I feel surrounded  and scared, like being on a stage with a big crowd. Being around killer whales is scary like a shark. The rough water is pushing me around in the middle of the ocean.

I smell salt water. It smells like a cup of salt and the stink smell of killer whales is like a dead fish. Surrounding me were other fish and seaweed like people crowding me for food.

I hear seagulls squawking like a loud siren going off and water coming out of the  whale's water hole like a volcano going up in the sky and falling back on me as I get hit by falling water and whales trying to communicate like people trying to learn a new language .

I see whales grouping up together like a group of people talking and seagulls soaring above trying to find food to eat like a falcone stalking the water and the shore and I see people lying down in the sun like cats resting in the sun.