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Field School Frequently Asked Questions 2023-2024.docx
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Frequently Asked Questions


Where will Field School be housed? 

For the 2024-2025 school year Field School is available at East Oakview, West Oakview, and Highlands.  East and West each have a 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th classroom.  Highlands has a 5th grade and 6th grade classroom.  East and West Oakview Field Schools operate in portable classrooms, separate from the main building. Students learning at Highlands have classrooms inside the building.  Much of the time, Field School students use the outdoor world as their classroom.

Who will be teaching at Field School? 

Please visit our website to view current teacher bios. (

Who can attend Field School? 

The program is open to ANY student enrolled in Northview Public Schools in grades 1st - 6th.  Once a student is enrolled in the program there is no need to re-enroll each year. We honor the “Family Plan,” and ensure enrollment for younger siblings when a spot is available. Enrollment information and applications are available in April on Northview’s website. (  

We are a NVPS resident family and my student currently rides the bus to one of the other elementary schools. Will he/she have transportation to Field School? 

Yes! NVPS resident students are eligible for bus service. Please contact transportation for more information.

Does Field School replace or just add to my student’s regular school experience?

Field School is an alternative option to the traditional school offerings within NVPS. It is NOT in addition to your child’s normal classroom experience. If you enroll in Field School, your student will spend the entire day at Field School, will study all subjects at Field School, and will learn the same standards as a traditional classroom. The way school is delivered and the topics students study will be different.  

The website mentions that kids will be outside in all seasons. How much time, on average, can I expect my child to be outside?

Students will spend a good portion (approximately half) of their day outside on most days. This plan may fluctuate based on weather, unit of study, and other scheduled activities.

Where will my student be exploring the outdoors? 

East Oakview Elementary sits on a piece of property that provides ample opportunity for outdoor learning. There is a large field area, a garden, and Dean Lake is across the street with easy access for water study.

West Oakview has a pathed and wooded area adjacent to the building. Students spend time in the woods, in the field and along the ravine.  They enjoy exploring the creek when weather permits.

Highlands has a wooded area adjacent to the building where students spend time.  They also have an area directly outside their classrooms where they learn outside.

Field School students also go on many experiential excursions during the course of the year to places like Hoffmaster State Park, the Fulton Street Farmers Market and other areas throughout West Michigan.

Is there a cost to Field School? 

No! Field School has no costs for registration or enrollment. There is a suggested cost for field trips and other experiences at the beginning of the school year.  This fee can also be split between semesters. We will provide opportunities for all students whether or not you can make this payment.

What supplies does my child need for Field School?

Field School students need typical school supplies as well as appropriate outdoor gear.  Students are outside in all types of weather and should come to school dressed appropriately for the weather.  Many of our families eagerly ‘trade’ and pass down clothes to fellow Field School families.  In the spring, we host a family “gear-swap” to exchange gently used gear.  We will gladly provide gear to any student in need.  For grade level specific supply lists, please visit our website at

I’m interested! How do I sign up for Field School?

Nominations for Field School will be open during the spring of each school year. Please check in mid-April to complete the nomination form.

How do I know if my student got into Field School?

In order to have a fair process for selection into Field School, a lottery will be conducted, if needed. Families will receive a notification letter regarding the status of their student’s selection for Field School.  In order to ensure an appropriate fit in the learning environment, and a successful educational experience at Field School, student-centered factors such as grade level distribution and gender ratios may be considered within the lottery process.