value WHERE… * RENAME TABLE table_name TO new_table_name Delete * DELETE FROM table_name WHERE… * DROP TABLE table_name Regular Expressions Pattern What the pattern matches ^ Beginning of string $ End of string . Any single character [...] Any character listed between the square brackets [^...] Any character not listed between the square brackets p1|p2|p3 Alternation; matches any of the patterns p1, p2, or p3 * Zero or more instances of preceding element + One or more instances of preceding element {n} n instances of preceding element {m,n} m through n instances of preceding element