111 South 725 East
Lindon, Ut. 84042
Telephone: (801) 610-8138
Website: oakcanyon.alpineschools.org
Principal: Kate Ross
It is the commitment of the Alpine School District to maintain safe and successful learning and working environments. To this end, the District prohibits discrimination, harassment, or retaliation in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, age, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or any other classification protected by law. See Policy 7100 for additional information about district protocols for reporting,investigating, and resolving complaints of this nature.
Es el compromiso del Distrito Escolar Alpine mantener entornos de aprendizaje y trabajo seguros y exitosos. Con este fin, el Distrito prohíbe la discriminación, el acoso o las represalias en sus programas, actividades o prácticas de empleo por motivos de raza, color, edad, religión, origen nacional, género, orientación sexual o cualquier otra clasificación protegida por la ley. Consulte Política 7100 para información adicional sobre los protocolos distrital para reportar, investigar y resolver quejas de este tipo.
Welcome from the 2024-25 Administrative Team
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! Whether you are returning to Oak Canyon, a 7th grader, or a brand new student coming to OC for the first time, we are glad you have joined us. We truly care about each one of you.
This year is the 2nd year of our administrative team working together. We each bring different experiences and expertise that we feel will help to create an environment with something for everyone! We are committed to building relationships with all members of our school community, building systems that support all members of our school community, and most importantly seeing all learners in our building thrive and learn at high levels. We are sensitive to the fact that the past couple of years have been difficult due to the unpredictability of living and learning during a global pandemic. It’s time to take the lessons learned over those two years and boldly move forward. We are excited to roll up our sleeves and get to work!
This year our focus will be creating an environment where all inside the walls of Oak Canyon feel safe and are willing to step out of their comfort zones and try new things. We want students to feel genuine connection with peers and adults in the building. We also want to empower students to contribute to their classroom, school, and surrounding communities in meaningful ways. Ultimately, we seek to encourage growth and effort, rigor and relevance, competency and advocacy.
We promise to give you our best every day and know that you will do the same.
We Are Proud to be Eagles!!
Mrs. Ross, Mr. Abrams, Mrs. Burt, and Mr. Crandall
Welcome from the Oak Canyon Student Leadership Coalition
Oak Canyon has a coalition of nearly 100 student leaders, in three different groups. Student Council plans and executes activities to help students get to know each other, build unity and create school spirit. Hope Squad is focused on student mental health and well-being, and the Promotions Team produces a yearbook, videos, and other communication pieces to promote the vision and values of Oak Canyon. Together these groups are a powerful influence in creating and nurturing our positive school culture.
Dear Eagles,
Welcome, or welcome back, OCJH students! I hope you all had a great summer and are excited to start the 2023-2024 school year here at OCJH. Try to get out of your comfort zone, and find ways to have fun during the various activities we’ll have this school year. Make some new friends! You never know when you might meet a friend for life. My advice to you is to do your best in everything here at school.
Your OCJH Student Body President
Oak Canyon Junior High School
Mission & Vision
Mission: (Our Fundamental Purpose)
“Together, We Learn For Life”
Vision: (The School We are Striving to Become)
The 6 Cs Defined:
Each one of us has an influence on the culture of our school and affects the academic and social environment. This code of conduct outlines policies, procedures, and expectations in certain key areas.
If individual student behavior is not aligned with this code of conduct and our school values, this plan describes our school response:
Attendance Policy
The relationship between regular school attendance and effective learning is extremely clear. Students should be in attendance and participate every possible day of the school year in order to receive maximum benefit from their educational opportunities. Alpine School District policy allows teachers to exercise reasonable discretion in determining the relationship between attendance, class participation, and grades.
Excused Absences
In the event a student is unable to attend school, a parent/guardian must notify the school requesting the absence be excused. This may be done directly by the parent on Skyward, with a note, email, or by calling the Attendance Office at 801-610-8138 within five days of the absence. After five days, excused absences will need approval through the administration.
Students arriving late to school need to check in at the main office. Those with a parent excuse note will be marked with an excused tardy and given a class admit slip. Students arriving late without an excuse note will be marked with a regular tardy and be given a class admit slip. The expectation is that students go immediately to class upon check-in.
If a student needs to leave campus for any reason during the school day, it is preferred that a parent or guardian come to the front office to check out their student. Identification is required. Additionally, parents may come to the school and call in from their car to have their student checked out. As identification is required, this will be verified by phone number. Students may be checked out by individuals listed as an emergency contact in Skyward only if we have approval from a parent/guardian. Please note, if a student has been checked out, they are not to remain on the school campus--that will be treated as trespassing.
Excessive Absences
Excessive absences significantly and negatively affect a student’s academic success. Students with more than 40 unexcused class periods (equivalent of 10 days) will be contacted by a school administrator for appropriate problem solving and administrative action. In an attempt to remedy excessive absences, the following actions may be taken: letters sent home, parent and student conferences, student contracts, lunch detention, mediation, and other efforts.
As a matter of respect to teachers and classmates, and to maximize their own learning, students are expected to be on time to class, prepared and ready to work when the tardy bell rings. There is a 7-minute passing period between classes, with a warning signal given at 3 minutes. Standing in the halls is not permitted after the warning signal is given; students not already in their classrooms at that time are expected to be walking to their classes.
Students who are truant (absent from one or more classes without parent permission or check-out) will receive appropriate administrative disciplinary action including a parent conference, lunch detention, service hours, and potential exclusion from a school event and/or suspension.
Closed Campus
For safety and security reasons, Oak Canyon is a closed campus. Students are to remain on campus during the entire school day unless properly checked out by a legal guardian or person appointed by the guardian listed on the student information form. To be clear, students who leave campus without being checked out are considered truant.
Personal Phones and Devices
Electronic communication devices (including cell phones and cameras) may not be possessed, activated or utilized in school situations where a reasonable expectation of personal privacy exists. These locations include but are not limited to locker rooms, shower rooms, restrooms and any other areas where students or others may change clothes or be in any stage or degree of disrobing.
Electronic communication devices may not be used by any student in a manner that might reasonably create in the mind of another person an impression of being threatened, humiliated, harassed, embarrassed or intimidated.
Except as described above, students may use cell phones and headphones before and after school, during passing time, and at lunch.
In order to provide an optimized learning environment, all cell phones and headphones must be put away in a backpack or locker during the times when classes are in session. Cell phones and headphones will not be permitted to be on a student’s person during class time. This year, each teacher will have a hanging cell phone holder with individual compartments. It is NOT required that students place their phones in these holders during their regular classes. However, there will be incentives for students who voluntarily place their phones in the holder (on airplane mode) to remain there the whole class period. That said, it is required that students place their phones in the cell phone holders during HOMEROOM each day. We want to maximize the Homeroom experience, and we’d also like to gather some action research about how not having phones changes that experience. We are mindful of the cell phone policy being introduced at PGHS this year, and before we embark on something similar, we’d like to see what happens on a smaller scale in Homeroom.
Personal devices must be put away during class time. If a student is in violation of this policy the following consequences will be imposed:
School Computer Use
Each student will be issued a Chromebook that they will be able to use for the entire school year so that every student has access to digital learning tools. Chromebooks are a resource that can increase student engagement in the classroom by providing new and exciting ways for students to learn and demonstrate understanding. Students will have the option to purchase a chromebook when they graduate at a reduced cost.
Please refer to the school website or click on this link to access comprehensive information/documents regarding student Chromebooks.
Alpine School District policy requires all students to conform to dress and grooming standards that avoid extremes and exemplify personal cleanliness. In order to maintain an atmosphere of academic and personal excellence, the dress code of Oak Canyon includes the following requirements:
The way we dress at school affects our learning environment. The school administration will make the final determination on clothing, styles, and accessories that may not be appropriate for school.
It is the policy of the Alpine School District to prohibit acts of violence, aggression, terrorism, intimidation, use or possession of weapons, criminal behavior, or gang activity in all Alpine School District schools, on school grounds, at school sanctioned activities, or when students are being transported in vehicles dispatched by the district. To help ensure a safe school, Oak Canyon Junior High reserves the right to search backpacks or other personal belongings with reasonable suspicion.
Controlled Substances
Use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and e-cigarettes are injurious to the health and often interferes with school behavior and learning, and prevents the student from fully utilizing his/her potential.
The Alpine School District Board of Education recognizes that the use, possession, and/or distribution of alcohol, controlled substances, includes prescription drugs, marijuana, cocaine, steroids, or other drugs listed in the law. Imitation controlled substances, something that looks like a controlled substance or produces similar effects are against district policy. The use or possession of tobacco, including electronic cigarettes, on school grounds is prohibited. For more information please refer to Policy 5430- Substance Use on the Alpine School District website (alpineschools.org)
Administrative actions for controlled substance violations may include parent contact/conference, behavior contract, suspension, restorative justice, district hearing, police intervention, and/or expulsion.
Damage to School Property
At Oak Canyon we respect and protect our school building, property, and equipment. We treat our school as we would our own homes. Vandalizing Oak Canyon Junior High, the building at large, grounds, restrooms, lockers, textbooks, or equipment, with writing, tagging, stickers, or by mistreating them in any way, may result in loss of privileges, restitution fines, suspension or expulsion.
Fighting and Bullying
Oak Canyon is committed to provide all students with a safe and secure learning environment. No fighting or bullying of any form will be tolerated. All reports of such will be investigated in a timely manner and appropriate administrative action taken. Administrative actions may include parent contact/conference, behavior contract, suspension, restorative justice, district hearing, police intervention, and/or expulsion.
Safe School Definitions
Bullying is aggressive behavior that is intended to cause harm or distress, exists in a relationship in which there is an imbalance of power or strength and may be repeated over time.
Physical Bullying includes, but is not limited to, pushing, grabbing, pinching, shoving, poking, tripping, kicking, hitting, and destroying property.
Verbal/ Written Bullying includes, but is not limited to, name calling, mean teasing, spreading false rumors, intimidation, sexual comments, harassing and threatening comments which are communicated verbally, in writing or through electronic media.
Cyber Bullying includes, but is not limited to, using email, web pages, text messaging, blogs, instant messaging, or any other electronic means for aggression, intimidation, or harassment against another person. Examples may include, but are not limited to sending mean, vulgar, or threatening messages or images; posting inappropriate pictures that are sensitive, or private information about the victim; pretending to be someone else to hurt that person; rude comments; lies; stalking; threats; extortion; harassment; and transmission of unflattering or embarrassing photographs.
Acts of Violence that disrupt the daily operation of the school include but are not limited to physical or sexual assault, intimidation, aggression, possessing or displaying a dangerous weapon, or committing acts of terrorism.
Dangerous Weapons include any items capable of causing death or serious bodily injury, or a facsimile or representation of the item.
Hazing/Harassment is intimidation or any act that injures, degrades, or disgraces a student or staff member.
Gang Activities shall include students who:
Sexual Harassment is defined as unwanted conduct or communication of a sexual nature that adversely affects a person’s educational opportunities, comfort levels, relationships, or environment. This includes electronic harassment in the form of texts, chat rooms, social networking sites, pictures, etc. Students who feel like they have been sexually harassed should file a complaint with a school counselor or administrator. Investigation and resolution of the complaint will take place immediately.
Abetting is the act of supporting, encouraging, and/or assisting in activities which violate the safe school policy.
Emergency Procedures
Safety drills are held at least four times per year. In the case of an actual emergency, students should follow the procedures they have practiced, and obey the instructions of school personnel and law enforcement.
If an actual emergency requires student pick up, students will only be released to parents, legal guardians, or those on the emergency contact list in Skyward.
Auditorium Behavior
The auditorium should be treated as a fine theater. The highest level of respect should be shown to performers and presenters. Students are expected to sit in a seat/section as directed by their teacher. Students are expected to use aisles, rather than climbing on or over seats. Immediate and respectful attention should be given to the student or adult addressing the audience. Clapping is an acceptable expression of appreciation during assemblies. No food or drinks are allowed in the auditorium during the school day.
Bicycles must be locked in the designated bike rack located on the northwest side of the school. Bicycles should not be ridden on the school grounds and must be walked to the designated bike rack. Oak Canyon is not responsible for damaged or stolen bicycles.
All students are under the supervision and authority of the bus driver and must obey their instructions at all times. Students must demonstrate responsible behavior when riding the bus so everyone arrives at their intended destination safely. Riding the bus is not a right. Students who do not follow the following rules may lose their bus riding privileges.
ASD Transportation is a separate entity from Oak Canyon and handles a majority of transportation related infractions.
Cheating on schoolwork by giving or receiving unauthorized help is not acceptable. In addition, plagiarizing or copying another person’s work (including use of AI technology) is dishonest and is also considered cheating. Each teacher will have an individual classroom policy regarding cheating or plagiarizing in their disclosure document. Incidents of cheating will be addressed appropriately.
Balloons: Balloons are not allowed in school due to students with Latex intolerance.
Food: The school will not accept commercial food deliveries on behalf of students. Students should not order food/drinks to be delivered to the school or leave the school campus to accept deliveries. When a parent/guardian brings something to the school for their student, it should be dropped off in the front office.
Extra Curricular Activities
Participation in extra-curricular activities significantly enriches a student’s school experience. A number of activities are available at Oak Canyon. Information about how to get involved is available on the school website.
The minimum academic requirement from the Utah High Schools Activity Association for all students to participate in high school sports is a 2.0 GPA with no more than one “F” (failing grade) the previous term. If you wish to be involved in any high school teams or activities/clubs during your time at Oak Canyon, please check with the high school to confirm eligibility.
Oak Canyon currently offers fall cross country, winter basketball, and spring track for all students interested. Please inquire at the office for more information.
Grade Reports
Students are given a grade summary a few times per term to keep them informed of their academic progress. Official report cards are issued online four times per year, one to two weeks after the term ends.
Students should be considerate of others and should respect others’ personal space. Such respect is essential. Students should not use profane or vulgar language, should not run, yell, scream, hit lockers or otherwise make excessive noise while in the halls. Students are required to have a hall pass during class time. Students out of class without a hall pass from their teacher will be escorted back to their respective classes and may be asked to visit with an administrator. It is the student's responsibility to secure a pass prior to leaving class. In short, be where you are supposed to be, when you are supposed to be there, doing what you are supposed to be doing.
Locker Assignments
Lockers are made available for student use at a nominal charge, and will be assigned only upon request and payment of fee. If you would like to request a locker for your student, please use this link or go to our website (Information, Locker Request).
Locker Guidelines
Locker combinations are private information and should not be given out to anyone. Students are not to share lockers other than with their assigned locker partner. When your locker does not function properly, report this to the office to get help. Any person caught tampering with, opening or removing items from any locker other than his or her own may face disciplinary action. Students will be charged a fine for replacement of broken locks or repair of damaged lockers. Lockers are the property of the school, and school authorities have a responsibility and a right to examine the contents of lockers for reasons of health, safety, and security. Skateboards and scooters brought to school should be stored in the student’s locker during the school day.
The school’s lost and found is located in D-Hall. Items found should be turned in there or to the office. An effort will be made to return lost items to their owner if possible. Lost and found items will be donated to charity every quarter.
Payment for lunches is made in the lunchroom before school or online at mypaymentsplus.com (link on school website). Each student will be issued a student identification card which the student will give to the lunch personnel at the beginning of the lunch line. Students are responsible to keep their identification number confidential. If a student determines that someone else knows or is using their identification number/student identification card, it needs to be reported immediately to the lunchroom management.
Public Display of Affection
Students are not allowed to engage in displays of affection or inappropriate physical contact anywhere on campus or at any school-sponsored activity.
Recognition Programs
Snowballs, Scooters, Skateboards
For safety reasons, throwing snowballs anywhere on school grounds is prohibited. Skateboards may be stored in lockers during the school day, but may not be ridden on campus at any time. Scooters should also be stored or locked up during the day, and not ridden on campus.
We expect all students attending sporting events to treat the visiting team and fans with the utmost class and respect. Unsportsmanlike conduct may result in disciplinary action.
Suspension/Expulsion from School
Students should remember that their right to attend school is subject to their compliance with the rules which are discussed throughout this handbook. Any illegal act committed on school grounds may result in court prescribed penalties, but may also result in suspension or expulsion from school.
The following acts committed while under the jurisdiction of the school may constitute good cause for suspension and or expulsion:
All individuals visiting Oak Canyon must check in at the front office to request a visitor pass. Administrators may refuse to issue a visitor pass in order to maintain an appropriate educational environment. All visitors are expected to adhere to Oak Canyon’s policies while visiting the school.