The start of the day:

On 27th of March 2024 HayPark Senior classes went to Orewa Beach for a surf trip. Our teacher Mrs Patel told us the day before our trip that we had to bring a hat, swimming togs, covered shoes, sandals, water bottle, enough lunch and a jumper or jacket. Some students from my classroom got split up, half of my class went with room 6 (Mr Albert) and the other half went with room 8 (Miss Mackenzie). When everyone was in the hall waiting for the buses, Miss Alano and Miss Campbell had a talk with all of us before leaving. The drive to our destination was about 45 to 50 minutes.

Middle of the day:

When we arrived we all lined up outside the bus, walked all the way to the beach that wasn’t that far. We all got seated and Ismara and Toby gave us instructions. We also got into groups of our classes. Room 6 was with Mr Morris, room 8 was with Toby and room 9 was with Mrs Patel. We played Capture The Flag, and we also got to swim after the game. Next we surfed with Toby and Ismara. The first step was to get changed in our swimsuits. We then practiced on the sand with the surf boards. Then we were ready to go. I was having fun until one of my classmates hit my front tooth with the nose of their surfboard. Afterwards, I took a quick shower and got changed. My next group with my class was Mr Morris, he let us have lunch before we were ready to go. We were meant to play games like infinity tag or octopus but we ended up going to the park. It was so fun until we had to walk back and pack up.

How to play capture the flag:

To play Capture the flag you will get put into groups. When all the preparing the game and teams are finished you’ll lay down on the floor behind the line and put your hands behind your back. When the adult says “Go” then you will get up as fast as you can and run all the way to your target, your target is a stick or anything that will be dug into the ground. The whole point of the game is to get the object thats across from where you are. My class played it on the sand and we used cut up pieces of a hose because we didn’t have flags. The rules are simple, play fair and no cheating. It depends on how many groups of teams there are. We had 5 groups and 5 sticks. We had to run across to grab the stick. It would be easy the first couple rounds until 1 stick gets removed, the whole point of removing a stick is, whoever doesn’t have a stick in their hand after running they will be eliminated from the game. At the end of the game there was only 1 hose and 2 people. The people who were racing were my friend Vienna and this boy in our class room. Vienna also won.

end of the day:

Finally it was time to go back to school. Before we left the staff members from our school were yelling out to everyone whose clothing is whose because some students forgot their t-shirt or they were wearing someone else's t-shirt along with hats, socks, jumpers and bags. When that was sorted we lined up and walked to our buses. By the time we got back to school the bell rang. I got picked up by my mum and went home :)