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The Dream School Part II
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A cheery voice wakes you up, and the first thing you see is cleavage. You look around the room, hoping yesterday was all just a nightmare. The girl with the melodic voice start talking about Principal Leonard and how much she loves him, making you gush as you think about how close you’d gotten to his cock.

“Why does Principal Leonard make me so horny??” You angrily question, teeth lustfully biting down on your lip as you rub the crotch of your panties.

The red-haired girl giggles, “I know, right? He’s just so dreamy!”

You want to cringe with disgust, but instead shiver from desire.

“Ms Culliver like, totally told me to help you prepare for class today!” The bimbo giggles, “What’s your name, again?”

You search your head for your name, going through each letter in the alphabet to find your initials before giving up.

“Don’t tell me it’s… Lexi?” You ask, feeling emasculated by your new girly name.

“That is so cute!! Omg!! Lexi!! Like, I’m Candace, but everyone calls me Candy!” Candy giggles, showing off her tight body and giving you a sexy wink.

She pulls the covers off your nude body, laughing as you cover up and scream.

“You don’t think I’ve like, seen a pair of pretty boobies before?” She asks playfully, giving your nipple a pinch before reaching into her backpack.

She hands you a bag full of folded clothes and you put on the least slutty outfit you can find, a deep V neck and a brown skirt.

Candy questions your fashion choice, but lets it be before reaching back into her bag. Your eyes widen when she pulls out a replica male torso, complete with erect cock and abs.

“Ms Culliver’s like, still getting one of these ready for you or whatever, but you could totes use mine for now; it’s already been like, a couple hours since I practiced last, so no germs!” Candy laughs, tying your long hair into twin ponytails as you stare at the intimidating size of the erection.

“So I have to…” You trail off, hoping you weren’t about to lose your virginity.

“You could like, ride it, blow it, fuck it; just totally make it cum so you can be totes ready for the real thing like me!!” Candy says with a hearty smile, picking the torso up by the cock and placing it in front of you.

Your mouth waters as your hands rest in the lifelike lap, and you feel a distinct heartbeat from the inner thigh. A musky smell fills your nostrils, and drool drips down your tongue as it hangs out of your mouth.

“Give it a kiss!” Candy whispers, her hand deep inside her panties as she watches you succumb to the replica cock.

The thought resonates in your head, becoming too deafening to ignore. You lightly kiss the top of the throbbing cock, your legs quivering as the taste of cum touches your tongue. Without a second thought your lips spread open, and you take the full length of the cock down your throat.

“He totally likes to be grabbed at the bottom of his shaft!” Candy encourages you as your head bobs up and down, her breathless moans turning you on even more as you grab the throbbing cock with your right hand.

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Suddenly a thick vein bulges into your fingers, and you feel the tip swell in your mouth before it explodes in a geyser of warm goo. Your cheeks fill even as you gulp down the stream of flowing cum, and you come up for air with a full belly. Candy jumps in and quickly sucks up the rest of the orgasm, leaving you to uncomfortably absorb the jizz in your stomach.

You get dizzy as euphoria washes over your body, “I think I- like, need some air!” You say, excusing yourself to the balcony and trying to clear your throat.

Candy follows you outside, “Isn’t his cum just like, wonderful?” She asks, her voice becoming more high pitched as she speaks.

“It’s like, doing something totes wacky to my head…” You trail off, not believing how you sound.

Like, just wait for it to really hit, it’ll toto-Ohhh- O fuck!!” Candy jumps up, seductively swaying her hips and moaning.

“Like, are you o- My golly!!! Shit- No!!” You cry out in fear, feeling euphoric pain as a hard rod extends within you.

You jump up like Candy had, unable to keep your waist bent with the phantom dildo inside you. You grind your pussy into the rod, squealing loudly as a powerful orgasm washes over you. Moments later you see your outfit had shrunk, your blue shirt now a bra that matches your new mini skirt. A strong wind blows your skirt up over your panties, making you shiver and look over to Candy. You can’t believe she isn’t faking it, and question why she’s still grinding her hips.

She explains that you’d only had a quarter of the principal’s cum, leaving her to drink more than half of it. She teases you about not feeling the full effects, but assures you that after some practice you'll be able to take in more. You walk back inside not sure how to feel about that reassurance, but you forget all about that when you see Ms Cheetah.

She explains that the principal wants to see you and that you’d be becoming his personal assistant, “He loved the way you transformed for him yesterday, and hasn’t been able to stop thinking about it.”

Candy becomes furious, arguing that she’d been training to please Principal Leonard for years and that she should be his new personal assistant.

“O you will be, why do you think Ms Culliver sent you here?” Ms Cheetah asks, spreading her arms out wide before forcefully clapping them together.

Your feet start sliding on the floor toward Candy, and you see her’s do the same. Your bodies softly bump into each other, and you whimper as her boobs push into yours. Your cleavage presses together, making you giggle as your bra unclasps by itself. Candy grabs at the loose cups, making you look up into her eyes and gasp. She aged from twenty to thirty five without saying a word!

You help Candy take your bra off, whimpering as she strokes your inflating breasts and twirls a nail around your sensitive nipple. You’re too turned on to pay attention to your growing boobs, but giggle at Candy’s awestruck face as she caresses them.

She then grabs your hips and draws in close, passionately kissing you as your bra drops to the floor. Your hands find her expanding ass, and you squeeze hard as she purrs into your mouth. Her sweet breath fills your lungs as you both grow taller and older, but soon you feel Candy shrink with each inhale. You try pushing off each other, but your lips are stuck together. Every inhale you take forces her to exhale, and pretty soon she’s standing in your hand. Her tiny lips quickly disappear into your giant ones, and you feel her consciousness worm it’s way into your mind.

“Master wants your body fully transformed before we go to his office, and Candy could only enter your mind after she went through her full transformation.

Since she’s the most skilled at pleasing Master, we embedded her in your personality. Hope you guys liked each other!” The teacher giggles, squeezing your massive boobs and telling you to follow her.  

She escorts you to Master's office, and you feel Candy’s excitement increase with each step you take. The musky smell from the replica fills your nostrils when the door opens, and you fall into Ms Cheetah’s arms as your legs go weak from a sudden burst of arousal.

“She’s perfect.” Master says, suddenly appearing from the shadows and making you squeal with delight.

“Ms Culliver sent Candy over to merge with her, did you know Candy?” The teacher’s assistant asks, arousal clearly present in her voice.

“Candy… Was that the girl that first introduced me to the genie?” Master asks, “It’s about time she stopped thinking of me as her principal!” Master laughs, making your stomach flutter.

You feel a burst of happiness at Master’s familiarity with Candy, making him laugh when he sees the giant ditzy smile on your face.

“O, I loved that horny bimbo!! I wouldn’t have this school without her!” He teases, lovingly rubbing the tip of his thumb into your wet, plump waiting lips.

“You could leave us now, Ms Cheetah.” Principal Leonard says, casually bending your ready body over his clean desk.

“I love her ass!” He says, making you look up as Ms Cheetah saunters out of the room.

As soon as you look up though, you feel your pussy open up. You want to react, but Candy’s training overpowers your movements and simply extends your hips out further. You want to scream as the veiny cock fills your folds, but instead you laugh ecstatically and bounce with Master’s thrusts as he takes your virginity.

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His strong hands hold your hips firmly as you squirm in delight, letting your boobs swing and jiggle as he fills you to the brim with each thrust. You feel drops of precum lubricate your womanhood, and brace for an explosion as the familiar vein bulges into your folds.

Candy thought she was drinking and filling herself with Master’s cum, but the real stuff is always better than a copy. A more powerful jet stream of cun than Candy had ever experienced shoots into you, washing away everything about both of your histories besides her training. You giggle as Master finishes pumping you full of cum, “Lexi is like, Master’s new pet!”

That’s right, dear!” He laughs, stroking your hair and spanking your ass hard.

Definitely Continued… 😘