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Tips for learning online
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Tips for learning online

Below are some resources designed especially for Luther Seminary Students.
Click the links to view:

What is online learning? A brief tutorial: 

What is Moodle? It’s our Learning Management system - here’s an intro to how we use Moodle at Luther Seminary:


Walkthrough videos of various systems

Video (3:47): Intro to Inside Luther - our communications and information hub

Video (5:56): Intro to “MyLutherNet” - our student portal for grades, registration, and more

 Video (6:12): Intro to Zoom - our live webinar tool

Video (15 min): Intro to Moodle - walkthrough of a course

Document: Tips for success in your online courses

This document was created specifically for Luther Seminary students - a must read!

Videos: Tips for successful learning from Luther Seminary Students and Faculty  

Tips for success from Faculty (24 min)
Luther Seminary faculty Dr. Matt Skinner, Dr. Cody Sanders share advice for all learners.

Tips for success from students (13 min)

Luther Seminary students Dan Bielenberg, Bethany Walker, Monica Holman, Shari Schwedhelm and  Scott Dalen share advice for online learners.

Brand new to computing? Check out some beginner tutorials: 

Popular topics:

Computer basics:

Internet use and different browsers:

Microsoft Windows:

Getting started with Word:

G-Mail, Google Docs, Google Drive:

(note: No need to set up an account, you receive one from Luther Seminary)

You can get a free copy of Microsoft Office - read more at: