Does Matter really matter?
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  1. What is matter made up of?
  1. Atoms
  2. Molecules
  3. Plasma
  4. None of the above

  1. Which of the following is NOT one of the three most

common states of matter?

  1. solid
  2. liquid
  3. gas
  4. plasma

  1. What makes these ‘matters - solid, liquid & gas’ different from each other?
  1. You can’t see them
  2. the physical state of their molecules/atoms
  3. it’s the way they smell.

  1. Which state of matter has no colour, shape, or size?
  1. solid
  2. liquid
  3. gas

  1. Solid is described as …
    a. The molecules or atoms can move freely

b. Has a particular shape and size

c. an example of a solid is a coke-free, water, juice, milk.

  1. The process from ‘solid’ to ‘liquid’ is called:  
    => melting

  1. Liquid is described as ..
    a. Certain size and volume but no definite shape
    b.  Particles are not as tight as solids, but fluid
    c.  household liquids you can find are hand sanitizer, ota’i, water

  1. True or false: Gases are difficult to define because they don’t have colour, shape or size.  

=> true

  1. I know that one state of matter has changed because …
    a. It still stays the same
    b.  The physical properties must change.
    c.  the particles/molecules bounce off each other

  1. Chemical change is when:
    a. My ice block is melting when I’m holding it.
    b.  When I shake cream and it turns into butter
    c.  when my washing is drying on the washing line

D.  All of the above