Palmetto Region Due Process Appeal

Palmetto Region offers Due Process appeals on disagreements between members and/or clubs.


The concept of Due Process involves the right of the accused to reasonable notice and a hearing, at which he/she is permitted to present his/her side of the story and defend the charges.


Due Process Committee:

The Due Process Committee will be an ad-hoc committee consisting of commissioner and up to three (3) club directors assigned by the commissioner. The commissioner will designate one of the committee members to be the Due Process Committee Chair or may serve as chair. If it is an issue including another organization, we will have up to 5 committee members, 2 from each organization and 1 assigned by organization leadership.

Each party needs to provide the following information below.  

Information needs to be in only ONE document, and related to facts ONLY.  If there are text, emails, documents; all must be copied and pasted into the one document.  

Only facts can be remitted.  Facts must be substantiated with written documents that prove the accusations or statements from involved persons.  

Parties involved will remit two documents, an initial document and a response document.  

Initial statement must be limited to ONE PAGE statement, plus any additional supporting information.  

The initial statement must be remitted to region within 72 hrs upon notification from the region that a due process is being considered.   Failure to do so by either party may result in forfeit by party not remitting.

Information that needs to be included should be:

  1. Club Name :  
  2. Players Name:  
  3. Parents Name, email and cell phone #:
  4. Short explanation of your appeal (one page or less), what you are requesting:  
  5. Provide any written proof that supports your statement.  (He said-She said statements without documented proof, will not be considered)
  6. Copies of the signed parent-player contract.
  7. IF funds are involved, remit total fee for season, total amount paid by family, date left club, etc.  

The information needs to be placed in one Document, please attempt to provide in chronological order.  

Once initial statement is received from both parties by region committee, committee may have additional questions. Region will share initial statement with both parties. Both parties then have another 72 hrs to reply with an additional response statement (again limited to one page and same guidelines as above)  Failure to remit within the deadlines may result in request being dropped.

Region committee will make a decision after all documents are remitted.