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9.1.23 News from Investments
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Updates and Reminders for the week ending on 9.1.23

Visual Arts

5th grade

These students are studying the work of surrealist artists Rene Magritte and Salvador Dali.  We are using surrealist techniques of scale, transparency, translucency, juxtaposition, dislocation, and levitation to create our own surrealist landscapes.  

4th grade

These students will begin an alliterated illustration.  They will write their own alliterated sentence and then illustrate it.  

3rd grade

These students have studied the artwork of Joan Miro.  We have used some free association techniques to create our own surrealist images.  We used a primary plus one secondary or secondary plus one primary color scheme.  


2nd grade

These students have drawn a submarine discovering a new imaginary aquatic lifeform.  We used free association techniques to create a unique underwater creature in our image.  

1st grade

These students are studying the artwork of Piet Mondrian.  We are creating our own Mondrian inspired collages using primary colors, and straight lines.  


These students are participating in a guided drawing of a submarine.  Students can color and add details after the drawing is complete.  

 Art room needs:

Clean 32 oz food tubs with lids (yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese) we use these to hold water for watercolor and the lids as small pallets for mixing colors.  

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This week students talked about the importance of balance and how it helps improve coordination and our ability to carry out daily tasks. Students practiced balancing a bean bag on different parts of their bodies and compared the differences.


This week students focused on team strategy. While playing capture the flag students were able to practice being on a team with their classmates, working together on strategy and making changes when necessary.

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Last week, students explored moving their bodies musically. Students were invited to sing “Little Johnny Dances,” tapping different body parts to the beat and remembering the sequence. We read the book “From Head to Toe” by Eric Carle and students moved their bodies like the animal characters in the book. We also played a singing game inspired by the book where students lead their own unique movement and others copied. This week, we explored musical contrast using the poem “1, 2, Tie My Shoe”.  Students spoke with different dynamics (loud/soft), tempo (fast/slow), pitch (high/low), rhythm (long/short), and  mood. We moved the poem and played it on instruments.


This week, we performed a folk dance, “Chimes of Dunkirk”. Then, we explored quarter note/eighth note (“apple”/”tree”) rhythms. We sang the song “Apple Tree”. Students composed their own 8-beat rhythms and performed them on drums, sang the song on So-Mi-La pitches, and added a chord drone on xylophones.


This week, we played a creative movement game with the song “Hickory Dickory Dock”. Students sang the song, which is in 6/8 meter. We learned four accompaniment parts – an inverted broken drone, melodic ostinato, rhythmic ostinato, and color part. Students practiced playing the accompaniment on instruments while singing the song.



This week, students learned a German folk dance/clapping game in 6/8 meter, “The Blacksmith’s Apprentice”. Students performed a rhyme “Don’t Forget About the Snap” with body percussion, then with hand drums and improvised rhythms. We also sang “A Sailor’s Reel” and added harmonic accompaniment with boomwhackers.




Last week students played a singing game, “Old Betty Larkin”. The song is in Re pentatonic (a minor 5-pitch mode) and contains sixteenth note rhythms.  Then we played several rhythm games with rhythmic building blocks and students took turns leading the games. This week, students performed a pentatonic (five note)  melody on xylophones to a text“Out in the Garden”. Then we added harmonic accompaniment.


We sang and played a stick passing game “Little Swallow” in 5 (asymmetrical meter). We applied our practice with asymmetrical meter by performing percussion with a recording of Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana.  began learning a minor melody on xylophones with text “Dark is the Night”.

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Kindergarten- Make Believe lesson-We learned that  acting is pretending, pantomime is acting without words, we practiced pantomiming different scenes. We finished class reading and acting out the story of the Grabbing Bear.

1st- Last week we started our facial expressions lesson. This week we are working on body expression by adding posture and gesture. In small ensemble groups we pantomimed posture and gesture to show the audience our characters. We finished class by reading the story “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No good, Very Bad Day”

2nd- Week 3 Humor- This week we worked with a poem called Flying Kid with a partner we asked questions about flying kid. For example, where is flying kid going? How did they get their powers? With a partner they came up with a flying kid adventure and illustrated a picture together. The partners shared their flying kid story on the stage.

3rd- Week 2 Look in the Mirror- Using getting to know you warm ups we discovered things about our classmates that we could see on the outside and things that we had to tell because they were not obvious by looking at us (i.e. I have a fish at home). We worked with tableaux( silent frozen picture that tells the audience a story) this week. We created a tableau for each stage of life; baby, child, adult, and elderly.

4th- Week 2 Ensemble- This week we worked with mirror activities with a partner. We mirrored each other, we played who is the mirror?, follow the follower, and whole group mirror.

5th- This week in preparation for writing our own plays we focused on peer feedback. We created scenes from prepared scenarios and received peer feedback about our performances and choices on the stage. We will continue this activity next week using feedback to create stronger performances.

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Kinder/Grade 1

Vocabulario-La familia-El Papá, La Mamá, La chica, El chico, El bebé, El abuelo, La abuela, el perro, el gato, Los Colores

Lectura-¡Perros, Perros! Dogs, Dogs!

Grade 2/Grade 3

Vocabulario-Grande, pequeño, inteligente, atlético, poético, puede

Lectura-Edi el Elefante

Grade 4/Grade 5

Vocabulario-Hay, Está, Comprende, No comprende, Necesita, Tiene, Quiere

Lectura-Bart quiere un gato


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