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Donation Request Letter
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We are two Lake Forest High School students class of 2021, who have started a project collecting old t-shirts and sewing them into reusable washable produce bags.

We are distributing the bags at Re-Members community farm on Pine Ridge Reservation, where we volunteer every summer. The reservation consists of 3 of the poorest counties in America and is the biggest food desert in America. The poverty is as bad as the poorest third world countries. Basics that we take for granted, such as healthcare, water, sewage, running water, electricity and of course waste management is not available or extremely limited. Average household income is $9800 per year. Average household size is 15 - 17 people. Please take a look at our website for more detailed information

With our project we will:

We currently have 6 collection points and 300 t-shirts donated. Our goal is to sew 500+ t-shirts to bags each year. To realise this project we need more donated t-shirts, sewing machines, thread, collection boxes, posters, shipping etc.

We are therefore kindly asking for your support with collecting tshirts, and also hope that COMPANY will donate towards our cost with Green Minds LFLB or to the Feather II community garden at Re-Member.

Thank you,

Josca Schabacker & Jacob McEvoy